View Full Version : Hurricane Ida

08-27-2021, 11:47 PM
Looks like here in Louisiana is where we're going to get clobbered. I'm about 30 miles from Lafayette,La which is on the fringes of the cone. But at present, Ida is forecast to hit east of me towards Slidell/New Orleans area. And on the Anniversary of Katrina. Got diesel for the tractor but they ran out of gas except the non ethanol type. Place was packed in the early afternoon but jammed in the evening. Hopefully, will get the windows boarded up at the front of the house. Stay safe. Frank

John Guedry
08-28-2021, 07:22 AM
In Lafayette here.Stay safe.

08-28-2021, 07:57 AM
No flooding expected here, I am on top of a hill, but can expect to loose power for up to a week. I have a PTO generator for the house, but diesel costs about $60 a day to keep it running.

08-28-2021, 08:13 AM
Prayers and good luck wishes for our Cajuns in residence. Camille veteran here, 1/4mi from the gulf in Mississippi, one of the biggest surprises in life was that there could be a worse one than Camille!

I bought a dual fuel generator this year, smaller output so it burns less fuel, I just want to keep my freezers running and use coffeemaker/microwave between freezer cycles. We won't get the brunt of a hurricane here in NC but the flooding makes it impossible to fix the power grid when it goes down.

08-28-2021, 08:53 AM
It certainly appears that SE La. is gonna get hammered! BR may see a pretty powerful storm. My kids, grandkids, and great grandkids all live just north of BR. They may witness one of the most powerful storms to give BR a direct hit in many years. I remember Betsy quite well, even though I was fairly young at the time!

Thoughts and Prayers are with all in the region......they’ve had much more than their share of storms in recent years! memtb

08-28-2021, 08:55 AM
batten down the hatches, Louisiana is in for a big blow. what I have not heard yet is how gas prices will probably spike as this monster storm heads right into one of the biggest oil production headquarters. folks in Lafayette are still recovering from last year and now this one headed just about over Morgan city to New Orleans. hope y'all are ready and ride the storm safe if your not getting out of dodge

08-28-2021, 08:58 AM
Prayers and good luck wishes for our Cajuns in residence. Camille veteran here, 1/4mi from the gulf in Mississippi, one of the biggest surprises in life was that there could be a worse one than Camille!

I bought a dual fuel generator this year, smaller output so it burns less fuel, I just want to keep my freezers running and use coffeemaker/microwave between freezer cycles. We won't get the brunt of a hurricane here in NC but the flooding makes it impossible to fix the power grid when it goes down.

Doug, I didn’t know that you were from that neck of the woods! I was 16 when Camille hit the Mississippi Coast. I was in Explorer Scouts at the time, and our Post was gonna go down and try to assist in the aftermath. They stopped us from going, saying it may be too traumatic for a bunch of kids. I was pretty disappointed.....but in retrospect, it may have been a good call! memtb

08-28-2021, 09:07 AM
Good luck to you boys in LA. I've been through a couple of pretty good hurricanes and will say they are definitely no fun. Stay safe and check in once she passes if you can.

08-28-2021, 09:20 AM
Thankfully the powers that be have downgraded the forecast to be cat 2 when it hits, that’s way better than the 3-4 that was forecast yesterday. Still bad storm about to hit, get ready or get out.

08-28-2021, 10:01 AM
Sorry old forecast now back to it could be a cat 4. Sad, leave now.

08-28-2021, 10:54 AM
Doug, I didn’t know that you were from that neck of the woods! I was 16 when Camille hit the Mississippi Coast. I was in Explorer Scouts at the time, and our Post was gonna go down and try to assist in the aftermath. They stopped us from going, saying it may be too traumatic for a bunch of kids. I was pretty disappointed.....but in retrospect, it may have been a good call! memtb

OT: I had a ride to Woodstock that same weekend too! Alas only $17 in my pocket kept me from venturing to the greatest cultural experience a kid could ever be part of, besides the armed forces, and it's a good thing I didn't go because I would have been marooned and broke somewhere down south unable to make it all the way to the coast for a few days.

Or, I might have met some chick up there and hooked up with her to who knows where, the world's an oyster when you are 17 and free to roam.

Back to topic... If you had one or two chain saws and a dirt bike, you could be a millionaire in a week!! $1k to $1.5k for clearing driveways of trees, and this is 1969 money. Your scout troop would have been a help for sure but they would have put y'all kids to cleaning up the beaches, city hall, hospital grounds, etc..

The recent floods in TN and Western NC were catastrophic, damage was on par with what Camille left behind, so that should tell you how severe the damage is in these areas, they are just now finding the last few of the victims' bodies. And Ida will only bring more rain inland next week. Camille killed a whole bunch of people in WV and VA because of the flooding.

The worst part? We have more structures now than ever before, built newer and cheaper and faster, they cost more and aren't very storm proof so if Ida does make landfall as a cat4, damage will be extreme and expensive. People should leave now!

08-28-2021, 11:42 AM
Anyone in NO better be getting out. NOW. cat 3 or maybe 4 direct at NO will tear up 10 times more than katrina which was only flooding, hardly any wind. Keep safe......

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

Gator 45/70
08-28-2021, 02:17 PM
We ain't going anywhere soon and neither is anyone on I10,I 49 90 or I10

08-28-2021, 02:30 PM
Good Luck to any of you that are in the storms path. Wishing you the best! Be Safe!!!

08-28-2021, 03:36 PM
Praying for all of you in the path. I lived in Slidell when Katrina hit and don't want anyone to ever have that experience again.

08-28-2021, 04:20 PM
Stay safe.

Winger Ed.
08-28-2021, 04:49 PM
I came in and worked the aftermath of Katrina back then. The destruction was beyond comprehension.

Yawl stay safe down there, board up the windows, and don't forget to nail down the dog.

08-28-2021, 06:06 PM
Just managed to get some cases of water and the car filled up. All the gas stations are running out can't really find any water anywhere , bread and cans food is a little scarce too. Ok the bright side the linemen are staged up everywhere and everyone is much more prepared to this compared to how we where during Katrina

08-28-2021, 06:26 PM
Sad to say, but with the supply chain already severely compromised due to Covid (bottled water shortage here in Idaho???) and an administration that repeatedly makes the absolutely worst decisions in everything, this could be extremely bad for that region.

Could be seeing third-world living conditions for months in that region, with fuel prices over $5 a gallon nationwide.

My company produces electrical grid components, so we will be working overtime here shortly to replace all the equipment that is about to be destroyed.

I worked claims for USAA for a few years and handled a bunch of claims for Hurricane Gustav in 2008. Absolutely shocking just how devastating these storms can be. So sad to see folks have their lives destroyed in a matter of hours.

I remember talking to an independent property adjuster who had been in the area since Katrina in 2005. He said that storm was just unimaginable. This guy was in his 40's and said he was about to retire after living in an RV handling claims for three years from Katrina.

08-28-2021, 06:52 PM
Stay safe everyone that can't get out. I'm sure our local lineman are already getting loaded up. They send a group everytime something big happens.

08-28-2021, 11:38 PM
I had a propane 22kw Generac generator put in after hurricane Barry hit Louisiana.Checked everything and ran it for a couple minutes this afternoon. So should be ready to go should we loose power. Will get up early Sunday and pull the gratings over the drain line that runs in front of the garage. Always clean it out before a storm. Will see how the wife's new grass blower works. Everyone any where near this hurricane stay safe. Frank

08-28-2021, 11:49 PM
There are a couple of things that make the difference in how bad a storm will be. Wind speed is one, but more important than that is the barometric pressure. The lower the pressure, the higher the storm surge. Water will "hill up" under a low pressure area and it's this hill of water that gets pushed in front of the storm that does the most damage.

Camille was 905millibars with a 28' storm surge which is super serious. Katrina by comparison recorded 902mb of pressure and a 30' storm surge.

Only 3 or 4 more storms in history have recorded lower barometric pressure, Wilma in 2005 was 882mb, Gilbert in 1988 was 888mb. If you look at the Wikipedia history the majority of hurricanes make landfall with pressure in the 930-960mb range, with the Cat5 storms recording the lower pressures.

Camille shook up the bridge across Biloxi Bay, it rearranged 150,000lb precast concrete road sections like lining up dominoes on a cookie sheet and putting it on a paint shaker and hitting the switch. Camille came ashore with 190mph sustained winds and a 28' storm surge. Katrina was only a Cat3 when it came ashore, but Katrina's 30' storm surge took those same 150,000lb sections completely off their pilings and tossed them into the bay. You cannot begin to estimate the damage potential of a hurricane by just the wind speed since the wind does the least amount of damage.

Where Katrina made landfall actually strengthened the storm surge because the gulf is pretty shallow out beyond the shoreline a good ways so this shelf is one of the major factors that caused the storm surge to be so high when wind speed was only that of a Cat3. The fact that it was only forecast as Cat3 is why most people who stayed, elected to stay. No one thought it was going to be so bad, but in the last hours before it made landfall, the rapidly rising storm surge completely caught forecasters by surprise, and by then it was too late to evacuate.

I am hoping and praying that this storm does not take the same path that Katrina did, because if it comes across the shelf with pressure below 925mb and dropping, there will be very high storm surge.

08-28-2021, 11:56 PM
I was out of my house for 4 weeks after Rita, everyone seems to forget it, due to Katrina. Sat out Ike, no electricity for 2 weeks. Better prepared now for these things. Thoughts and prayers for you in Louisiana. Hope everything goes good for you. Good luck.

08-29-2021, 09:03 AM
Stay safe Neighbors!

08-29-2021, 09:35 AM
Hurricane Ida has strengthened beyond what forecaster imagined overnight and is now a CAT 4 storm and close to being a CAT 5 with 150 mph sustained winds.

This is going to be awful.

08-29-2021, 09:37 AM
gotta dedicate this Sunday morning prayers to those in Louisiana , they are getting slammed with this monster storm which will definitely cause much devastation
and destruction.

08-29-2021, 09:38 AM
There are a couple of things that make the difference in how bad a storm will be. Wind speed is one, but more important than that is the barometric pressure. The lower the pressure, the higher the storm surge. Water will "hill up" under a low pressure area and it's this hill of water that gets pushed in front of the storm that does the most damage.

Camille was 905millibars with a 28' storm surge which is super serious. Katrina by comparison recorded 902mb of pressure and a 30' storm surge.

Only 3 or 4 more storms in history have recorded lower barometric pressure, Wilma in 2005 was 882mb, Gilbert in 1988 was 888mb. If you look at the Wikipedia history the majority of hurricanes make landfall with pressure in the 930-960mb range, with the Cat5 storms recording the lower pressures.

Where do you find the current barometric pressure of a storm?

08-29-2021, 09:42 AM
Where do you find the current barometric pressure of a storm?

Looks like it is 933 mb. So, hopefully not as bad of a storm surge, correct?

Gator 45/70
08-29-2021, 10:05 AM
Looks like the boys house will take a hit in Denham

08-29-2021, 10:35 AM
Looks like it is 933 mb. So, hopefully not as bad of a storm surge, correct?

No this will be quite bad. it is getting toward the lower numbers more associated with a Cat5 storm.

08-29-2021, 12:52 PM
we'll see-thanks for the prayers!

08-29-2021, 01:13 PM
we'll see-thanks for the prayers!

I really hope you're not still there! Highest winds I've been in were around 80 mph during a typhoon in Japan a couple of years ago. That was bad enough. We're talking twice that with this storm. Even if you are above flood stage, the winds will be devastating. Seriously hope you evacuated!

08-29-2021, 01:23 PM
Ida made landfall at 12:55pm near Port Fourchon Louisiana. Winds were 150 and pressure was 930mb which is VERY fortunate that it didn't strengthen any more before coming ashore. Wind speed 5mph short of a Cat5. Barometric pressure about equal to some of the more severe Cat5 storms, but nowhere near as low as Camille or Katrina. Maybe the storm surge will stay under 20' and much will be spared compared to what could have been.

08-29-2021, 01:48 PM
Sad to say, but with the supply chain already severely compromised due to Covid (bottled water shortage here in Idaho???) and an administration that repeatedly makes the absolutely worst decisions in everything, this could be extremely bad for that region.

Could be seeing third-world living conditions for months in that region, with fuel prices over $5 a gallon nationwide.

My company produces electrical grid components, so we will be working overtime here shortly to replace all the equipment that is about to be destroyed.

I worked claims for USAA for a few years and handled a bunch of claims for Hurricane Gustav in 2008. Absolutely shocking just how devastating these storms can be. So sad to see folks have their lives destroyed in a matter of hours.

I remember talking to an independent property adjuster who had been in the area since Katrina in 2005. He said that storm was just unimaginable. This guy was in his 40's and said he was about to retire after living in an RV handling claims for three years from Katrina.

That wouldn't be SEL would it?

08-29-2021, 01:50 PM
That wouldn't be SEL would it?

I would never work for such a horrible company...

08-29-2021, 02:21 PM
I grew up in hurricane country, though we were 60 miles or so inland so didn't get the worst of it. I live in tornado alley now, folks back home questioned how I could live with the tornado danger, but if you're in a hurricane zone, it's not a question of "if" it's a question of "when".

Good luck to everybody down that way.

08-29-2021, 06:52 PM
folks are gonna need help if you can donate to favorite reputable charity.
trust me you just dont know what its like to have everything in your life torn apart till it happens to you. its easy to comment or judge from 30000 feet but when you live through such devastation is something completely different.
looks like its headed right up refinery row where marathon and Exxon and a dozen other refineries are.

Gator 45/70
08-29-2021, 07:52 PM
folks are gonna need help if you can donate to favorite reputable charity.
trust me you just dont know what its like to have everything in your life torn apart till it happens to you. its easy to comment or judge from 30000 feet but when you live through such devastation is something completely different.
looks like its headed right up refinery row where marathon and Exxon and a dozen other refineries are.

Rodger that, I can't confirm right now so just a rumor that the Shell Mars has broken loose in the Gulf, Like I said rumors are flying here.

08-29-2021, 08:22 PM
Rodger that, I can't confirm right now so just a rumor that the Shell Mars has broken loose in the Gulf, Like I said rumors are flying here.

It's true from what I saw

08-29-2021, 08:23 PM
Well I just lost power , still no rain but this wind is kicking

08-29-2021, 08:58 PM
Well I just lost power , still no rain but this wind is kicking

I figured that you’d be seeing it pretty soon, though Zachary (La) hasn’t had much weather yet! Rain soaked ground, making for falling trees is probably your biggest enemy! Both of my kids have big trees around their homes.....I’ll be surprised if they don’t lose some. Hopefully, they fall away from the house! Keep your head down.....Stay Safe and Best Wishes! memtb

08-29-2021, 09:33 PM
Rodger that, I can't confirm right now so just a rumor that the Shell Mars has broken loose in the Gulf, Like I said rumors are flying here.

The Lafourche Gazette ran that, but you click on it now and you get a 404 page not found.

This is what Katrina did to it in 2005:


08-30-2021, 02:07 AM
I came in and worked the aftermath of Katrina back then. The destruction was beyond comprehension.

Yawl stay safe down there, board up the windows, and don't forget to nail down the dog.

I had a regular run from the North East into Metarie. Ran into NO a few days after and it was not like anything I've ever seen. I'll never forget the sailboat in a tree

08-30-2021, 02:17 AM
Been watching it on utube.
Can't believe there are still a few people walking around.

08-30-2021, 02:39 AM
Don't know how true it is, but storm is now a cat 1.
If so, at least some good news.
Still high winds, but not the 150mph like they thought.

08-30-2021, 02:46 AM
I wonder how many idiots are driving around posting clips of the storm?????

08-30-2021, 04:45 AM
Don't know how true it is, but storm is now a cat 1.
If so, at least some good news.
Still high winds, but not the 150mph like they thought.

Yeah, because it's moved far inland. When it made landfall, it was a CAT 4 with 150 mph winds.

08-30-2021, 08:48 PM
Looks like it passed.
Lots of damage.
Hope and pray everyone is OK.
Just hope creepy joe doesn't abandon them like he did in the sandbox.

08-30-2021, 11:59 PM
I live in New Iberia and got 60 mph winds and some rain. Only had the lights go out and on a few times. My wife is staying with one of our daughters in St. Mary parish and they have no power and most likely won't get it back soon. They did have some trees go down on the fence but everyone's ok. Frank

08-31-2021, 03:04 AM
Does it ever snow in Louisiana?????
What are people going to do if it does????
What is the gooberment going to do?????

08-31-2021, 11:58 AM
MO electric coop trunks are there or on their way. The Louisiana group comes up when we have big ice storms.

08-31-2021, 12:00 PM
Does it ever snow in Louisiana?????
What are people going to do if it does????
What is the gooberment going to do?????

#1- Yes it does! They had some pretty deep snow (8” or so)in parts of La. last winter
#2- Ride it out just like any other weather event.....it goes away pretty rapidly
#3- No clue!


Gator 45/70
08-31-2021, 12:04 PM
Better go fill up men, 17% of the nations oil come in thru Fouchon La.

08-31-2021, 12:23 PM
yes sir, I imagine refinery row is probably shut down for while with all the devastation. filled up yesterday at $2.84/gal when I took a trip into nearby city. my neighbor said she paid $3.05/gal at the closest gas station to us and told me the cashier said they had to raise the price because of the hurricane.
I would not be surprised if it get to $4/gal or more by the time everything gets back up and running.
If you remember the he year of hurricane Charle gas prices spiked to almost $5/gal everywhere. all blamed on the hurricanes that summer.

08-31-2021, 01:05 PM
FWIW crews from Eversource in the NE are on the way down. Prayers to those affected.

08-31-2021, 02:17 PM
Isn't raising the price, because of high demand during a disaster, price gouging????

08-31-2021, 02:39 PM
Native New Orleanean here, now living in south Mississippi. I was working at a hospital in a suburb of New Orleans when Ida came through. Fortunately little flooding in the immediate area. What is worse is that a major electrical line into the city went into the Mississippi river during the storm. Not going to try to guess how long it will take to get power back into the area. https://www.wdsu.com/article/hurricane-ida-louisiana-power-outages-heat/37440183#

Winger Ed.
08-31-2021, 02:45 PM
Isn't raising the price, because of high demand during a disaster, price gouging????

Not sure about other places, but Texas has some very aggressive anti-gouging laws, and a hot line to report it.

They had a few cases during our last couple of disasters where some gas station owners got their little fannies
burned right down to the ground with the fines from doing it.

08-31-2021, 04:54 PM
MO electric coop trunks are there or on their way. The Louisiana group comes up when we have big ice storms.

I saw a whole line of electric trucks on I95 heading for SC and points west today. All electric companies have agreements to help out. Last big storm here in NC I saw trucks from TN and TX positioned in a WalMart

08-31-2021, 04:56 PM
yes sir, I imagine refinery row is probably shut down for while with all the devastation. filled up yesterday at $2.84/gal when I took a trip into nearby city. my neighbor said she paid $3.05/gal at the closest gas station to us and told me the cashier said they had to raise the price because of the hurricane.
I would not be surprised if it get to $4/gal or more by the time everything gets back up and running.
If you remember the he year of hurricane Charle gas prices spiked to almost $5/gal everywhere. all blamed on the hurricanes that summer.

This will hit the eastern seaboard as the Colonial Pipeline comes from there. Gas here already up .10 and i expect diesel fuel limits tomorrow which us why i filled today. Labor Day will help some

08-31-2021, 05:24 PM
there are pictures here of refineries flaring gas off, I'm no expert but maybe they are up and running


08-31-2021, 06:20 PM
there are pictures here of refineries flaring gas off, I'm no expert but maybe they are up and running


Generally the majority of flaring is during an upset, or off grade product during start-up! Hopefully it’s a start-up, but with the major power outages.....I doubt it! memtb

08-31-2021, 07:11 PM
8/31/2021 ... 6:01 PM ... and the power just came back on ....
Ida weren't so bad . Trees down but none on house and no flooding .
Betsy , Camille , Katrina and Gustav were worse ...for me anyway .
I think I've become addicted to Air Conditioning and lights ...
... I realy missed them !
Lots of Utility trucks & support from Missouri were rolling in Sunday night ...
Thanks Guys! Appreciate the help ,

08-31-2021, 07:42 PM
glad your ok and did not have damage

Gator 45/70
08-31-2021, 10:35 PM
Read where some old man was out wading around and stepped on an Alligator, He's gone

09-01-2021, 02:54 AM
Story on utube is he went downstairs to check his shed.
Wife heard noises and went down to see what was going on.
Alligator had him.
She beat it off him, helped him to the porch, and went inside to get something.
When she came back out he was gone.
Rescue came saw the blood, but couldn't find him.
Really sad.

Gator 45/70
09-01-2021, 05:43 AM
Story on utube is he went downstairs to check his shed.
Wife heard noises and went down to see what was going on.
Alligator had him.
She beat it off him, helped him to the porch, and went inside to get something.
When she came back out he was gone.
Rescue came saw the blood, but couldn't find him.
Really sad.

His people and friends will kill every alligator with-in a mile, You'll never hear that on the news.

09-01-2021, 03:43 PM
Still here. Good for some, bad for others! LOL No power yet-generator running fridge, freezer, 4 fans and a couple lamps. Have water and LP and no roof damage except where some water came in from chimney flashing. Ida passed within 30 miles of us but fortunately (not so fortunate for folks East) we dodged the worst side. My immediate family lives 80 miles East of us and they pretty much said it mimicked Katrina in some ways. 42%.Baton Rouge power restored so I guess I’m part of 58%.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-01-2021, 06:12 PM
Up here in Maine we're going to show it out of the US and into Canada. Nothing major expected here, some rain. We do get hurricanes but the last one was 3(?) decades ago. Even at that when they get here and into our cold waters lots of the steam is taken out of them.

09-01-2021, 06:44 PM
there are pictures here of refineries flaring gas off, I'm no expert but maybe they are up and running


Saw on the news , last night or this morning , units are starting up again and the flares / flaring are part of the process . They shut down from New Orleans to Baton Rouge for the hurricane .
Something I didn't know ... New Orleans is powered by a Nuclear Power Plant ... they shut it down and had to bring in a huge mobile steam boiler to re-heat the water so they could fire up the reactors... evidently steam is still needed to get things going ... and this steam generator unit was on wheels and was HUGE !... real big anyways ! Of course what I know about generating electricity with a nuclear reactor is between little and none ... and my Dad and three Uncles all worked for the Utility Companies ... they just didn't tell us kids how it all worked .

09-01-2021, 07:35 PM
I finally heard from my cousin that lives a couple miles from Port Vincent, La. He’s expecting to go under water Saturday according to the Amite River stages. It’s predicted that 2+ weeks before they get power back.

As if the Hurricane wasn’t bad enough, he, son, and daughter (all live close to each other) had a tornado clip them. Many trees down, roofs removed from some out buildings, and a brand new Kubota (first note due tomorrow) was in one of the out buildings and had debris hit it.....though, no damage! ☹️ But, no one was hurt, and no major damage......so all is good. memtb

09-01-2021, 07:49 PM
Well, if that Kubota is a tractor (they make a lot of things) they are going to get some use out of it.

09-01-2021, 08:02 PM
Glad to hear some of you guys way down south are ok. Brother and his family are in Jackson MS area and said couple of inches of rain but nothing else, ex coworker in Port Gibson said he only had rain, stayed east of him. almost no damage not far above baton rouge line than Katrina by far. But you guys in NO gonna have a bad time of it without power for weeks.....

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

09-02-2021, 01:03 PM
I saw a whole line of electric trucks on I95 heading for SC and points west today. All electric companies have agreements to help out. Last big storm here in NC I saw trucks from TN and TX positioned in a WalMart

Crews from Xcel Energy in MN are even on the way. Lineman who fixes stuff around me is going down. He called and told me he would come search that noisy insulator that is causing radio interference when they get done down south in 2-3 weeks... told him no worries, that is a priority!

Gator 45/70
09-02-2021, 02:51 PM
Bunch of Hispanics flooding into Lafayette with 500 gallon tote tanks, Yep you guessed it, Hauling fuel back south.
Better go fill up ! One guy I talked to was out of N.O's

Edit,Seems the LSPolice are now stopping these trucks transporting 500 gallon tote tanks and confiscation the fuel.

Something about hazardous labels or lack of, MSDS sheets or lack of. I'm sure there are other rules of the road going on?

I say good for the LSPolice

09-02-2021, 06:38 PM
Well, if that Kubota is a tractor (they make a lot of things) they are going to get some use out of it.

It is....they have! :smile: memtb

09-04-2021, 10:25 PM
Power came back on a couple days ago. I’ve come to the conclusion that electricity isn’t really a utility-It’s a convenience.

Nonetheless, my Storm Responder got pretty good mileage. Get around 16 hours for each 5 gallons of fuel. I had a Porter Cable that went 20 hours. Both were 5500/8250.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Gator 45/70
09-13-2021, 07:45 AM
Nephew in Houma got power about 21 hrs ago, We went down and checked on the other old folks.
It's pitiful how some are living, We passed thru probably 12 traffic lights, Non working
Nothing but blue tarps, From Morgan city down Hwy 90,Cases of bottled water that's fallen off trucks.
Good news is people all over are bringing in food, Cajun food and feeding locals all the way up to Nat Guardsmen stationed all over.
They gonna make it !
Todays next big adventure, Heading to LSU Vet school in B.R.
We suspect my Lab has cancer in her upper pallet
I'm bringing her in for evaluation and possible treatment/operation?
I'm about adventured out,But we will never quit !

09-13-2021, 07:56 AM
Friends in Hammond posted yesterday they got their lights on, only took 9 bucket trucks. Her whole yard was full of crews working at height. God bless those linemen and keep them safe!!

09-13-2021, 11:46 AM
Friends in Hammond posted yesterday they got their lights on, only took 9 bucket trucks. Her whole yard was full of crews working at height. God bless those linemen and keep them safe!!

AMEN Brother ...
AMEN and God Bless each and every one of those workers .

More power poles were brought down than in hurricanes Katrina , Ike , Delta and Zeta combined .
...30,679 utility poles and 36,469 spans of utility wires were taken down...that's a LOT of damage .

09-16-2021, 06:14 PM
Anybody heard from Wolfdog? No recent activity from him and he used to post pretty regular.

09-16-2021, 06:51 PM
he was in area hit pretty bad I think, prayers are with all that are suffering now.
last hurricane I got stuck in lost power 10 days, local methodist church had a traveling relief group that was a true blessing, gave us cases of water, hot meals,
had laundry service for people who needed it, hot showers, and generous meaningful services
I know they are going through, hope the best for all of you

Gator 45/70
09-16-2021, 07:32 PM
The locals have killed a 12 footer with suspected human remains inside, I mean if you find and arm inside a gator I'm pretty sure that's beyond suspected ?

09-16-2021, 07:43 PM
The locals have killed a 12 footer with suspected human remains inside, I mean if you find and arm inside a gator I'm pretty sure that's beyond suspected ?

I would have to agree with you.