View Full Version : More fine service from RCBS

Chill Wills
09-08-2021, 07:23 AM
The lifetime warranty RCBS has on their products is outstanding.

I have a bench mounted Auto Prime tool from the 1970's that has seen untold thousands of cycles over the decades. The large primer stem wore to the point it would not reliably go up and down and pick up primers from the tube any more. For the last few years I have assisted its operation with my finger to make it work and recently that did not even work.
It is funny how we just limp along with something that needs help or repair.

I looked on ebay for replacement parts and few were found - none new. The light came on in my head and I called RCBS. The very nice customer services woman quickly identified my needs and sent the parts to rebuild my primer tool. FREE!
After all these years I would have been happy to pay for the parts, or if none were available just buy a new tool - my old primer tool owed me nothing after all it has done.

Two thumbs up for RCBS.

09-08-2021, 08:14 AM
This has always been my experience. I actually called about a primer pocket swager that goes on the press. I told them I lost a part and they sent me the new part free of charge.

Half Dog
09-08-2021, 09:04 AM
After I reach someone in the customer service department, I have always had great experiences.

Mal Paso
09-08-2021, 10:28 AM
New hours 7-4 Pacific Time Monday through Thursday.

I am usually good at keeping track of parts but I never thought I would need to load small primers, I was happy with large calibers. When I looked for the small primer parts for the Bench APS and hand primer Nada.

My first call, the first item on my list didn't ship but they sent me an extra LP housing. A second call fixed that.

My last reloading purchase was RCBS Carbide dies, these days a company that answers the phone is getting rare.

Dillon is the King though. They replaced presses burned in house fires, I saw a couple on the tour. RCBS wouldn't do it for me so I made Garden Art.

09-08-2021, 08:17 PM
Yard art? It looks serviceable to me.

09-08-2021, 11:55 PM
RCBS has always stood behind their products. They were doing it way before Dillon started selling direct to the customers, after he got mad at the distributors. Mike Dillon got the idea from RCBS.

Hope this helps.


09-09-2021, 06:44 AM
why my whole bench is green!

Mal Paso
09-10-2021, 11:04 AM
Yard art? It looks serviceable to me.

What you don't see is the metal surfaces turned to scale and flaking off from the heat. I tried to save a Lyman mold but portions of the cavities just flaked off. Even the inside of a closed mold was affected.

09-11-2021, 08:12 AM
I recently purchased one of their Lube a matic II. So very pleased with it. Has transformed cast shooting in my wheel guns. But I think they ought to move from Oroville to Souix Falls or Rapid City.

09-11-2021, 03:16 PM
"Free parts" from anyone aren't and can't be exactly free. The company's projected needs for future replacement parts are reflected in the original price so you pay for your share of the parts even if you never need them. (And some high failure green parts are only covered for a year or two.)

09-11-2021, 03:20 PM
I recently purchased one of their Lube a matic II. So very pleased with it. Has transformed cast shooting in my wheel guns.

Charlie, I wonder what were you using before the LAM II?

09-11-2021, 09:13 PM
Charlie, I wonder what were you using before the LAM II?

Tumble lube and powder coating. I still tumble lube my gas checked 30 cal rifle boolits and I still powder coat 9mm. I never had much luck with the TL in my revolvers. The powder coating worked great but it was time consuming and seemed somewhat alien for lack of a better word. I find lubri sizing my revolver boolits very satisfying.

Land Owner
09-12-2021, 06:12 AM
...replaced presses burned in house fires... RCBS wouldn't do it for me so I made Garden Art.

If you had a house fire (doesn't matter when), and my friend and neighbors just had one, there were/are greater issues than a few burned presses. Deepest sympathy and empathy for those who have experienced a house fire. Keeping one's sense of place, purpose, and security through the ordeal is a difficult road. I infer from your "yard art" that you had good friends and neighbors to help you through.

09-12-2021, 07:46 AM
Sent RCBS an e-mail asking weather a pan for a 5-0-5 scales was still available. Got an e-mail back that said it was and they were sending me one under warranty replacement. Just cannot say enough about RCBS customer service. It's great.

09-20-2021, 08:19 PM
Dang the pan on my 5-2-5 now has a little bolt on it to hold onto. Gotta try em.

09-20-2021, 09:22 PM
RCBS replace me with a new ram, for a press I had from the 70’s
free, several months ago.

09-22-2021, 03:19 PM
Every time I've RCBS about a broken part, mainly decapping stems, have always been replaced free of charge.

10-09-2021, 02:29 PM
I called RCBS to inquire about purchasing a cowboy expander for my standard 45-70 dies. Initially was told it wasn't interchangeable and I would have to buy the cowboy die set. Yesterday I received an e-mail asking for my address to send one' free of charge'! I would have been happy to pay! I did mention the positive reviews they get on this Forum. hc18flyer

10-20-2021, 12:21 AM
RCBS customer service is the best there is. They've never failed me.

Easy to access and quick response. What's not to like?