View Full Version : M1 carbines

11-08-2021, 01:39 PM
Classic Firearms has a new listing for M1 carbines if anyone is interested in owning one. Gp

11-08-2021, 05:31 PM
The URL I looked at (thinks for tip) is https://www.classicfirearms.com/search/?q=m1+carbine. While they do have a few in stock, albeit I've wanted to buy one... the prices are a tad high (starting at $1,300.00 USD before tax and shipping!) for me... But -- they sure are eye candy to look at!

11-08-2021, 05:56 PM
M1 Carbines were fun to own and shoot when they were inexpensive plinkers; now the various quality commercial copies go for hundreds of dollars, and real GI carbines for a grand or much more, even in relatively poor condition, as collectibles. Refinished junker parts guns from Ethiopia are priced like gold dust.

11-08-2021, 08:30 PM
I agree with you guys. It's more than I would shell out for the African surplus too but prices just aren't like the "good ol' days" I looked at the ones offered by Midway a few months back and thought " They'll have a hard time selling those at that price". They were gone in two or three days. I'll be happy with my Universal built carbine, it shoots great when I think to get it out. Gp

Ithaca Gunner
11-08-2021, 09:28 PM
I never thought I would see the day when they got to this price level. I'm happy to own the one I have and love shooting it.

11-09-2021, 02:04 AM
Now that I'm in a position where I can afford one, I refuse to pay that much. That would be such a good hog hunting weapon.


11-09-2021, 05:57 AM
I was buying M1 carbines for less than $150 back in the early 90’s when I had my ffl. If I only knew , I would have stocked up . Oh well, we all can say that about a lot of things.

11-09-2021, 06:55 AM
I agree with you guys. It's more than I would shell out for the African surplus too but prices just aren't like the "good ol' days" I looked at the ones offered by Midway a few months back and thought " They'll have a hard time selling those at that price". They were gone in two or three days. I'll be happy with my Universal built carbine, it shoots great when I think to get it out. Gp

Mine is a Universal as well. Just cannot see investing over $1200 for the real thing

11-09-2021, 07:01 AM
Now that I'm in a position where I can afford one, I refuse to pay that much. That would be such a good hog hunting weapon.


A close friend -- a retired local LEO -- now is a licensed guide and exclusively uses two M1 carbines as the firearm of choice in coy-dog hunts. I don't know re hogs -- but Johnny sure swears by the .30 carbine on coy dogs!

Adam Helmer
11-09-2021, 10:32 AM
I love the M1 Carbine and bought two through the NRA/DCM program for $17.50 each plus $2.50 shipping to my home in 1965 when I was in the USAF. Since the American citizens paid for all Carbines in WWII, they should go back to the taxpayer/owners for $20 a pop, IMHO.

My M1 Carbines are IMB and Inland. Both are full military with DCM papers and are NRA Excellent. My grandsons will inherit them along with my DCM Garands, a $14.00 03-A3 and a M1911 which was $17.00 in 1963. The people owned those guns and the military was privilaged to use them.


Ithaca Gunner
11-09-2021, 11:00 AM
I love the M1 Carbine and bought two through the NRA/DCM program for $17.50 each plus $2.50 shipping to my home in 1965 when I was in the USAF. Since the American citizens paid for all Carbines in WWII, they should go back to the taxpayer/owners for $20 a pop, IMHO.

My M1 Carbines are IMB and Inland. Both are full military with DCM papers and are NRA Excellent. My grandsons will inherit them along with my DCM Garands, a $14.00 03-A3 and a M1911 which was $17.00 in 1963. The people owned those guns and the military was privilaged to use them.


I like the way you think.

I've owned quite a few, mostly Inlands until 15 years ago when I was offered a Underwood for $300.00 from a friend. I told him I would buy it, sight unseen. Turned out this Underwood was the 69th. one off the line with a barrel date of 10-42! But it's one from Korea with a double stamp serial number and import stamp, however it still the best shooting carbine I ever had.

I like the shooting economy of them, for plinking I use a LEE 311-100-2R pb and enough IMR4227 to function the gun, works great and hardly costs more than a primer and a little powder.


Adam Helmer
11-09-2021, 01:35 PM

We must remember a few critical facts: First, the government has NO money, all the money they spend is our money. Second, all military arms are OWNED by the taxpayers. When they attempted to destroy 600,000 Garands in the 1970s or 1980s, the Courts did FNALLY do due diligence and prevented destruction of taxpayer-owned arms.

The "RULING CLASS" now in government cannot accept the clear LIMITS on government in our Constitution. All government issued arms are paid for by our taxes and should be sold at a low price back to the taxpayer/owners.

Limited Government or Socialism; Which will folks now paying near $4.00 per gallon of gas get smart and FINALLY get their heads out of their posteriors???? Lincoln said we had a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Really?


Ithaca Gunner
11-09-2021, 05:22 PM
I still like the way you think...the truth! Goobermint over-reach has gotten to the point of intolerable, these arrogant clowns think we work for them. A wake up call is long overdue.

BTW, we were neighbors in the 50's-early 60's. I'm from Elk Township, Tioga County originally. Potter County line bordered our farm.

Patrick L
11-09-2021, 11:21 PM
I picked up a CMP carbine back in the early 2000s. Maybe 2007?? They weren't quite cheap then, but not the crazy money they are now. If you cast for them they are unbelievably cheap shooting. I love mine!

Ithaca Gunner
11-10-2021, 08:44 AM
There's something about those little carbines that no other gun can quite duplicate.

11-10-2021, 08:44 AM
For us oldsters it's rather amazing, isn't it. I remember thinking $100 was a bit much to pay for a Carbine but, I did. I keep it hid, everyone wants to buy it!!!!!

Adam Helmer
11-10-2021, 12:46 PM
Ithaca Gunner,

I came late to the game. I was raised in Chester County about 5 miles from Valley Forge. I went into the USAF in 1962 at age 17. I was the youngest in my barracks #5556 at Lackland AFB. You could honestly say I grew up in "Uncle Sam's Orphanage" Lol.

In the 1980s, I was preparing to retire from my Boston Federal Agent job. I looked at a PA map and saw so much State Forest ad State Game Land in Tioga County. I decided to look for my next home in Northcentral PA. In 1988, I bought a 60-acre farm 5 miles out of Mansfield.
You could NOT get me out of Tioga County with a stick of dynamite!

I am home now. I have been blessed with three adopted dogs that love country life. Also, I finally have all my stuff in one place! In 1988, there were more cows than people in my county. After Boston, it was a JOY to realize people stopped for red traffic lights and a Stop sign was NOT a mere suggestion. LOL. I am Home Now.
Be Well.

Lloyd Smale
11-12-2021, 09:15 AM
I was buying M1 carbines for less than $150 back in the early 90’s when I had my ffl. If I only knew , I would have stocked up . Oh well, we all can say that about a lot of things.

i did better then that. I was in the bar with my dad when i was about 15 and a guy said he had one for sale for 50 bucks. I told him id take it and dad gave him the money (i paid him back) and the guy went out in the truck and brought a gun case in the door. We were leaving so i didnt open it till i got home and found there were two in it. One in beautiful shape and the other shot well but looked well worn. I sold the beater a week later for 50 bucks. The stupid thing was though back in the early 80s when they still werent worth much i traded an ex brother in law my nice one and 15 mags for a super blackhawk. Probably ended up being the worse trade i ever made. There fun guns but i have to agree with some others that there not 1200 dollars fun. Now if they had some for 500 bucks i might bite.

11-12-2021, 10:04 AM
i did better then that. I was in the bar with my dad when i was about 15 and a guy said he had one for sale for 50 bucks. I told him id take it and dad gave him the money (i paid him back) and the guy went out in the truck and brought a gun case in the door. We were leaving so i didnt open it till i got home and found there were two in it. One in beautiful shape and the other shot well but looked well worn. I sold the beater a week later for 50 bucks. The stupid thing was though back in the early 80s when they still werent worth much i traded an ex brother in law my nice one and 15 mags for a super blackhawk. Probably ended up being the worse trade i ever made. There fun guns but i have to agree with some others that there not 1200 dollars fun. Now if they had some for 500 bucks i might bite.

I feel your pain vis not so good ;) trades -- IF I listed my stupid/bad ones it would be a question whether I'd first run out of paper or ink...
BUT -- I "had to have" a M1 Carbine years back, and purchased one of the Hialeah, Florida made Universals. (I understand Universal made great, good, and not-so-good versions: mine was clearly in the last group!) Anyhoos -- with much thanks to a fellow site member, who has become a ~1,000-mile distant friend -- I now have a Quality carbine which, to say I adore, would be an understatement! I was able to trade off the Universal locally which helped $$$-wise -- but I did give "more than a grand" for the Quality Hardware carbine. Now... this has been one of the best purchases I've made!
YES -- some (at least this ONE!) m1 carbines ARE worth the big bucks!

11-12-2021, 10:43 AM
The Saginaw General Motors version was made at the “Gun Plant” half a mile from my house. My uncle worked there. I would love to have one of them, but $$$ doesn’t permit. They plowed it down flat about 15’ish years ago? Whole family worked for GM.
I have a Universal gifted by a friend. Haven’t been able to get out and shoot it yet. It stays.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ithaca Gunner
11-12-2021, 12:25 PM
The M-1 Carbine is one of those forever on my short list of rifles to have in the safe along with M-1 Rifles, 1917 Enfield, Trap Doors, about any Mauser sporter, and Pre-war1894 Winchester Carbine. I don't feel complete without at least one of each.

Lloyd Smale
11-13-2021, 04:08 AM
I feel your pain vis not so good ;) trades -- IF I listed my stupid/bad ones it would be a question whether I'd first run out of paper or ink...
BUT -- I "had to have" a M1 Carbine years back, and purchased one of the Hialeah, Florida made Universals. (I understand Universal made great, good, and not-so-good versions: mine was clearly in the last group!) Anyhoos -- with much thanks to a fellow site member, who has become a ~1,000-mile distant friend -- I now have a Quality carbine which, to say I adore, would be an understatement! I was able to trade off the Universal locally which helped $$$-wise -- but I did give "more than a grand" for the Quality Hardware carbine. Now... this has been one of the best purchases I've made!
YES -- some (at least this ONE!) m1 carbines ARE worth the big bucks!

i had a universal too and it was a total you know what.

Lloyd Smale
11-13-2021, 04:15 AM
I was buying M1 carbines for less than $150 back in the early 90’s when I had my ffl. If I only knew , I would have stocked up . Oh well, we all can say that about a lot of things.

yup its like when the prison here switched to 40s and sold off all here k frames. I bought 5 for a 150 bucks each and gave 3 away to buddys. Should have bought every one they had. Screwed up again 2 years ago when the same prison sold off all there glock 22s and bought 19s. My son in law had a cousin working there and came over one day and said they were selling 22s for 275 bucks with one mag. I told him to get me one. About a month later i asked him if he was still getting it. He checked and said all the used ones were gone but they had 10 new ones with 3 mags for 300. I laughed when he said " i dont know if you still want one" With the mags it was cheaper then a new one. I should have bought 5 of them!! But i was just starting on the new house and was afraid to dump any more money and i already had 2 22s as it was. Still though i kick myself all the time over that stupidity. The big gun crunch hit about two months after i got it and i could have probably doubled my money in a month!!!

11-13-2021, 08:25 AM
Lloyd, I can think of a few like that. In the early 90’s a ffl holder could get 1917’s & 1914’s for $125-150 and mint Swedish Mausers(38) for the same. Mosin Nagants for $75. Now you would get a heck of a return for your investment.

11-13-2021, 08:29 AM
i had a universal too and it was a total you know what.

A fellow at range has a very early Universal-manufactured M1 clone -- bion, made mostly of GI parts -- and I cannot ever recall it failing at matches or his general range shooting. Based upon this, I thought I was getting quite the deal on the Universal I bought. Lo and behold -- the TWO operating springs should have been a "clue" -- mine was a problem machine and definitely did not like cast bullet loads. Fellows knowing more than I do (who doesn't? ;)) advised that Universal was -- like, say Charter Arms, and Dan Wesson -- a company using same name but having different manufacturing. While the two others I mentioned seem to maintain high quality throughout, sadly, I was told, those Hialeah, Florida-made Universal were most often "the pits"!
Was yours, too, one of the Hialeah 'wonders'?

Der Gebirgsjager
11-13-2021, 09:16 AM

My favorite. It's an AMAC from the early '80s.

Everything you ever wanted to know about the M1 Carbine is to be found in a very extensive online article. Manufacturers, how many, when, etc. Just Google "M1 Carbine" and it will come up. I wish the author would turn it into a book, but he's a very self-effacing fellow and says that he just doesn't know everything. What he does know, and the data he has collected will astound you.

I joined the NRA in about 1966, and it wasn't too long when I got my first carbine for about $20 delivered. It was a Standard Products with an Underwood barrel. Then I encountered a barrel full of them at Newberry's Dept. Store and selected another for about $35. Just luck of the draw, but it turned out to be a Standard also. Then, in the '90s the returns from S. Korea hit the marked, stamped "Blue Sky Enterprises." I got a Winchester, like new, but with the importer's name stamped on the barrel. I liked those three so much, and realized that they were climbing in value, so decided to buy an Iver Johnson as a "knock around gun." It's taken me lots of years and lots of guns to realize that I keep all of my firearms in pristine condition, and never knock any of them around! Shortly thereafter I got the AMAC version. Turned out that the AMAC is a tack driver, but the Iver Johnson not so much. In fact, after many years of periodic frustration, I had to add an Ultimak scope mount and scope to the IJ to get it to perform well.

Around 30 years of gunsmithing taught me that the early Universal and Plainfield carbines were good, but later production should be avoided. Stay away from cast receivers made by Nat. Ord, Fed Ord, Alpine, etc. The IJ and AMAC guns are generally good, but can be highly individualistic. I've heard no complaints about the newer versions by Inland and IMI, but have never owned or shot either version. I had a customer bring in one of the redesigned double recoil spring Universals once who complained that it jammed. The left side lug of the bolt was eating into the receiver inside the rail (soft) and was hanging up to the extent that one had to disassemble the rifle to unfreeze it. Had to buy a new receiver.


Ithaca Gunner
11-13-2021, 02:25 PM
Thanks, I'll look for that article. I have the book, ''War Baby'' which has production numbers and details of who made what when and how many on each contract. It even goes into some detail of the factories, testing, and deliveries. Very good book, but pricey these days.

11-13-2021, 02:30 PM
my late grandpap had a 30 carbine that he brought back from WW2. its now my dad's rifle.

Larry Gibson
11-13-2021, 02:39 PM
I've had numerous M1 Carbines over the years. Also had access to shoot many M1 and 2nd while in the Army. Used one to affect in the late SE Asian war games.


11-13-2021, 02:54 PM
Larry, what is the suppressor setup on that one?

Texas by God
11-13-2021, 09:26 PM
In the blind hog finds acorn X 2 category, a co worker asked me if I would give him $400 dollars for his .30 Carbine. I said bring it and I'll look at it( suspecting a Universal). It was a rare Howa Sporter model, the only one I've ever seen. The cute little thing eats cast superbly. It even came with a red leatherette case- which sealed the deal for my wife to claim it........
The X2 part was a couple of years ago my cousin called and said that a guy at his work wanted $400 for a "30 carbine". It says Inland on it- is it worth it?
I yelled at him on the phone "Hang up and BUY it!!!
The front sight got de-eared and the stock Bubba checkered but still a nice score!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211114/2bd522426624430bcd1977f6e1e37e01.jpg

Sent from my SM-A716U using Tapatalk

Der Gebirgsjager
11-13-2021, 10:59 PM
Say, Amigo...the front sight replacement on that de-horned carbine is pretty easy if you know how (which I'm sure you do, but others may not). Just knock out the cross pin, then knock out the "key" under the sight back to front. Tap off the sight off the muzzle. Install new sight in reverse order.

I learned this the hard way, about 1966 on my original carbine. I can't remember why I wanted to remove the sight, but I hammered away and destroyed the pin and key. My dad, being a fix-it kind of guy, said we could just solder it back on without the damaged parts. Doggoned if it didn't work, and the solder completely filled out the key slot and pin hole, even coming out the side of the holes in a rounded shape looking like the ends of a pin. Except, that it was silver colored. Many times I've thought about melting out the solder and restoring it to original with new parts, but it looks so good, why bother?


11-14-2021, 12:43 AM
I bought a Blue Sky about 10 years ago for $400. Stock was badly messed up. So the dealer who was right behind the carbine dealer had a brand new old stock for $65 with stock and handguard. At the time decent carbines started taking off in price to the tune of $650 and up. Mine is a Saginaw steering gear with Winchester barrel. Nice bright shiney bore and good all the way to the muzzle. Did manage to get some WWII 15 round mags and a couple of the 30 round Korean mags. I have one 50 round box of WRA 44 headstamped ammo that was repacked. That I'm saving. Frank

35 Whelen
11-14-2021, 06:20 AM
I was a blind hog a few weeks ago. The son-in-law of one of my besties tells me he found a gun in an unclaimed storage unit that he bought. $300 later I was the proud owner of an Inland that cleaned up pretty nice.



11-14-2021, 10:08 AM
My local Cabellas had a rack full of them, none less than $1900, most more that. They've been slowly-but-steadily selling all year at those prices, and only a few remain. Classic's price is certainly more reasonable.

Larry Gibson
11-14-2021, 11:05 AM
Larry, what is the suppressor setup on that one?

Registered and then built from a kit (Shotgun News) with unfinished baffles, unfinished end pieces but no tube 40+ years ago. Had a friend with a machine shop that did a lot of manufacturing tube parts. Design resembles a Maxim. Works quite well. Was all legal back then to build your own, questionable now.

11-15-2021, 08:31 AM
Registered and then built from a kit (Shotgun News) with unfinished baffles, unfinished end pieces but no tube 40+ years ago. Had a friend with a machine shop that did a lot of manufacturing tube parts. Design resembles a Maxim. Works quite well. Was all legal back then to build your own, questionable now.

That off set design is slick looking. Is the barrel threaded or is it clamped on? I have a .30 cal suppressor but don't want to monkey with my Underwood carbine too much.

Texas by God
11-20-2021, 10:26 PM
The wife's Howa likes the C309113F Lee as shown by the underlined 100 yd group.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211121/bc872212c3f255a770adaf405a4cab2d.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211121/b8002bb1ef79a3a85e0c1374a585fcc4.jpg

Sent from my SM-A716U using Tapatalk

11-28-2021, 10:35 PM
As a kid of the “60’s and early 70’s” and interested in bustin’ coyotes, it was long range varmint gun’s that I fancied!

I would drool over those ballistic charts that gave velocity, energy and bullet drop information. Looking at those numbers with regard to the 25-20 Win and the 30 Carbine, I just could not believe how anybody could get “warm and fuzzy” about them. Simply put, they just were not SEXY!

Well, my zippy guns have increased in numbers and I still cherish their performance but I now also have a TC Contender barreled in 25-20 Win AND a 30 Carbine (early Inland) that I also cherish!

I “fell into” that Inland (150$ a few years ago) and though I have not gotten my game going with cast with it yet, it is a real shooter with j words. We are talking golf balls at 35yds and iron sights with my old eyes! I had always heard they were not very accurate.

My Inland must of missed that rumor!


Ithaca Gunner
11-28-2021, 11:43 PM
Accuracy is a relative term. I took my Underwood to the range one day for the sole purpose of a function test with some 100gr boolits cast from a LEE mold and a charge I figured would cycle, but not sure. I shot off hand at a 3'' circle at 25yds. I fired 15 rounds and all were inside the circle. Do that with about any rifle, Right? Yeah, about any rifle. 3'' circle, 50yds. most rifles in the hands of a decent shot will keep 10 shots inside the circle off hand, including the M-1 carbine. 100yds, 6'' circle, a decent shot can keep 10 shots inside the black off hand with most any rifle, including an M-1 carbine. Chances are, on a scoring target with 8-9-10-X in the black most any decent shot with any rifle including an M-1 carbine will score high 80's-mid 90's. An expert will score mid-high 90's and maybe even shoot an '03 Springfield better enough than the carbine that you could see the difference. The carbine looks better now, but it'll probably start telling the difference at 150 or most certainly 200yds. They were plenty accurate for what they were designed for, it wasn't bench rest match's.

11-28-2021, 11:59 PM
“...... plenty accurate for what they were designed for, .......”

I agree, but they are often characterized as poor in accuracy. If you could see the shape my poor Inland appears to be in (mostly the deteriorated wood though) you might be a bit surprised how well it shoots.

I well know the range limitations of the cartridge but for the few $$ I invested and how handy it is, I have a keeper.


Ithaca Gunner
11-29-2021, 12:39 AM
Usually the people that cry the carbine lacks accuracy should try 10 rounds off hand at a 100yd. bull with a carbine and their favorite deer rifle. They'll probably shoot the carbine better due to it's low recoil and muzzle blast. Off a bench though the carbine doesn't stand much of a chance up against the average deer or service rifle.

11-29-2021, 12:54 AM
At the prices I read I will buy an Auto Ordinance .30 Carbine for a bit over $500.

11-29-2021, 12:55 PM
2A-Jay I agree with you. But finding any carbine right now (no matter the manufacturer) is not easy. And everyone that has one thinks it is a Holy Grail collectible or just trying to gouge while the gouging is good. Buying anything while the market is "hot" is not a good idea. Wait a little bit and the craziness will calm down and the prices will settle back to normal. I am an old dog and I have seen this too many times to count. Guns, ammo, components will calm down when people realize they are still being made and all they have to do is be patient until the hoarders and the new equipment owners get their shorts un-twisted and calm down. Of course prices will never be as low as they were before the "panic" but they will come down a whole lot from what some are asking for them right now. my .02 anyway, james

Ithaca Gunner
11-29-2021, 01:13 PM
I did a price check on Guns International, found 4 pages of carbines including Universals. Four pages is about double what it usually is to begin with meaning, yeah everybody wants a piece of the action while it's hot and prices are way overboard! Universals at $800? Nope, not from me! G.I. carbines averaging $2,000.00! That's about double what I expected to see in my lifetime. The good news is, they don't seem to be selling, which means prices should be coming down soon...I hope.

11-29-2021, 02:34 PM
I have long thought about reboring or rebarreling a carbine to .357 rimless. The carbine brass is the same length as .357 magnum brass. I think I'd use .300 AAC brass. If the guvmint can get a straight .30 case to headspace on the case mouth it should be fine in .357. The little carbine would make a fine short range deeer gun in .357.


11-29-2021, 02:48 PM
I did a price check on Guns International, found 4 pages of carbines including Universals. Four pages is about double what it usually is to begin with meaning, yeah everybody wants a piece of the action while it's hot and prices are way overboard! Universals at $800? Nope, not from me! G.I. carbines averaging $2,000.00! That's about double what I expected to see in my lifetime. The good news is, they don't seem to be selling, which means prices should be coming down soon...I hope.

That's my hope, too. I'll buy the next one I can get for $6-800 in good shape. This $12-1500 stuff is beyond my willingness to pay.

35 Whelen
11-30-2021, 12:08 AM
At the prices I read I will buy an Auto Ordinance .30 Carbine for a bit over $500.

You might want to read this (https://forums.thecmp.org/showthread.php?t=289446) before you buy and AO. Problems with them are not at all uncommon.

I did a price check on Guns International, found 4 pages of carbines including Universals. Four pages is about double what it usually is to begin with meaning, yeah everybody wants a piece of the action while it's hot and prices are way overboard! Universals at $800? Nope, not from me! G.I. carbines averaging $2,000.00! That's about double what I expected to see in my lifetime. The good news is, they don't seem to be selling, which means prices should be coming down soon...I hope.

Guns International is not really a good barometer by which to measure M1 Carbine prices. For $15, a seller can list a firearm at a silly price for an unlimited amount time, and hope some sucker comes along and pays it. A slightly better measure is Gunbrokers "Completed Auctions" search. It's far from perfect (I recently bought a nice Saginaw for $705), but shows that your typical mixmaster will sell for $1100 to $1600 depending on the make and how well it's marketed.

Don't poo-poo the Universal's, at least not the first 100,000 or so that were made. There were mostly USGI parts, but the barrels were new production. I have one in the 80,000 serial number range and it shoots circles around any and all of my USGI carbines, even with it in a Choate stock.

https://i.imgur.com/Mx9ZQQrl.jpg https://i.imgur.com/sWbe9QTl.jpg https://i.imgur.com/fzZLDncl.jpg

I wouldn't count on prices coming down....at all. I've been collecting and shooting Milsurps for quite a few years now and I don't ever remember any of them ever going down in price.


11-30-2021, 07:09 PM
I have two M1 Carbines. The first is an Auto Ordnance AOM-180 (yes, that’s the right model). It has an 18.6” barrel instead of an 18” made for sale in Canada from what I’ve heard. I bought it new from Bud’s about 5 or 6 years ago. I really wanted to like the little rifle, but I had to replace the magazines and magazine catch with USGI versions to get the magazines to stay in. I have also always had problems with the gas piston nut staying put. After loc-tite didn’t work, I re-staked it, and it stayed put for a little while, but eventually worked it’s way loose again. Eventually, I had a machinist put a small screw through the piston housing to hold the piston nut in place. Now it works great, but at a cost of buying replacement parts on my dime, and having custom work done on the gas system to be reliable.

The second is a 1943 Inland that I bought last year from Royal Tiger Imports for $799. The stock was kind of beat up, and I had to replace the handguard, but the mechanical parts and barrel were virtually new, and all matching numbers. Other than the import mark, you’d think it was fresh from the WWII Inland factory. From the first round it was 100% reliable, and more accurate than my Auto Ordnance. I just checked their site, and these are now going for $1299 for Good to Very Good, and North from there.

From my experience, if I were to have to buy my first one again, I’d get a USGI model. The Auto Ordnance is good when it works, but it’s just luck of the draw if it’s a lemon or not.

11-30-2021, 09:44 PM
A 300$ BO will outdo the carbine easily. And can carry a 150gr to 2k fps accurately. Plus they come in semi-auto versions too. Most of my school teachers were back from Korea or served during WWII. Had little like or use for the carbine - except that was the sentry duty weapon. Kinda like the 1911, a 'last resort' battle weapon.

35 Whelen
12-01-2021, 12:33 AM
A 300$ BO will outdo the carbine easily. And can carry a 150gr to 2k fps accurately. Plus they come in semi-auto versions too. Most of my school teachers were back from Korea or served during WWII. Had little like or use for the carbine - except that was the sentry duty weapon. Kinda like the 1911, a 'last resort' battle weapon.

But we're talking about M1 Carbine's, not AR-15's and the .300 Blackout. The whole "This round is better than that round." argument is a black hole.


12-01-2021, 01:45 AM
I like the 30 Carbine because reloading cast bullets I can get close or equal to Jacketed Wolf ammo 1785 FPS cast .Just over 500 rounds per pound of powder .

12-01-2021, 10:45 AM
Picture on my wall of my father with a carbine with infrared scope Korea 50-51 , carried a M1 Garand with a scope , carbine for special occasions .

I had one I bought from Springfield sporters it and a M1 Garand , loved that carbine and Garand .

12-01-2021, 09:39 PM
Love shooting the local CMP match with my NPM


12-06-2021, 06:35 AM
A "worth watching" YouTube was released by Wolfe Publishing, featuring Mike Venturino discussing, and their shooting, his Standard Products Corp WWII U S M1 Carbine. The link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIWXhBVOKTU

12-06-2021, 08:02 AM
what does a UNIVERSAL or a PLAINFIELD or IVER JOHNSON, after market knock off go for now? just courious, as I have them and they all shoot well.

12-07-2021, 02:01 PM
I sold my Universal a couple years back for $400.00
The friend wanted it to use , so he wasn't wearing out his collectors carbines

12-07-2021, 03:12 PM
what does a UNIVERSAL or a PLAINFIELD or IVER JOHNSON, after market knock off go for now? just courious, as I have them and they all shoot well.

Bion, I used my Hialeah, Florida Universal (with a sling, oiler, two magazines and an on-stock pouch added to mag in the carbine) as a trade towards a rifle "I couldn't live without") at a LGS about nine months ago, where dealer applied an even-Steven five hundred dollars trade towards the new rifle. As the dealer is also on Gunbroker and lists with free shipping, I reckon that's $35.00 to $50.00 of his price -- so, in real dollars, I reckon my carbine was worth maybe $400 -- with the shipping and extra mags, sling, etc. adding to full trade price. (I had given $350 for the Universal about five years earlier; private seller; and was almost "blown away" to get the $500.00 trade offer.)

Uncle Grinch
12-08-2021, 10:03 PM
Been wanting a 30 carbine for years. Like most, I should have picked one up when I had my C&R. Thought about a commercial or even a newly manufactured GI carbine. Heck… if I’m going to put out $1000+, I want my investment to appreciate, if not for me for my son.

Short story… I order one from Classic Firearms today .

12-09-2021, 05:16 PM
There fun guns but i have to agree with some others that there not 1200 dollars fun.

No, now they're $1500-$2000 fun.

I may have over paid when I bought my bring back Underwood for $75 back in the early '70's, but I'm okay with that. lol