View Full Version : accident laws

10-08-2021, 11:17 AM
I think god was testing me last night. I took a little trip though Virginia and some young kid involved me in an accident. I m quite a bit distraught right now. so if some of this is off the chain I apologize.
Fortunately for me I'm o'k, my truck totaled, but the young woman in the car behind me died. Please pray for her family, 20 yr old young woman's life snuffed out in an instant.
Traffic on interstate was stopped, I was stopped, the woman behind was stopped. big truck behind her was slowing. a young guy probably in 20's came from the other lane swerved in front of big rig and slammed into woman behind me. He didn't even try to slow down, no skidding or anything, Her car caught fire. I was o'k I jumped out and went to her car, pulling on her door with all my might. As soon as I got her door open the car exploded.
there was nothing I could do, I tried to get her out. I feel awful that I could not have helped her.
The kid that caused the wreck got out of his car and ran away, hiding in front of another cars front bumper.
I asked troopers what will happen to the kid that caused the wreck, they told me he will have his blood tested for intoxicants, but if none are found the max penalty would be 12 months behind bars because the way state laws are written. If playing with his phone or radio or whatever I think the laws should provide a greater penalty for causing someones death though negligence. but maybe that's just me.

Land Owner
10-08-2021, 11:29 AM
Bad things happen to good people for reasons only only God knows. You are her Hearald though you did not know her. What you do now is how the Spirit moves you. That she was someone's daughter, loved, and leaves a lasting impression on you is understandable. Follow through to change your life...or let it go.

10-08-2021, 12:20 PM
Years ago I came up on a head-on accident during the wee hours of the morning. I was the first person on the scene. I got one elderly lady out of her car who later died and 2 out of 3 people out of the second car. The 3rd persons legs were trapped under the dash and I couldn't get him out. The car caught fire and he died in it. I've never tried so hard to do something and failed. I had minor burns on my arms and chest and several minor cuts on my arms and hands and face. The car was up side down and I stayed in the car trying to free the guy until the heat and flames drove me away. It bothered me for a long time afterwards. I never knew what caused the accident.

10-08-2021, 01:25 PM
I think god was testing me last night. I took a little trip though Virginia and some young kid involved me in an accident. I m quite a bit distraught right now. so if some of this is off the chain I apologize.
Fortunately for me I'm o'k, my truck totaled, but the young woman in the car behind me died. Please pray for her family, 20 yr old young woman's life snuffed out in an instant.
Traffic on interstate was stopped, I was stopped, the woman behind was stopped. big truck behind her was slowing. a young guy probably in 20's came from the other lane swerved in front of big rig and slammed into woman behind me. He didn't even try to slow down, no skidding or anything, Her car caught fire. I was o'k I jumped out and went to her car, pulling on her door with all my might. As soon as I got her door open the car exploded.
there was nothing I could do, I tried to get her out. I feel awful that I could not have helped her.
The kid that caused the wreck got out of his car and ran away, hiding in front of another cars front bumper.
I asked troopers what will happen to the kid that caused the wreck, they told me he will have his blood tested for intoxicants, but if none are found the max penalty would be 12 months behind bars because the way state laws are written. If playing with his phone or radio or whatever I think the laws should provide a greater penalty for causing someones death though negligence. but maybe that's just me.

Make sure to talk to someone when it bothers you to much, vent away here or to family... do not bottle it up! I was an EMT in the early 80's and had about a dozen die in front of me. We would sit down in the ambulance garage on days were were not on call and have a few beers and vent to each other instead of bottling it up. Or we went fishing as a group and talked it out around a fire as we waited for the catfish to bite.

10-08-2021, 03:32 PM
Good advice MaryB

10-08-2021, 03:54 PM
Probably wouldn’t of helped you in that situation but I’ve always carried fire extinguishers in my vehicles. In my 35 years of driving I’ve used them five times. Mostly oil leak or smoking at pump fires, never a wreck.

10-08-2021, 05:48 PM
Life is short, shorter for some than others. -Gus Mcrae

10-08-2021, 05:49 PM
I had something similar happen about 20 years ago while I was off duty. I pulled 2 kids out of a burning van, the mother died. It was terrible.

10-08-2021, 05:57 PM
I have 2 during my time on the job one was taken so quickly I thought she was still alive when i got her out of the car it wasn't until I looked directly in her eyes I knew she was gone. I still see that face sometimes at night.

10-08-2021, 06:04 PM
An acquaintance was involved in an accident on the highway at night. He and his driver were in a 4WD towing an empty horse float. They dipped their lights for an oncoming vehicle, which limited their view of the road surface in front of them. It turned out there was a dead pig on the road, which they hit. The horse float jack knifed and the vehicles collided. The lady driving the other car was killed, and my friend broke both ankles. His driver was OK.

The thing is, I'd driven the road that morning and seen the pig. I had even prepared to tow it off the road, but abandoned the idea on account of the volume of traffic.

A couple of months later something similar happened to me - at night, approaching vehicle, both on low beam, and BANG. I had run over a truck tyre, fortunately with no rim in it, and fortunately not throwing me off course.

CAUTION - be damned careful when approaching another vehicle at night with everyone on low beam.

10-08-2021, 07:17 PM
An acquaintance was involved in an accident on the highway at night. He and his driver were in a 4WD towing an empty horse float. They dipped their lights for an oncoming vehicle, which limited their view of the road surface in front of them. It turned out there was a dead pig on the road, which they hit. The horse float jack knifed and the vehicles collided. The lady driving the other car was killed, and my friend broke both ankles. His driver was OK.

The thing is, I'd driven the road that morning and seen the pig. I had even prepared to tow it off the road, but abandoned the idea on account of the volume of traffic.

A couple of months later something similar happened to me - at night, approaching vehicle, both on low beam, and BANG. I had run over a truck tyre, fortunately with no rim in it, and fortunately not throwing me off course.

CAUTION - be damned careful when approaching another vehicle at night with everyone on low beam.

In 35 years as a police officer I don't know how many lives I saved... only the ones that I could not. I don't THINK it bothered me... some may think it did. There are times I do wish things could have been different...and I think of them.

10-08-2021, 08:05 PM
I am so sorry for her, I pray she didn't suffer, and for her family. Most people will never know the emotions you are dealing with. I had to watch a good friend die while me and three other guys tried to save him. I was 25 and the others were younger still. I know what you're going through. To say it's tough is a massive understatement. Talk to your loved ones when you need, take it from experience don't keep it bottled up. This was the second death I was in near proximity to.

Lord Jesus, please give farmbif your peace that passes all understanding. Please lay your healing hand on this young woman's family and help them to have your comfort and peace at this time. Your ways are not mans ways, and we can't understand why bad things happen. But you oh Lord use all things for the good, and that includes bad things that happen. Please help this family to be patient and wait on the Lord. I ask this in the name and by the power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

10-08-2021, 09:29 PM
You did everything that could be done, and her family appreciates your efforts although they probably can’t express that at this time.

10-08-2021, 10:22 PM
One of my greatest fears is to be put in that situation. I cannot image the inner anguish that the subconscious feels.
100 upvotes for carrying a fire extinguisher. It may not stop a fire but it can slow it down.
all of you that have dealt with this are in my thoughts.

ETA... comments about the kid driving the car would certainly get me a warning if not an outright ban.

10-08-2021, 11:05 PM
You tried to help her, that is more than some others might do. They would have their phones out taking video to post later. Go talk to the EMT's about what happened if you feel the need. I am sure they have been in the same place where you are now.

I pray that Gods peace will comfort you in these difficult times.

10-09-2021, 09:56 AM
farmbif, by the comments above,, you can see you are not alone in having to deal with a bad feeling of helplessness. Sadly, I too am part of that small group of the population. The advice above is very, very good.

Beyond that,,, never, ever, ever,, feel guilt or blame on your part. The most important thing is that you cared, you TRIED,, & you did what you could to the best of your abilities. DO NOT second guess yourself. At the moment,, you were stressed, working hard, facing fear and anguish.
Too many people can't even do that.

God bless you for your efforts.

Prayers all around.

10-09-2021, 04:00 PM
Things happen but don't be too hard on the kid or yourself. Stress makes people do crazy things like hiding behind a bumper as if that will do any good. You tried to get her out and that is all that you could do. I watched a lady barrel role her motorcycle down the interstate right in front of my semi. I got stopped and jumped out to render aid but it was apparent she had a massive head injury and was bleeding from her eyes and ears. I did what I could to comfort her and talk to her. That was all I could do and that was only one of several I've had the "pleasure" to be on the spot for. You can't ask for anything more than to try and help. As long as you try that it is something you can live with.

10-09-2021, 08:17 PM
You dont even need to leave home...a kid on a motorbike died in my front yard ,thrown clean across the road by a head on some 50 yards away.

10-09-2021, 11:33 PM
I won't tell my stories . I rather prefer to let the sleeping dogs lay . Several bad ones . A couple completely helpless and 30 seconds to slow .

Do talk to anyone you can and feel comfortable doing so .
You have now glimpsed the reason for EMS/LEO/FF dark humor at inappropriate times as a coping mechanism . It never gets better and it may well follow you for years . It will fade with time but when it comes up it will always be Panaflex Technicolor HiDef .