View Full Version : Redfield receiver sight

11-02-2021, 09:20 AM
Not sure if this is the right place to post this. Mods feel free to move.

I recently bought a Redfield receiver sight. I have looked, and found very scant info on the company. Yes I know they were located in Denver. I know that the original company folded around 1998. Can anyone give me a brief history of the Denver based company?


11-02-2021, 09:40 AM

The Redfield Gun Sight Co was founded in 1909:



11-02-2021, 09:58 AM
Thank you pietro.

Yes, I found that brief statement. I guess I wanted to know a little history about their receiver sights. I have several of their original scopes. When I was a kid growing up, we thought there was no better scope than Redfield. Of course, we could not afford one!

I wanted a Redfield sight for my 1886 Winchester. I dug and dug and came up that the 102F, 80F, and 70F was what I was looking for. It is very difficult to find info on the company and it's products.

I found a sight that fits my 86. It has no model markings on it.