View Full Version : Shooting at the Town Square mall in Boise Idaho

10-25-2021, 06:46 PM
Very sorry to say that there was a shooting here in S.W. Idaho. Hard to think that it's happened here, this is a place known as a good, safe place to live. Six folks shot, one a police officer, two have been killed. Sad indeed. Gp

10-25-2021, 07:29 PM
Boise used to be safe before it became a city. We have had numerous homicides in town and the surrounding area over the decades. No one should assume that Idaho is "safe". Violent behavior and people exist everywhere. Just ask the police office who got shot doing a traffic stop on Curtis. How about the kid with the bayonet on a rifle. Too many incidents to list them all, but they happen frequently.

Sad, what happened at Boise Towne Square, but it was a soft target. We may not be on the same level for violence as PDX, but we are on our way!

10-25-2021, 07:49 PM
Nut jobs are seemingly everywhere these days. My wife was a bit reluctant to carry, but now does it ALL the time (SP101). Nowhere is 100% safe anymore, and one must be aware of their surroundings at all times. It's sad, but it's the reality of the times we live in.

10-25-2021, 08:01 PM
My best friend hated the thought of carrying a firearm off duty but now does, with all the insanity going on, especially the hunting of police officers. There is no respect left in this insane world. I hope the shooter was caught/exterminated.

10-25-2021, 08:37 PM
My best friend hated the thought of carrying a firearm off duty but now does, with all the insanity going on, especially the hunting of police officers. There is no respect left in this insane world. I hope the shooter was caught/exterminated.

Why would you NOT carry!!!!!!!!!

10-27-2021, 03:48 PM
Latest news is that it was another known nutcase.


Seems like every single case of a mass shooter involves a young white kid, leftist, wears all black, and has a history of anti-social behavior and contact with authorities.

10-28-2021, 02:51 AM
The population is under stress. People who watch too much television can go insane from the constant lies. When little makes sense senseless behavior becomes common.

10-28-2021, 03:01 AM

10-30-2021, 10:23 AM

11-01-2021, 11:21 AM
it looks like outside agitators trying to start trouble, at this time they don't get far

11-01-2021, 11:50 AM
What a shame.

Not long ago I read a piece from someone in the mental illness industry, a psychiatrist, psychologist, some sort of professional. He stated that 90% of his patients were leftists and further stated that wherever one went and looked it was that way everywhere. He didn't speculate why. Could be mental illness spawns the left, or is it that someone is leftist and that leaning toward satan twists the mind? I don't have the answers any more than the mental illness pro' did.

I believe, with no proof, that mind altering drugs are partly to blame for the shootings. I don't mean the drugs obtained from the corner pusher, but the ones legally obtained through a Rx.

11-01-2021, 12:06 PM
So another self proclaimed emigrant (supposed felon per IL) says it's ok to carry in Idaho and then shoots a bunch of civilians! Really? Is Idaho the sanctuary state for whack jobs? The only "freedom" is to be a loony toons refugee.

11-02-2021, 11:49 AM
What a shame.

Not long ago I read a piece from someone in the mental illness industry, a psychiatrist, psychologist, some sort of professional. He stated that 90% of his patients were leftists and further stated that wherever one went and looked it was that way everywhere. He didn't speculate why. Could be mental illness spawns the left, or is it that someone is leftist and that leaning toward satan twists the mind? I don't have the answers any more than the mental illness pro' did.

I believe, with no proof, that mind altering drugs are partly to blame for the shootings. I don't mean the drugs obtained from the corner pusher, but the ones legally obtained through a Rx.

They like to brag about their therapists. Woody Allen and all that. Normal folks just dust off the traveling shoes.