View Full Version : Paper Patch

10-14-2021, 03:53 PM
What sort of paper

country gent
10-14-2021, 04:35 PM
The paper is dependent on several things, Bullets Dia, Thickness, individual wrapping.
A quick way to tell is bullet dia + ( paper thickness X 4) 2 wraps
Wet or dry under tension the paper stretches slightly thinning a small amount.
PP bullets are available in a small ranges in .oo1 increments to allow for different papers and bore / groove sizes.
Papers vary in thickness most tracing papers air mail paper and drafting papers are worth trying. Seth Cole 55 w is popular,and works well. 25% cotton rag used to b the one

Ideally the outer wrap turns to confetti while the inner unwraps with the fold under attached right at the muzzle. On a calm day you will see the confetti and inner wrap right in front of the muzzle

10-15-2021, 05:59 AM
A beautiful sight as a PPB sheds its paper jacket ...


10-15-2021, 06:36 AM
I have shot a lot of PP bullets, this is cool.

Buddies laughed at me when I was shooting 550 gr PP out of my 458 Winchester Magnum one day.

10-15-2021, 10:22 AM
I shoot 250 grain paper patched bullets at 2350fps from my 358 Win. bolt gun
They kill deer very well

01-25-2022, 11:27 PM
I mainly want to pp muzzel loader bullets

01-26-2022, 08:32 AM
I mainly want to pp muzzel loader bullets

Try this.

Kenny Wasserburger
01-27-2022, 12:13 PM
If you have an intact inner wrap you’re not getting proper bullet upset. It should be all confetti at the muzzle. Your paper is too thick to be cut evenly by the rifling, paper thickness exceeding rifling depth isn’t good, And it won’t shoot worth a crap @1000 yards.

Kenny Wasserburger

05-11-2022, 09:48 AM
As mentioned, the tricky part about paper patch bullets is the fit of the ppb to the bore. This means having a slick that when combined with a proper paper thickness allows for that good fit. It helps to save time and money and effort to try sample slicks and sample paper to get that good fit. Knowing the bore diameter is a good first start, too.

07-01-2022, 07:31 PM
Good to find this PaperPatch forum. Recently got a 40 cal 400 grn HB mould to play with in my .40's. Looking for paper at this point...
So it sounds like softer alloy might be better to get the bullet to upset correctly? What is a good starting alloy 25:1 ...or softer?
Jeff P

Bent Ramrod
07-01-2022, 08:38 PM
If the boolit has any kind of prolate or otherwise lengthy nose on it, you would probably do better with 16:1 alloy, at least for starters.

The boolit needs to be soft enough to slug up in the bore, but not so soft as to allow the nose to slump to one side or the other. Some of the older designs, which are mostly cylindrical with a short round nose, might tolerate a softer alloy, but most of the target-shooting designs of today have longer, pointier noses.

07-01-2022, 08:47 PM
Thanks Bent Ramrod... I've got some 20:1 in the pot for lubed bullets I can adjust... hmmmm...or just use another pot I need to get squared away.
Jeff P