View Full Version : 975 grain bullet

01-15-2009, 12:16 AM
I am new to the world of black powder shooting, does anyone know what the affect of heavier bullets will have as related to pressure with black powder. I have a 975 grain .512 bullet that I am thinking about trying in 50-90 sharps. Has anyone ever heard of this or have any experience with this.

01-15-2009, 12:50 AM
The recoil should be a lot of fun. . . . . . .


01-15-2009, 03:26 AM
45nut or Bullshop could probably tell you.

01-15-2009, 03:27 AM
I would like to see it. Either its got a lot a bore ride or it uses up a lot a that 90gn capacity. How much powder can ya fit under it and still chamber a round?
I think I would go with FG grade.
Guess I cant answer your question. This may give some incling to it though. I saw at a friends house a fireplace poker placed quite neatly through a bull pine about 18" in diameter. The handle and poker ends were in place so it made an interesting conversation piece. I asked and found that while they were using the poker rod munus the ends for a ram rod to load a ML rifle the got the rod stuck. Simple solution was to point at said tree and fire. With about 4" sticking from either side of the tree they decided it likely best to reinstall the ends and leave it in the tree. I dont know the weight of the projectile but it was likely a bit over standard. Cant say about pressure either but they did say the recoil was fearsome. There dose that make ya brave enough ta try?

01-15-2009, 03:29 AM
OH now I get it your talkin 50 BMG bullets. I think the BMG uses a much faster twist than a 50/90 so them long bullets might have some wobble to um from yer 50/90.

01-15-2009, 08:06 AM
I personally shot off (accidentaly) a steel ram rod from a muzzle loading rifle. The rifle was a 58 cal Zouave and I was loading it with 70 gr of FFG and a 510 gr Minni ball. I forgot to remove the ram rod (I was in a timed competition for shooting as many times as I could in five minutes) and fired the gun. I can guantee two things: 1 the combination of a 32 inch long 1/4 inch diameter steel rod and a 500 gr minni ball weighs more than your 900 + gr bullet; and 2 It kicked considerably more than I like to handle.

01-16-2009, 07:26 PM
I personally shot off (accidentaly) a steel ram rod from a muzzle loading rifle. The rifle was a 58 cal Zouave and I was loading it with 70 gr of FFG and a 510 gr Minni ball. I forgot to remove the ram rod (I was in a timed competition for shooting as many times as I could in five minutes) and fired the gun. I can guantee two things: 1 the combination of a 32 inch long 1/4 inch diameter steel rod and a 500 gr minni ball weighs more than your 900 + gr bullet; and 2 It kicked considerably more than I like to handle.
My son did the same thing with his three band Enfield 58 cal his shoulder was a black as any I had ever seen, thought he had broken it. Think I will let you pull that trigger I am not into pain.

01-16-2009, 10:11 PM
OH now I get it your talkin 50 BMG bullets. I think the BMG uses a much faster twist than a 50/90 so them long bullets might have some wobble to um from yer 50/90.

Most BMG's use a 1 in 15.

01-29-2009, 04:49 AM
This is a bit off subject but with regard to heavy kicking guns I would think that net guns we used to use in New Zealand to capture wild deer out of helicopters would take some beating. They generally had four barrels which each took a steel weight about 3/4in diameter and about four inchs long. They could be managable enough with the standard load I used of 24gns of 700x in a blank 308 case but some guys just wanted an extra couple of meters range at any cost would fill an 06 case with whatever powder they happened to have and the results were truly frightening. The guns generally had a boogeyed up pistol grip with another vertical grip under the spreading barrels. Fired with your arms extended the gun recoiled back probably 10-12inchs or more and the fact that your arms could move so much took away a lot of kick. I once made the mistake of test fireing a freinds netgun and grabbed a 30-06 blank off the shelf in the shed. He didn't mention that these were super loads he had decided were just too much.(and he was a tough bastard). To say I was shellshocked is an understatment. Amazingly, the gun didn't fly out of my hands, but it was close. I thought for a couple of seconds my arms were broken.

02-04-2009, 07:51 PM
I sent an e-mail to goex and they told me that 100 grains of ffg express will give me 27000 psi with the 975 grain bullet. I started at 80 grains slightly compressed and worked my way up to 100 grains heavily compressed and everything worked just fine. The recoil was not anywhere as bad as I thought it would be, in fact it was more of a thunderous push. I cant wait to shoot it again. I am not affected by recoil as much as some, so what I consider fun might just be a punishment for others.

02-05-2009, 03:43 AM
Go to shilohrifle.com/forums/ and look for bobw. He shoots a 50/140 with paper patch boolits at Quigley. My buddy bob removes dust and rattlesnakes (and wimps!) from his spot on the firing line, but he is a shooting machine with his 10 pound cannon.

Seriously, why shoot something that heavy? Your lead pot level has to drop like a hot rock casting those bad boys. I'm using a 620 Brooks grease groove and still playing with the Kalynuik paper patch mould at about the same weight. I do most of my long range shooting at the Quigley shoot, but can't complain about performance...I just need to be a better shooter. Kurt/Lead Pot shoots boolits in the 700 grain range and does d--- well also.

Welcome to the little group of BIG 50 shooters...."We are but few, we band of brothers."


02-05-2009, 02:09 PM
Hay count me in, I got two. A 50/90 hiwall and a 50/2.1 lever gun.
I just love the way they go SMACK!!! when they hit something.

02-05-2009, 06:49 PM
This was really just an experiment. I have the mold so I wanted to give it a try. The level in my pot does not change that much because I have the 100 pound bottom pour from magma. I think if I tried to use one of those lee pots it would be empty before the mold was up to temp. In a few weeks I will try and see what kind of accuracy I can get from it, but my expectations are very low because my barrel is a 1-26 twist. If anyone wanted to try shooting something like this Ranger Rick has the same mold and I think he sells the Bullets.