View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Thursday, October 14

Pine Baron
10-14-2021, 07:14 AM
Good morning all. Today's message could be a hard lesson for some of us. Have a safe and blessed day.

Thursday, October 14, 2021 - Pastor Greg Laurie
One True God

“Little children, keep yourselves from idols”
—1 John 5:21

I lived in Hawaii when I was a little boy, and there were a lot of frogs in Hawaii. I love reptiles, but I have never been that fond of frogs. And worse than holding a frog is stepping on a frog.

The ancient Egyptians worshiped a frog god, which had the body of a woman and the head of a frog. And when God brought a series of 10 plagues upon Egypt, one of them was an infestation of frogs.

In a way, God was saying, “You worship frogs? I’ll give you frogs. You’ll have frogs in your ovens. You’ll have frogs in your beds and under your feet. Wherever you go, there will be frogs. And I’m going to reveal to you there is no God but me.”

And sure enough, there were frogs everywhere. So Pharaoh said to Moses and Aaron, “Plead with the Lord to take the frogs away from me and my people. I will let your people go, so they can offer sacrifices to the Lord” (Exodus 8:8 NLT).

People make gods, or idols, out of a lot of things. An idol can be anyone or anything that takes the place of the true God in your life. For some, it might be a career. For another, it might be their fame. For another, it might be their beauty or their money. But they worship at the altar of that god.

It’s all they think about. It’s what they're passionate about. When they get up in the morning, it’s the first thing on their minds. They pursue that thing. Yet the Bible tells us, “Little children, keep yourselves from idols” (1 John 5:21 NKJV).

Sometimes the Lord will bring our gods down so that we’ll understand there is no god but Him.

Wayne Smith
10-14-2021, 07:35 AM
The most common idol today is self - we life in a culture of self and me as the most important person in the universe. Denial of God is necessary for this - and we see this denial everywhere. People engaged in the cult of self won't even talk about God.

10-14-2021, 08:39 AM
Amen, Idols are one of the main problems today with so much to invade life everyday.

10-14-2021, 09:11 AM
Even our hobbies can become as an idol in our lives; cars, bikes, boats, -- boolits, can all be given more time and thought than we often give to the one true God.

I'd like to thank Pine Baron for bringing us this thread EVERY DAY, to start the day with. It makes this forum one of my routines for more than simply recreational stimulation for my firearm hobby. At around 6 AM every morning, I come here and start my day with thoughts of my Savior, instead of simply the daily madness that I'm about to dive into. jd