View Full Version : Lee 500 GC vs Hoch 560 Bore Rider

12-09-2021, 06:04 PM
Went to Manatee Range this morning. Normally I shoot at 100 yards, but Manatee goes to 600, if qualified at 300. Qualification is for the shooter and particular rifle/scope used. This past July, I was certified to go to 600 and finally got around to it today. Started at 300 with the Lee bullet and was doing very well. Went to the Hoch bullet, adjusted the sight and was all over the place. No problem, decided to ring the gong with the remaining 15 and was 6/6. Drove over to the 600 yard range where they use 20 power scopes on rifles contained in a sled and remote cameras to see where they hit. Was met getting out of my truck by a busy body that saw my scabbard and he decided I didn’t belong and there then asked what caliber I was shooting. When I said 45-70 he told me I couldn’t shoot there. Showed him my qualification card and he said again I couldn’t shoot there. I asked if he were a range officer, he said he was, but obviously not on duty as he didn’t have his hat on. I had a friend that was working the range that know me and had suggested me coming this morning as he was working. Bottom line, it took three shots to get on and the rest were on target at 600. Elevation was spot on but I chased windage left and right, but was on target, 14” wide and 20” tall. Mr Busy Body was speechless because that caliber just couldn’t be shot at that distance without a scope. Oh yea, the cheap Lee outshot the expensive Hoch today

Dave T
12-10-2021, 02:13 PM
You didn't say if you were shooting black powder. I'd be curious about your load if you were. Also curious about a gas check bullet with black powder. I've long been under the impression they don't work all that well, and I know they are dis-allowed in most BPC competitions.

Just askin',

12-10-2021, 03:15 PM
I use 60 grains of OE 1.5 with an estimated velocity of 1150. Yes, was gas checked. Normally, the 500 grain load has an OAL of 2.8”. I tried to seat the bullet out to the top driving band and it wouldn’t chamber. To get the cartridge to seat, I’m loading to 2.47”. Any longer and it just won’t go in because of the round nose. All bullets are thumb seated with just enough crimp to allow for the cartridge to be extracted if I have to unload the rifle. With the Hoch bore rider, case and powder extract, bullet stays behind and has to be rodded out. It’s also my understanding checked bullets aren’t allowed in competitions and if I ever decide to compete, I guess I’ll find another mould. I think the check is forgiving because it ensures a more perfect and consistent bullet base than most unchecked bullet I cast.

country gent
12-10-2021, 06:13 PM
Had one of those busy bodies at Our club a while back I uncased the brochart in 45-70 after setting up on a 200 yd bench put the tang site on it and set the 200 yd zero he came over told me I could zero at 200 yds from the start, Then he seen the ammo and informed me the 45-70 was at best a 100 yd round. That he was shooting a trap door at 50 yds for that reason. I finished setting up and fired the 1st round the 6" gong rang and jumped. Got 8 more dings before the cease fire.I politely ask him if he would paint the gong for me to save time (My track chair is slow coming and going.) He came back handed the can of paint aooked at me and told me I had a 3" group pretty much dead center on the gong. Said he couldnt believe it. 3 more groups later he came back stated the same . I told him dont tell my rifle its only good for 100 yds I shoot it out to 500 yds.

He looked at me you mounted the rear sight and guessed at the setting was right on it was luck. I told him no I mounted the rear sight on the base, set the vernier to the 200 yd zero read the wind and set that. Wasnt any guessing going on.

12-10-2021, 06:52 PM
Besides my friend that spotted for me, there were two guys were watching with interest. The questions I remember are: How much powder (60 grains)? How high above 100 yard zero do I aim (97”)? Wow, that takes a long time to hit the gong (almost 2 seconds). How heavy is the bullet? Isn’t black powder corrosive? How do I clean afterwards? Is that real black powder? I reloaded 45 cartridges today and can’t wait to get back at 600. I feel like a teenager that just invented sex