View Full Version : usps vs ups shipping

12-02-2021, 11:12 PM
I went to the post office to ship my Sisters Christmas present.
LFRB $22.65!!!!!!!
I remember when it was $12.
I checked on ups rates, and it is cheaper now.
They also have a flat rate shipping.
Have to buy your own box.
LFRB....12x9x6 is $18.40.
usps box is 12x12x5 1/2.
They also list a extra large flat rate.....16x12x9, at @22.85.
I couldn't find the weight limit for the ups boxes.
usps FRB is suppose to be 3 to 5 days.
Normally takes 7 to 10 days from here.
usp states 5 day.
I just might have to start using ups.

12-02-2021, 11:45 PM
USPS, late with another parcel I expected to receive today. Judging by the current tracking, I doubt I get it tomorrow either. Anymore its a rarity to get things on the expected delivery date. They absolutely will not honor more premium shipping options and when they screw that up, too bad no refund. Have been screwed by them more than once and my local post office is run by incompetent morons. Its a shame, it used to be a good option but is excrement now. At least service here is. Had my troubles with UPS & FedEx too but they are the better choice around here.

12-03-2021, 06:54 AM
USPS, late with another parcel I expected to receive today. Judging by the current tracking, I doubt I get it tomorrow either. Anymore its a rarity to get things on the expected delivery date. They absolutely will not honor more premium shipping options and when they screw that up, too bad no refund. Have been screwed by them more than once and my local post office is run by incompetent morons. Its a shame, it used to be a good option but is excrement now. At least service here is. Had my troubles with UPS & FedEx too but they are the better choice around here.

USPS put out a statement maybe a month ago stating they would not be able to guarantee the normal delivery times (like 2 day for priority items) due to holiday excessive demand. Was a time when you could hire seasonal extra help to keep up but most businesses are struggling to keep normal shifts going much less hire “extra” for seasonal help.

As for the price, two factors that are tied together are driving that, inflation and minimum wage (actual not the number published by the state your in). State minimum by me is $10.25/hr but if your not paying at least 17 your losing people to McDonalds. Cost of labor and supplies goes up, cost of final product/service goes up. I would expect a price increase from UPS soon too, they might just be waiting it out through the holidays to try and gain market share back from what USPS stole from them years ago.

As for quality, they’re all crap depending on where you’re at. I’ve had so many issues with FedEx I will only use them if only option due to late deliveries and damaged packaging. UPS has literal bullies who they will send to your home to intimidate you when you complain (sent someone to my home to intimidate my wife when she complained about them years ago) and service can be good or bad. At least they will package something up for you but they charge an arm and a leg for it. And USPS has some of the laziest people out there, because it’s all they can hire at the wage they offer and once you’re in they almost never fire anyone so it goes unchecked.

So really it’s a decision to pick the lesser of evils(or more appropriately named crap, cause their not really evil). Even if it’s a couple dollars more I’ll go with USPS cause at least some of that money also goes to funding the normal mail which, while mostly antiquated now, is still a nice service that we’d be sore to lose.

Sorry, just felt like a rant this morning [emoji16]

12-03-2021, 07:18 AM
StuBach has made some good points.

ALL carriers have good & bad service. All of them have staffing issues,, with different attitudes. Around here, at my house,, I have a gate,, which I also have a way for them to go around, and leave stuff on my porch. So, UPS & FedEx have been told REPEATEDLY to do that. (It's about 40 yds from the gate to the porch.) Will they?
Only ONE UPS driver does it. Often, packages are set by the gate, thrown over the gate, etc.
USPS,, my home delivery carrier,, lets just say they delight in delivering damaged mail. Just 2 days ago, a letter to my wife,, which was actually junk mail, had the top strip to open it missing. The envelope was totally open. Luckily,, it was junk.

I live about 9 miles from my home USPS PO.

HOWEVER,, I also live 4 miles in a different direction from the PO my family has used since 1946. I still have the PO box. At that branch,, VERY few issues. So,, I use my PO box as my address as much as possible.

Complaining? They pass the buck. And try to call & get an actual FedEx person on the phone. Hard as heck to find the place where stuff comes from & complain about local service. It took my almost 2 hours of searching,, calling & tracking them down once. And it did NOT help.

12-03-2021, 07:34 AM
UPS lost a package i sent a few months ago... it was the absolute worst customer service nightmare i have ever dealt with... i will never do business with them again... they will take your money, but if they loose your stuff they will not even talk to you about it... post office is slow and inefficient, but they have always got the stuff where it was sent...

12-03-2021, 08:28 AM
My experience is UPS is best followed by USPS and FEDEX dead last.

12-03-2021, 12:30 PM
It all depends on where you live..... USPS is practically raping folks now. I shipped a 2 pound package and it was $13 and change. The contents cost about $15.00. Would have been cheaper to just mail a gift card. I try to use UPS as much as possible, but I have to go drop off which is expense and time also. But much of anything that is 4 or 5 pounds and won't fit in a FRB, UPS or Fedex will beat by a few dollars, especially if cross country as USPS cost more the farther it ships.

12-03-2021, 01:13 PM
Recently bought a Colt revolver off gunbroker, which the seller shipped Priority Mail to my FFL dealer. From MA to WV has been ten days. Detailed tracking shows it going all over the place up to NH, then back south and all around the Mulberry bush. Finally is out for delivery today. Won't believe it until LGS calls to come pick it up.

Another Colt bought on different auction a week later came from OR via UPS next day air and has been waiting in the gun shop for me since yesterday.

12-03-2021, 03:30 PM
I understand the holiday delays however my grief runs a lot deeper than the holiday rush. The package im currently waiting on, is now 2 days overdue and somehow still in transit from Indianapolis like it was Wednesday. Ive been to Indy several times, its day drive. So I have a feeling my package is lost. Sure seems like the more you want/need a package the likelihood it won't arrive on time seems to escalate.

Until things improve, god forbid it gets worse, they USPS should drop the name "Priority Mail". It should be more accurately named Lackadaisical, responsiblity exempt mail.

12-03-2021, 05:23 PM
USPS is it's own worst enemy I ordered a small part from Oklahoma, and tracking showed it was in Pittsburgh yesterday (About 30 miles from me). Tracking also said it would be delivered today. Not in today's mail, so I checked tracking, and found that it went to Syracuse NY over night. Maybe it will make it back to Pittsburgh by tomorrow and to my mailbox Monday. 30 miles and USPS couldn't get it done without screwing up. This isn't the first time something I ordered has made it all the way to the Pittsburgh or Warrendale (even closer to Butler) distribution centers and then got sent to another state.

12-03-2021, 06:01 PM
USPS letter, (first one) never made it. Second one (replacement) took just shy of a month. Denver to L.A.

12-03-2021, 11:54 PM
Ha Ha! USPS! I was supposed to have 2 packages delivered today. One I supposedly told them to hold at the post office (no such thing happened) and I just got a notification that the other had been delivered, it's not supposed to freeze and it's 19°F. What incompetent boobs! It's 2300 so I'll open them in the AM and figure out the damage. Is this a nation of brandons?

12-04-2021, 07:54 AM
Remids me of my local mailman. I can't recall how many times they put a package right on the very edge of my porch, right in the rain and dry porch is just another 8in further from the edge. For a good while they would just slap a delivery notice on my door and not deliver packages (even with instruction to leave it) and I'd have to go to the post myself, id get there and they wouldn't have it, call the driver and its on the truck.... I'm pretty sure I got that lazy sack of ....... fired after about 5 times of pulling this stunt. Had boxes dropped in my grass by my mailbox. Had the mailbox left open for the world to see and subsequently stolen. Had a couple others stolen off the porch because they couldn't follow directions or perhaps the courier kept it. Real fine operation over here. Nothing pisses me off more than willful incompetence...

12-04-2021, 12:00 PM
I recently sent a package from WV out to the west coast via the Post Office. When the clerk told me the price, I commented on the price.

She grinned at me and said, "Try driving there and see what it cost ya!":bigsmyl2:

12-05-2021, 02:56 AM
I have good mail carriers.
They leave boxes right at the door.
Never had a problem.