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10-06-2021, 03:32 PM
here has quit selling grits ! I got to drive to Waffle House now, dangit . The blue hordes have took over this state already, but this is too much ! Tell me it ain't so furthur south.

Winger Ed.
10-06-2021, 04:11 PM
You might want to grow your own in the garden.

You won't find the seeds anywhere, but ask your local nursery for a couple of grit bushes.

10-06-2021, 04:14 PM
When they took Gen. Lee’s statue down in Richmond I knew Virginia would never be the same. Maybe Bojangles will sell you bagels and lox now.

10-06-2021, 04:17 PM
17 years over in the Shenandoah Valley and we never ate grits. Down in Florida there everywhere but BoJangles at least where I’m at. But 46 years in Florida I love grits now.

Gator 45/70
10-06-2021, 04:31 PM
Grits are something you work with, Like butter La. Hot sauce, Couple eggs over easy

10-06-2021, 05:24 PM
When they took Gen. Lee’s statue down in Richmond I knew Virginia would never be the same. Maybe Bojangles will sell you bagels and lox now.
I like bagels and lox!

10-06-2021, 07:53 PM
Well I grew up in Southern Kentucky and I never had grits till I was in an Army mess hall. Can I find them grit trees the same place as peanut trees?

10-06-2021, 08:26 PM
Grits are still a stable in South Carolina. Hard to imagine a future without ‘em.

Savvy Jack
10-06-2021, 08:31 PM
here has quit selling grits ! I got to drive to Waffle House now, dangit . The blue hordes have took over this state already, but this is too much ! Tell me it ain't so furthur south.

I asked a Waffle House girl in South Carolina once if they has sweat tea, she ask me if I new where I was......I said north of Tifton, Ga somewhere..(north of the Macon/Tifton line)..she bout died!

Winger Ed.
10-06-2021, 09:29 PM
she ask me if I new where I was......I said north of Tifton, Ga somewhere..(north of the Macon/Tifton line)..she bout died!

I used to hang with some boat racers in Southern Louisiana that took the term 'redneck' to a whole new level.
They'd straight up tell ya that everyone North if Interstate 10 was a Yankee.

(I-10 runs East & West between Houston and New Orleans)

10-07-2021, 12:22 PM
Still have Grits in Louisiana ... but there is still 3 1/2 years to go and He could ban them with one Executive Order . At the moment you can still cook and eat them at home but if you want to eat them in a restaurant you have to show proof of vax shots and any booster he thinks would be nice .
It's going to be a long 3 1/2 years without grits .

10-07-2021, 12:27 PM
I used to hang with some boat racers in Southern Louisiana that took the term 'redneck' to a whole new level.
They'd straight up tell ya that everyone North if Interstate 10 was a Yankee.

(I-10 runs East & West between Houston and New Orleans)

I consider Shreveport the frozen Nawth !
Gary :redneck:
A cajun is just a redneck with an accent

10-07-2021, 12:51 PM
I consider Shreveport the frozen Nawth !
Gary :redneck:
A cajun is just a redneck with an accent

Definitely that way in Florida everything north of I-10 is those people. ;)

Winger Ed.
10-07-2021, 02:03 PM
I consider Shreveport the frozen Nawth !

In the 90s, I had a girlfriend from Shreveport.
Her Mom was a big time plant & flower grower.

(Keep in mind-- the best practical jokes are ones you can get people to play on themselves)

Her Mom visited every few months---
I told her one time she needed a grit bush-- She looked at me kind of funny, and asked more about them.
I said, yeah, peaches come from a tree, beans grow on a vine, etc. and grits come from a bush.
I told her they were ornamental, but you can eat the seeds too.
She was born & raised in Shreveport, and I figured she knew better....

Next time she was in town,,,,, she jumped me! WHEW!! She was madder than a captured Japanese soldier.
"I went to the nursery and asked for a couple of grit bushes, The kid had to go get the manager,,,,,,,,
he explained grits were made from corn, and didn't grow on a bush.
-----I've never been so embarrassed in my life"!!!

Wayne Smith
10-07-2021, 02:59 PM
Grits are still a stable in South Carolina. Hard to imagine a future without ‘em.

"Staple" not stable. Horses probaly will eat grits as well as they very much like corn!

10-07-2021, 03:52 PM
Cream of Wheat. Grits are weird like Chitlins

10-07-2021, 06:47 PM
Mississippi. Gotta have my grits (butter, never sugar), biscuits and gravy with bacon and / or sausage. Fry and egg too while your at it.

Don’t think I’ll ever try fast food grits though.

10-07-2021, 08:00 PM
In the 90s, I had a girlfriend from Shreveport.
Her Mom was a big time plant & flower grower.

(Keep in mind-- the best practical jokes are ones you can get people to play on themselves)

Her Mom visited every few months---
I told her one time she needed a grit bush-- She looked at me kind of funny, and asked more about them.
I said, yeah, peaches come from a tree, beans grow on a vine, etc. and grits come from a bush.
I told her they were ornamental, but you can eat the seeds too.
She was born & raised in Shreveport, and I figured she knew better....

Next time she was in town,,,,, she jumped me! WHEW!! She was madder than a captured Japanese soldier.
"I went to the nursery and asked for a couple of grit bushes, The kid had to go get the manager,,,,,,,,
he explained grits were made from corn, and didn't grow on a bush.
-----I've never been so embarrassed in my life"!!!

That's funny, I don't care who ya are !

10-07-2021, 08:05 PM
I don't even butter 'em - cover with black pepper like most everything else on the plate .
My one trip to Camp Perry, asked for sweet tea , got strange look . Them folk think you can take cold unsweet tea and add sugar ! Nosiree, 2 cups of sugar to one gallon fresh brewed , now that's sweet tea.
Grits can still be found, no place I know where you can get your corn in hominy form hereabouts .

10-07-2021, 08:06 PM
Mississippi. Gotta have my grits (butter, never sugar), biscuits and gravy with bacon and / or sausage. Fry and egg too while your at it.

Don’t think I’ll ever try fast food grits though.

Coastal Georgia,,,,some fast food joints have a 'grits bowl' or a 'breakfast bowl'...it is a bowl of grits with sausage (bacon), egg, maybe slice of cheese.
Not too bad for fast food joint. gets the job done on yur way to work

10-07-2021, 08:10 PM
" I went to the beach today,,,,now I got grits in my toes "

10-07-2021, 08:47 PM
Left over grits is almost similar to left over bacon, but when there are grits left over, they go into a narrow deep baking dish and left on the counter until cooled down, then into the frig. Next time they get sliced to about 5/16 inch thick and pan fried slowly with a little bacon grease, butter, or Olive oil til golden brown. I have a #10 can of Hominy in the pantry. The plan is to dehydrate it then grind with a stone grinder only to see if one can duplicate grits. Grits IMO are better nourishment than cornbread because most corn meal is degerminated. Grits are not. Long ago I was at a Church dinner on the grounds in Mobile Alabama and I mentioned that sometimes I liked sugar on my grits, and man oh man, I thouht I was about to dechurched on the spot.LOL

Texas by God
10-07-2021, 09:00 PM
Mississippi. Gotta have my grits (butter, never sugar), biscuits and gravy with bacon and / or sausage. Fry and egg too while your at it.

Don’t think I’ll ever try fast food grits though.
Make that two eggs over medium. Celiac be damned!

Winger Ed.
10-07-2021, 09:01 PM
Cream of Wheat. Grits are weird like Chitlins

Blasphemer !!!

Burn the witch!!!

Mal Paso
10-07-2021, 09:04 PM
A quick Google and there are 12 restaurants around Monterey CA that serve grits. LOL

Interesting, someone at Google must like grits.

10-07-2021, 09:11 PM
You might want to grow your own in the garden.

You won't find the seeds anywhere, but ask your local nursery for a couple of grit bushes.

Grit bushes are very expensive. Better to buy grit seed and start your own. I once had some grit vines but they grew 15 feet tall and were hard to harvest.

10-08-2021, 10:58 AM
blasphemer !!!

Burn the witch!!!

Ha! I had a nice bowl of Maypo this morning. [smilie=s:

10-08-2021, 11:09 AM
I was on a trip to Florida and we stopped at Shoney's for breakfast. "WE serve 100 kinds of Grits" When we ordered I said no thanks to grits and the waitress hollered our order to the cook, the last one was a #2 over easy and no grits for the yankee! In those days once past St Louis you eat grits!

10-08-2021, 11:12 AM
In the 90s, I had a girlfriend from Shreveport.
Her Mom was a big time plant & flower grower.

(Keep in mind-- the best practical jokes are ones you can get people to play on themselves)

Her Mom visited every few months---
I told her one time she needed a grit bush-- She looked at me kind of funny, and asked more about them.
I said, yeah, peaches come from a tree, beans grow on a vine, etc. and grits come from a bush.
I told her they were ornamental, but you can eat the seeds too.
She was born & raised in Shreveport, and I figured she knew better....

Next time she was in town,,,,, she jumped me! WHEW!! She was madder than a captured Japanese soldier.
"I went to the nursery and asked for a couple of grit bushes, The kid had to go get the manager,,,,,,,,
he explained grits were made from corn, and didn't grow on a bush.
-----I've never been so embarrassed in my life"!!!

That's a good one !
... But ... You know when you tee off a girls Momma like that ...
the chances of a marriage working out go from slim to none !

Winger Ed.
10-08-2021, 11:23 AM
That's a good one !
... But ... You know when you tee off a girls Momma like that ... the chances of a marriage working out go from slim to none !

Yeah, but she was a good sport.
Of the three of us, she was the most upset when we broke up.

Wild Bill 7
10-08-2021, 11:31 AM
Sorry but I like grits with butter and sugar. Also butter and salt and pepper and fried like Oldbearhair stated. I once watched a coworker put mustard and ketchup on grits ugh what a nasty look that was.

10-08-2021, 07:36 PM
I'm an up-state New Yorker, and I love grits. Every mess hall in the Marine Corps has grits, and I've loved them ever since, and that was 50+ years ago. I'll have to try grits on a bagel!

Around here a lot of farmers wrap round bales in white plastic. We tell the city people they're big marshmallows and we sell them to the candy factories in the city where they make little ones. You'd be surprised how many think seriously about that.

My neighbor saw a fancy BMW parked along a back road, lady was taking pictures of the cows and the pretty scenery. He stopped and gave her a friendly welcoming greeting, and warned her that cows get covid too. Up went the mask & down the road she went in a cloud of dust!

I think a lot of you southern boys would be right at home here up north. Get away from the big city and you'll find more than a few red necks in the woods. Might have to search for grits tho.

10-08-2021, 07:45 PM
"I think a lot of you southern boys would be right at home here up north. Get away from the big city and you'll find more than a few red necks in the woods. Might have to search for grits tho."

I have found working with people from all over, country boys are country boys no matter what STATE they are from. Just like all northerners who move here to Florida are not Yankees (which gets a few folks blood pressure up on here) but a lot sure are. It's as much a state of mind as where you are from.

10-08-2021, 07:53 PM
When I was in high school my step dad was a long haul driver for Allied Van Lines. He always took me with him in the summer and paid me 5 bucks an hour, when minimum wage was like 2 bucks an hour. We went into a truck stop in Kansas for breakfast and fuel. I ordered grits with my breakfast. (I was born in South Carolina). The guy at the next table looked at me and said grits huh? I said yeah, he said I'll try one of them. I said a grit he said yeah, we just started laughing. I LOVE grits, but I don't want instant grits, I want cooked grits. They are way better tasting.

10-08-2021, 08:27 PM
Ive lived in the Shenandoah Valley for 72 years and have eaten grits all my life.......😎