View Full Version : Applying for a job

10-09-2021, 06:27 AM
Applying for a job. I won't elaborate much other than it even getting onto my radar was providential, so maybe this is the Lord 'opening a window' in the otherwise quite rough current state of my life. You're prayers would be appreciated.

Pine Baron
10-09-2021, 08:02 AM
Good morning Dannix, Please see today's "For Thought and Meditation". Seems spot on for your situation.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. May the Lord give you eyes to see beyond the here-and-now to grasp the eternal purpose for which He created you. Walk in the good works He prepared for you in the name of the Lord Jesus!" Amen

10-09-2021, 08:54 AM
Prayers sent

10-09-2021, 09:20 AM
Praying for you sir, May God lead you into a new career.

10-09-2021, 11:23 AM
Prayers sent. Good luck securing a new job too.

10-09-2021, 11:50 AM
Good luck and God bless in your coming days. I think having a job is an important thing in almost everyone's life. It's even better if it pays money. :razz:

I tried life without a job for about five years one time, and it dang near killed me. My advice is, get one, get good at it, and don't let it consume you. God has other plans for you, both on and off the job. jd

10-09-2021, 12:32 PM
Prayer given . Hoping our Lord will lead you in your trying for this job . But barring that he will open doors for you .

10-09-2021, 12:45 PM
dannix, prayers sent!

Winger Ed.
10-09-2021, 01:43 PM
Prayers went and I wish ya good luck.

The best way I've found to get hired on at a new job interview is to dress and act like you really don't need it.
Don't be arrogant, just have an air of self confidence.

In our modern enlightened age:
If you are willing to work, can pass a drug test, and aren't one jump ahead of the squad car,
or take a lot of time off to see your parole Officer- you are a very valuable commodity to potential employers.

10-09-2021, 02:35 PM
I've been a worker pretty much all my life. But at the age of forty, and about twenty years of decadent living, drug and alcohol abuse, divorce, destruction, and incredible stupidity, I had finally dug myself to the bottom of the hole. I endured jobless, friendless, homeless, hopeless life for awhile, and finally found God, Alcoholics Anonymous, and a little sobriety.

My entrance back into the world of the living happened at an AA meeting when I shared that I was at a point in my sobriety where I needed work. If anyone had work for me, I would do it for free until I proved that I was worth wages. If I was worth wages, I'd work for them until I was worth more.

I walked away from that meeting with a job, and the new boss never made me work for nothing. He also picked me up for work until I got a license and car. He worked my ass off, teaching me what I needed to know. He is largely to blame for me being alive today, and I give thanks to God above for bringing me to that place and time.

I just turned 65, and am still working hard and loving it. Incredible as it seems, guys like me even at our age are more in demand than ever. The company I work for just hired around ten folks, and most of them are probably 50 and over. I fear that we have raised a generation or two of guys who if confronted with the situation that I was in -- won't know how to crawl out of it. jd

10-09-2021, 03:26 PM
Prayers and the best of luck. Sometimes opportunities seem to pop up out of thin air and we just have to recognize them and have the courage to go and get them. Making a jump from a secure job and income to an unknown isn't easy but my best jobs have come out of situations like this. Good luck

country gent
10-10-2021, 02:56 PM
On my thoughts and prayers that this work out in the best way for you.

Remember never say I dont know in an interview Its I can learn it.

10-10-2021, 07:04 PM
I've been a worker pretty much all my life. But at the age of forty, and about twenty years of decadent living, drug and alcohol abuse, divorce, destruction, and incredible stupidity, I had finally dug myself to the bottom of the hole. I endured jobless, friendless, homeless, hopeless life for awhile, and finally found God, Alcoholics Anonymous, and a little sobriety.

My entrance back into the world of the living happened at an AA meeting when I shared that I was at a point in my sobriety where I needed work. If anyone had work for me, I would do it for free until I proved that I was worth wages. If I was worth wages, I'd work for them until I was worth more.

I walked away from that meeting with a job, and the new boss never made me work for nothing. He also picked me up for work until I got a license and car. He worked my ass off, teaching me what I needed to know. He is largely to blame for me being alive today, and I give thanks to God above for bringing me to that place and time.

I just turned 65, and am still working hard and loving it. Incredible as it seems, guys like me even at our age are more in demand than ever. The company I work for just hired around ten folks, and most of them are probably 50 and over. I fear that we have raised a generation or two of guys who if confronted with the situation that I was in -- won't know how to crawl out of it. jd

Thank you for your testimony .

10-15-2021, 05:58 AM
Many years ago, I was working a job in an environment that I really didn't like. I was in IT at the time and interviewed at a company, call it XYZ Corp for clarity, that had an exquisite server room. It would be the perfect environment and I fit the qualifications perfectly. Sadly I didn't get it and was quite down about it.
A handful of years passed and I had moved through a couple of positions eventually landing doing contract server management for Caterpillar in Mossville Illinois. Every morning, I would pass the XYZ Corp building and see it shuttered with the lights all turned off. About 2 years after I had interviewed, everyone came to work on a Monday to find the building locked. They shut down and didn't tell any of their employees.
So, things happen for a reason. If you get it or did get it great. If not, "things happen for a reason"

Read my signature.

10-15-2021, 07:10 AM
I've been a worker pretty much all my life. But at the age of forty, and about twenty years of decadent living, drug and alcohol abuse, divorce, destruction, and incredible stupidity, I had finally dug myself to the bottom of the hole. I endured jobless, friendless, homeless, hopeless life for awhile, and finally found God, Alcoholics Anonymous, and a little sobriety.

My entrance back into the world of the living happened at an AA meeting when I shared that I was at a point in my sobriety where I needed work. If anyone had work for me, I would do it for free until I proved that I was worth wages. If I was worth wages, I'd work for them until I was worth more.

I walked away from that meeting with a job, and the new boss never made me work for nothing. He also picked me up for work until I got a license and car. He worked my ass off, teaching me what I needed to know. He is largely to blame for me being alive today, and I give thanks to God above for bringing me to that place and time.

I just turned 65, and am still working hard and loving it. Incredible as it seems, guys like me even at our age are more in demand than ever. The company I work for just hired around ten folks, and most of them are probably 50 and over. I fear that we have raised a generation or two of guys who if confronted with the situation that I was in -- won't know how to crawl out of it. jd

Thank you for sharing and giving life another chance. I am glad you are here!

10-15-2021, 10:19 AM
Danny Honesty is the #1 quality you need.

That means you show up 10 to 15 min early just in case you have a problem getting to work.
That means your the last guy to lay down tools and walk away.
Ride for the brand. When you hire on to someone, you owe your loyalty to him 100%.

Give more than what is expected of you. Don't ever borrow or remove anything from work without prior permission.
Be 100% honest all the time. Give all you have to give.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you
and give you His peace. May His Word take root in your heart. May you read it, memorize it, and obey it.
May all of its promises find their YES in your life…in the name of Jesus.

You can DO it, I believe in you. You just have to WANT to badly enough.

I've been where your at. Best luck luck to you. But its not luck you need, it is desire and willpower.

10-15-2021, 01:23 PM
Thanks guys! So many edifying posts to this thread, it's really encouraging.