View Full Version : Lead in Lake Tahoe ...

11-21-2021, 03:32 PM
Any one here have connections with ATT here in northern Calif. , northern Nevada ?

Seems there is quite a bit of old phone cable in the lake that they want to get rid of ..

Randy Bohannon
11-21-2021, 04:35 PM
I fish for Lake Trout in Tahoe every October, going to have the fish checked. I have good friends in Myers, Incline and Stateline. I will be doing some inquiries and see how it’s going to be handled . Knowing CA it’s going to be classed as a hazardous waste and a State licensed Haz Mat concern will do the recovery . So I think I’ll start there with whoever is the contractor. I have good connections in the haz mat scam.
My guess it will go to some place in NV to quickly get out from under CA regulations .

11-21-2021, 08:51 PM
Funny how it didn't mention anywhere that any actual lead testing was done showing lead in the water.

11-23-2021, 03:51 PM
Another article in the Frisco paper ...

Estimate 63 tons of lead , 3 pounds per foot.

11-25-2021, 02:40 PM
I “mined” many tons of old lead sheath cable from underground duct runs when I worked for the phone company. We had two crews working full time removing this abandoned cable. The cost of the copper and lead were high enough to cover this cost. It was quite the project.

12-22-2021, 11:12 AM
Cable sheathing was my first scrap yard find. Bought 300#, could have bought 1200#, wish I would have now. I need to amp up my scrounging activity.....

12-22-2021, 12:03 PM
Cable sheathing was my first scrap yard find. Bought 300#, could have bought 1200#, wish I would have now. I need to amp up my scrounging activity.....

I find it shocking that you let that get away.

12-22-2021, 02:25 PM
I find it shocking that you let that get away.

It was my first lead scrap buy so I was overly cautious.

12-22-2021, 03:26 PM
It was my first lead scrap buy so I was overly cautious.

Understood. I was making a pun there. Guess I better keep my day job.....

Winger Ed.
12-22-2021, 07:25 PM
It'd probably be OK if they just left it alone.

Over time, Lead oxidizes, algae grows over it, and it sort of seals itself.
It's not like it will keep dissolving into the water until it's gone.

When they did their 'test', and got so high of results, I'd wonder if the test was designed to fail.
As high as their results were, it sounds like they scrubbed off a piece of the cable down to raw Lead,
and put it in a very small volume of water at warmer temps. than the lake normally is.

Dusty Bannister
12-26-2021, 01:24 AM
Sort of like when they "discovered" all the lead in the ground along the freeways in CA. Thought it was from COWW. I have to wonder if there was any effort to define the type of lead as not being the same as the lead in the gasoline that was burned prior to the change to unleaded. Bad Science, bad results.