View Full Version : Prayer request

09-11-2021, 07:38 PM
I haven't been on in a while I contracted covid on the 9/2, and my wife and son did too. They gave me the infusion therapy and it seems to have reduced my symptoms. My wife and son weren't offered infusion for some reason and are still suffering. Seeing them suffer is causing some anxiety in me. Please each of you who do offer prayers for healing for my family and the Lords peace for me. Any scripture suggestions would be welcomed too.

09-11-2021, 08:18 PM
Will be doing evening prayers in just a short while . You and your family will be in them . Please keep us aware of how ya'll are doing . GOD bless

09-11-2021, 09:46 PM
Prayers sent, will include you your Wife and Son on my prayer list.

09-12-2021, 06:35 AM
Having suffered the virus and survived, prayers offered for complete recovery!

Pine Baron
09-12-2021, 06:41 AM
Prayers of healing and comfort for you and the family.

2 Corinthians 1:4

"who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."

09-12-2021, 07:47 AM
I haven't been on in a while I contracted covid on the 9/2, and my wife and son did too. They gave me the infusion therapy and it seems to have reduced my symptoms. My wife and son weren't offered infusion for some reason and are still suffering. Seeing them suffer is causing some anxiety in me. Please each of you who do offer prayers for healing for my family and the Lords peace for me. Any scripture suggestions would be welcomed too.

Father, I come to You to pray for comfort, healing, and guidance for tankgunner59, his wife and his son. Father please guide their medical team and send them down the path to complete recovery for this family. Give them the strength to overcome this terrible disease and restore them unto themselves, their friends and You! AMEN

09-12-2021, 08:44 AM
May God give you and your family peace and comfort, We are adding you all to our prayer list!

09-12-2021, 08:48 AM
Prayers sent

09-13-2021, 06:49 PM
2 Kings 20:5


09-14-2021, 10:09 AM
May the grace and healing of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus be with you wife and son. We ask a complete healing, and that it may glorify the Name of God our Father, in Jesus Name we pray amen!

09-14-2021, 10:19 AM
Heavenly Father we come to you this bright sparkling morning looking for Healing and Mercy for the family of tangunner59.
Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. But he is concerned for his family. So if it can be we ask that it be so in
Jesus the Christ's name.

Bless them oh Lord.

Hallelujah and Hosanna's to you Oh Lord for thy Mercy endureth forever.
Thank you

09-17-2021, 07:50 PM
prayers sent for recovery and the strength for you to have peace while they recover. God is with all of you

Bullet Caster
09-17-2021, 08:18 PM
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and for you and yer family. May the grace of God fall upon you and yer family, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. May God be with you and yer family every minute and grant you complete healing. Bullet Caster

09-28-2021, 08:55 PM
I want to thank all of you for prayers offered. Our Lord has answered and blessed. My wife and son are much better and back to work, I have gotten much better and now my wife and I can taste some things and not others. no longer having fevers or chills. In the first 7 days I ate nothing and drank only water nearly depleting my sodium and potassium and spent 3 days in hospital with that and a depression. Doctors did what they do, and the Lord did what He does and answered prayers with a yes and I came home and we all recuperated.
Right after I got sick, my FIL was on a tractor after mowing and as he turned left in a 45 mph zone was hit by a semi truck. Jesus was there, praise God. When he went to the hospital he had a broken shoulder blade and all his ribs on the left are broken. My MIL was at home alone and did well the first week he was away but the second week she stopped eating and went into a depression. Once again God has blessed, he came home the evening she went to the hospital. All are home now, but she is not wanting to get out of bed and get light exercise. They are supposed to have some home health care starting Thursday, we don't live close enough to be able to get there quickly. Please help us pray the Lord will give her the desire to get the exercise she needs to get back to health. They are getting better faster than we expected and we all know that is thanks to the Lord and all of the people who are praying for them.

09-28-2021, 10:41 PM
Praise God!

Our congregation lost three members to the virus in the last seven days, and another husband and wife have just been diagnosed with her hospitalized today! Keep praying for one another, God's will be done always!

Pine Baron
09-29-2021, 06:22 AM
Thanks for the update Tank. Thank you Lord for Your grace and mercy. Prayers for your FIL's healing and may our Lord bring your MIL into the light of His divine will.

09-29-2021, 04:59 PM
AMEN! Thundar and Pine Baron, and thank you so much. We have been praising the Lord for all He has done for us in the past month. My FIL, for years, blamed God for the early death of his mother. I had a talk with him yesterday about God. I asked if ha was still mad at God and he said no. I told him God must have plans for him. He was on a tractor on a highway in a 45 mph zone and hit by a semi, everyone is surprised he's not dead. I witnessed to him about what my God has done for me and convinced him to start praying with us for himself and his wife. Praise God he said he would, and if you knew him you'd know how much this means.
Once again I want to thank you all for the prayers sent up for us and them. It really bothers me when someone says at least we can pray. I believe prayer should be the first thing we do when we need the Lords help. I say the most we can do is pray.

09-29-2021, 05:22 PM
Prayer out.

09-29-2021, 08:51 PM
Thank you ! Thank you for this good report on you and yours . Still praying for complete recovery for all .