View Full Version : Pumkin pie

12-04-2021, 05:34 PM
My sweetheart has been busy in the kitchen.

12-04-2021, 05:35 PM
That's my favorite pie, followed by pecan pie.

Winger Ed.
12-04-2021, 06:34 PM

I thought making your own pie crust was a lost art.

12-04-2021, 06:51 PM
I never met a pie I didn't like ... except for maybe that one made from red celery ... Rue-Barb , but I ate it and didn't complain .

The Lord shall surely bless the pie makers of the world ... for they bring forth happiness , love and good will to all men .

Take good care of your Sweetheart , the Pumpkin Pie looks awesome !

12-04-2021, 08:58 PM
Once I hit my teens,, every year for Thanksgiving & Christmas,, my mom would make pumpkin pies,, with me in mind. She'd make a pie for the "family" and (2) more for me. Why? Well, one pie was for everybody else,, one pie was for me to eat about 1/2 or so. The third one was for me to take back to deer camp with me.

When my son was big enough,, he too got his own pie. We do love the pumpkin pies.

And,, last week,, at our family gathering,, (my mom's been gone for several years now,) my son's inlaws had (3) pumpkin pies laid out,, knowing he & I would enjoy them. We did!

12-04-2021, 10:13 PM
I never met a pie I didn't like ... except for maybe that one made from red celery ... Rue-Barb , but I ate it and didn't complain .

The Lord shall surely bless the pie makers of the world ... for they bring forth happiness , love and good will to all men .

Take good care of your Sweetheart , the Pumpkin Pie looks awesome !

I do take care of her, at least I try. She is my most precious possession. That pie was delicious. She did make the crust from scratch.

12-04-2021, 10:18 PM
Like pumpkin pie, but really liked Mrs. Smiths pumpkin custard pie. Unfortunately, either not made anymore or just not around here anymore. Also, buttermilk pie, lemon chess pie, chocolate cream, coconut cream, lemon meringue and a good apple pie.

12-04-2021, 10:54 PM
Pumpkin Pie...You are making me hungry "again" Love me some pumpkin pie
the other half puts "American Honey Liquor" in the mix....yum
but... my favorite is home-made Key Lime Pie make with Nellie & Joe's Key Lime
juice..Graham Crackers as the shell, just lay em out in a 13x9 pan..


12-05-2021, 02:55 AM
Like pumpkin pie, but really liked Mrs. Smiths pumpkin custard pie. Unfortunately, either not made anymore or just not around here anymore.

We still get them in Oklahoma. Just finished one 3 days ago.

Wayne Smith
12-05-2021, 08:48 AM
I have been putting a table spoon of dark rum in each of my pumpkin pies for about 40 years. Got the idea from a recipe found in the LA Times when I was in Grad School.

12-05-2021, 09:02 AM
I had a friend who made pumpkin cheese cake. It was really good.

12-05-2021, 09:37 AM
Nothing like warmed slice of homemade pumpkin pie and a dab or whipped cream! A sweetheart that makes homemade pies... Treat that young lady very well! :smile:

12-05-2021, 11:44 AM
The mention of Key Lime pie made me about die. Hard to get a GOOD one in most places. And our attempts at making them here aren't quite as good as the ones I'd get at a little hole in the wall family restaurant in Marathon Key.

Ithaca Gunner
12-05-2021, 12:20 PM
I never met a pie I didn't like!

Mom used to make pies and dad always requested, ''horse slobber'' pie. The man had a way with words!

12-05-2021, 12:36 PM
A lady where I used to work made a pie that was layered, being one half pumpkin and one half mince. She also knew how to make pie crust that almost melted in your mouth.

12-05-2021, 12:41 PM
DDriller---should have looked at the grocery store while at the in-laws for Thanksgiving, over in the NW part of OK

Ithaca Gunner--Grandad used to call meringue "calf slobber"

Randy Bohannon
12-05-2021, 01:19 PM
I grow my own heirloom sugar pumpkins,this is one plant’s season. I let them sit until the stems turn white and the sugar content is at its highest . These are George Washington pumpkins and are gorgeous for pies .
Cut in half ,clean, a little olive oil rubbed inside, kosher salt and a grind of black pepper. Cut side down on parchment paper, 350 deg. Oven until soft and easily pierced with a fork. Let cool ,seperate skins and process in a blender. Canned ‘Pumpkin’ is mostly squash or those big commercial Halloween pumpkins not pie pumpkins. There are heirloom varieties that show up in grocery stores and are labeled ‘Pie Pumpkins or Sugar Pumpkins’ if you’re a fan of pumpkin pie nothing is better.
And your house will smell amazing of roasted pumpkin, the skins turn a nut brown are easily removed. Use a spoon to scrape the skins and get all the goodness.

12-05-2021, 01:32 PM

12-05-2021, 04:13 PM

I thought making your own pie crust was a lost art.

Been trying to get wifey to teach me how. She is very good at it.

Ithaca Gunner
12-05-2021, 06:03 PM
DDriller---should have looked at the grocery store while at the in-laws for Thanksgiving, over in the NW part of OK

Ithaca Gunner--Grandad used to call meringue "calf slobber"

He must be about the same era as my dad, 1906-1978. I couldn't spell, ''meringue'' (just copied and pasted it) so I used dad's term for it.

Randy Bohannon
12-05-2021, 09:17 PM
Pie crust is not hard,key point is to keep everything cold and dice the butter as small as you can without warming it up. Buy a good pastry cutter to keep your hands out of the pastry and warming it up. Sneak up on the moisture,only work until it will make a tight ball,wrap in plastic rest 30 min. In fridge,roll it out. This part is where just doing it takes practice, thickness, size, rolling technique all require practice. The technique is the same regardless of recipe. I have my standard one pie crust, 1 stick of butter, 2 cups of sifted flour 2 tblspn sugar for sweet pies skip for savory or meat pies,salt, ice water as little as it takes.
A very handy tasty skill, you will never buy a crust again,buy good tools and ingredients.

12-06-2021, 12:30 AM
Our nephew and his family are coming over from the U.K. in a couple weeks. They requested pumpkin pie but only if I grow it from the sugar pumpkins that I grow.