View Full Version : 9/11 Never Forget

09-09-2021, 06:32 PM

09-10-2021, 01:45 PM
"Lets roll"
about 15 miles away

09-10-2021, 02:00 PM
Never forget!

09-10-2021, 11:23 PM
JB sure forgot.

09-10-2021, 11:56 PM
I was born and raised in NYC, and saw the towers every day from where I worked. Took an early out and retired to Louisiana. My wife woke me up and said they are destroying the twin towers. Little did both of us know that this was a preplanned attack. Of course this all became clear as the day wore on. Picked up my two daughters from school. That parking lot was in panic mode as no one knew what was going on or what would happen next. Forget what happened NO. I will never forget what happened. Frank

John Wayne
09-11-2021, 09:05 PM
Sure is painful!

09-11-2021, 09:25 PM
As long as I still draw a breath, I will never forget! My niece worked in the World Trade Center. Thankfully she was home sick on 9/11.

09-11-2021, 09:38 PM
No American that was 13 years of age or older will ever forget that day, or all that came after. It was the day our innocence as a nation was taken away, those things happened, but never on homeland.

09-12-2021, 01:48 PM
No American that was 13 years of age or older will ever forget that day, or all that came after. It was the day our innocence as a nation was taken away, those things happened, but never on homeland.

I never dreamed I'd be the curmudgeon that would say "well actually it's happened a lot " but I guess the history books don't count coastal waters , and territories ..... Enough of that , I'll just leave you with U Boats off Jersey , the Alamo , Japanese bases on the Alutians , and Pearl Harbor .

That was the day we sat in awe , the first tower was hit about 15 minutes before I walked out the door to go to work . The second about an hour an a half into our day . We were sent home about 10 with 3.5 hr on the clock .

The facility was locked down and and we got show up and admin leave for 2 weeks . National Guard augmented local Security and 20 yr later every truck in and out still gets a full inspection .......

The most memorable moment beyond when the events hit the news feed , I don't recall whether it was CNN or Fox now , was the Whitehouse call from Yaser Arifat saying "we had nothing to do with this and want no part of what is coming . We cannot give you men or mat'l but all of our bases are available to you " or something very close , with the same intention .

The unity of one nation and the desire to raze the attackers in the most forward and deliberate way was a beautiful moment , too bad it's been twisted into the 20 yr perversion of politics instead of the 5 yr glory of generals .

09-13-2021, 08:28 AM
I lost a few of my school mates then. Some were NYPD and the others NYFD. I had moved already to TN., the Vol. fire department I belonged to along with every vol FD on Long Island sent trucks and men to the disaster site to help out looking through rubble for survivors and to collect any remains they found.
Many of those vols. came down with cancers and some are gone, some young some older.
Thank God that the state is taking care with medical check ups and treatments for ALL the 911
firemen and policemen who were there that filed their paperwork.

I’ll never forget that day and all the people killed and the ones that died after, and I’ll never forgive the people that were involved and responsible for it.

God bless us all and please God, help our country return to what it used to be ! And God bless the men and women of our armed forces,police, firemen and Ems.


09-13-2021, 09:33 AM
None of the students that work at my office even remember it. A few weren't even born when it happened. It's like the holocaust was to my generation, my parents remembered it happening, but I could only read about it. It's not the same intensity.

09-13-2021, 05:04 PM
Just a thought.

People vowing to never forget is how you get feuds lasting hundreds of years.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

09-13-2021, 07:20 PM
Just a thought.

People vowing to never forget is how you get feuds lasting hundreds of years.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Not understanding the difference between a simple feud and being attacked by a culture that killled 3,000 innocent US citizens and wants the total golobal destruction of non- Muslim cultures at best is more than a little myopic.

I will NEVER FORGET what that culture did in the past, what that culture is doing today nor what that culture wants to do in the future.

09-13-2021, 07:33 PM
You do have a point. What I was trying to articulate was that for many years we had enjoyed a peace and false sense of safety, and now a whole new generation has a Pearl Harbor type of event.

The only difference being it was against non-combatants.

I never dreamed I'd be the curmudgeon that would say "well actually it's happened a lot " but I guess the history books don't count coastal waters , and territories ..... Enough of that , I'll just leave you with U Boats off Jersey , the Alamo , Japanese bases on the Alutians , and Pearl Harbor .

That was the day we sat in awe , the first tower was hit about 15 minutes before I walked out the door to go to work . The second about an hour an a half into our day . We were sent home about 10 with 3.5 hr on the clock .

The facility was locked down and and we got show up and admin leave for 2 weeks . National Guard augmented local Security and 20 yr later every truck in and out still gets a full inspection .......

The most memorable moment beyond when the events hit the news feed , I don't recall whether it was CNN or Fox now , was the Whitehouse call from Yaser Arifat saying "we had nothing to do with this and want no part of what is coming . We cannot give you men or mat'l but all of our bases are available to you " or something very close , with the same intention .

The unity of one nation and the desire to raze the attackers in the most forward and deliberate way was a beautiful moment , too bad it's been twisted into the 20 yr perversion of politics instead of the 5 yr glory of generals .