View Full Version : Anyone trapping ?

11-17-2021, 04:52 PM
Guess this is the right place to put this lol. Any how wanted know who all else is laying some steel ?
Got some DP's and some fox sets out on a buddies deer property. It ain't much but getting pretty decent money for the coon carcasses and I'm just happy to have a opportunity at some K9's

https://i.postimg.cc/CRY0ptbR/received-585014835887931-1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CRY0ptbR)

Paul D. Heppner
11-17-2021, 05:14 PM
I am, targeting mink and beaver. My son and I have only had sets out for four soaks. So far five beaver, 36 to 67 pounds, and one buck mink. Pelt prices are in the toilet, we make our money selling the castor glands at $80+ a pound. We go after mink because it's just plain fun trying to figure them out, plus I'm old school and always felt they were a trophy animal. I've been trapping for 56 years.

white eagle
11-17-2021, 05:17 PM
I'll be trapping fox and coyote this year
first time but after the coyote ate part of a deer I had to leave
over night I figured there are to many and needed to be thinned down some

11-17-2021, 05:28 PM
I will be trapping canis lupus primarily, but I definitely am having some pretty severe beaver issues that l will be addressing.

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11-17-2021, 05:50 PM
Coyote, Raccoon, beaver, and if I'm lucky bobcat and otter too.

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11-17-2021, 06:58 PM
Holding off until I can break even on buying Urine , till then my pee doesn't work and not gonna pay for UTV gas out of pocket to check sets that are empty .

11-17-2021, 07:20 PM
I am trapping Muskrat , Raccoon and Coyote
I will set some Beaver traps when I get a chance , but I have to watch out for river otter
As there isn't open trapping for them in my area
I will be doing some Mink trapping in a week or so
But the main marsh I trap wants the mink as they help control the muskrats
As I get to trap the marsh for free , I follow the few simple requests they have


11-17-2021, 07:27 PM
i am going after beaver/otter/Wuf this year.

11-17-2021, 07:35 PM
Holding off until I can break even on buying Urine , till then my pee doesn't work and not gonna pay for UTV gas out of pocket to check sets that are empty .

Ever consider keeping a critters and getting your urine offa them ?

11-17-2021, 07:48 PM
Gotta say I'm pleasantly surprised here, didn't think there where to many or trappers on here

11-17-2021, 07:52 PM
Getting ready even though the season is open, maybe by Thanksgiving. Red fox and Coon here and two nice coyotes showed up on the trail camera so I hope to snag one of them. I leave the mink and muskrats alone on the pond. I usually release the opossums too, often catch the same one over and over until we come to an understanding. I’m setting out for weasel too in about a month when they turn white.

11-17-2021, 07:59 PM
coyote and beaver here, starts dec 1

11-17-2021, 08:05 PM
Wolfdog91 are they eating the carcasses? I plan to try one this year on the smoker. Year before last I got either 8 or 9 coyotes, Last year my health didn't cooperate. I'm doing better so far this year & I am just getting ready to roll. I wish you well & do the same for me.

11-17-2021, 08:39 PM
Getting ready even though the season is open, maybe by Thanksgiving. Red fox and Coon here and two nice coyotes showed up on the trail camera so I hope to snag one of them. I leave the mink and muskrats alone on the pond. I usually release the opossums too, often catch the same one over and over until we come to an understanding. I’m setting out for weasel too in about a month when they turn white.

I personally don't eat them. Nothing against it just not a critter I really like. Mabye I just have had it right but I e been told the same about possum. Anyway I sell the carcasses. Got a bulk deal right now for $10 straight for everyone I can get and clean but I can make $20 a pop selling locally

11-17-2021, 09:05 PM
I will probably put out a few DP's for coons, because I keep some chickens around the farm. Our state had a bounty on nest robbing predators the last couple of years, but only on animals trapped from April too July. My idea is that a critter trapped now won't eat a nest next june, but what do I know?

11-18-2021, 04:59 AM
If mice count , I'm trapping big time since they cut the beans around my house .[smilie=1:

11-18-2021, 05:15 AM
Do these hoodlums count?

11-18-2021, 05:43 AM
Do these hoodlums count?

You must be baiting , & feeding them well .

11-18-2021, 07:04 AM
I wish I still was!

Mr Peabody
11-18-2021, 10:20 AM
There is a Trapping section in the Outdoorsman section of this site, people post there pretty steady

11-18-2021, 10:47 AM
I got a head start on the game. This grey fox walked by one moring a few weeks ago. It spooked 3 doe. As.cool as he is I figured he wasn't doing my turkey and grouse population any favors so I removed him from the population.


I bought 4 Duke 550os traps this past summer because I got drawn for bobcat. Season for them opened October 15th. In WI you can't legally foot or cable restraint trap them till December 1St but can "hunt" them starting Oct 15th. I would assume calling and aid of dogs? Our WI regs are never clear. I've only missed 2 days in the woods since October 20th and have not seen a bobcat in the woods, any signs, or trail cams so I think my odds are slim to none. Im.about as.far South on the WI border where the bobcat population is slim. I've had a bobcat on trail camera 3 times since last year. It's a mowed trail I figured I'd set up my dukes along it. I do have a couple of the dukes out for nuisance coyotes since October. Had a skunk walk by one and steel my bait. I caught a possum in my live trap the other day. I removed over 90 raccoons last year and over 40 possum so am am hoping they stay out of the area long enough to try and catch a cat. I have a coon that i see almost every morning. He crawls up a dead dead tree and sleeps in it. Wasn't going to waste another $40 arrow and broadhead on it. Any tips on trapping cats? I've called in shot over a half dozen but never trapped one. I don't think they are to smart. But I know to trap on sign which I don't think I have enough in my area that frequent it enough.

Also trying to decode on what to.do with the fox. I skinned I with the paws on. Debating on getting it tanned or a rug?

Ill.put out my DP coon traps after deer season is over. We can removed nuisance animals year around here in WI which just about takes care of everything with hair accept for bobcat, deer, and bear. My goal is to catch a bobcat, coyote, and fox. Only been catching coons and possums In DPs and live traps so.far. I've had a few resident.red fox I don't shoot. I use to see them almost every.time I bowhunted the last couple years. Bobcats moved in last year. I. Guessing they chased them out and ate them? Haven't seen a grey in 20 years. Maybe the grey ran them.out? Last time I saw a grey.it chased a red right under my stand.

Had snow last week for the fist time. It stayed for 3 days so.i could inspect for.tracks
I found this scat. It is in the same.place I found some.scat a.few.months back. It seems like something is trying to cover it up some
Im hoping it's bobcat scat?


I.also.found some.small.scat that was.pretty fresh about 10 yards from it on the same trail.


I did find tracks on a few logs. Looked like domestic cat. They were pretty small. The other tracks I'm guessing we're coyote or a large fox. They all.were on top.of.each other
Must have been a crazy night of chasing.

Here's the same spot from the first scat with other scat I found...



It's about 75 yards from where I had bobcat on camera...and fox,coon, possum, and skunk.

11-18-2021, 06:45 PM
I just set out two traps this evening, getting started removing the pests before I start after the Yotes & Cats.

Red River Rick
11-18-2021, 08:53 PM
I've held a trappers license every year since 1976, this year is 45 years. I trap beavers and coyotes next to a National Park (Riding Mountain National park).
There's no shortage of beavers up here. Problem is, they aren't worth very much for all the work you have to put into them.
Coyotes pay more and are worth around $100.00, for a good pelt. So, I'll wait till January before I go after them.


11-18-2021, 10:33 PM
I've held a trappers license every year since 1976, this year is 45 years. I trap beavers and coyotes next to a National Park (Riding Mountain National park).
There's no shortage of beavers up here. Problem is, they aren't worth very much for all the work you have to put into them.
Coyotes pay more and are worth around $100.00, for a good pelt. So, I'll wait till January before I go after them.


Hear castor is up to $80 a pound though

Mr Peabody
11-21-2021, 08:25 PM
Rick, aren't they breeding in January and messing up their hides?

11-21-2021, 11:50 PM
Rick, aren't they breeding in January and messing up their hides?Ours don't start breeding until later February - do yours start that early?

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11-26-2021, 05:33 PM
Just getting rolling & every year I have to get the pests out of the way 1st. This year on Tuesday stray dog about starved to death, fed it & he took off down the road at a good pace. Wednesday he's back in another trap fed him again then scared him & away he went flying. Today 2 opossums, thank goodness not the dog again. I'll set the coyote traps & snares as soon as the critters are thinned out.

11-26-2021, 06:20 PM
Ever consider keeping a critters and getting your urine offa them ?

Since it does not pay to skin them why kill them ? let them go another year or 2 and prices will come back faster ,(supply and demand) . Less supply = more demand /Ed

11-27-2021, 02:18 AM
Your house cat tracks could be gray fox tracks. Cats come by when they feel like it. Thay are easier in January. I put 3 to 5 DPs about 10 to 20 feet out from my yote traps. Get 90% of coons in DPs. Live bait this way. Traps checked and catches remover every day. Reason not to release coons is over population and then rabies or something going through coons and other animals that you want.

11-27-2021, 05:53 AM
Try flagging for cats ,I use turkey/goose feather or most anything flashy hanging off a piece of fishing line as it pulls in from a distance any cat . I think it also has the benefit of keeping canines off your cat sets !

11-27-2021, 07:04 AM
I was trapping till I rolled my UTV down a ditch and got bruised and bang up. It ended my season. Work on healing now and just now walking around with my walking stick. Also get around better. I was catching coyote, otter, beaver, muskrats, skunk, possum and coon. My UTV came out better then I did. Just minor adjustments , Went down a 45 degree ditch about 16 ft down . Enough to have it rolled that when sit on a barb wire fence that it was on the fence and T post on all 4 wheels and miss a tree by 2 to 3 inches. The farmer I was trapping for pulled me out. This was just 2 weeks ago yesterday .

11-27-2021, 10:23 AM
I haven't trapped for hides in a long time. Too warm here in Texas, plus every town had a fur buyer but that's a thing of the past. Being in sheep country I hunt the gutpile, call a bit, set a few DPs or spotlight to keep the varmints in check.
Back then I sold hides straight off the critter.....no fleshing, stretching or drying. Deer hides got a can of stock salt and rolled up. I kinda miss those days.

11-27-2021, 10:32 AM
Alot of things change since the fur prices are down, it is a hobby for me and I keep some of the meat to eat . Also some of the farmers and land owners let me hunt on their land and fish also.
I understand what you mean 1Papalote . Those days are gone now.

11-27-2021, 11:09 AM
trapper 9260; Thank God that Noggin of yours is ok, Prayers going up for a speedy recovery.

11-27-2021, 11:33 AM
i been working my Wolf sets, but no joy yet... any day now...

Red River Rick
11-27-2021, 01:32 PM
Rick, aren't they breeding in January and messing up their hides?

Mr Peabody:

Up here, our coyotes usually start breeding in February. So, harvesting them in January seems to work.
I've taken some later (February) and really haven't noticed too much damage to the fur.


11-27-2021, 02:01 PM
Wolfdog91 you have to ketch em first before you can get any urine. LOL. And yes , there are more people trapping than I figured. I am not trapping, my wife needs me 24/7 as caretaker. In my area near Conroe Texas the coyotes are much bigger than the 29 lb variety in New Mexico. Found deer kills on the lease a few years ago and not seeing deer. Began to trap two square miles of lease and caught 12 big coyotes from February to November. The female weighed 49 lbs. That was the year that we had all the fires in Texas. The last male that was caught that year was skin and bones. I think more died of starvation. The deer rebounded and our hunters did well. So what next/ The lease got sold out from under us to hunters with more money in their pockets. The thought of "catch and release" coyotes back to the lease did cross my mind. But no. Sure miss all that fun.

11-29-2021, 05:46 AM
trapper 9260; Thank God that Noggin of yours is ok, Prayers going up for a speedy recovery.

Thank you . I am able to get around better and your prayers is helping. I had many close calls on the trap line, but this was the worse of them all. I do not need to use my walking stick like I was. Also start to be able to do more.

11-29-2021, 09:11 AM
Not anymore, wish I was. I sold out 5-6 years ago. Then after a bout with cancer and the subsequent neuropathy from chemo I don't trust my hands or feet. I kept one old #4 Newhouse for nostalgia and 'cause you just don't see many.

Lotsa good, pleasant memories from the trap line. You guys go get 'em!!!

11-29-2021, 02:14 PM
Sharps4590; Life can be very trying & unforgiving, much thanks to the one who forgives. Think maybe you could buddy up with another trapper & ride the line? Or maybe even show your stuff to a younger trainee? Maybe even hands on tutorial at home that another could place in the field. Be sad to not share that multi year trapping degree. Prayers up for strength.

11-30-2021, 05:43 AM
Sharps4590 hang in there , I know it is not easy on you for how it is. versa-06 have a good idea of teach someone or ride with some one , past it on to someone . That is how I had learn most of what I know now. The one that help me pull my traps because of the accident said about like to learn how to trap coyotes , I told him I am willing to teach him. I had also took him out fishing this year also and he learn some things and said did not went home with as many fish as we got that day .

12-01-2021, 10:11 AM
There's a catch to getting someone involved these days, They can't do it on their phone.