View Full Version : Wiping between shots

01-13-2009, 12:02 PM
The posts I read on this subject seem to always combine some sort of water soluble oil and water in some proportion. Why not just the oil, maybe in some mix of different ones?? With just oil would it not possibly eliminate the need for the dry patch last ??
I am led to believe that the object is to wipe the same between shots, thus leaving the barrel in a uniform condition each shot.
Have done some very limited experiments with this method, does anyone else have any experience in this area they will share??
FYI have never been to a "shoot" and don't know what those guys do!

01-13-2009, 01:23 PM
Some wipe with just water. It is a good 'solvent' for the fouling that you are trying to 'manage'. I suppose there are a few theories on what the value of the water soluable oil is, but I don't have a real clear picture on that part.

The dry patch also dries out the chamber. You wouldn't want water - or oil - left in there...

01-13-2009, 01:37 PM
jerrold, wiping between shots is something that varies between shooters as much as wiping between strings of shots or not wiping at all. I do not wipe between shots, unless I am shooting a boolit that requires it, I.E a boolit with a long bore riding nose that is very close to bore diameter, or a paper patch boolit. Both these projectiles will result in difficult, if not impossible, chambering and will require wiping between shots. That being said, I will emphatically state that if you wipe with any liquid solution, it is very wise indeed to wipe with a dry patch. You MUST make sure the chamber is dry, otherwise you may have case separation resulting in the forward part of the case stuck somewhere amidships in the barrel. Been there, done that. No fun. As far as the recipes for the wiping solution, that varies from shooter to shooter. It varies as much as the style and brand of underwear we all adorn ourselves with. You also have to consider the time constraints for rifle management in any given match. I will encourage you to continue to experiment with this, as it is half the fun for a curious mind. You have the right idea about being uniform. It's like the old benchrst guys would say, "The Name of the Game is the Same". Once you have developed a load for the rifle, and a method of rifle management that is accurate and repeatable, then by all means stick with it.

Don McDowell
01-13-2009, 05:05 PM
+1 to Bill's post.

I'm thinking the bit of oil that will be left in the barrel will help provide some lubrication, so the bullets lube works a bit better and helps to keep fouling softer.

01-13-2009, 05:51 PM
+1 to Bill's post.

I'm thinking the bit of oil that will be left in the barrel will help provide some lubrication, so the bullets lube works a bit better and helps to keep fouling softer.Don, I'm no chemist, so I'll leave that to the guys with degrees. I shoot a softer lube like SPG, and I blow-tube between shots with my fixed ammunition. On a cooler day like a Spring or Fall shoot with a bit of humidity the fouling isn't much of a problem. Hot days, that's a different issue. Those times I give the barrel 3 good long huffs right before chambering and firing. Examine the muzzle for a good lube "star" and that is as good an indication that you're getting sufficient lube down the length of the spout. It's important to blow-tube right before the shot so a hot barrel and low humidity won't harden the fouling. Lots of guys I've spoken to won't put any kind of oil in the barrel. They feel it interacts with the BP fouling adversely. As for me, It's just something else on the cheeseburger I have to deal with. When you're dealing with paying attention to firing rotation, wind conditions, spotter calls, range officers, indexing cartridges when loading, writing in the notebook, ad nauseum, I really don't need anything else to grab my attention. But then, I'm easily confused!

Don McDowell
01-13-2009, 06:10 PM
:) Bill I can't even spell Chmiss,,Chems,,,, :roll:welll anyways,,,,,
My Badger barrelled 75 doen't tolerate anything slick on the bore that didn't get left there by a bullet. So if it gets hot enough the fouling gets so tuff that wiping is necessary , a spit patch works just fine.
I like Mr. Garbe's lube, but if you ever get a chance to try some of Harlan and Wendy Sage's, Sagebrush Alox, you might find the fouling just a weebit more sociaable even in some nasty hot and dry conditions. I don't have any loss of accuracy going 10 rounds with out wiping or blowing (don't even own a tube, never have, don't plan on it) without an appreciable loss in accuracy, when it does get hot and dry I can still go 5 rounds and then one spit patch and keep on truckin. That's with the Sagebrush Alox on the RCBS 82084 bullet, that bullet carries a good bit of lube, and have yet to have it not leave a good lube star when lubed with the Sagebrush.

01-13-2009, 10:28 PM
Don, I'm thinking of trying Harlans mix, just need to order some. Since you're from Wyoming, you know of the heat I speak of. I used to shoot the 1000 yard match at Forsyth before I left Gods Country, and Mr. Lee held that in July. One year it was 127 degrees, and that was pure Hades shooting that match. We had an empty institutional size ketchup jug and pump we filled with water, and after a string we'd pump water through our barrels to flush fouling and cool the barrels for the next relay. Barrel temps got up to 158 degrees. What a mess. We kept our cartridges in little coolers so the lube wouldn't melt out. I'm shooting a Hoch nose pour at 550 grains and that carries enough grease to leave a good star on the end of a 34" tube. I've always used a blow tube, from the day I started into this game, but that's my quirk. I'd be lost without it!

Kenny Wasserburger
01-14-2009, 12:44 AM
Just water can rust the barrel in BPCR use.

I use 1 part oil to 3 parts Water. 2 oz oil to 6 oz water. I use NAPA cutting oil. The patches are riced to give a consistent mositure content. 2 are used in competition followed by one dry one to dry chamber out and barrel also.

The level of accuracy is, And I mean real accuracy: well its pretty darn good.

Kenny (the Lunger) Wasserburger

Don McDowell
01-14-2009, 12:55 AM
Bill that heat at Al Lee's can get a bit rank down in that draw like that. But year before last at Kenny's shoot I don't think anybody knew what the temp was , but the rifle barrels were to hot to touch before you got to touch a round off. Wiping is a must in a deal like that. Alliance in August can get to be a real fouling control trial also.

01-15-2009, 05:57 PM
Fellas, if I ever shoot in a hot match like that again I will be wiping between shots. No doubt about it. I am a quick learner. I'm shooting out at Bend, Oregon now, and the scenery in central Oregon is alot like home, but I haven't seen the heat get quite like Montana or Wyoming. It's dry enough to practice that drill anyway.
