View Full Version : Best hunting video i have ever see.

09-28-2021, 09:09 AM
I tried to post a link but can't or don't know how on my phone. The video is on YouTube and is called "Wyoming bull with a bow" bu The hunting public. 4 guys hunting elk on public land in Wyoming. Ultimately one arrows a bull at 20 yards.

Really incredible footage and team work. These guys hunted for 13 or 14 days. I was really impressed by them not jumping around like a bunch of yahoos at a football game when they got the bull. I have watched several of their videos. They hunt on public land. Their videos are not one long commercial.

Also impressive is that some of their videos involve hunting hard for several days and not getting a shot. In other words reality. Definitely worth a watch.

09-28-2021, 09:21 AM
Thanks for the heads up.


09-28-2021, 09:21 AM
I follow them /subscribe ,they are hunting machines (and ethical) with what ever they shoot with (awesome comes to mind!)/Ed

09-28-2021, 09:41 AM
While down with a broken foot last winter I watched a number of their videos. Excellent content and good hunters.

09-29-2021, 06:02 PM
I watch them on Amazon Prime, pretty dang good hunters, real life.