View Full Version : Doctors and mechanics...

12-10-2021, 03:39 PM
Both seem to be hard to find and getting harder to find. And both can either save you a ton of pain, or cause more.

I was hiking down in Arizona in February and hiked a couple of miles up a rocky trail to a gold mine to explore. My left knee started hurting and just got worse.

I went to my doc after my trip and showed her my swollen knee. She did some twisting of it and assigned me physical therapy. They met with me twice and had me do a bunch of stretches. It never completely healed, but the pain was moderate. My job was completely sedentary and the knee only bothered me when I went on short hikes. I would mention to her on visits for other issues that my knee was still hurting, but she said to just keep doing the stretches.

Then I switched jobs a month ago and was on my feet and walking around on concrete for 9 hours a day. within a week, my knee swelled up again and became unbearable. Went back to the doc and she ordered an MRI.

Got the MRI results back yesterday and she called me and said it was a miracle that I am still mobile. She said my knee is in really bad shape with a large tear of the meniscus, damaged and inflamed tendons, damage to the kneecap, fluid build up, and bone degeneration of the joint.

Really? So, I have been walking around for 9 months on a destroyed knee that should have been diagnosed in February?

Oh, and the orthopedic surgeon can't see me until January and my doc has given me nothing for pain, nothing to address the pain or injury, no advice on how to reduce or mitigate further injury, and declined to offer a light duty note for work.

If I walk more than 100', the knee swells and I am in pain. My folks gave me a cane.

I'm thinking that I should have at least been given some sort of brace to stabilize the knee to prevent further injury, and perhaps a handicapped parking permit so I don't have to walk through an icy parking lot at work twice a day.

On the other hand, I drive a newer Toyota, so I don't have to worry about finding a competent mechanic, so there's that.

12-10-2021, 04:06 PM
It's all guesswork in a white coat. A doctor told me that, and I never forgot it.

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12-10-2021, 04:10 PM
Called the doctor's office and asked if I should be wearing a brace and if I could get a temp parking permit for work. Sorry. Doc went on vacation. We'll try and have a nurse call you. Amazing.

Winger Ed.
12-10-2021, 04:13 PM
I'd be looking for a new doctor.

12-10-2021, 04:29 PM
Ask for a cortizone(sp.) shot. It gives temporary relief.
I have both knees operated on for the same. It was kind of disturbing that that all the doctors and nurses referred to my condition as " a pretty bad tear".

Ithaca Gunner
12-10-2021, 06:36 PM
I'd be looking for a new doctor.

No doubt!

12-10-2021, 06:54 PM
I'd be looking for a new doctor.

That!!! Yes. Definitely.

12-10-2021, 07:05 PM
Ask for a cortizone(sp.) shot. It gives temporary relief.
I have both knees operated on for the same. It was kind of disturbing that that all the doctors and nurses referred to my condition as " a pretty bad tear".

Cortisone will reduce the swelling, and some of the pain, but it will NOT repair the damage, and it might fool him into thinking things are better and make them worse. I've been avoiding surgery on my knees since I was 19, and I'm now 66. The surgeries are getting better, and safer, but I'm still not going there. Already had both hips replaced. Normally, walking would a good thing to do, but he really needs that "light duty" note and a new doctor.

12-10-2021, 10:43 PM
Cortisone also destroys soft tissue, and shouldn't be used too frequently. A good Orthopod would have told the OP this. I would most definitely find a different doctor. Just remember, as my son the non-surgeon doctor tells me ;when you're a hammer, everything is a nail.' Meaning, surgeons get paid for performing surgery.

12-10-2021, 11:04 PM
Over the last 5 decades the medical community has transitioned from an environment where Doctors were professionals who were dedicated to their profession and as a result of long hours made good money. Seems today that we have many doctors who are seeking Good Pay; with little focus on service and caring for and knowing their patients. Fortunately the wife and I have a Doctor who meets our needs; he listens to what we say, questions to make sure we are adequately conveying our condition/concerns if one exists, and does not see us unless there is a need - both Doctor and Patients are happy.

MT Gianni
12-11-2021, 01:30 AM
If you chose cortisone you cannot have surgery for 6 months following that.

12-11-2021, 04:04 AM
Well, no one called me back and now they are gone for the weekend.

Told my boss that I was hopefully going to get a note from the doc and get approved for a handicapped permit since our parking lot at work is huge and always icy in the winter. She said that her sister broke her leg and she finally got the pass a day before the cast came off.

Forgot you get those through the DMV, which is a wonderful bureaucracy.

Seems the crap we used to joke about how stupid, slow, inefficient, and ridiculous things were in socialist and communist countries in the 90's, are happening more frequently here in America.

12-11-2021, 08:44 AM
Well, no one called me back and now they are gone for the weekend.

Told my boss that I was hopefully going to get a note from the doc and get approved for a handicapped permit since our parking lot at work is huge and always icy in the winter. She said that her sister broke her leg and she finally got the pass a day before the cast came off.

Forgot you get those through the DMV, which is a wonderful bureaucracy.

Seems the crap we used to joke about how stupid, slow, inefficient, and ridiculous things were in socialist and communist countries in the 90's, are happening more frequently here in America.

Find the required DMV form and get the doc note (when they finally show up) and go to your local DMV office if you can. I did mine in person and had them immediately. They have since closed my local DMV so hopefully you have one near you. Good luck. I would also try a compression slip on knee brace or a velcro three strap one (I have both) for the added support.

12-11-2021, 10:51 AM
If you chose cortisone you cannot have surgery for 6 months following that.

Like MT Gianni mentioned, don't get the cortisone shot if you want surgery to happen in January. But those cortisone shots are great and give relief for a few months or a few years, depending on your actual problem.

In the mean time, I'd take some glucosamine and chondroitin...look in to CBD oil, I did and it helps a lot with inflammation. This is besides using the over the counter anti-inflammatory meds, which help most of us.

12-11-2021, 04:29 PM
You should go to a specialist in knees. They can do a lot today to solve knee problems. It’s the 21st century. Whatever is wrong, you can probably get it fixed. Don’t put it off. It could get worse.

12-11-2021, 06:27 PM
My wife had a similar issue a number of years ago while she was still teaching and on her feet all day. She was sent to a specialist and had to go back a number of times for injections - had to buy an overpriced expensive knee brace and after a number of months and no improvement she finally had surgery that should have been done after her first visit. Why all the screwing around, repeated doctor visits, expensive injections and knee brace? Not hard to figure out . . . . "because the insurance would pay for it - plain and simple.

Be happy you aren't down near Yuma, AZ right now. BIG influx of ILLEGALS and local residents are having problems getting medical treatment because the ILLEGALS are taking up all the medical facilities for health care - which all of us are paying for. I heard on the news this morning that one resident of Yuma had a sick child needing treatment and had to travel 100 miles to find it because the local facilities were too busy with treating ILLEGALS. Welcome to America's new health care system.

Good luck with your knee and I hope you can get proper treatment and get past it and back up to snuff again.

12-11-2021, 10:59 PM
My wife had a similar issue a number of years ago while she was still teaching and on her feet all day. She was sent to a specialist and had to go back a number of times for injections - had to buy an overpriced expensive knee brace and after a number of months and no improvement she finally had surgery that should have been done after her first visit. Why all the screwing around, repeated doctor visits, expensive injections and knee brace? Not hard to figure out . . . . "because the insurance would pay for it - plain and simple.

Be happy you aren't down near Yuma, AZ right now. BIG influx of ILLEGALS and local residents are having problems getting medical treatment because the ILLEGALS are taking up all the medical facilities for health care - which all of us are paying for. I heard on the news this morning that one resident of Yuma had a sick child needing treatment and had to travel 100 miles to find it because the local facilities were too busy with treating ILLEGALS. Welcome to America's new health care system.

Good luck with your knee and I hope you can get proper treatment and get past it and back up to snuff again.

My folks just got there a week ago and all the old vets are riled up and armed since illegals are literally just walking into neighborhoods from the border.

Just insane.

12-11-2021, 11:25 PM
My folks just got there a week ago and all the old vets are riled up and armed since illegals are literally just walking into neighborhoods from the border.

Just insane.

Build the wall!

Ithaca Gunner
12-12-2021, 01:26 AM
bedbugbilly has the answer, insurance! Since obammy-care the Dr's have been hobbled, no, the entire medical community has been hobbled. We have people sitting at big expensive desks counting their profits while their henchmen dictate to the medical community what, how, and when they can do things for us.

12-12-2021, 11:34 AM
A good mechanic is to be Cherished , loved , appreciated ... remember him at Christmas .

I bring mine homemade jams and jellies that I lovingly craft with my hands for him and his helpers .

Ithaca Gunner
12-12-2021, 11:46 AM
A good mechanic is to be Cherished , loved , appreciated ... remember him at Christmas .

I bring mine homemade jams and jellies that I lovingly craft with my hands for him and his helpers .

I give mine home made sticky buns.

12-12-2021, 11:48 AM
Invested in my own expensive custom knee brace as ins wouldn’t pay for one plus i was caring for my wheelchair bound wife and couldn’t be recovering and unable to help her. Wore it and continued to work, switchman, bargeman, yard engine operator, got a couple more years out of my knee until I was able to get it replaced. As I was very active pre surgery the post and rehab wasn’t as bad as it could have been. But that baby hurt. Three years later no pain.

12-12-2021, 11:48 AM
Idaho45guy, you need to take more control of your health care. Hopefully you aren’t saddled with some HMO that requires approval for treatment and limits you to doctors they select. While you’re waiting to see the orthopedic doctor look up his credentials. You’ll want someone that’s board certified at a minimum. Do you have any friends / relatives in the medical profession whose opinions you trust? My wife found good specialists for me based on personal referrals from the doctors and nurses she worked with. The doctors I see are the ones other doctors go to, they’re all board certified and highly regarded by their peers.
Even then the protocol they follow to diagnosis an issue is frustrating. Makes you wonder why your doctor didn’t send you for that MRI a lot sooner. I think the best that can be said is the playbook they follow, to run you through successively more accurate tests until a diagnosis is made, is as MUSTANG said a way to maximize billing.
We lost our mother to an easily diagnosable and curable cancer that should have been discovered five years earlier when she first told her GP she had a problem. Like you her GP was always to busy to call back, and then because she wanted to manage mom’s treatment delayed sending her to a specialist until it was past too late.
It boils down to blindly trusting your health to a person or system that doesn’t always have your best interests at heart. Asking questions and insisting on answers is your prerogative. As we age and get infirm we are less capable of seeing the big picture, myself included. My wife is my health care advocate. With things the way they are everybody needs one.

12-12-2021, 12:04 PM
… the entire medical community has been hobbled. We have people sitting at big expensive desks counting their profits while their henchmen dictate to the medical community what, how, and when they can do things for us.

It’s even worse now with mega-corporations buying up local and regional hospitals. Unless your doctor is affiliated with their health care network he can’t even monitor your care in the hospital or send you to the network for testing. That ‘affiliation’ requires him to adhere to the protocol, standards and fee schedules of the system. The corporations are in it for the profit and set these protocols and standards to maximize income. Your recovery / well being isn’t the primary motive.

Ithaca Gunner
12-12-2021, 01:38 PM

12-12-2021, 02:32 PM
An Ace bandage wrapped around the knee before work can help keep swelling down. Limits movement a bit but really helps. I have torn ACL's in both knees and the cartilage in my right is trashed. When the right knee flares up I wrap it and it helps! Lessens the pain some too plus keeps the knee warmer and in cold climates that is a plus! Look online to see how to do a proper knee wrap.

12-12-2021, 03:36 PM
Well, no one called me back and now they are gone for the weekend.

Seems the crap we used to joke about how stupid, slow, inefficient, and ridiculous things were in socialist and communist countries in the 90's, are happening more frequently here in America.

Degraded medical service is one of the side effects of low pay for doctors and hospitals providing Obamma kare. The more government rules - and pays - our medics, the more like communism things will get for us deplorables.

If you're already less than happy with current indifferent "production line" medical systems don't try the V.A.; they are entirely "free" to vets and they're worth every penny we pay them.

12-12-2021, 04:47 PM
Keep in mind that the doctors call what they do "Practice", they've been practicing so long you'd think they'd know what the heck they're doing by now.

You must definably be proactive in your care and push where you need to push if you're not satisfied with what they're doing/suggesting, I've left a doctors office/care for the same reasons and have found someone who I believe is at least listening to me.

12-12-2021, 05:09 PM
I'd be looking for a new doctor.

*** This ***

Had a doctor who prescribed me blood pressure medication. Next thing I seem to have chronic depression. Years go by. Finally got so bad I couldn't stand it. Went to see another Dr who promptly took me off that medicine and started another. Feel better than I have for 5 years.

Wish I had those 5 years back. It was no fun at all.

12-13-2021, 06:28 AM
A surgeon once told me, "It never ceases to amaze me how people spend 40 years abusing and breaking down their bodies, then want me to make them like new with surgery!". There is much more going on in health care than I can begin to type this morning. Be proactive and good luck!

Lloyd Smale
12-13-2021, 06:51 AM
just had my knee done. Now ive got a left and right hip replacement a right ankle replacement and a right knee replacement. The bionic man. be careful with the cortizone idea. I went to see my doctor and i was the one that suggested it to see if it would get any better. Didnt help a bit and i had to wait 3 months because of it before they would do surgery. Ive had cortisone shots in my back a few times too. After many back surgerys i always held out hope they would help but they never did a thing for me. I walk out of the doctors feeling like a new man and the next day when the numbing meds wear off im right back to where i was. taking care of yourself so you dont have these problems?? What a novel idea. Problem is most of mine are due to an incident in the military in my early 20s and add to that I never had a cushy job. Spent my life as a lineman climbing poles and doing manual labor. Arent to many lineman retired that werent even injured like me that dont have knee and hip problems.

Had a yuppy doctor that was a 150lbs soaking wet with arms about the size of my wrists assigned to me by work comp once when i was fighting a case. He told me i should have taken better care of my body. I blew up and told him that i was injured serving my country and i didnt have a 3 day a week job sitting on my ---. I stormed out and told my case worker that i wanted another doctor and i never saw that wimp again. Id still like about 10 minutes with him. Well i guess ive 2 would do.

12-13-2021, 12:32 PM
I give mine home made sticky buns.


I'm hitting our like button ... three times !

I bet he appreciates those Sticky Buns too !

Tom Trevor
12-13-2021, 12:41 PM
Mechanics have to fix their comebacks doctors send flowers.NOT!

12-13-2021, 01:16 PM
Obummer care - all 2500 pages had to be passed so the demon rats could find out how much money could filter its way into their pockets!
The VA COULD take of all VETS if it weren't for the politicians involvement ! Some VETS get decent care others get over prescribed meds that help their condition but the side effects sometimes are worse than whats being treated!! There are some great doctors & nurses out there - An APRN & cardiologist that gave a rats tush saved my wife's life ! Others like most of those WOKE types utter that -call some one else "it ain't my job"

Ithaca Gunner
12-13-2021, 01:16 PM

I'm hitting our like button ... three times !

I bet he appreciates those Sticky Buns too !

It's an independent family garage, they get a dozen!:drinks:

12-13-2021, 03:49 PM

Had a yuppy doctor that was a 150lbs soaking wet with arms about the size of my wrists assigned to me by work comp once when i was fighting a case. He told me i should have taken better care of my body. I blew up and told him that i was injured serving my country and i didnt have a 3 day a week job sitting on my ---. I stormed out and told my case worker that i wanted another doctor and i never saw that wimp again. Id still like about 10 minutes with him. Well i guess ive 2 would do.

Yep. How do you take better care of your body? Go to college, move to a city, get an office job, and don't engage in any physically demanding tasks your entire life.

Yeah... That's not living. That's living the yuppy dream. I am losing patience with city folk who are completely ignorant of the realities of rural life.

This is their approved physical activity...


Winger Ed.
12-13-2021, 04:13 PM
Yep. How do you take better care of your body? Go to college, move to a city, get an office job, and don't engage in any physically demanding tasks your entire life.

There was a study awhile back that found blue collar types on the average lived several years longer than white collar office folks.

They figured it was from the office types not getting much exercise, and work related mental stress.
After seeing several cases of all the health problems, and premature death directly caused by stress, I tend to believe it.

As many aches & pains as I've got at 67, it's a better deal than a few heart attacks would have been in my late 40s or so.

Lloyd Smale
12-15-2021, 06:16 AM
Yep. How do you take better care of your body? Go to college, move to a city, get an office job, and don't engage in any physically demanding tasks your entire life.

Yeah... That's not living. That's living the yuppy dream. I am losing patience with city folk who are completely ignorant of the realities of rural life.

This is their approved physical activity...


there should be a like button on here. Youd sure get one from me. Most of those liberals that we are about at war with today have never even got there hands dirty working let alone were willing to die for this country.