View Full Version : New To Me Versa Mec 700

10-07-2021, 03:22 PM
My wife came home today with presents! Her employer gave her a 12 ga. Versa Mec loader, 400 209's, a full bag of AA12's and about 2/3 bag of AA12R's! Wow! He and his dad were skeet shooters back in the day but after his service in the military and Border Patrol, and his father's passing, he lost interest in the shooting sports.

After brushing off the (considerable) layer of dust, the loader looks good! I already have a 12 and 20 ga. 600 Jr. so I'm considering selling the Versa Mec. Before I do that I thought I'd ask here if there's any reason to keep it over the 600 Jr. From what I saw at the MEC website, the Versa was supposed to be an upgraded 600 Jr but I don't see all that much difference. Your thoughts?

10-07-2021, 03:34 PM
centershot: I bought a new in box old stock Versa Mec 12ga. press two or three years ago and they are pretty much the same as a 600 Jr. I keep several of the old Mec presses around just because I find it handy to have them set up for 2 3/4" and 3" shells in both 20 and 12ga. along with a 28ga and 410. Gp

10-07-2021, 03:34 PM
I have a Versa MEC 700 in 16 ga. from the early 70’s and a 600 Jr 12 ga. from the 90’s. They both perform great, but the Versa does not have any plastic die parts like the Jr. Definitely not much difference, but a difference.

10-07-2021, 04:46 PM
Give your wife a raise! I use the old versamec and just can’t seem to wear it out.

10-07-2021, 10:34 PM
Thanks for your input guys, maybe I'll just keep it. It would be handy to have a dedicated 3" machine and avoid the hassle of switching back and forth.

Do you guys have any problem with that stamped steel bracket bolted to the bushing bar? This one seems to jam - a lot! I finally took it off and it purrs like a kitten now.

10-08-2021, 02:57 PM
Looking at that bracket (the Pro-Check) ithits on the top of the vertical arm that the wad guide is attached to. I can see a small dent where the Pro-Check has peened a little divot into it. The Pro-Check is supposed to ride OVER the top of this arm, correct? In doing so it positions the wad guide for wad insertion. The only way this works is if I pivot the charge bar assembly backward, thereby lifting the Pro-Check over top of the wad guide arm. It doesn't appear that the Pro-Check is bent, but it is definitely riding lower than it should. Something is buggered up here, any ideas?