View Full Version : A Tumbleweed Christmas needs a Christmas gift 2021

12-01-2021, 12:39 PM
A Tumbleweed Christmas needs a Christmas gift 2021


I got this Christmas card from my parents several years ago. I really like it and I saved it. This poor cowboy is working on trimming a tumbleweed to look like a Christmas tree, He even has the paint ready to paint it green.

I suspect there aren't going to be many gifts under his Christmas tree.

I suspect some of our newer members are going to have a Christmas like my cowboy's Christmas.

Some of our newer members need to start casting to afford ammo, but can't afford the basics to cast with. Or to load with!

So here is a little Merry Christmas help for a fairly new member:

To be eligible for this Christmas gift you must have joined CastBoolits between 12/26/20 and 11/30/2021. In past years I have granted waivers. You can request a waiver with a PM.

It is after Thanksgiving, and as usual I still haven't decided what to give as a gift.

To apply for this post a short post of why you need help with gifts under your Christmas tree. Then send me a PM titled "Christmas gift" with a more detailed description of why you need assistance, what reloading experience and reloading tools you have, and what casting experience and casting tools you have. Include your name, mailing address, and telephone number in the PM, but not in the post.

I will likely have members pledge to help me with this. More are welcome to join in. To join in, please PM me on how you would like to help and please do not post in this thread unless you are eligible for the Christmas gift and requesting the Christmas gift.

I have been called BrassyClause. Last year, BrassyClause had more than 20 Helpers! In previous years, I have been able to use Titan Reloading to help fill my gift bag. I am now retired, so my budget for new items is nonexistant this year. I have really enjoyed all of the assistance my Helpers have provided and I am really looking forward to their enthusiastic and generous assistance this year. Helpers can remain anonymous. Please PM me for details on how I manage this.

This year is also likely to be tougher than previous years because I am moving to a new house far away. Everything is boxed and stacked and I can't find anything. I will be spending many days on the road moving stuff!


12-03-2021, 08:52 AM
don't fret, GEORGE will find you! he is that kind of guy. good luck with your move. great talking with you the other night, toot.

12-06-2021, 02:20 PM
Hello BrassMagnet,
I am new to reloading and am certainly interested in expanding my knowledge and capabilities. My wife, 1 yr old son and I closed on our house this past week, so money has been a bit tight, however this past weekend I officially began reloading. My brother in law taught me some of the basics and we were able to reload roughly 50 rds of 6.5 creedmoore . I am interested in learning to reload for 9mm and 12 gauge as well. Thank you for your consideration.

12-06-2021, 04:43 PM
We have a qualified applicant. We do have room for more. This thread is not limited to one applicant.

12-06-2021, 04:53 PM
That’s a very nice thing to do.

12-07-2021, 09:53 AM
I rely need the brass we talked about on the phone when you ever get unpacked and have a chance at it. so I would like to be considered? thanking you, toot.

12-07-2021, 10:17 AM
I rely need the brass we talked about on the phone when you ever get unpacked and have a chance at it. so I would like to be considered? thanking you, toot.

Just so there is no confusion as to what this is about, I have promised Toot a little help so he can play with his 50-70 Trapdoor. I will be sending him some 50-70, or more likely some 50-90 to trim down to 50-70, so he can get some serious play time in. I suspect Toot will go to sleep Christmas Eve with visions of sugarplums, er 50-70 brass, dancing in his mind and by New Year’s Day he will be trimming away.

12-07-2021, 03:11 PM
OH, YES. for sure. I will be having 50/70 sugar plum's dancing all over the place. it doesn't take much to make an old man happy. sorry if I miss spoke on the post? I get easily confused, just ask my wife. at my age it isn't a very hard thing to do. toot.

12-10-2021, 10:37 AM
This thread is still open! We can help more than one with Christmas!

12-14-2021, 02:39 AM
Hello all,
I am a combat marine Vet who is looking at dedicating the next year and all after it to becoming a proficient gun enthusiast. To me this means being able to manufacture my own ammo so I can cut down on outside reliance. I love everything to do with guns and hands on tools/projects. I have a lot of ground level knowledge and space with little practical application of my loading knowledge. Aside from my personal dedication the reason I am asking for the leg up on a startup is due to failing health with my mother in the last 2 years. It has cut into many things I love. Regardless thank you for your time and your generosity. I think it is a beautiful thing you are doing to give back and pay it forward. Many thanks and happy holidays. May all our “trees” have enough under them this year.

12-14-2021, 10:05 AM
Welcome to CastBoolits! Your waiver for joining CastBoolits late is approved.
We now have two qualified applicants! WooHoo!!!

12-14-2021, 10:18 AM
well done brassmagnet !!!

12-14-2021, 11:03 AM
Now that we have two qualified applicants it is not time to rest on our laurels. There is still room for more!

12-19-2021, 11:12 AM
Brass: Next time you head this way, please let me know. I have 5-6 reloading books, I'll send with you.

12-28-2021, 08:31 PM
Any update on this Ron? I would love to hear success stories if we were able to help some new folks out! :)

12-28-2021, 11:35 PM
I think 1/1/22 would be a good day to post success photos!

12-29-2021, 01:11 AM
I think 1/1/22 would be a good day to post success photos!

I like it! Let's start 2022 off on a good note!!

01-01-2022, 09:06 PM

NYCEEF pictures

01-01-2022, 09:22 PM

Hello all,
Attached are photos of the most surprising and enjoyable delivery of goods I have ever received without expecting it. When I applied for the tumbleweed Christmas I did not expect to win. I certainly didn’t expect upon winning to be flooded with numerous items and an outpouring of support. I thank you all for your sincerity, generosity and support this holiday and promise to put all of these items to good use as I study my way to a more capable and and self sufficient firearm future.
I look forward to enjoying and growing with this community in this new year. I hope you all have a fantastic start to your year.
Thank you and HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL!!!!

01-02-2022, 02:13 AM
I would like to thank everyone for the generosity shown to me this bountiful Tumbleweed Christmas. I did not expect such support but am truly grateful. I am certainly off to fantastic start to this reloading journey and I am grateful for all the kindness and support you've shown me. Thank you and happy New Year!
I will post pictures as soon as I can figure out how to get them attached!

01-02-2022, 10:16 AM
Enjoy the items. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

01-02-2022, 12:46 PM

Brassdaddy93 picture

01-02-2022, 02:05 PM

Brassdaddy93 picture
Thank you BrassMagnet for getting that posted for me. And thank you again to everyone for your generosity and support in getting me going with reloading, I cannot express enough the appreciation I have for all the goodies I received. Happy holidays everyone!