View Full Version : Introducing Mozart...

08-17-2021, 03:38 PM
We ordered chicks back in the spring and they showed up a little over a month ago. They've been growing like weeds and learning life in a coop and chicken run. The place from where we ordered them always throws in a surprise chick with every order. We spotted this guy a week or so after we got them because it had a crown of fuzz instead of a typical head of down.

As it has grown, it really started standing out among the other breeds. When he looks at you, it is like he has a wig on like you'd see in the moview Amadeus, so... It we call it Mozart!

I figure that it's either a silkie or polish but won't know for sure until it is further grown and all of it's feathers grow in.


08-17-2021, 04:33 PM
Pretty cool. We almost had chickens this year but when I got the price on extending my fencing it was not worth it. I was just going to attach more 6' chain link and add hardware cloth, etc. All done by me and it was at least double the cost per roll of what I did a few years ago.

08-18-2021, 11:38 AM
That's interesting . As he/she develops keep us updated . Hen or Rooster or can you tell ?
I guess you can't look a gift chicken in the beak / mouth !
During summers I would stay at my Aunt & Uncle's farm ... taking care of the chickens & gathering eggs were one of our "chores" . He just had reddish brown(Rhode Island Red) and white ones (white Leghorn) ... A lot folks don't know it but ...the brown chickens lay brown eggs and the white chickens lay white eggs ... Ain't that amazing !

08-18-2021, 12:15 PM
It is a White Polish. Silkies have feathered legs.

My Plymouth White Rocks are white and lay brown eggs.
Leghorns, we call em floppy tops are one of the flightiest birds ever. They'd fly 8' over netting and fencing to get out to free range.

I'll pick up some more White Polish next order to breed them for sale. People like funky chickens.

08-18-2021, 01:26 PM
Looks like immature dinner uncooked