View Full Version : Sambar deer Ambush Model 94 .375

11-02-2021, 03:03 AM
The evenings are pleasant but the days slowly warming up, we decided it was too nice of a day not to be out huntin.

i took a mate up with me to do some filming , which mind you has come up an awesome little edit.

i took the 375 winchester out in hopes of ambushing some deer coming through to a wallow, before decending into night feeding areas.
we got in nice an early, with 2 and a half hours of light left , it was a bit for a climb for the city boy but good for the soul.

upon reaching the spot to sit , we already had deer in the area an they spooked as we made a little noise, it was a fallow and a young sambar.

not to worry i thought, it was early an more deer should come through, as these did not blow off, rather snuck off...

a while in an sound of wild dogs above had the eyes peeled , in hopes of a bounty of scalps.
not to be an with light fading all was reasonably quiet, except some birds seemingly in a fuss about something.....

slowly but surely the shapes evolved out from the far bushes and some sambar, about 5 or 6 , slowly moved out in to the clearing.

60m across gulley i eventully left one have it, broadside aiming for the shoulder.
at the shot deer scattered everywhere, i reloaded an lined up on another deer maybe 75 meters out closer to the bush edge, an then all was quite.

we waited a good while a i could hear some sounds, then we got honked, deer were close by still!

light was gone, so it was time to check out for blood-
we found the deer which needed a coupe de grace , although a decent placed shot ? maybe needed 5 more minutes perhaps....

the 245gr FN hard cast jobby done the job, cut thru the deer an exited about liver area far side...
i missed the 2nd deer but was not at ease, we searched for blood to no avail, lookin at footage i was not solid steady as the first set up....all good there.

took the prime cuts and back legs before walking back out in the dark, good times had.

waiting im ambush



sitting over this area

11-02-2021, 06:06 AM
Good For You & your Friend! Good choice not to pass up a beautiful day to hunt. And it seems to have payed off well. Good Show!

11-02-2021, 07:40 AM
Thanks for the pics and the great story, you ought to write books ! The 375 Win. sounds like the perfect tool for your type of hunting. Always like to see the game, terrain, and here how members on the other side of the world from us in the US enjoy hunting and their guns.


11-02-2021, 08:10 AM
Looks to be hill country, a far cry different that the movies of the flat outback. Pretty, though, and holds game. What more can one ask for? Hunting near dusk with open sights/peep sights can be a challenge. I do it myself. Congratulations on the hunt, the success with the Lever Rifle and Cast Boolits and the protein to enjoy. Looks to be young and tender.

11-02-2021, 10:41 AM
Thanks for sharing your pics, and congrats on a job well done.

11-02-2021, 11:33 AM

Welcome to Castboolits. Thank you for the photos and sharing your experience. Looking forward to hearing more of your experience, and hoping you enjoy the ones others share here in the U.S.


white eagle
11-02-2021, 06:29 PM
Thanks for the hunt story
I never gave much thought or even knew much about the 375 win
but after your story have become intrigued by that caliber

11-02-2021, 08:43 PM
Do those things eat well?

Fun times [emoji106] congrats

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11-03-2021, 02:40 AM
Appreciate the replies Gents...

yeah they eat well, particularly these yearling or so ones, old stag not so much but females , yep, vey nice. gamey but pends how ya cook it n what ya do with it!

yeah RE the 375 win, little known an not much of a fad just had a short phase in, quickly phased out.... mines loaded light yeah, so goes steady on shoulder but handy rifle in potent round still.

Lloyd Smale
11-03-2021, 08:19 AM
Do those things eat well?

Fun times [emoji106] congrats

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buddy brought a couple home from tx. It tasted to me alot like elk. It was good but the fallow deer were better. But keep in mind these were all bucks. The best "venison i ever ate" was doe fallow deer from a buddys game farm up here. Second id give to smaller caribou.

11-03-2021, 02:21 PM
buddy brought a couple home from tx. It tasted to me alot like elk. It was good but the fallow deer were better. But keep in mind these were all bucks. The best "venison i ever ate" was doe fallow deer from a buddys game farm up here. Second id give to smaller caribou.

No arguement from me regarding the Fallow for fine table fare! :)

11-03-2021, 08:49 PM
buddy brought a couple home from tx. It tasted to me alot like elk. It was good but the fallow deer were better. But keep in mind these were all bucks. The best "venison i ever ate" was doe fallow deer from a buddys game farm up here. Second id give to smaller caribou.

Best game meat I’ve ever had the pleasure of eating was caribou. I eat my fare share of it. Mostly whitetail and small game.

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11-04-2021, 12:00 AM
Best game meat I’ve ever had the pleasure of eating was caribou. I eat my fare share of it. Mostly whitetail and small game.

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yeah we dont find many caribou down here, ones that we do find are stuffed an the foam isnt good chewin

Lloyd Smale
11-04-2021, 03:24 AM
to be honest. I did shoot one fallow deer when the buddy was culling his herd because he had to many does. Ive never shot a caribou. Had a buddy that went every year and came home with two. He hunted all over the continent then and had meat out the kazzo so he would give me a caribou every year and alot of other meat. He loved antelope hunting but didnt like the meat. So all the antelope went to me. I know some dont care for it and it wasnt my favorite but it sure was eatable!! He doesnt go hunting anymore other then deer and bear out his back door because he had been in a bad accident when we were young and its caught up to him and hes bed ridden about 1/2 the time. Now its me giving him meat all the time.

11-04-2021, 08:15 AM
Welcome To cast boolits, great story and pictures. I have a qustion ? do you still have a pro gun rights group in Australia? . I used to get a Magazine from Australia that was alot like the NRA puts out here. I would like to Find out if I could again .

11-06-2021, 06:47 PM
That .375 puts them down for the count! Thanks for sharing.