View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Thursday, September 23

Pine Baron
09-23-2021, 06:28 AM
Good morning all. A great message today from Hagee Ministries, I just had to share. Have a safe and blessed day.

Psalm 136:1

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.

God is good, and He is worthy to be praised! Not just on the days when the sun is on our faces and joy bubbles in our hearts. Even on the days when thunderclouds congregate and grief drives us to our knees.

Paul admonishes us to give thanks in everything “for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (I Thessalonians 5:18). But how is it possible to live with sincere gratitude in an often cruel world? Notice that he says to give thanks in everything…not for everything.

In the big moments – the salvations, the graduations, and births – give thanks. In the insignificant moments – a morning kiss, the first tulip of spring, a shared meal – give thanks. When we consider our past, thank God that it led us to Him. On the days we are overwhelmed, thank God that He walks beside us. In the face of a pink slip or a frightening diagnosis, thank God that He holds every tomorrow, that He holds us securely in His hand.

Our gratitude demonstrates our trust in a loving Father. Our hearts are fixed unswervingly on a God Who is good to us in every season. No matter the circumstance, we believe that He is working all things to our good for His glory. We give thanks with grateful hearts!


May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. In everything give thanks to God! May your heart overflow with praise and glory and honor to Him Who is worthy of our gratitude.

09-23-2021, 09:36 AM
Amen, Everything is for our good and to bring glory to God!

09-23-2021, 09:45 AM
Every morning that I remember, sometime after my first sip of coffee I give thanks for another day on the green side of the grass.
For all the many blessings he has heaped upon us. For his steadfast love which endures forever.

Days I forget are just not as good.

Also at night I like to thank him for a good day, for his protection.

I don't know what his plan is for me, but I know that I will be cared for, loved, protected.
And I don't need to know his plan to know it will be a good one.
Trust in the Lord, for he is good.

Pine Baron ok if I borrow your blessing?

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. In everything give thanks to God! May your heart overflow with praise and glory and honor to Him Who is worthy of our gratitude.

Pine Baron
09-23-2021, 09:51 AM
Of course Ghost...Amen...God bless you.

09-24-2021, 12:07 AM
"Also at night I like to thank him for a good day, for his protection. "

I have, for some time, at the close of the day, done a sort of inventory of the days activities. When I was working, I would talk about what tasks I had accomplished, what went well and what didn't go so well.

Giving thanks for tasks completed, progress on others, strength, ability to accomplish a goal.

I also use this as a time for confession as well.

It just seems that when a day comes to a close and I'm winding down for the night is a good time to assess things. If I've had a specific problem, it is a good time to reflect and talk about it. If I think I did some task particularly well, it is a good time to reflect on that also.

Sent from a handheld tracking device on a remote body of water in SE Alabama.

09-26-2021, 04:41 PM
God is good, and He is worthy to be praised! Not just on the days when the sun is on our faces and joy bubbles in our hearts. Even on the days when thunderclouds congregate and grief drives us to our knees.
...............Yes !

He gives what we need at a time . Often we don't count our blessings and only see what we 'don't' have . He gives trial to give us understanding...to build and strengthen us .