View Full Version : I do not know why, but the Lord put this one in my head today.

09-19-2021, 02:19 PM
So just in case, I post it here.


May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you
and give you His peace. May whining, complaining, and procrastination have no place in your life. May you
co-labor with Christ until His kingdom comes and His will is done here on earth as it is in heaven!

Love you Brothers! Have faith.

Pine Baron
09-20-2021, 06:08 AM
Thanks Ghost. Amen. (I love Hagee's blessings)

09-20-2021, 06:09 AM
I had forgotten that song ! Avery catchy tune that is.

09-20-2021, 09:40 AM
Me too Pine Baron.

Hope this fine morning finds you well, and alive in his faith. Take Care Brother!

09-20-2021, 10:06 AM
It's like you were speaking just to me. I miss the USA of the 50's, 60's.

09-20-2021, 09:14 PM
Who knows sparky45, maybe he was talking to you?

All I know is that every song I have ever heard is stuck in my head somewhere.

And the good lord can put whatever song, or line of a song into my head on repeat until I get the message.

Once the message is received and understood (hopefully acted upon) the song goes away.

But when he called me, it was 3 days of solid country gospel starting with Alan Jackson, working through the Oak Ridge Boys, then the Statler brothers and ending with Tennessee Ernie Ford. 3 days of tears and memories and forgiving until I ripped off my hat, kicked off my shoes, threw myself on the floor belly down and begged for forgiveness and the blood of the lamb to wash my sins away.

When it was done I was his sheep at last. Humble and ready to serve. Still humble, still ready to serve, still trying to keep my feet on the path.
Still working on remembering it is THY will, not mine be done. I am here Lord, I am listening. Use me as you will.