View Full Version : Wounded Warriors

11-29-2021, 11:58 PM
Anyone have experience with this group? The commercials I've been seeing have been getting to me lately. Is this a legitimate organization? Does the full amount of the money you donate go to the Veterans? I'd like to hear from anyone with personal experience with this outfit.

Winger Ed.
11-30-2021, 12:04 AM
Thankfully, I've never needed their help.

The only thing I heard they do that's been criticized is they spend a fair sized percentage of their donations on advertising.
Which on the surface sounds bad, but it's actually a good investment to get the word out and bring in more donations with.

The famous people you see on TV in their ads are volunteering their time, and are donners too---
but even at discounted rates from the networks, the air time adds up to big bucks pretty fast.

11-30-2021, 12:26 AM
The last I heard is that a very small portion goes to help a Vet. Majority of money goes to salaries, advertisement and banquet get togethers at expensive resorts.

Dusty Bannister
11-30-2021, 12:35 AM
Take a look at this site and scroll down to the bottom. It might change your impression of Wounded Warriers.


11-30-2021, 12:45 AM
It seems they have improved some over what they were doing several years ago. Here is a partial breakdown of money spent by wounded warriors. I have heard they did replace the CEO that diverted money to salaries, parties and advertisement.

Charity Navigator’s Assessment

Charity Navigator, one of the leading watchdogs that keep eyes on charity groups, is a great place to look. Based on their assessment of WWP, they have an 86% score. That is not the best, but it is a far cry from being a scam. According to Charity Navigator, WWP is very transparent with their foundation and is well within the regulations set forth by the IRS. Beyond being within regulations, the percentage of Wounded Warrior Project money that is donated to their stated cause is 38% of all funds. This, again, is not the best, but it is good. On top of that, nearly 25% of their funds are used for fundraising, which generates 75 cents on the dollar. So, as you can see, they are not only giving pennies on the dollar, they are giving a fair amount. Of $234,682,943 raised in 2013, over 91 million dollars were donated to their stated cause while another 76 million dollars were kept in reserve, not used or donated, but not spent on salaries either. The CEO did pocket $375,000, which is 0.23% of all funds available. Not too bad.

11-30-2021, 06:21 AM
About 97% of every dollar that's donated to the DAV goes to help veterans! Numbers over the years for WWP range from 57-75%. Personally, I've been donating to the DAV for over 20 years because of how effectively they use the money they bring in. That's where I chose to send my money and refuse to support any charity where the higher ups live like kings!

11-30-2021, 07:46 AM
Once, at a charity shoot, i donated a thousand to wounded warriors.

A few weeks later, there was a story about their yearly get-to-gather at a conference center in Colorado.

My $1000 paid half of the bar tab for one officer for one night.

They won't bite me twice.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Half Dog
11-30-2021, 08:28 AM
I almost donated a car to a veterans group. I found that they spent most of their donations on advertisements and a very small percentage actually went to veterans. I also found that the CEO of the charity organization owned the advertising company. Be cautious.

11-30-2021, 09:51 AM
I do not know the current % that goes to the wounded vet but there has been a total shake up of the original management and is now considered a reputable organization but each must decide which is your preferred, we can’t support them all, just too many

11-30-2021, 10:04 AM
I volunteer with Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, where we introduce recovering veterans to all the aspects of fly fishing; fly tying, rod building, fly casting and of course we take them fishing. There are only a few employees in the main office, and the rest of the program across the country is run by only volunteers. It's an amazing program which I'm honored to be a part of. In my opinion it is a very worthy organization to donate to. Check out the website and decide for yourself.


11-30-2021, 10:34 AM
I'd go with the DAV Disabled American Veterans dav.org & the PVA pva.org as a wounded warrior I've got help and advice from both at times.they man almost every VA hospital in the country with there service officers, we can see where their funds are going.WWP had troubles a few years ago,but I think they got it running better now?????

My son told me not to give to any place that ask for $19.00 a month,because that gets them just under the IRS limits so 19.00 a month doesn't get reported the same. I don't worry about tax breaks and such as I've never had that kind of money to give anyhow.

11-30-2021, 10:38 AM
Another supporter of DVA.

11-30-2021, 10:44 AM
Thanks all, good info.

11-30-2021, 11:07 AM
Did some work with the WTB (Warrior Transition Battalion) group out of Ft. Gordon a few years back....we were able to work with them to put together some duck hunting opportunities for some of the recovering soldiers. Very hands-on and VERY rewarding. I believe the WTB units are now called SRUs (Soldier Recovery Unit). Don't know if you have a facility near you....but the folks running the unit at Ft. Gordon were thrilled to work with us to provide a cool opportunity and the guys that hunted with us also had a blast. Just another potential way to contribute...

11-30-2021, 11:36 AM
I've volunteered for them as an engineer before.. I much prefer the Gary sinse foundation ( spelling? )

11-30-2021, 11:46 AM
Gave up on Wounded Warriors when they went Anti Gun a few years ago. In Montana, they created their own state version called Montana Wounded Warriors for that reason. They are a true "Philanthropic" organization:

Montana Wounded Warriors was formed to provide residents of the State of Montana, who were wounded as a result of combat service in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, with high-quality hunting and fishing opportunities in the state of Montana. These veterans must also have received at least a 30% disability rating from the VA for physical and/or mental issues directly related to their combat service. They must also have received an honorable discharge from the military, unless they are still active duty. We are based in Northwest Montana, near Glacier National Park.

The organization is run by a nine member all-volunteer board. This allows us to maximize the use of donations to serve our Veterans. We have no paid staff in contrast with other organizations who may serve Veterans in some capacity, but whose budget is primarily used to cover fundraising and other administrative costs.

11-30-2021, 12:15 PM
Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing -- Got a HS buddy that does volunteer work for them. Another one that bothers me is tunnels & towers. There was a big congressional fight when Fed funding ended, then they added vets to program so they could go national.

11-30-2021, 04:49 PM
Tunnels to towers. T2T.org has a 95 % program rate. Way better than wounded warriors, who still waste a lot in my opinion. And the T2T CEO is an UNPAID Volunteer. That says a lot. They build homes for vets, and a lot of families of killed or severely injured vets, police and firemen. They get all my charity donations.

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

11-30-2021, 05:39 PM
T2T was started after congress wouldn't give more $ for police and firefighters after 9-11. They decided that those injured had enough time/$ to recover.

11-30-2021, 06:05 PM
Much better orgs out there than Wounded Warriors. DVA or T2T would be my go to now

I setup a charity paintball game to raise money for WW. Was treated like red headed step child when they found out we sold guns .. NEVER again for me

Lloyd Smale
12-01-2021, 05:06 AM
heres what i do. Im a disabled vet and every month I write a check to the local dav chapter for 10 percent of my check. I KNOW that they use all of it to help other vets and people in our community that really need help. Ive sent checks to the tunnels for towers, wounded warriors and a few others but am always leery about where it goes. This way i know a 100 percent of it is used for good. I think most of us have a chapter in the town we live in or near by. Heck if nothing else buy the chapter a case of beer for there meeting. One year i even donated 5 deer so they could put on a game feed to raise money. Sad to admit but im not a member of the club. Im just not a social person.

12-01-2021, 10:25 AM
Kind of what I was worried about, I'm always suspicious of these type of commercials but thought maybe they were one of the good ones. Sounds like not so much. What is the DVA several have recommended?

12-01-2021, 03:20 PM
A USPSA club to which I belonged a few years ago had a charity match for a veteran’s group every year. One year Wounded Warriors told us that they would accept the donation but we weren’t allowed to use their name because the event involved firearms. We decided to make our donation to a different group.

12-01-2021, 03:31 PM
A USPSA club to which I belonged a few years ago had a charity match for a veteran’s group every year. One year Wounded Warriors told us that they would accept the donation but we weren’t allowed to use their name because the event involved firearms. We decided to make our donation to a different group.

Yep, exactly. I thought this was well known:


12-01-2021, 04:49 PM
Virginia used to have a "Virginia Wounded Warrior Program" administered by the Commonwealth . Few years back(2013 ?) they changed the name to avoid confusion with the WWP, which had some problems at the time. Since the folks running it are there anyway, most if not all of any donations goes to good use.

"Virginia Veteran and Family Support, formerly known as the Virginia Wounded Warrior Program, is operated by the Virginia Department of Veterans Services."

12-01-2021, 04:54 PM
A USPSA club to which I belonged a few years ago had a charity match for a veteran’s group every year. One year Wounded Warriors told us that they would accept the donation but we weren’t allowed to use their name because the event involved firearms. We decided to make our donation to a different group. -

Our local club held a trap shoot for their benefit a few years back - before we found out .
I think I like Lloyd's approach of donating locally - lot better chances of low overhead costs.

Lloyd Smale
12-02-2021, 05:00 AM
Kind of what I was worried about, I'm always suspicious of these type of commercials but thought maybe they were one of the good ones. Sounds like not so much. What is the DVA several have recommended?

disabled veterans of America. theres a chapter in about any town with more then 2k people living there.

12-02-2021, 08:34 AM
OK is DVA and DAV different organizations or are we just getting abbreviations mixed up?

12-02-2021, 12:43 PM
How much do they spend on those silly blankets?

Several charities "give" you a silly blanket with your pledge.

Why not take that blanket money and put into the charity??????

When I donate $$ to a viable charity organization, I do not expect anything back, except the good feeling I did something good for deserving people, not paying bar tabs for their officers!

12-02-2021, 07:11 PM
OK is DVA and DAV different organizations or are we just getting abbreviations mixed up?

Just mixed up
my spell check thingy changes DAV (Disable American Veterans dav.org) to DVA sometimes,so I'll guess others have the same problem too same happen with PVA paralyzed veterans of America pva.org

Lloyd Smale
12-03-2021, 03:14 AM
OK is DVA and DAV different organizations or are we just getting abbreviations mixed up?

mixed up. sorry

Lloyd Smale
12-03-2021, 03:18 AM
How much do they spend on those silly blankets?

Several charities "give" you a silly blanket with your pledge.

Why not take that blanket money and put into the charity??????

When I donate $$ to a viable charity organization, I do not expect anything back, except the good feeling I did something good for deserving people, not paying bar tabs for their officers!

we give to the Shinners. When you call just tell them to keep the blanket. Wife was told the blankets are donated by others and dont cost Shriners a dime. I would guess the same goes for wounded warrior.

12-03-2021, 04:00 AM
Yep, exactly. I thought this was well known:


This happened shortly before that was published.

12-03-2021, 11:19 AM
I was a supporter in the earlier days when it was a handful of folks with the right intentions working out of there garage and about everything went to the cause. Though the idea behind it is still well meaning I’m with the folks above it has turned into a business and a political action group with the predictable results.

12-04-2021, 10:27 AM
I am going to rethink who I will contribute to.

12-04-2021, 11:02 AM
The Fisherhouse provides a great service to family's of Veteran's, when the Veteran is receiving medical treatments far from home.

...has pretty good fiscal ratings

12-04-2021, 12:22 PM
The Fisherhouse provides a great service to family's of Veteran's, when the Veteran is receiving medical treatments far from home.

...has pretty good fiscal ratings

Thanks for posting the link. I looked up DAV and see that have a 100/100 rating. Good to know the money is being used wisely.

12-06-2021, 06:19 PM
Lots of better organizations out there. While W.W.P. does some good they have a rather "heavy" top end that drains a lot of the money. look into the fallen outdoors. Good organization that actually helps out a lot. One solid about W.W.P. is they do help a lot of folks navigate the extremely confusing VA and Disability network.