View Full Version : Wolf match/target ammo

Jack Stanley
11-27-2021, 05:45 PM
I bought some Wolf .22 ammo at the last fun show just to see how it compared to the same brand I bought about fifteen years ago . Apparently the ammo is now being made in England and the old stuff was made in Germany I think .

I didn't use the Kimber this time but rather a Springfield 84C that I know how it performs with "regular" ammo . OK ....... it was snowing pretty good and I didn't want to take the Kimber out :mrgreen:

This particular rifle really does well with Federal Champion ammo and after firing fifty rounds of Wolf I shot a couple groups . Just like the old days , it shot a little low but it didn't group as well as expected .

Probably not an ammo issue more likely it just didn't like this particular rifle . So , when the weather lets up I'll try a couple other firing platforms and see how it does . The seller told me it was made by Eley so I do expect better .

I had a odd smell though ....... reminded me of Aguila ammo .


11-27-2021, 06:18 PM
I bought some Wolf .22 ammo at the last fun show just to see how it compared to the same brand I bought about fifteen years ago . Apparently the ammo is now being made in England and the old stuff was made in Germany I think .

I didn't use the Kimber this time but rather a Springfield 84C that I know how it performs with "regular" ammo . OK ....... it was snowing pretty good and I didn't want to take the Kimber out :mrgreen:

This particular rifle really does well with Federal Champion ammo and after firing fifty rounds of Wolf I shot a couple groups . Just like the old days , it shot a little low but it didn't group as well as expected .

Probably not an ammo issue more likely it just didn't like this particular rifle . So , when the weather lets up I'll try a couple other firing platforms and see how it does . The seller told me it was made by Eley so I do expect better .

I had a odd smell though ....... reminded me of Aguila ammo .


That ammo is made by Eley. Their priming is famous for that smell. Aguila also uses Eley priming.
I don't know which of the many levels of Eley ammo the Wolf would equate to. Some of Eley's ammo shoots MUCH better than others.

11-27-2021, 06:18 PM
I picked up a 1000 rounds of the stuff last winter, still have 500+ left. It shot ok in everything I tried it in on the indoor range. The main issue I have with it is hard brass, it takes a strong firing pin strike to fire it.

11-27-2021, 06:33 PM
And here I thought Wolf brand was Ruski, so I always passed it up. Last time the getting was good, I stocked up on Federal Game loads. So far I'm not real impressed with it out of my10/22.

11-27-2021, 06:36 PM
I picked up a 1000 rounds of the stuff last winter, still have 500+ left. It shot ok in everything I tried it in on the indoor range. The main issue I have with it is hard brass, it takes a strong firing pin strike to fire it.

Perhaps that is why Eley rebranded that particular run as Wolf.
I have never had an issue with hard brass in any of the Elfy Match, Tenex, or Club I have used. I have never been able to purchase any Wolf.
I probably wouldn't anyway, since it is rebranded Eley and I already know how the Eley I have shoots.