View Full Version : 1882 Winchester Tong Tool Decapping Pin

11-21-2021, 02:19 PM
I recently have started getting interested in lever action rifles (ostensibly for movie use) and acquired a .40-60 Winchester clone. Reloading has progressed well and it's a fun gun to shoot.The next thought was for a period reloading tool, not just for fun use but also as a prop for movies in conjunction with the rifle. An 1882 Winchester tool was found and while capable of loading cartridges it was lacking (as are most) the decapping pin assembly. Internet searches give a good indication of the general design but actually finding one is next to impossible. Plus, now I've gotten two others in different calibers.

So, with help from a Sherline benchtop lathe and rudimentary machining skills, I've fashioned a prototype decapping pin, illustrated below.



It basically works but some tweaking is needed - decapping pin needs to extend a bit further, case neck belling area needs to be slightly larger diameter and polished. I want to cross-drill a hole toward the inserted base of the decapping pin then tap it for a small set screw to hold the decapping pin (a standard RCBS large rifle pin) in place. Once all that is done, I'll harden it via torch and an oil quench to give a nice blued color. Then,I'll make a couple more for the other two tong tools - one in .38-55 and another in .32-20.

Any thoughts?

Green Frog
11-21-2021, 04:42 PM
Looks like you're in the road! As many variations as I've seen between the various Winchester issues as well as those from Ideal, I wouldn't begin to argue whether this pin or that pin would be "right" in a particular tool. IMHO, if it gets the job done, then you're good to go! Congratulations.


PS Of course you've shamed me into getting busy and making a couple for MY tools. :groner:

11-21-2021, 06:03 PM
Good work! Enjoy the rifle. I have the origional Winchester 76 rifle in 45-60 with round barrel; she shoots extremely well with my cast bullets poured from an early and origional mold. Be fun to have the reloading tool but never have found one.