View Full Version : Beeswax

10-19-2021, 12:43 AM
I am looking for Beeswax on this forum but have not been able to find anyone who has some. Any help here?


10-19-2021, 12:59 AM
I’ve heard of people having good luck with buy beeswax on Etsy. I usually have between 50-100lb on hand but between my wife and my sister making candles this summer I’m out but I will be harvesting my last run of honey and wax before wintering my hives over the next couple weeks.

10-19-2021, 03:06 AM
Check EBay.

10-19-2021, 09:13 AM
Check local Beekeeper's ... the old phone book had a complete section on Beekeepers , supplies , honey suppliers , hives etc, etc ... Might have been under Apiary ... Yes , the magic word is Apiary or Beekeeper . I did a quick search Apiary near me and there are 3 close to me with websites .
Also there is www.localhoneyfinder.org a resource to locate honey / wax etc.
Louisiana also has a state association , Louisiana Beekeeper's Association www.labeekeepers.org to help people connect with beekeepers resources .
Your State should have a local association or do a "nearest me" search and find one local .
Going there and buying wax sure cuts down on the shipping cost and you can buy fresh local honey and make a friend .

10-19-2021, 09:16 AM
PM sent.

10-19-2021, 11:58 AM
Beeswax has a thousand and one uses. Just clean metal of all oil, warm and then rub down with Beeswax, you just discovered how bright steel was kept bright before blueing. It also keeps a table saw table rust free and case colors bright.

10-19-2021, 12:10 PM
Your county extension office should be able to hook you up with some local beekeepers. I buy on the Swappin and sellin forum here. My local beekeepers think wax is gold. :roll:

10-19-2021, 12:26 PM
How much do you need?

10-19-2021, 12:38 PM
The soft lube I use for my revolver boolits is mostly beeswax. Leaves a light film of it all over. Sure can't hurt!

10-19-2021, 12:46 PM
I just pulled my honey frames for the first time last week. I will render the wax in a few days. I will use all of It plus some.

10-22-2021, 09:04 AM
It took some calling, asking, and digging in my area (very rural) but I located a beekeepers group. Within that small group I was pointed to the largest producer who happened to be the president. All the smaller guys didn’t have any wax to spare. The president showed me his operation and gracefully sold me 25# of “caps”. I didn’t know this, but all he was ever going to sell me was the caps from the comb. When they cut to tops off the cells, that is the only wax that is in excess. He also renders those caps and reuses it to attract bees and given them ready made wax to rebuild damaged parts of the comb. The beekeeper values the cap wax very much. He told me the general pounds of honey per pound of cap wax ratio and it was high. He sold me my stash for 5.00 per pound over the phone, when I picked it up he said he couldn’t sell me the next batch that cheap again but he held to his word. I was very grateful for what he sold me and bought several quarts of his honey to thank him.

He showed me his operation, wow, it’s a labor of love for sure. Takes up a lot of space to do that hobby so I have great respect for those few out here who toil in it. I’ll gladly support him again when I’m in need and I value what little wax I have knowing how much effort it takes to get it.

10-22-2021, 09:20 AM
'Sounds like you did well. $5 is a great price too, even if it's a one-time thing.

Dusty Bannister
10-22-2021, 11:00 AM
And now you will find out how much labor there is in cleaning and straining the "caps" to get a clean product for bullet lube. Do not make a sprint out of the project. Just take your time, process a batch and store it away. Dust is your enemy so use a container with a tight fitting lid for storage. This is a great time of year to clean and strain the wax. Smells great and cool temps shorten the time for the wax to harden in a simple mold. Enjoy the experience.

10-24-2021, 09:59 AM
My older brother started keeping bees and I need to ask him about getting some raw wax.

45-70 fan
10-24-2021, 11:31 AM
Hobby Lobby sells beeswax as well. The last time I bought some was about 10 bucks a pound which is expensive but it is pure wax and it goes a long ways. I've only used about a quarter pound.
The stuff I got is little pellets (work great for fluxing my lead) but you can also get it in block form. It is in the candle making section.

10-24-2021, 12:11 PM
I've always bought my beeswax on Amazon. Pure pellets, ready to use. 1 pounds lasts me a long time. I use it for black powder lube.

Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk

Green Frog
10-27-2021, 11:20 AM
At one time Randy Rat had some for sale if you have to order it. Your local buy was fortunate. I had the good luck at a N-SSA skirmish to buy up what should be a lifetime supply. You will be amazed at how long that five pounds will last you if it’s just for you.

Beeswax is the starting point for many of the most common bullet lubes and makes up 40-50% by weight of the two lubes I use most, Emmert’s and my own formula for Frog Guano.


Tar Heel
10-28-2021, 05:06 AM

The 10 pound block is $8.70/lb.

Lead pot
10-28-2021, 10:32 AM
I think you guys should give Soy wax a try. Works just as good as B-Wax for lube.

Dusty Bannister
10-28-2021, 12:41 PM
I think you guys should give Soy wax a try. Works just as good as B-Wax for lube.

Not in my experience. It dries and shrinks and is more brittle so does not stay in the lube grooves as well. Maybe if you add enough oil it will help, but I did not travel that far down that path.

10-28-2021, 01:51 PM
I'm with Dusty. Been shooting BP firearms in Cowboy shooting for years and found the soy was too slippery and wouldn't stay in the lube grooves. Was fussier in my Star sizers as well, harder to get a good temp/pressure mix.

Ithaca Gunner
10-28-2021, 02:30 PM
Most farmers markets around here sell it.

Tar Heel
10-28-2021, 04:38 PM
I have never seen a soy bee.


Lead pot
10-28-2021, 10:13 PM
Not in my experience. It dries and shrinks and is more brittle so does not stay in the lube grooves as well. Maybe if you add enough oil it will help, but I did not travel that far down that path.

You just haven't used the right components with the Soy to make it hold well.
Ozokerite Wax is another good carrier and it stands heat well on hot days.

The wax, no matter which you use is just the carrier for the stuff you put in with it.

Lead pot
10-28-2021, 10:38 PM
Here is what a Soy wax mix can do.
That is a 100 shot group with my Shiloh .44-2.6 rifle that has a 1.3" diameter untapered 35" long barrel. I shot this at 200 yards with out using a blow tube or wiping between shots fired during just forming new cases for the chamber.
That group only had 3-4 shots stray out. Those rings on the target are 1".
Yes it was cold out but when I packed up the barrel was very hot and when I did the cleaning at the range the patch come out steaming.
Use the right bullet and lube and it will work.


10-29-2021, 03:49 PM

The 10 pound block is $8.70/lb.

This is the best price you're ever going to find on beeswax!!!

11-02-2021, 08:08 AM
Wax rings for toilets can be bees wax. Read the label because some are not. I have not bought one in a while but last time I found them for around $1 on sale. Probably $2 now. There are threads elsewhere about rendering bees wax. Heating in a pot of water multiple times and some straining is the gist of it.

11-02-2021, 01:12 PM
Here is what a Soy wax mix can do.
That is a 100 shot group with my Shiloh .44-2.6 rifle that has a 1.3" diameter untapered 35" long barrel. I shot this at 200 yards with out using a blow tube or wiping between shots fired during just forming new cases for the chamber.
That group only had 3-4 shots stray out. Those rings on the target are 1".
Yes it was cold out but when I packed up the barrel was very hot and when I did the cleaning at the range the patch come out steaming.
Use the right bullet and lube and it will work.


Excellent shooting.

Is your soy wax mix a secret?

Lead pot
11-04-2021, 05:59 PM
Excellent shooting.

Is your soy wax mix a secret?

Nope, no secrets in this camp......

My mix is 50/50 soy wax Vaseline and if I want it a little softer I mix in some coco butter in the Gell type not oil.

I don't use a lube sizer I pan lube and those bullet in the photo are for my 95 Marlin .45-70. I don't use greasers in any of my other single shot rifles, just a lube wad and PP for hunting.

If I feel I need to size them I run them through a Lee push through die with the lube on.


11-05-2021, 10:44 AM
Thanks, I was just curious.

11-08-2021, 09:12 AM
Nope, no secrets in this camp......
My mix is 50/50 soy wax Vaseline and if I want it a little softer I mix in some coco butter in the Gell type not oil.

I read on a candle making web site that copper or brass tools or containers will discolour soy wax.

Have you noticed your cartridge cases causing the soy wax based lube to discolour?

I suspect any discolouration maybe green or blue like solvent soaked patches dissolving copper from a barrel bore.

Lead pot
11-08-2021, 12:36 PM
Nope, no greens or blues on my brass.
That round is a left over from the 2017 Quigley shoot.


11-09-2021, 09:05 AM
Similar story to those above on buying local. I hit up a local roadside "garden market" and they had a table set up with local honey. The folks at the market were kind enough to pass on my contact info to the beekeeper who contacted me about a week later and set up the buy.

For things like this i will always try to support the local folks. from what i understand the hobby is time consuming and gets quite pricey.

11-10-2021, 01:45 PM
Is Randy Rat still around? I haven't heard about him in awhile. But of course, I haven't been here as often lately. I've been busy with live, grandkids and other things.

11-20-2021, 09:15 AM
I should sell mine. I've got a big ol brick. Think it's 5 lb I bought to mix lube. Right before the Lord gave us powder coating.

12-02-2021, 08:49 PM
I am looking for Beeswax on this forum but have not been able to find anyone who has some. Any help here?


Check the WTS section please. My beeswax is $6 per pound and I also have carnauba wax as well for $15 per pound.

12-26-2021, 10:32 AM

12-27-2021, 12:13 PM
PM inbound.