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View Full Version : Team MITTENS!!!!

09-28-2021, 02:13 PM
Alrighty, so I work for a major German automation company. As part of a recent re-org, I was moved into a specialist team with others with a very broad repertoire of skills. A lot of our work is going to be stored on a server and each team had to come up with their own unique name. There were many Germanesque names as well as many from comics books, etc...
Originally I suggested Enigma for our team and everyone felt that was good as we have no real clear goals as to what we should be doing. Well, Enigma was the name of the encryption device that the Germans used in WWII. And Germans are very sensitive to anything related to WWII so it was summarily shot down. No biggie.
So, one of my friends, as a joke, threw out the name "Mittens". EVERYONE here knows Mittens and her story. Resilience. Recovery. Perseverance. Our team held a vote and Mittens got at least 4 votes out of 6. Apparently our team manager was in a German meeting yesterday and had to explain the significance of the name "Mittens". Now our team manager is not the most approachable person. He is ok, just very quiet around others. To think of him having to explain "Mittens" to Germans is hilarious.

So, we are now Team Mittens!

09-28-2021, 02:56 PM
My smile for the day!

09-28-2021, 05:30 PM
Thats cool! Go Mittens!

09-28-2021, 05:33 PM
That's Freaking Awesome !!! Team Mittens
Having a name is OK but having a name with Mittens story to go with that name is touching .

09-28-2021, 06:48 PM
Mit tins, mit tins, mit tins.

09-29-2021, 09:18 AM
I made a post last night, but I must have not submitted it.

In any event,, OUTSTANDING! A super tribute to a great feline that can be used as an example of what all of us should be. I truly love it! Way to go "Team Mittens!"