View Full Version : Found a way to hopefully not loose my empty brass cases while hunting!

11-13-2021, 10:47 AM
Thought of this idea the other day.



Bought a bag of new RP 300 RUM cases from a member here a few weeks back. Since they are expensive in the real world and hard to find I figured I'd try to make them stand out. I never can seem to find my brass after it ejects out of my 22' tree stand in the leaves and snow. To my eyes the brass color blends right in with fall leaves. Hopefully they will stick out like a sore thumb now. Used a red permanent maker I picked up in a 3 pack from the $1 store. The permanent marker I used doesn't smell or wipe off. It also doesn't add any thickness to the case diameter so they feed and cycle flawlessly. Im sure tumbling will remove it. Figured it was a good way to mark my new cases vs the old brass that I lost count of the firings. Think I'll be doing this to all my hunting rounds from here on out.


11-13-2021, 10:52 AM
I’ve found that red blends into leaf litter very well.

11-13-2021, 10:56 AM
The craft store sold all different colors of neon permanent orange, green, and pink. Might have to change colors if I still have issues finding my brass.

11-13-2021, 11:08 AM
If there's snow where the brass lands it will melt it's way out of sight in short order.

11-13-2021, 11:14 AM
I write my powder charge on my cases with a sharpie when I'm working up new loads. It stays pretty well until I tumble them.
Good idea if you're able to find a colour that doesn't match the surroundings.
There is a couple who make brass ornaments, candle holders and the like that colours their brass with some sort of dye. They claim it doesn't ever come off. I haven't tried their claim, and they're not very forthcoming about what they use.

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11-13-2021, 11:26 AM
I’ve found that red blends into leaf litter very well.

My first thought as well. But easy enough to test...have a buddy drop some and see if you can find them.

I think pink would be a good choice...but your buddies will have a field day razing you.

11-13-2021, 11:27 AM
You might try Alcohol Ink, it comes in all kinds of colors and once dry is pretty stable. I'd imagine tumbling would remove it though.

11-13-2021, 11:40 AM
I used a red colored caribeaner the other day to snap my scent drag on and off my boot.
Stuck out like it glowed at 20 yards when I set it out on a branch to the point I figured it was going to spook deer. About the exact same color. I'll have to experiment with some other colors but imo red stands out pretty good on the leaves in my woods. Lost brass in snow many times. By the time I get out of my stand the fired brass has cooled down and had a layer of ice and snow built up over it. Usually never to be found.

11-13-2021, 12:22 PM
I think a nice rainbow pattern would stand out nicely. Also seems more friendly when you're killing a critter.:razz: jd

11-13-2021, 12:32 PM
I know others were thinking it, but I’ll be the one to ask:
What are you hunting that you have to shoot twice with that monster? :kidding:

11-13-2021, 01:29 PM
We get extra doe tags here and can party hunt. So it's not uncommon to shoot several deer at once to fill tags. Do you think the 180 grain Seirra RN are enough?????lol. Picked up a box of 1100 in a group buy and figured id try them out. Gun hasn't been used since I shot a 7'2" black with it 11 years ago. Felt sorry for the gun since it hasn't got much attention for decade so I am putting it in use. I do have them downloaded to 2900 fps so it should be like using a light loaded 300 win mag...gotta give the deer a chance..

My neighbors are sitting 25 yards off my property line and figured if the monster buck I've been after comes by hopefully it won't go far...or at all. Don't want to have have hit deer cross my property line and loose it. I'm sure when I pull the trigger the extra noise from that gun will put a load in their shorts....might have to put my KDF brake back on so it really goes bang!

Winger Ed.
11-13-2021, 01:59 PM
If that doesn't work out, they might have miniature GPS trackers in the future.:kidding:

11-13-2021, 08:52 PM
Just come back with a metal detector. I run my up and down my shooting range consistently.

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11-13-2021, 09:40 PM
Might have to try that, but think I will try Yellow

11-13-2021, 10:01 PM
oh - i thought it was the norm to wait on a deer for 20 minutes, flick the hammer back in 2 seconds, aim and fire in the following 3 minutes...

make a bang. watch the deer run off in X direction.

without moving an inch, sit gun down and bend over begin looking for said brass for 30-40 minutes, allowing deer to expire.

or is that jst me ;)

ha ha.
i personally put my hand over the ejection port an eject any round into my hand. this of course does not happen when 'sendin lead at south departin deer'.

11-13-2021, 10:02 PM
My neighbors are sitting 25 yards off my property line and figured if the monster buck I've been after comes by hopefully it won't go far...or at all. Don't want to have have hit deer cross my property line and loose it.

I'd have thought these days that in such scenerio, a little chat, explanation and you would be 'granted' access to go get the deer? im sure it hppens a **** tone with bow hunting

11-13-2021, 10:04 PM
Love the very seasonal red cases, tis the season to go…..reindeer hunting?

Texas by God
11-13-2021, 10:30 PM
Make some green ones too- it's almost Christmas time[emoji16]
Great idea for when brass and grass are the same color!

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11-14-2021, 12:04 PM
I'd have thought these days that in such scenerio, a little chat, explanation and you would be 'granted' access to go get the deer? im sure it hppens a **** tone with bow hunting
I have had several discussions with the neighbors but they have zero common sense and respect. Its.going to get.to the point I'm going to line my property line with cameras a.s start to prosecute the next time they trespass. I have caught them shooting at and wounding deer several times a good.100 yards onto my property. They own a 75 yard square of woods and the rest 180 plus acres of open field. So they sit and stare into my wooded property. They bought the land 4 years ago. We had to have it surveyed so they know where my stand is I've had in the same spot since 1985. I politely asked them to sit a good 100 yards off the property line for safety reasons and not to ruin each other's hunting. They don't care. A whole other topic. I think I at least pissed them off enough not sit by me bow hunting. They were watching a deer a few weeks back and i purposely spooked it. BTW I'm 80 yards of my property line and I can see them clear as day. Two days later that came back to hunt and rattled for 5 minutes along with blowing a grunt call like a stuck pig. After an hour they left. A day later they came back. They rattled...I rattled back and grunted lound as hell. They got out of their blind and left a few minutes later. Blind is still there so i am sure I will have to be fast on the trigger on opening day. I did put no trespassing signs up 2 years ago. She called and yelled at me for 15 minutes and said they were offensive and to turn them around. She's not right in the head. I ll be buying a.few more stands next year and place them farther off my property line....and a blind right on my.proerty line 20 yards from hers.

11-14-2021, 12:37 PM
I don`t know anything about the trespass laws in Wisconsin but trespass is a serious offence in Oregon.
I would contact your fish and game, or what department deals with game laws in Wisconsin, about them shooting onto your property.
That may some sort of trespass.
Definitely a safety issue.
You seem to have your property line well marked .
If not , I would mark it at close intervals.

11-14-2021, 12:50 PM
I have had several discussions with the neighbors but they have zero common sense and respect. Its.going to get.to the point I'm going to line my property line with cameras a.s start to prosecute the next time they trespass. I have caught them shooting at and wounding deer several times a good.100 yards onto my property. They own a 75 yard square of woods and the rest 180 plus acres of open field. So they sit and stare into my wooded property. They bought the land 4 years ago. We had to have it surveyed so they know where my stand is I've had in the same spot since 1985. I politely asked them to sit a good 100 yards off the property line for safety reasons and not to ruin each other's hunting. They don't care. A whole other topic. I think I at least pissed them off enough not sit by me bow hunting. They were watching a deer a few weeks back and i purposely spooked it. BTW I'm 80 yards of my property line and I can see them clear as day. Two days later that came back to hunt and rattled for 5 minutes along with blowing a grunt call like a stuck pig. After an hour they left. A day later they came back. They rattled...I rattled back and grunted lound as hell. They got out of their blind and left a few minutes later. Blind is still there so i am sure I will have to be fast on the trigger on opening day. I did put no trespassing signs up 2 years ago. She called and yelled at me for 15 minutes and said they were offensive and to turn them around. She's not right in the head. I ll be buying a.few more stands next year and place them farther off my property line....and a blind right on my.proerty line 20 yards from hers.

owwww, i see what ya mean now!!
interesting! an not ideal hey!

i thought you were more worried about your deer death running into the neighbours...... not the **** show u describe above :)

good fkn luck with them!! wise moves your playing too

11-14-2021, 12:53 PM
It's like beating a dead horse. I've been pissed off about it the last couple of years. This year I finally developed an I don't care attitude and figured id annoy them...which I did. Seems to be working so far.

11-14-2021, 01:08 PM
treat those as they treat you my man.

Good luck with it all!! warm barrels

white eagle
11-14-2021, 02:11 PM
I just eject them into my hand
usually pretty sure of my shot so I don't need to rush a second
don't do drives or shoot at deer running in the woods unless they stop
you are way up in the stratosphere in you stand so I can see the need

11-14-2021, 02:18 PM
I have had several discussions with the neighbors but they have zero common sense and respect. Its.going to get.to the point I'm going to line my property line with cameras a.s start to prosecute the next time they trespass. I have caught them shooting at and wounding deer several times a good.100 yards onto my property. They own a 75 yard square of woods and the rest 180 plus acres of open field. So they sit and stare into my wooded property. They bought the land 4 years ago. We had to have it surveyed so they know where my stand is I've had in the same spot since 1985. I politely asked them to sit a good 100 yards off the property line for safety reasons and not to ruin each other's hunting. They don't care. A whole other topic. I think I at least pissed them off enough not sit by me bow hunting. They were watching a deer a few weeks back and i purposely spooked it. BTW I'm 80 yards of my property line and I can see them clear as day. Two days later that came back to hunt and rattled for 5 minutes along with blowing a grunt call like a stuck pig. After an hour they left. A day later they came back. They rattled...I rattled back and grunted lound as hell. They got out of their blind and left a few minutes later. Blind is still there so i am sure I will have to be fast on the trigger on opening day. I did put no trespassing signs up 2 years ago. She called and yelled at me for 15 minutes and said they were offensive and to turn them around. She's not right in the head. I ll be buying a.few more stands next year and place them farther off my property line....and a blind right on my.proerty line 20 yards from hers.

Ripe road kill added to their stand; rusty nails sticking up into their seats covered with crap [emoji90] and really nasty road kill… bouncing Betty???

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white eagle
11-14-2021, 02:21 PM
I just read your problem Trip ,man that sucks
I had the same sort of issue with the neighboring land owners kid
putting a tree stand on the property line rite nest to a blind I had put there years ago
before they owned the property
I told the kids Dad to move it but after several weeks and still there I clear cut the trees and brush
that hid a the stand and left it in the wide open
they moved it and sold the property so now all I have is 1 jerky owner not 4
good luck this season

Winger Ed.
11-14-2021, 03:54 PM
I'm surprised that your state's trespass laws would cause you to loose a kill.

Here-- naturally it's illegal to shoot onto another person's property without permission.
But if you shoot & wound one on your side, you can cross the fence, track and recover it onto another private property.
You might even get crossways with the land owner and Game Warden if you don't.

11-15-2021, 07:49 AM
Once again, I am not familiar with your state laws.
In Oregon, you cannot go onto someone elses property to retrieve a wounded/dead without their permission.
To do so is trespassing.
A fellow I know tried that and got a citation.

11-15-2021, 12:43 PM
Same here in AL, you can't follow an animal onto someone's land without their permission. It kinda makes sense. I'm sure some nimrod would take advantage of such a loophole to wander around their neighbor's property, then claim he's looking for a wounded animal if he gets caught. It's a straight forward law here, you need to have written permission from the landowner. Without it it's not just trespassing, it's poaching.

11-16-2021, 02:33 PM
Tribes of indigenous peoples here in the states, as well as in Africa were known to punish trespassers with what we would call corporal, or even capital punishment if caught in their hunting lands. Hunting is a competitive endeavor and well guarded down through the ages. At least we don't have a king that owns the deer and kills poachers (anyone hunting other than the king or his cronies) on the spot. It is the bane we endure to partake in this heritage, keeping on our side of the boundary. Grass is always greener, so they say.....

Hope you have a solitary and successful season, Triplebeards, and find every piece of brass ejected.

11-16-2021, 03:52 PM
back to the first post in this thread, those kinda look like dummy snap-caps, don't get 'em confused :veryconfu [smilie=s: