View Full Version : Cut myself not for the sqeemish

10-03-2021, 12:41 PM
Well benchmade knives are sharp!!

Good thing my wife is a nurse and we have some suture kits in our first aid kit!!

No numbing meds though….


Der Gebirgsjager
10-03-2021, 12:45 PM
Looks like you got stitched up right at home? That's handy.....!


Texas by God
10-03-2021, 01:22 PM
Ouch! That hurts all the way over here. Mom was a nurse and she stitched, stapled and taped us five kids up because going to the Dr. cost MONEY[emoji848]!
Heal up well.

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10-03-2021, 01:47 PM

get well soon.

10-03-2021, 01:48 PM
Eat fat juicy steaks with onions and garlic and rebuild your strength!

Hand cuts are awful they bleed so much and slow to heal, reaching into a pocket will remind you so clearly!

Its a blessing that she can fix your skin and have a smaller scar.

I have found great utility from quick clot powder, can open the pouch with my teeth and pack the powder into a cut stops bleeding and forms a scab immediately.

It may be usefull to have a pouch nearby while your hand heals.

I find it in well stocked super walmarts pharmacy.

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Winger Ed.
10-03-2021, 01:49 PM
That looks like one of those deals where the fix hurts more than the injury.

It reminds me of when I banged my head once, and it hurt! It really 'rang my bell'.
Somebody asked me if I was OK.
I told 'em, "Yeah. In fact I feel a whole lot smarter now. I just learned I don't want to do that again".

10-03-2021, 02:43 PM
On Sept 7, I had a kickback while checking a set up on my table saw. Needed 11 stitches.

Gator 45/70
10-03-2021, 02:59 PM
In KY with no numbing meds? Surly someone has a Mason jar with clear liquids in it thereabouts?

10-03-2021, 03:28 PM
My wife would just shake here head and exclaim that I can't do a thing without blood, mine! Then pronounced me a crybaby while she stitched it!.........I remain convinced they're ALL sisters!

Ithaca Gunner
10-03-2021, 03:51 PM
Count yourself blessed, you have a great wife there!

10-03-2021, 06:11 PM
Actually that is not a bad stitch job better than my mom did on us.

Wayne Smith
10-03-2021, 06:59 PM
When I had my surgery on my back the MD used Superglue to hold my body together. No stitches - no staples, just Super Glue to hold me together. I have a 7.5" scar and my nurse in the hospital, when she saw my incision, exclaimed "Wow, one cut! That's beautiful!" I guess I had a great neural surgeon.

10-03-2021, 07:11 PM
that's nasty! 2 weeks ago i chopped off about 1/4 inch of my finger straight down through the finger nail too with a splitting axe. It was a freakish clean cut, like chopping off the ends of a cucumber, blood was squirting out in jets...that ruined my day off. My wife panicked because she never saw me act like that before, holding my hand covered in blood. Sometimes i cut myself in the shop and she is the one who points it out to me, i don't realize it. These wounds happen when you do productive things sometimes...the scars are reminders to pay attention. I count my blessings, could have been worse.

10-03-2021, 07:15 PM
Put some dirt on it and walk it off. Jokes a side, glad your okay.

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10-03-2021, 07:22 PM
You didn't wrap it in electrical tape? :Fire:

10-03-2021, 07:25 PM
As a kid stepped on a piece of glass cut half way around the ball of my foot didn't feel a thing,went to the ER they stitched me up no local while they were stitching me up won't ever forget that pain.

Winger Ed.
10-03-2021, 07:35 PM
MD used Superglue to hold my body together. No stitches - no staples, just Super Glue to hold me together. .

I got cut at work several years ago, and they drug me kicking and screaming to the Doc-in-a-box emergency room.
The Doc. crazy glued me too.

I'd never heard of that before, so I asked about it, and they said it was a deal that came from battlefield medicine during the Gulf war.

10-04-2021, 04:35 AM
I don't mean to make light of your accident, but


10-04-2021, 05:11 AM
I take it your a leftie? I'm right handed, and my left hand is covered in scars! I remember how everyone of them got there as well. Glad your ok!

10-04-2021, 12:31 PM
Sorry to hear about your injury. Hopefully it will heal quickly and hopefully it didn't throb all night.

10-04-2021, 12:34 PM
glad to hear you'll be allright... Been there myself on numerous occasions. I was always a fan of the paper towel and duct tape immediate care. Nothing like that great feeling when you see blood on your pile of tools and have to start the hunt for the leaky body part.


10-04-2021, 01:08 PM
I keep suture kits on hand... sewed the tip of my own finger shut after a cut edge of roofing steel went in to the bone...

10-04-2021, 07:54 PM
Get some Anbesol liquid, like for numbing teeth pain. 20% benzocane IIRC. Should help somewhat

Winger Ed.
10-04-2021, 08:28 PM
I sewed the tip of my own finger shut

Somehow,,,,,,,, you are definitely related to Chuck Norris.

Forty Rod Ray
10-04-2021, 09:07 PM
BFI powder if you can find it. We had a small fab co building farm equipment… kept large container of Bismuth Formide iodide if my memory serves… cashier would pass it around… couldn’t operate without it…

10-05-2021, 02:15 AM
I used to live down the street from a highly experienced Special Forces medic. He did more than one emergency sewing job on the local kids!

10-05-2021, 08:35 AM
I used to live down the street from a highly experienced Special Forces medic. He did more than one emergency sewing job on the local kids!

And Mom never knew !

Ole Joe Clarke
10-08-2021, 06:13 AM
I had hernia repair back in August. The Doc used a robot assist to do the deed, the used industrial strength super glue to close the wounds. No staples or threads, and very little pain. There's no minor surgery unless it happens to somebody else.

Have a blessed day,


10-08-2021, 11:58 AM
Raise you two so you'll fold. ER put 8 staples.

10-08-2021, 08:51 PM
I'm forever getting the stink eye from my wife (a hospice nurse) about my responses to injury. Probably the worst was when I got clonked in the head with a piece of firewood when unloading my trailer at my sister in law's house. My b-i-l and I were chucking wood pretty fast when I fumbled a piece, and with thinking, reached over to pick it up, putting my head direct line with my b.i.l.'s line of fire. While he finished the trailer, I went in to do first aid, and it was clear I would need stitches. We buttoned up the trailer and I jumped in the truck to go to an immediate care. Got checked in, into a room, and texted my wife. Let's just say, the fireworks began!!! Why did you text instead of call? why didn't b.i.l. drive you? What if you had passed out while driving? Why didn't you call right away? 6 stitches and a twenty question grilling later....... well, let's just say my wife doesn't have any good comments about that event

10-09-2021, 03:37 PM
Well benchmade knives are sharp!!

Good thing my wife is a nurse and we have some suture kits in our first aid kit!!

No numbing meds though….


You look a little put out, haha. Having a wife as a nurse is a great thing for guys like us that injure ourselves on a regular basis. A number of years ago I was at a girlfriends house far away from our families for Thanksgiving. I was skinning a turnip with my pocket knife it being the sharpest knife in the house and slipped. Waved my hand a few time then ran it under cold water. Looked around the kitchen and it looked like a slasher movie. Blood all over the fridge, stove, cupboards etc.
She freaked but I compressed it and asked her if she had some crazy glue. Got it fixed in time for the turkey. She is long gone but the scar is still there as a reminder right next to the giant burn mark from a riser on an errant jump.

Not long after that I was in the hospital having cut off two fingers with a 90cc chainsaw and drove myself down to a local hospital 30 miles away with them wrapped in ice. More work than they could handle and I needed a ride a hundred miles south to get them back on. Called the girlfriend and asked it she was busy. Her first question was a big sigh and "what did you do now"? She left work early and gave me a ride. Women like that are meant to keep. Missed her but got another one even better. Wife came home one day to see me in the garage with my thumb under a drill press drilling a hole into my nail. "Now what"? was about it from her.

10-09-2021, 04:14 PM
Yep i’ve signed myself up many times. You’ll learn to do that when you’ve got eight horses dogs goats every other possible animal you can think of.289976

This one I didn’t see up, dog bite. (Don’t ask) I wanted to leave it open to irrigate it and keep down the possibility of infection. Good as new now!