View Full Version : Pewter. Is This A Good Deal?

08-26-2021, 05:46 PM
Sorry for the sideways. Is $149 or maybe negotiate down a little a good deal? What would you give for it?


08-26-2021, 06:08 PM
I am not certain that Carson Ware is actually pewter.

08-26-2021, 06:31 PM
And if it is, what does it weigh?

Winger Ed.
08-26-2021, 06:50 PM
Check for the proper halmark stamps, weigh it, find the current price for scrap pewter--- if it really is pewter,
then do a little math.

And do a price comparison for what it'll sell for as it is on ebay or somewhere.

08-26-2021, 07:17 PM
None of that looks like pewter to me. Too thick, wrong finish, wrong patina… I’m betting it is an aluminum alloy of some sort. I advise you to politely decline.

08-26-2021, 08:26 PM
Run. Keep your hand away from your wallet.

Land Owner
08-27-2021, 07:25 AM
I bought a "pewter" plate, one of five, odd sorted, and mismatched. Everything, but that one plate, was identifiable as pewter. The patina on that one was suspicious, and the ring of the plate a little off, but the deal was for all of them in one lot. It turned out that that one is a copper plate in pewter disguise. So my "great deal" turned into an even "better deal" as in the end my beloved got a brightly polished "pot holder", which she really likes, and gave me the nod to keep doing what I am doing in the boolit making pursuit. I love it when fate deals me a winning hand...which doesn't happen often and I don't brag about it (much).

William Yanda
08-27-2021, 07:55 AM
If it is Pewter, and the large plates weigh 1 lb. each, I estimate a total weight under 14 lbs. That is more than I would pay for Pewter to alloy.

08-27-2021, 09:12 AM
I don't buy pewter unless I can bend it with my fingers or crush it in my palm

08-27-2021, 12:30 PM
Looks like aluminum alloy.

But my crystal ball is cloudy today! Not enough info for us to make an educated guess.

Back off. Even if it is pewter that is much to pay for it at an estimated 14#. You need to post the weight! And pictures of the BOTTOM with markings,

If pewter, it will be hallmarked with a stamp you can research to prove it.

kevin c
08-27-2021, 01:47 PM
I agree that those pieces warrant a close inspection.

If they're thick but light, that makes them an aluminum alloy. So does having casting flaws or a seam, being hard, unbendable, difficult to scratch or having sharp, high pitched sound on being tapped as opposed to real pewter's dull sound.

Price per pound for pewter varies regionally, as does availability, but while ~$10/# is well below the price of pure tin, unless you're really hurting for alloy sweetener it's not really a bargain.

08-27-2021, 03:35 PM
Thanks all. Step daughter ran across it and knows im always looking for lead, pewter, reloading stuff etc so if she runs across it she sends me a text.

After reading the comments i took a pass on it.

08-27-2021, 04:04 PM
They have the look of cast zink or zamac. Thick edges , I would not buy it.

08-31-2021, 03:57 PM
I'm still paying about $3/lb (CDN) for pewter.

If it is not clearly marked, walk away