View Full Version : Noisy little suckers

12-10-2021, 12:48 PM
I got the barrel on my old Mauser M420 lined with a TJs liner, Goodsteel did the work. Shoots .4" groups at 75yds .
Anyway, I'm sitting in a blind watching this small army of squirrels running off with my corn. So I snuck back to the truck and got the 22.

12-10-2021, 12:55 PM

12-10-2021, 01:00 PM
I can smell the squirrel and dumplings cooking right now.....

12-11-2021, 05:50 PM
Tree rats and 22's !
And that liner is working very well.

Winger Ed.
12-11-2021, 06:06 PM
They can be frustrating.
I've had a squirrel narc off on me while hunting.

The little rascal got out on a nearby limb and wouldn't stop barking at me.
The deer would pick up on that as a danger signal and move away from it more so than a single gunshot.

So, with no good options....
I had to tag him on the nose with a .30-06.
The only thing left was a little bit of his shirt, and tail. I kept the tail from making bucktails for fishing lures.

iron brigade
12-11-2021, 06:15 PM
Ya got meat Alvin!

12-12-2021, 12:56 PM
Got to have fun with rewards. I have not made this in a long time. In morning put squirrels in crockpot add cream of celery and string beans. Come back late afternoon make rice then cover rice out of crockpot. Just like you died and went to heaven good.

12-12-2021, 01:26 PM
Nice! There's something about squirrel hunting that binds us as sportsmen. An autumn or winter morning, sun shining, quietly sneaking thru the forest .22 in hand......Mmmmmmmm!

Today was the last day of our regular deer season, muzzle loader season opens tomorrow. In my blind this morning I spied something black moving toward me, about 40 yards out. I thought " If that's another fisher I'm gonna' whack 'im!" Picking him up in my scope I saw that it was a black squirrel. I smiled! It has been years since I've seen a squirrel, of any species, in this woodlot. The fishers moved in some years back and, suddenly, no more squirrels! I haven't seen a fisher in a couple of years now, I hope they're gone! It was nice, watching that beautiful black squirrel in the morning sun.......:smile:

12-12-2021, 03:38 PM
I got so annoyed at a grey squirrel while deer hunting one time I popped him with my deer rifle. Just so happens that a 6.5-06 shooting a full load of Reloader 22 and a 140 gr Hornady SP makes a pretty good squirrel rifle.


12-13-2021, 10:54 AM
I got so annoyed at a grey squirrel while deer hunting one time I popped him with my deer rifle. Just so happens that a 6.5-06 shooting a full load of Reloader 22 and a 140 gr Hornady SP makes a pretty good squirrel rifle.


I laughed at that. That’s definitely enough gun. I think we’ve all had this sort of story with squirrels, and I always wondered how much of him would be left.

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12-13-2021, 05:12 PM
Depends on how you hit them. That one I shot from the side, right through the eyes. Took most of his head off, but I don't eat squirrel brains anyway.


12-13-2021, 10:43 PM
I entered my deer hide the night before the opener, and "slept" sans tent, wadded up behind a log. Every twig had been pruned and removed from a couple of other routes in case I needed to make a sneak to another position. A dozen land points had been surveyed and triangulated for range. I heard a deer moving down the hill toward my water hole in the meadow, and readied myself. I caught a glimpse of acceptable antler and mentally punched my tag. Before he stepped out into the open my bow was drawn and resting at full let-off. But a squirrel chose that moment to tell the world ... and we all know what happened. The deer's breakfast stroll came to a stop. After moment's pause I heard him bounding back up the wall of my little meadow basin. It wasn't that much movement for me to put a pin on that noisy squirrel and send an arrow at him. The arrow's flight took it between the squirrel's belly and the branch he had been resting upon. Didn't even scratch his belly. With his tail twisting in a wild corkscrew he launched straight up into the air and skittered up to the top of the tree where he held forth at considerable length about the archer under him and I suppose the lineage of all archers in general. He didn't shut up all morning. The arrow was lost, but the laughter was worth it all.

Two years later, cruising for huckleberries, I found that arrow, now weathered, with its broadhead buried in a log on the opposite side of the waterhole.

3 more years and I came across the first hunter I ever saw in there. He was showing his son "his" secret spot. Totaling up, between the pair of us, we had hunted that spot for 40 of our annual hunts, with our camps being that well hidden. I had come across one of his boot tracks ... once ... down by the water.

That's what I call "good company."

12-15-2021, 10:54 PM
A few years back elk hunting I screwed a judo head on a arrow while elk hunting. I drew blood on one while eating lunch one day but that was it. The past couple years I haven’t came across any annoying enough to shoot. They can get very annoying especially at day break. Growing up we had only fox squirrels that never talked. When I lived in Illinois I had a mix of Fox, greys and several black squirrels (greys but black pelts I believe) and a few white squirrels in town. They talked quite a bit. If we elk hunt the spot we did 3 years ago again I’ll be packing a C02 air pistol for the cranky early morning red squirrels.

12-16-2021, 09:29 AM

12-17-2021, 04:03 PM
I got so annoyed at a grey squirrel while deer hunting one time I popped him with my deer rifle. Just so happens that a 6.5-06 shooting a full load of Reloader 22 and a 140 gr Hornady SP makes a pretty good squirrel rifle.


LOL! :lol: I remember an opening day way back in the late '70's maybe, it was the first year that handguns were legal in this area of NY for big game. I had purchased a Ruger Blackhawk .41 Magnum specifically for this purpose, worked up a handload, practice, practice, yadda, yadda. I'm in my blind as dawn breaks, all is quiet, snow on the ground, sun shining, and COLD! Suddenly there's a chatter above me - a large grey squirrel on the side of a large beech tree about 25 yards away......"SHUT-UP!" I think to myself, but he continues, now moving to a branch and sitting upright., sideways to me. I didn't have the presence of mind to think about where that boolit was gonna' land but I raised the Ruger, held for his head and let 'er rip. The muzzle blast split the morning silence, deafening me for a few minutes, but the squirrel was GONE! I walked over to the tree and found his body lying in the powdery snow, completely eviscerated! I peeled the remaining skin off and put him in my game pouch! :)

12-17-2021, 04:36 PM
The only thing left was a little bit of his shirt, and tail. I kept the tail [for] making bucktails for fishing lures.

Stupid squirrel. Gives a new context to the term "tattle tail", I would guess.

Martin Luber
12-17-2021, 05:46 PM
Had one nagging me during a hunt. Waited until he was centered in the body of the trunk and hit him with a 22 revolver. He scampered up the tree, down the tree, back up and fell dead with a lung shot. Had another one skinned and on the counter when my MIL, a city girl by origin, asked what it was . I stuck it with a fork and squeaked a squirrel call. She's talking to me again....

12-17-2021, 05:56 PM
Cool old Mauser!