View Full Version : Have to keep fighting.

08-12-2021, 10:15 PM
I've been fighting leukemia since 2014. It put me down hard in November of 2019 until February of 2020. Just in time for the covid. I have been testing great until this week. It looks like it is starting to hit my internal organs. I'm hoping it is just the heat making numbers look bad but if I disappear all I can say is sorry everyone.

Hoping next months test looks better. But I'm definitely not feeling like me.

Pilgrim Sojourner
08-12-2021, 10:23 PM
Prayers sent. Blessings to you!

white eagle
08-12-2021, 10:59 PM
so sorry, hang in there keep on as best as you can

08-12-2021, 11:09 PM
Keep fighting Jim. Never give up. I wish you well.

08-12-2021, 11:40 PM
Praying for you Jim. Don't stop fighting, keep the faith brother.

Lloyd Smale
08-13-2021, 05:46 AM
your name will be on our prayer list at church this sunday.

08-13-2021, 05:50 AM
Praying for you Jim.

08-13-2021, 06:17 AM
Prayers sent !

08-13-2021, 06:38 AM
Blessings be upon you. Lifting prayers. That is a hard fight.

Lose the stress, Laughter is the best medicine. Enjoy what you have when you have it.
Take life one day at a time and give it all you have. If nothing else your making memories for you and your loved ones.

08-13-2021, 06:57 AM
Prayers, Jim. I don't know much about cancer, but I think that advice to avoid stress and enjoy life as much as possible is the best thing you can do.

08-13-2021, 07:07 AM
I've been fighting leukemia since 2014. It put me down hard in November of 2019 until February of 2020. Just in time for the covid. I have been testing great until this week. It looks like it is starting to hit my internal organs. I'm hoping it is just the heat making numbers look bad but if I disappear all I can say is sorry everyone.

Hoping next months test looks better. But I'm definitely not feeling like me.

None of us know how we're doing. Or how long we're going to have. For various reasons, I didn't expect to make it to 30. I'm now 66yo. My wife is chronically ill, and has been for over 20 years. I'm in better shape than she is, but not what you could call great shape. One of the young guys I worked with in the USAF, from which I retired nearly 24 years ago, dropped dead in the airport at Chicago about a dozen years ago, at age 49. I might not finish this sentence, and I might be good for another 30 or 40 years. Enjoy as much of each day as you can, while you can. Enjoy your time with the people around you, because they can be taken from you without warning. Love them while you still can. Do your best at everything you can, forgive yourself when you can't, and deal with what is as you must.

I've sent up prayers for you as well.


Gator 45/70
08-13-2021, 09:02 AM
Knee mail sent, Keep fighting the good fight !

08-13-2021, 09:09 AM
Fight the fight and God Bless!

You have nothing to be sorry for with this crowd, quite the contrary, we are all pulling for you!


08-13-2021, 09:22 AM
Prayers sent.

08-13-2021, 10:04 AM
Prayers sent

08-13-2021, 10:59 AM
Prayers from our house to yours!

08-13-2021, 11:04 AM
Kick its ass Jim. Good luck.

08-13-2021, 11:32 AM
Prayers sent for you.

Texas by God
08-13-2021, 11:39 AM
Hang in there Jim. Prayers lifted for you and yours.

Sent from my SM-A716U using Tapatalk

08-13-2021, 12:12 PM
Hang in there and keep the faith my wife and I will be praying for you.

08-13-2021, 02:36 PM
I will be praying for you ... keep the faith and stay strong ...
May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You.

08-13-2021, 02:46 PM
Hey, this fight is physical AND mental.
If you feel down, come here and chat man.
Feel free to send me a PM whenever, I'm sure most everyone else here feels the same.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

08-13-2021, 09:05 PM
Keep your spirits up, there are amazing advances in the medical field these days.

If you want to go do something, let me know.


P.S. I haven't forgotten about the .444 cases, I just haven't found them all yet.


08-13-2021, 09:20 PM
Thanks everyone. I was feeling a little down when I got the results but feeling better now. I've set goals.

Robert, no rush I still haven't cleaned the reloading room so I can't find anything not in the hand press box or even where I put great grandmothers early 1900's gun to make sure I can load a couple rounds for it.

This group is good people.

08-13-2021, 09:56 PM
My prayers for you and your family. Take each day as it comes, avoid any stress and enjoy every little thing there is.

08-13-2021, 10:22 PM
Another prayer sent from our way. As others have said, stay positive and keep your spirits up. Laugh when you can and don't sweat the little stuff you have no control over. Please keep us posted of any updates, you have a community of friends here.


08-14-2021, 06:23 PM
Prayers and thoughts for you. Keep the faith, be strong, and fight. God is good, God is great.

08-14-2021, 08:07 PM
Praying for you and your family.


08-14-2021, 09:00 PM
Jim, hang in there. This fight your in is worth the fight. Have faith in the lord and his healing hands.
Praying for ya.


08-14-2021, 09:07 PM
In our prayers! Our God is an awesome, powerful God and He knows your situation just like He see's our country's situation. Just hang in there because miracles aren't stopping anytime soon!


country gent
08-14-2021, 09:15 PM
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay stubborn, dont give in. You can do it.
Do what you can when you get tired take a break. Look at what your doing and what you need to accomplish, then think it thru.
Stay as active and mobile as possible.

08-16-2021, 07:39 PM
Keep up the fight Jim. Don't every give up.

smoked turkey
08-16-2021, 11:18 PM
Jim it is understandable about your being down after the not so good test results. We here will help you by holding your hands up when you can't. We will do this with our prayers. In Exodus 17:8-13 we find the story of Israel's victory over the Amalekites as Moses watched and prayed with the rod of God in his hands. When Moses help up his hand the armies of Israel prevailed. When Moses hands got too tired to hold up the rod of God the army of the Amalekites prevailed. So Aaron and Hur one on one side and one on the other helped Moses hold up the rod of God. We see in verse 13 that Joshua as commander of the army of Israel defeated Amalek and his people. Jim I believe that you are going to prevail in this fight against Leukemia. I am a praying brother in southwest Missouri. I see you are in western Missouri, so that makes us neighbors and just pm me if their is anything I can do for you.

08-17-2021, 08:01 AM
Keep fighting, keep your faith and trust in God and we will continue to send our prayers for you each day Jim - and always remember you have a lot of people pulling for you and you are in our thoughts each day.

John Wayne
08-17-2021, 08:14 AM
I'm praying for you Jim!

08-17-2021, 05:10 PM
Keep up the good fight! You are in our thoughts and prayers!

08-17-2021, 05:30 PM
Prayers out.

Forty Rod Ray
08-17-2021, 05:37 PM
Jim, we are praying for you.

Ray Strong

08-17-2021, 07:00 PM
I’m praying for you, Jim. Hang in there.