View Full Version : Fluoride in your water?

11-11-2021, 02:48 PM
I'm just curious. I only lived in one small city for a brief period fifty years ago, that may or may not have had fluoride in the water. I've never had a cavity in my life.

For those who have lived in cities long term with fluoridated water, have you or your children had cavities?

11-11-2021, 03:25 PM
The tricky part about this is that genetics and diet have a much larger impact on tooth health than anything else. So if your family has great teeth, flouride in the water is irrelevant. Likewise, if your family has terrible teeth, flouride in the water is irrelevant. If you drink tons of acidic soft drinks, flouride in the water is irrelevant. But there's a whole lot of people in the middle, whose genetics are so-so and diet is so-so.

So when you look at the big picture, population wide, the average number of cavities across a whole population is lower in areas with flouridation. It might not affect you at all, because of your genetics or diet. But some families have one or two fewer cavities, which, across a population of a couple hundred thousand, shows up as a significant drop in cavities population-wide.

Is it worth it? Well, it's about a half a teaspoon of flouride per thousand gallons of water, so it's not expensive. It's not harmful, flouride is naturally found in spring water, and we've been drinking it for thousands of years. Across a whole population, if it reduces the overall cost of health care (dental work is expensive), it seems like an overall benefit to society, even if the benefit for each individual is small or non-existent.

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Winger Ed.
11-11-2021, 03:59 PM
I think our poor diets and the huge amounts of sugar we eat overwhelms the benefits of flouride in our water and tooth paste.

When you see the documentaries on TV where the grave robbers excavate an old Roman or Viking cemetary--
a Dentist would starve to death in their society.

11-11-2021, 09:54 PM
Heck, I don't have any teef left. My town had the floro stuff, not sure now.

11-11-2021, 10:13 PM
More to do with diet; The kids from the depression had bad teeth, so bad a lot of them couldn't pass military physical requiring 12 tooth minimum.

11-12-2021, 01:37 AM
It's not harmful,

Do a search on “harmful effects of fluoride in drinking water”. Seriously, it is Harmful. In the 60’s & 70’s it was thought to be beneficial for teeth. That didn’t pan out either.
As to reducing incidence of tooth decay, twenty or so years ago the medical community realized Amish children statically had a lower incidence of cavities than other geographic, ethnic or racial youth populations. Initially it was theorized this was because Amish children consumed less sugar-rich foods. They discovered Amish kids did consume lots of sweetened foods, often more than most other kids.
The ONE BIG dietary difference between Amish and other kids was that the Amish in general did not consume commercially processed and preserved foods. There was also a correlation between Amish dietary habits and lower incidences of some internal illnesses.
When you start looking at the tribes and ethnic groups that enjoy the longest, healthiest lives the common denominator is the absence of preservatives and animal fats and abundance of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Not much to look forward to IMO.

Randy Bohannon
11-12-2021, 07:08 AM
It’s been a controversy here for some reason , fluoride is a poison that’s a fact,small doses indicate some benefit for oral health. I had this conversation with my Dentist he was all about having it in our water many people do not want it. My suggestion is to install fluoride dispenser on individual water services for those who want it can bear the cost .To put fluoride in the general water distribution system is indiscriminate and not everything benefits from fluoride .

11-12-2021, 08:42 AM
I think a lot is hereditary. My parents both had almost all their teeth. Mom surprised a new dentist after her old guy retired. She had a couple of caps that gave her issues, but still had all of her teeth at 93. Dad had all but the three that were knocked out by friend in his teens, bat will do that, when he passes at 73. I've only had my last 3 wisdom teeth removed 5 years ago, and only a cavity in one other. My wife on the other hand has awful teeth and has one plate and several implants.... We both had fluoridated water for along while in the 70s to 80s, maybe later.

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11-12-2021, 08:25 PM
Excessive fluoride consumption has been known to cause: skeletal damage, Lower IQs, arthritis and lower fertility, kidney, thyroid and pineal gland damage and cardiovascular damage. Fluoride is found in food products, also in fluoridated water, toothpaste and dental rinses. Even if the fluoride level added to drinking water is below harmful levels the amount ingested from other sources can increase the total consumed to harmful levels.
Fluoride is know to be effective in reducing cavities when administered to children whose adult teeth are still developing. It is also recognized as a causative of lower IQ in the same age bracket children. Several studies published on this topic.


All our drinking water (even for pets) is filtered to remove fluoride, metals and other contaminants. The filters cost $140.00 and are good for 10,000 gallons so cost is less than $1.00 per week.

Winger Ed.
11-12-2021, 08:33 PM
Excessive fluoride consumption has been known to cause: .

There was a article not too terribly long ago about some tooth pastes sold in the bargain stores.
It was intended to be exported to 3rd world countries that didn't have flouride treated water.

For us in the US, it had too much of it for us with our treated water supplies.
I can't remember all the down sides, but it was highly recommended not to use it.

11-14-2021, 01:16 PM
For those folks wanting to give their kids flouride in the tooth forming years it could be given in pill form. There's no need to treat the entire population just to get it in the kids. So why treat everyone?

I seem to remember the nazis experimenting with flouride in the concentration camps. If I remember correctly they found that it made people more docile, but our go'vermin would never treat everyone with flouride for any such reason.