View Full Version : No Personal Checks

10-02-2021, 06:47 PM
Needing to do a bit of work on the wifeys car I stopped by my closest Ogreen chain parts store to gather the needed supplies. Everything was on hand and when I asked for the total to write out my check the lip ringed (different rant) clerk told me they no longer take personal checks and I would have to use a credit card or cash. I asked when this went into effect and she didn’t know. I asked for the manager and she replied that she was the shift manager. I promptly turned on my heel and walked out of the store before going off on her.

Not sure if this was a one off but we are ever cautious of where or when we use a credit card, and I normally don’t carry much cash on hand either, it just seems to melt out of my pocket.

Even at the height of the ‘rona scare most everyone around here at least still took checks.

Is this becoming more common in a push to go to a system where all your purchases can be tracked fo targeted marketing and knowing where you spend your money?

The old faithful red&yellow checkered flag parts store was as always more than willing to take my cash substitute.

10-02-2021, 06:54 PM
I hear you :) as I am pretty much always endeavoring to pay with a personal cheque. In addition to not depleting cash from my wallet -- it kind of tells me where my money is going, simply by looking at the register. My annoyance where they take my cheque, they too often want to see my driver's license. HUH? Is there any law one might know of that mandates one has a valid driver's license to be able to pay with a cheque? I have both (the long and short) license numbers committed to memory and most clerks will simply punch the numbers I give them into their machine... and it works.
Still.... a nuisance!

10-02-2021, 06:58 PM
So get a debit card, free from your bank, that is linked to your checking account. Everyone accepts them.

No big deal.

10-02-2021, 07:03 PM
No don't get any card linked to your bank account get a DEBIT card and when you need to put money in it do it. I pay cash or debit with no link to my bank or me.

10-02-2021, 07:22 PM
I pay all my monthly bills by check, zero problems. I would venture to say, 99% of the buying I do is by check. I will send a U.S. Postal Money Order if need be. I don't care to have any banking or credit card information sent online. Once in a blue moon, the wife will need something we can only get on Evilbay. Last year, we used it and within the month our credit card company notified us about some unusual activity on our card. About $15 worth of movie rentals online you have to have account for to rent from. I contacted the movie rental outfit and they apologized and refunded the money within minutes. Our credit card company sent us a new card within the week.

My take is a lot of companies and smaller outfits would just as soon it be all electronic transfer. Why? At the end of the day, no cash to be robbed of. 2nd, a lot of people passing bad/bogus checks and them getting left empty handed. And lastly, no daily run to the bank. Let's not forget the lack of people who can't make change in todays world, they're out there.


10-02-2021, 08:30 PM
No don't get any card linked to your bank account get a DEBIT card and when you need to put money in it do it. I pay cash or debit with no link to my bank or me.

Okay, get a debit card, as I stated, and have it pull from (linked to) a special account that isn't your checking account.

No big deal.

Either way, the debit card has to draw from (debit) an account somewhere. That somewhere will probably be a bank.

That bank account doesn't need to be a checking account, but it does need to be an account at a bank. And it needs to be linked to the card, because it needs to debit some account somewhere.

Slightly different from what I originally posted, in regard that it's a special account.

No big deal.

Winger Ed.
10-02-2021, 08:33 PM
I used to write checks for purchases.
When some place didn't want to take it, I told them, "Sure, no problem, put it on this credit card and lose 4% when they pay you".

10-02-2021, 08:45 PM
Bookworm, your missing the point, like any modern citizen I have a wallet full of various cards I could have used, but prefer not to. Most businesses utilize an electronic accounting system that verify or makes the sale at the point of purchase for the check.

I tried to get a separate pay as you go card from my credit union to do these mundane tasks, but again they want to link it to my main accounts. Pre paid credit cards bring their own trouble, I got one for my birthday and I couldn’t use it to buy anything firearm or reloading related in a store and online.

10-02-2021, 08:47 PM
my local family dollar has stopped taking checks - not sure what this means

10-02-2021, 09:16 PM
It means that the days of checks are numbered. Banks want to kill them and just go electronic. Gov wants to track.

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10-02-2021, 09:33 PM
As a business owner, I would love to take cheques with impunity. But at a 16% NSF rate - I stopped taking them from anyone that's not been a client for more than 3 years. I cannot count how many hours were spent chasing down bad cheques and the tens of thousands of dollars that were never collected. The country attorney stopped help several years ago, and that was the hint that I needed.
Kind of a not so funny aside on the subject - I put up a bulletin board with each and every NSF cheque in plain public view inside of my business, I got a letter from a (former) client's attorney that I was defaming those fine folks and demanded they be removed from view. My attorney agreed that I could be liable so I took it down.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

10-02-2021, 10:20 PM
As a business owner, I would love to take cheques with impunity. But at a 16% NSF rate - I stopped taking them from anyone that's not been a client for more than 3 years. I cannot count how many hours were spent chasing down bad cheques and the tens of thousands of dollars that were never collected. The country attorney stopped help several years ago, and that was the hint that I needed.
Kind of a not so funny aside on the subject - I put up a bulletin board with each and every NSF cheque in plain public view inside of my business, I got a letter from a (former) client's attorney that I was defaming those fine folks and demanded they be removed from view. My attorney agreed that I could be liable so I took it down.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
Sad that a deadbeat would rather pay an attorney to make threats than pay to pickup the bounced check.

Between paying my own bills along with Mom's, I usually write less than ten checks per month anymore.

I would rather pay cash, that way I know exactly how much money I have to spend. No more green stuff, no more new toys.

I have had a debit card number stolen recently, fortunately the bank caught it and it didn't cost me anything except inconvenience.


10-02-2021, 10:54 PM
I write checks on occasion as a way to prove I paid a bill. Don’t see much difference risk-wise between checks and Debit cards. After all a check has your name, address, signature AND your actual checking account number on it, debit cards don’t have your address, if you do have to sign often as not it’s with your finger on an electronic screen and the card number is not your actual account number. Banks usually let you off the hook for fraudulent card charges. Most places that accept cards don’t look at your signature on back of card anymore. Instead of a signature I write ‘CHECK ID’ on back of my card, but no one does.
I’ve been in businesses lately that don’t accept cash! Like I’m going to use a card to buy a coffee.

10-02-2021, 11:04 PM
Sad that a deadbeat would rather pay an attorney to make threats than pay to pickup the bounced check.

Between paying my own bills along with Mom's, I usually write less than ten checks per month anymore.

I would rather pay cash, that way I know exactly how much money I have to spend. No more green stuff, no more new toys.

I have had a debit card number stolen recently, fortunately the bank caught it and it didn't cost me anything except inconvenience.

RobertYep, crazy the rights folks have when they are being a deadbeat or the money they can seem to come up with when it suits them.
The term "in forma pauperis" is one that really infuriates me. Just sue everyone that you've ever met or done business with, the defendant has to respond to avoid summary judgement, doesn't cost a dime and most law schools will actually help with the suit for nothing to boot. You're bound to hit paydirt eventually!

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

legend 550
10-02-2021, 11:32 PM
Around here you don't even fill out the check if you don't want to. They run it through a scanner and it just works like a debit, deposits the money in their account and cancels the check and they give it back to you.

10-02-2021, 11:44 PM
I would encourage everyone to check out who our president is proposing to head our money/banking systems in the U.S. She is from Russia and was a Lenin scholarship award winner. Read her comments and this of some other political elites and you will see where this is headed.

We pay some bills with checks, some with automatic pay. Prefer to pay some.businesses cash so they can make more money from not having fees. If I am not mistaken, it used to be you had to shoe ID to use a check or a credit card but I am.showing my age. If the business knew you, they didn't enforce it. Then businesses got lazy and credit cards/banks absorbed the losses through fees.

10-03-2021, 01:38 AM
Have to agree with the earlier post from the business owner. As a business consultant to over 30 business in the past 5 years I cannot in good conscience advise anyone accept checks. It takes too long for a check to bounce and by than who knows where the person is.

I used to run a business, major chain brand retailer, where we had a list of local patrons that were regulars we would accept checks from. Maybe 25 people on the list. I still had over a $1000 in bounced checks in the last year we allowed them. Each and every one of them ended up paying collections to get the amount cleared but then collections takes their cut before you get pennies on the dollar.

Unfortunately, people don’t know how to manage money any more and businesses have had to take steps to protect themselves which inconveniences those who can be trusted.

Our country is headed towards a time when cash will even be looked down on. If you look at what’s happened in the pandemic, no one wants to deal with accepting currency/checks, too easy to allow the system to process it for you and, on a side note, easier to manage theft within your business too. Cash is too hard to track, cards are easy.

Sad commentary on the trust ability of some of our fellow Americans.

10-03-2021, 05:58 AM
I write about 8 checks per year. Everything else is electronic or cash.
In my farming sales of vegetables to customers I have not gotten a bad check in 25 years.

10-03-2021, 06:22 AM
One problem with a check is it has all your info on iy. Check acct #, usually imprinted with name, address, phone #, etc. Personally I use my credit card from an airline. Get points when I pay it off every months, and a free flight on occasion. No interest and an itemized statement where the money goes. Easy to check and correct wrong charges.


Lloyd Smale
10-03-2021, 06:24 AM
dont carry a check book anymore. Use my debit card for about everything. Keep a couple hundred in cash is my wallet for just in case. Most of my bills are on auto pay. I have two that i write a check for every month but thats about it for checks. Still remember the days before computers when i had to keep a pen record of my checks in the check book. Dont miss it a bit.

10-03-2021, 07:55 AM
No don't get any card linked to your bank account get a DEBIT card and when you need to put money in it do it. I pay cash or debit with no link to my bank or me.

This folks. If you need to use a debit card make it from a separate account then your regular accounts. You have almost zero recourse, other than the court system, if someone hacks your debit card account. That is your money, not the banks. Credit cards come with protection, debit cards nothing. I know folks are set in their ways, but a zero cost credit card that gives you cash back is the way to go IF you pay it off every month. The days of hiding cash and paying solely with it are almost gone. Talking from experience as a C.P.A. before retirement. Good luck.

10-03-2021, 08:52 AM
This folks. If you need to use a debit card make it from a separate account then your regular accounts. You have almost zero recourse, other than the court system, if someone hacks your debit card account. That is your money, not the banks. Credit cards come with protection, debit cards nothing. I know folks are set in their ways, but a zero cost credit card that gives you cash back is the way to go IF you pay it off every month. The days of hiding cash and paying solely with it are almost gone. Talking from experience as a C.P.A. before retirement. Good luck.

That is true however if I need an item that cost 50.00 bucks I put 51.00 on the card and my liability is 1 dollar I can live with a loss like that.

10-03-2021, 09:10 AM
My wife and I have this discussion. She is an accountant and still love writing checks. I tell her they are going the way of the typewriter and prefer credit card or cash. Neither of us are fans of debit cards. Not at all secure.

10-03-2021, 09:23 AM
I used to write checks for purchases.
When some place didn't want to take it, I told them, "Sure, no problem, put it on this credit card and lose 4% when they pay you".

That's getting passed right on to the customer, though. If it isn't hidden in the price, it's an outright up charge at checkout. I don't blame the business, but I've seen as high as 6% around here. In talking with several different owners, they're seeing 10's of thousands of dollars in just processing fees each year.

10-03-2021, 10:31 AM
The safest, fastest and easiest way to pay for anything is by using a credit card. Just pay it off each month. Get one with cash back too. If a company adds a CC fee, then use a check or cash.

10-03-2021, 11:24 AM
Gee, us old codgers will argue over anything ;)

But a word to the wise, be sure to keep a couple weeks worth of cash on hand. when this $3.5 trillion socialism bill gets passed and creates more inflation, it'll likely effect the banks. We've seen it in 3rd world Countries like Venezuela...and also in Greece not too long ago.


10-03-2021, 01:44 PM
My bank debit is a Visa and it has protection for fraudulent charges. I write 3 checks a month, my health plan(they need to join this century and take electronic payments), water/sewer bill(city will take electronic payments... for a $5 fee!!!! No thanks), and my gas bill at the co-op(they are to small to take electronic payments, cash or check).

If I feel iffy about an online payment I use a credit card, and if I am out of cash and stop for fast food it is a credit card and not my debit. Fast food joints are the #1 fraud source around me!

10-03-2021, 02:03 PM
I tried those non-credit cards that you "fill up" and use then refill. I would put only what I needed to spend on it. Spend it and wait for the texts from my bank, to tell me that someone on the other side of the country tried to use it at a starbucks.
Get a new card and it would happen again.
Bank said it wasn't their fault, must be a "worm" on my computer.
The thing is, I was using the card over the phone to different places that I have dealt with for years.
So gave that up. Wife bought me a cash card, thing is I couldn't buy tobacco products with.
So no pipe tobacco. I sure as heck don't need an arbitrary company telling me what I can or can't spend my money on.

10-03-2021, 07:32 PM
Gee, us old codgers will argue over anything ;)

But a word to the wise, be sure to keep a couple weeks worth of cash on hand. when this $3.5 trillion socialism bill gets passed and creates more inflation, it'll likely effect the banks. We've seen it in 3rd world Countries like Venezuela...and also in Greece not too long ago.


Rule of thumb is try for at least six months. With this administration I would think twelve might be the new minimum.

Lloyd Smale
10-04-2021, 05:08 AM
My bank debit is a Visa and it has protection for fraudulent charges. I write 3 checks a month, my health plan(they need to join this century and take electronic payments), water/sewer bill(city will take electronic payments... for a $5 fee!!!! No thanks), and my gas bill at the co-op(they are to small to take electronic payments, cash or check).

If I feel iffy about an online payment I use a credit card, and if I am out of cash and stop for fast food it is a credit card and not my debit. Fast food joints are the #1 fraud source around me!

mines the same.

10-04-2021, 05:28 AM
Gee, us old codgers will argue over anything ;)

But a word to the wise, be sure to keep a couple weeks worth of cash on hand. when this $3.5 trillion socialism bill gets passed and creates more inflation, it'll likely effect the banks. We've seen it in 3rd world Countries like Venezuela...and also in Greece not too long ago.


Better have something besides cash if that plays out! US paper money will be worth less than CSA dollars are today! I was told booze and cigarettes are the best items to have on hand in a collapse, as they will buy anything!

Gator 45/70
10-04-2021, 08:50 AM
Around here a lot of maw and paw places will charge you 4% if you use a debit or cc vs's cash, So cash it is !

10-04-2021, 11:46 AM
Years ago, I got a "Serve" card, the Serve Company is part of American Express. I used it for restaurants when my grandson was on a BB travel team so some server couldn't take one of my regular cards when I settled the restaurant tab, and take a picture of it, front and back. Kept a little money on it, not enough to hurt if it was compromised. It is rechargeable, doesn't cost a dime. When the grandson got old enough, got him one and put it on a sub-account. I can track his spending and also add money to his account, again, no charge. I can do it from my cell phone. Works just like a credit card. Here's a link. https://www.serve.com/

10-04-2021, 12:07 PM
Around here a lot of maw and paw places will charge you 4% if you use a debit or cc vs's cash, So cash it is !That's actually an illegal practice in some states. When I first started taking credit cards I tried it, the merchant company was (of course) the one that informed me about it. It is strange though that I can post "prices reflect a 3% cash discount" and that discount can be removed if someone is paying by card.
The sad state of affairs is s such that if you take a $100 bill from someone and put it in your till - that becomes $71 to pay for the goods or services rendered. I'm quite certain that a number of small business owners like myself will stop reporting most - if not all- cash transactions.

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10-04-2021, 12:23 PM
I wasn't giving advice for end times, just a bit of advice for a "blimp" on the banking radar like Greece had in 2015, to the OP and anyone else that doesn't have a few weeks of cash on hand. Advice for end times should go into the prepping forum...and I agree, cash won't be much good for a Nation ending collapse.

Gator 45/70
10-04-2021, 01:36 PM
That's actually an illegal practice in some states. When I first started taking credit cards I tried it, the merchant company was (of course) the one that informed me about it. It is strange though that I can post "prices reflect a 3% cash discount" and that discount can be removed if someone is paying by card.
The sad state of affairs is s such that if you take a $100 bill from someone and put it in your till - that becomes $71 to pay for the goods or services rendered. I'm quite certain that a number of small business owners like myself will stop reporting most - if not all- cash transactions.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

One thing about it, Absolutely non,zero,nada single cc machine or atm was working were Ida passed thru several weeks ago, Cash only signs went up.

MT Gianni
10-04-2021, 02:51 PM
I pay almost everything by cards, cash being the other choice. I have about $200-$500 a year of charges I keep slips for but never come through to my bank. They get lost in the nether-lands and I take them out of my balance register after 6 months. I think those charges happen to most companies so they build in costs to accommodate them.

When I worked, I used to turn in slips for petty cash rather than putting a $1.50 charge on a card. I was told that it costs my employers less than 5 cents to process a CC bill and $3.00+ to process petty cash.

10-04-2021, 03:03 PM
Needing to do a bit of work on the wifeys car I stopped by my closest Ogreen chain parts store to gather the needed supplies. Everything was on hand and when I asked for the total to write out my check the lip ringed (different rant) clerk told me they no longer take personal checks and I would have to use a credit card or cash. I asked when this went into effect and she didn’t know. I asked for the manager and she replied that she was the shift manager. I promptly turned on my heel and walked out of the store before going off on her.

Not sure if this was a one off but we are ever cautious of where or when we use a credit card, and I normally don’t carry much cash on hand either, it just seems to melt out of my pocket.

Even at the height of the ‘rona scare most everyone around here at least still took checks.

Is this becoming more common in a push to go to a system where all your purchases can be tracked fo targeted marketing and knowing where you spend your money?

The old faithful red&yellow checkered flag parts store was as always more than willing to take my cash substitute.

You think a check is less likely to track you? It has your address, maybe your telephone number, and most importantly, ALL of your account information.

I don't know if this is common because I don't use checks, but checks are the easiest way for stores to get scammed, so if i were them, I wouldn't accept checks, either.

10-04-2021, 11:37 PM
I tried those non-credit cards that you "fill up" and use then refill. I would put only what I needed to spend on it. Spend it and wait for the texts from my bank, to tell me that someone on the other side of the country tried to use it at a starbucks.
Get a new card and it would happen again.
Bank said it wasn't their fault, must be a "worm" on my computer.
The thing is, I was using the card over the phone to different places that I have dealt with for years.
So gave that up. Wife bought me a cash card, thing is I couldn't buy tobacco products with.
So no pipe tobacco. I sure as heck don't need an arbitrary company telling me what I can or can't spend my money on.

The company I work for sells these cards very heavily and they are mostly a sham in my opinion. They were primarily developed for what the banking industry calls “un-bankables” meaning people who for one reason or another can’t use banks to store and process their money (liens, garnishments, etc). Most of them charge huge fees on every transaction (load or spend). Understand they fill a need for some but if you can avoid these I highly recommend you do.

The “serve” card mentioned by another member sounds interesting in that regard if there are no fees like he says.

10-05-2021, 08:15 AM
Does anyone still stand in line and count coins paying the exact change ?

10-05-2021, 08:25 AM
I hate checks (cheques) and always have. I write them a few times a year to pay small businesses or contractors, but usually use a credit card. Stopped using debit cards because it's too risky.

I would love to see crypto take off in a big way, but I don't believe the powers that be will allow that to happen in the way it should.

10-05-2021, 08:38 AM
I figure since there is no way the powers that be will allow for less tracking ability and going back to a "cash" payment society, you are better off with the credit cards that give you cash back. I know folks will say the cash back causes an increase in prices, but let's be honest in that cash is on its way out. I pay my credit cards in full every month and the cash back has been a decent amount. Just wait till the IRS decides those payments should be taxable and reported.

10-05-2021, 09:42 AM
Sorry, but I'm "old school" and I don't blame you for walking out. Our family had a business for close to a hundred, I had businesses for 50 years of my own - and we never turned a check paying customer away.

The doing away with checks, all these electronic transfers, etc. are being pushed on people. Banks used to provide services - now they have become "faceless" entities that employ people with no "people skills" - the same as most clerks in the bigger stores.

"Get a debit card"? I don't want a debit card. I have a credit card but am very hesitant to use it as it has been hacked a number of times - a few by clerks who would not accept checks. How is a debit card any more secure than a credit card? No matter how secure it is claimed, there will be some be some lowlife who is too lazy to actually work that will find a way to hack it.

Secure credit and debit cards? A year ago, my wife and I were at the Home Depot up in Tucson to pick up some plumbing supplies. IIRC, the total was around $190. I told the clerk that I would be using my Master Card. As the transaction went through, I waited for her to ask to see my ID to verify that I was indeed the cardholder. She didn't ask so I asked her if she wanted to see my ID to verify it. Her reply? "No - we are no longer allowed to ask to see ID. Well, doesn't that give you a warm fuzzy feeling to know that if your card does get stolen, the lowlife can go on a spree and never get asked to prove it is his or her card.

Yea . . . . checks are going to get phased out eventually . . . but a big contributing factor to it is that there are far too many people who see no problem in writing a check with no funds to cover the check - a good majority of them are those who have never been taught to be responsible, never been taught to not live beyond their means and who can't even do the simple math to balance a check book - but I guess we shouldn't be surprised . . . we have a government in Washington that does the same thing. And at the local level . . . there are many places where the Prosecuting Attorney's office will not go after the individuals who make a habit of writing bad checks.

10-05-2021, 09:54 AM
I either use checks, or my "rat hole account (proceeds from gun sales, etc. in my wallet, what can I say, I'm a hillbilly!)". Cash still works pretty dern good. Course the young'uns have a hard time counting down - ie., something is say $15.07 and you give them $20.10 - then you get the deer in a head light look.

10-05-2021, 01:08 PM
Not taking checks bad enough - some places like UPS won't take cash ! "Course the government would like to do away with cash too, so they would be able to track all wealth to the penny .

MT Gianni
10-05-2021, 01:47 PM
"Get a debit card"? I don't want a debit card. I

Secure credit and debit cards? A year ago, my wife and I were at the Home Depot up in Tucson to pick up some plumbing supplies. IIRC, the total was around $190. I told the clerk that I would be using my Master Card. As the transaction went through, I waited for her to ask to see my ID to verify that I was indeed the cardholder. She didn't ask so I asked her if she wanted to see my ID to verify it. Her reply? "No - we are no longer allowed to ask to see ID. Well, doesn't that give you a warm fuzzy feeling to know that if your card does get stolen, the lowlife can go on a spree and never get asked to prove it is his or her card.

Debit cards if hacked do not carry the protection of a contested charge unless they are MC or Visa. Credit charges can be contested. The questions asked first was if you verified the name and photo ID, of the person. If those were not verified the charges are often dropped so the retailer doesn't get paid. I am sure those charges are passed on to all of us.

It isn't that cc vs debit are less likely to be hacked, just that there is more protection for the consumer if they are

MT Gianni
10-05-2021, 01:49 PM
Not taking checks bad enough - some places like UPS won't take cash ! "Course the government would like to do away with cash too, so they would be able to track all wealth to the penny .

As was evident with shipping handguns, UPS believes most of their employees would steal from them. In several localities, they may be right.

10-05-2021, 02:33 PM
Just a question for those who just debit cards and no cash; do you ever try to buy something at a local gun show? What do you do, tell them to hang on while you go to an ATM?

10-05-2021, 05:02 PM
Does anyone still stand in line and count coins paying the exact change ?

I Usually know how much change I have in my pocket. If I intend to pay cash I can get add up the prices and know what the sales tax will be, so yeah. I have the change ready by the time cashier tell me the bill. Some are still baffled.

A year ago, my wife and I were at the Home Depot up in Tucson to pick up some plumbing supplies.
Ever since Home Depo got hacked a couple times, I will only use cash or Amex when dealing with them. Amex is about the only card I use, pay it off every month. On the two occasions someone tried to defraud me, Amex caught it and rejected the charge within a minute of the attempt, then overnighted a new card.

10-05-2021, 05:20 PM
Is it legal to not take cash for a purchase at a store in the US? I thought cash was the ultimate coin of the realm. For all debts public and private.

10-05-2021, 08:08 PM
Just a question for those who just debit cards and no cash; do you ever try to buy something at a local gun show? What do you do, tell them to hang on while you go to an ATM?

There are a number of electronic means by which to exchange money nowadays, Zelle et al. I don't generally use them myself, but in person exchanges via those means are definitely viable, since you can verify the gun you're buying is in the condition promised prior to sending the money. Most banks support at least one of them.

10-05-2021, 08:19 PM
I've never wrote a bank check in my life, and I never could see a good reason to. They are slow, unreliable, and prone to theft. About the only real advantage they offer is they payment can be canceled at any time, assuming it wasn't already cashed. There's no protection at all for the seller, and I can't blame anyone who doesn't want to deal with the headache of depositing or cashing all those checks, then dealing with the ones that bounce. Checks are traceable as much, and likely more so than any credit card. If you cash a good sized check, I think it is only $2,000, the IRS knows about it. I doubt they know about anything you do with a credit card besides what is on your 1040.

I pay most big purchases in cash. Every car I ever bought, boat, etc. All cash. 90% of guns I ever bought were with cash. I've always payed rent in cash. Utilities of any kind are all online now. Anything small like gas, food, parts, etc. I use a debit or credit card. You end up with way too many $1's if you buy everything small in cash. I have bought a couple of items and guns with USPS money order checks, and NEVER AGAIN. They suck unless you enjoy loosing your money for months at a time. If I can't pay cash, the only other thing I'll use for guns is a credit card. The 3% fee is 100% worth not having to do a nailbiter waiting for your bank check, or money order to be stolen.

Long story short, almost all car parts I buy are with a debit or credit card. There's no reason not to. If you get a credit card with no annual fee, and don't be an idiot, you actually make money off of them, as well as build credit history.

Lloyd Smale
10-06-2021, 06:37 AM
Just a question for those who just debit cards and no cash; do you ever try to buy something at a local gun show? What do you do, tell them to hang on while you go to an ATM?

I know what i can afford so i take that much out of the bank the day of the show. If i find something i buy it if not i just put it back in on monday.

10-06-2021, 07:37 AM
Needing to do a bit of work on the wifeys car I stopped by my closest Ogreen chain parts store to gather the needed supplies. Everything was on hand and when I asked for the total to write out my check the lip ringed (different rant) clerk told me they no longer take personal checks and I would have to use a credit card or cash. I asked when this went into effect and she didn’t know. I asked for the manager and she replied that she was the shift manager. I promptly turned on my heel and walked out of the store before going off on her.

Not sure if this was a one off but we are ever cautious of where or when we use a credit card, and I normally don’t carry much cash on hand either, it just seems to melt out of my pocket.

Even at the height of the ‘rona scare most everyone around here at least still took checks.

Is this becoming more common in a push to go to a system where all your purchases can be tracked fo targeted marketing and knowing where you spend your money?

The old faithful red&yellow checkered flag parts store was as always more than willing to take my cash substitute.

Change can be difficult, but there are more protections with a visa debit card than a check allows for. Some years ago, a magazine salesman appeared at our door and proceeded to sell my wife a subscription. Apparently the subscription she purchased was not available, and the salesman must've altered the check's notes section from Cosmopolitan magazine to Bowhunting. I detected this change once the cleared check arrived. I immediately reported it to the bank, however it was a long and arduous process to get that money back. 6-8 months, and required reporting to the FBI. If this purchase had been made under a Visa debit card, the money would have been refunded within hours.

Geezer in NH
10-06-2021, 05:12 PM
We used 5 checks last year, all for purchases over our desired debit limit. One was our property tax.

DW is on a wipe account for her debit card as she abuses the spending on a card badly. Only her weekly limit is on the card.

I use a CC for online purchases and pay the card of monthly from my bank account using online payments offered by my local bank same as the rest of our bills.

For guns or ammo only cash. The old saying in some places was no checks, no twenties. New is no checks, no hundreds. Besides I have not bought any firearms or ammo in 20 years.

10-06-2021, 10:44 PM
I will only pay cash if offered a discount for using it. Otherwise my CC is used to earn rebates (cash) for me.
Debit cards are a waste as they offer none of the advantages of using the CC. The only time I write a check anymore is to send a birthday gift thru the mail.

10-06-2021, 11:07 PM
I will only pay cash if offered a discount for using it. Otherwise my CC is used to earn rebates (cash) for me.
Debit cards are a waste as they offer none of the advantages of using the CC. The only time I write a check anymore is to send a birthday gift thru the mail.

There's good reasons to use debit cards. The big one is that there is very small fees for them. If I'm in a small shop, say a bait shop, I'm using a debit card. Those little shops don't need more fees.

10-07-2021, 09:15 AM
Lloyd's solution of taking out enough cash out of the bank is pretty good. In a gun show I have found that several Arkansas credit cards ($100 bills) fanned out often nails a deal pretty fast and pretty solid. A buyer loses the Seller's attention fast if he makes an offer and then says I need to go by the ATM first and get some money. Most non-dealer vendors do not have credit card machines on hand. At least not around here.

10-07-2021, 09:46 AM
There's good reasons to use debit cards. The big one is that there is very small fees for them. If I'm in a small shop, say a bait shop, I'm using a debit card. Those little shops don't need more fees.

If your concerned about the fees a small business owner pays then give them cash.

10-07-2021, 09:57 AM
There's good reasons to use debit cards. The big one is that there is very small fees for them. If I'm in a small shop, say a bait shop, I'm using a debit card. Those little shops don't need more fees.

Debit cards do not have fees when run as debit with a PIN, they are the same as making a cash withdrawal.

Debit cards when run as credit are the same as a credit card, only they provide the buyer with zero protection.

In a sane world, nobody outside of the unbanked would be using anything other than a credit card for purchases. Anything else is throwing money away.

10-07-2021, 10:05 AM
Debit cards do not have fees when run as debit with a PIN, they are the same as making a cash withdrawal.

Debit cards when run as credit are the same as a credit card, only they provide the buyer with zero protection.

In a sane world, nobody outside of the unbanked would be using anything other than a credit card for purchases. Anything else is throwing money away.

Debit cards have fees. It's just a different fee structure.

10-09-2021, 08:39 AM
I write about a dozen checks a year for property taxes.

Checks are the least secure form of payment out there. Someone can take a photo of your check, then they have what they need to print a bunch on a laser printer, including your signature, and you're hosed.

Everyone on this thread should watch this video: https://youtu.be/vsMydMDi3rI


10-09-2021, 02:54 PM
It means that the days of checks are numbered. Banks want to kill them and just go electronic. Gov wants to track.

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

I think it has more to do with the cost of bad checks bouncing around. If you pay cash or with a credit card the merchant will get the money. Checks may take a couple of weeks and if your a neer do well the merchant will be out of money.

10-09-2021, 02:59 PM
I put about everything on a CC now. Pay bills online using it, groceries, gas etc and get a 5 percent payback for doing it. Only a few things do I use a check for like taxes or lease payments and cash for the things I buy everyday. Always keep cash on hand just in case the ATM or CC system goes down. My debit card is used as an ATM card only.

How to write a check isn't even taught in high school anymore but I don't think the kids are looking long game into this as everything they do online or with a CC can and will be tracked by the Government eventually. Digital currency will make it worse.

In high school one of the life skills classes we took taught us how to write a check and balance a check book, use a typewriter, read a bank statement, figure the final cost of a purchase like a car taking into account the interest etc. Mr. Parsons was the local Allstate Agent and volunteered to teach kids what they were doing with their money. Classes like that are not taught anymore.

10-09-2021, 09:36 PM
In high school one of the life skills classes we took taught us how to write a check and balance a check book,SNIP.
That was the 5th or sixth grade.