View Full Version : Gun show kci

08-21-2021, 01:43 PM
The high prices are here: Win small rifle primers ; $125 ~ as high as $150/1000. H335; $55/lb.
Glad I am supplied at the present.

08-21-2021, 02:44 PM
When retailers have them, they are about $50/1000.

08-21-2021, 10:37 PM
Just don't buy at that price. Just don't. they'll come down, or be avai6from true retail store not a gunshop or gunbroker scammer

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Bent Ramrod
08-22-2021, 08:55 PM
I went to my third gun show in a row yesterday where there was absolutely nothing of interest to buy and almost nothing even to look at. Zero, zip, nada.

I don’t insist on finding a rare treasure in my price range every show, or even every tenth show. Generally, I look for “little stuff,” and look at guns I can’t afford that are interesting studies. But it looks like the combination of ridiculously priced ammunition, scarce, costly components, no loading equipment, all available parts being modular aluminum and plastic add-ons for AR platforms and books I’ve either already read or have no interest in is now the norm at these shows. Plus the fact that there are more and more tables of non-gun, boring stuff. I had to struggle to extricate myself from the clutches of some cute babe who wanted me to try this vibrating cushion she was selling. She wanted to know if I “had any pain.” She didn’t know the half of it.

People wanting me to sign petitions, buy screen doors, get my knife sharpened and stuff myself with beef jerky were yelling at me like it was the Souk in Marrakech.

Maybe the big one in Colorado Springs next month will break the curse.

08-22-2021, 09:01 PM
The last gun show I went to was much the same, I did have a good laugh at the guy wanting $150 for a brick of VERY OLD small pistol primers.

08-22-2021, 09:18 PM
I quit the shows when they started charging 10, then 12 then 15 dollars just to get in the door. Not for me. I will find another way.
Ole Jack