View Full Version : Tire prices and inflation; no pun intended...

08-07-2021, 10:50 AM
I bought my last set of tires last September. I drive a lifted SUV so use 33" truck tires. I paid $165 per tire for Cooper's latest mud tire.

I was looking at tires today and the exact same tire is now $219. $54 increase per tire in less than a year.

I looked at other brands and models and all of them have gone up a similar amount.

Absolutely crazy to see that kind of inflation in less than a year.

08-07-2021, 10:55 AM
That $54 represents an increase of 75%. Do you get the feeling businesses are seeing the extravigant government spending and preparing for grossly higher taxes?

08-07-2021, 11:10 AM
they are probably just trying to keep up with price increases in beef and primers and lumber. I'm sure they got some real good convincing sounding excuses that are put together in the marketing and pr dept.
battery prices are pretty darn high these days too

08-07-2021, 11:13 AM
Our government is hard at work for "the little people"; their assorted regulations on what can be produced and sold causes wholesale costs to soar and (I know it's shocking to dreamy-eyed Dems!) retail prices go up too.

Have you checked the price of auto batteries lately? Or fuel? Or new vehicles? Or even used ones? It's all in the Dem's idea of trickle up prices to pay multipule layers of taxes to keep us - and our illegals - safe for their rampant socialism.

08-07-2021, 11:15 AM
That $54 represents an increase of 75%. Do you get the feeling businesses are seeing the extravigant government spending and preparing for grossly higher taxes?

I don't know what's going on. I do know that everything I want to buy is more expensive that what I thought it should be.

Gas is $3.57 a gallon out here. I went to look at boots and almost nothing under $100. Housing costs have increased 100% the past few years. McDonald's starts you off at $15 an hour.

The good news is that my debt is now substantially less since the dollar is devalued. $80k in mortgage debt is about to become nothing when my house has doubled in value the past few years. So, that's good. Charge up those credit cards and take out loans now, then in another couple of years, watch that debt become much less valuable as the dollar plummets in value.

08-07-2021, 12:27 PM
I have lost any sympathetic feeling for most tire stores (exception is a local family run tire store in Kalispell). I had to put two new from Truck tires on the F350 a couple of months ago in Las Vegas. None of the Sam's Clubs or Costco had appropriate tires (hd to wait three weeks for special order) and had to go to "Big-O" to get the tires. Had to wait 3 hours - but during the wait; I heard the same pitch multiple times to some of the potential customers. Basically people that could not pay up front from the tires were told they could get a 90 day payment plan with a ~ 20% interest rate; and quickly passed over was that any balance due after 90 days would be charged an additional interest of over 100%.

Prices were/are much higher (they see to blame the China Virus for the higher prices); but the outrageous interest rates charged are jaw dropping. What ever happened to usury (excessively high interest) being illegal?

Gator 45/70
08-07-2021, 01:40 PM
Hey if Bi-den says at the most inflation is only 4% then that's what it is.

Bwana John
08-07-2021, 01:40 PM
That $54 represents an increase of 75%. Do you get the feeling businesses are seeing the extravigant government spending and preparing for grossly higher taxes?
What I find interesting is that in retailer math that $54 only represents a 19.7% mark up.

( the increase in price over the total new price)

08-07-2021, 01:44 PM
Inflation is another form of taxation! All part of the Dems New Green Deal……mad yet? Wait till you are forced to pay mileage taxes beside all the other gas and wheel taxes!

Thank you Beijing Joe and his Crew….


08-07-2021, 02:34 PM
try buying a rear tractor tire or fwd tractor tire, they all come from china and there is a 6 to 8 month back order. I have a spare set of new tires for my main vehicles in the shed just in case they go out of stock. figure by the time I use them it will have saved me half the new price.

08-07-2021, 06:51 PM
Thank the Left Socialist Biden and all of his cronies - higher gas prices? They have now made us dependent on foreign supply while Trump had us "Energy Independent". Higher prices on everything" The government is printing and spending money it DOESN'T HAVE. People now don't want to work because of all the extra money being given out by the idiots in the big septic - now there are at least a dozen RINOs who are going along with their ig spending plan'

The cost of a hamburger going up? Why wouldn't it when they have to pay a kid $15 plus an hour - if you can't figure that out - then you need to learn some economics.

Funny / / / / during the pandemic, there were many on here that would talk about their new gun or other toys that they were going to buy with their stimulus check - what many referred to as "free money". Get a grip on reality - NOTHING IN LIFE OS "FREE"' All of those guvment checks IS YOUR MONEY, if you are a taxpayer. right now, idiot idea and his comrades are spending BILLION on the illegals they are letting into this country - food, transportation, free housing, free smart phones, free health care, free cash and the list goes on - AND THIS IS ALL YOUR MONEY, the American taxpayer. The Biden regime is spending money that doesn't exist, but money that will be paid for BY MANY FUTURE GENERATIONS of American taxpayers. Can't relate to that? Well then just imagine that you are paying on your house mortgage - ONLY YOU WILL NEVER PAY IT OFF BEFORE YOU DIE - nor will it ever be paid off by your great-great-great-great-grandchildren who you will never know.

Biden is a liar - he alway has been and he bot only is a liar, he is well known for plagiarizing other people's work. He has never accomplished anything truly worth while in all the years he has lived off the American taxpayer. He sold his soul and every position he has ever been elected to - the same as his cronies, Pelosi, Schumer and all the rest of them.

The government cares nothing about the American Citizen - it is all about themselves and power. Do you really think they care about inflation or the effects on the American Citizen and Taxpayer? They will NEVER accept nor say that they are the ones responsible for inflation and higher prices as a direct result of their regulations, taxes and spending money that doesn't exist.

Pelosi could try and impeach trump over a recorded phone call where nothing improper occurred yet Biden was recorded admitting to quid pro quo - in his usual tough guy bravado. He and others have sold our country yet they insist that they are all "patriots" I hope all of those that voted for the Left in the questionable legitimate election are now enjoying all of the inflation that "Lying Joe" is trying to convince the American Citizen that it doesn't exist. The thousands and thousands of illegals that are streaming across the border and invading this country? The same illegals that Biden and Harris refuse to acknowledge or even visit the border to witness the results of their actions? Those illegals won't be concerned with inflation . . . . because the American Citizen and Taxpayer will be paying their bills for generations to come. Sorry . . . but the only ones I feel sorry for are those people trying to come into our country to have a better life and become a contributing member of our society THAT ARE DOING IT THE RIGHT WAY AND BY THE LAW AS REQUIRED.

You think inflation is bad now? Just wait . . . . and remember it well the next time you vote.

08-07-2021, 07:04 PM
Keep electing democrats ... this is their Brave New World .

I don't know when people are going to wake up , smell the coffee and realize what they have in store for all of us .

It may be too late , they are in power and are not going to step down just because of a dumb election ... votes can be manipulated and will be manipulated .
Let everyone vote ... no I.D. required ...Now I see why they are pushing that agenda ...
That scares me ... I'm too old to be an effective fighter and the young are ignorant of what governments can do when unchecked and accountable to no one .

My God Bless us all ... we need his help.

08-07-2021, 07:28 PM
That $54 represents an increase of 75%. Do you get the feeling businesses are seeing the extravigant government spending and preparing for grossly higher taxes?

I'm still trying to figure out how you got a 75% increase. I only get 33 %

$219 is just 33% more than $165

08-07-2021, 07:59 PM
My daughter told me today that the new $1200 stimulus check per child is basically an early return on your next year's tax refund. Her husband got on line trying desperately to not accept the $1200 per child, and it was impossible to do so. He went around and around and got nowhere.

08-07-2021, 08:14 PM
I knew I would need tires later in the year, so ordered some back in March, figuring prices were headed up.

08-07-2021, 08:53 PM
It only $600 per month per child. Well over $1200 a year. You automatically get $300 per child under I think 6, and it drops a bit up to 18 yrs old. $7200 a year per child credit, which is NOT the Prior credit, which is still being handed out. Buying your vote.

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08-07-2021, 08:56 PM
Oh, and social security is anticipated to have a 6.1% adjustment. The largest increase since 1983. Can you guys remember Jimmy carter? Biden is going to make things that bad again. Interest rates will soon skyrocket.....or we'll have stagflation

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08-08-2021, 02:43 AM
Oh, and social security is anticipated to have a 6.1% adjustment. The largest increase since 1983. Can you guys remember Jimmy carter? Biden is going to make things that bad again. Interest rates will soon skyrocket.....or we'll have stagflation

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

Yep. My $600 house payment and $400 car payment will seem like nothing in a year or so. Just hope wages catch up. Around here, they are artificially low due to college students.

08-08-2021, 03:06 AM
As an automotive tech, I can tell you that we’re having a hard time getting tires from our distributors. Many brands/sizes are out of stock with no eta. Low supply means price increases.

Same with our OEM parts. So many parts are on back order. I have a car that has been waiting for 3 months for an AC line. I’m sure it will show up right around the time we start flipping over to heat. It’s a used car and we’ve had two people put money down on it and then back out because they can’t wait forever and don’t want to drive a car with no AC in the summer…

08-08-2021, 05:56 AM
I'm still trying to figure out how you got a 75% increase. I only get 33 %

$219 is just 33% more than $165
He did 165 / 219 rather than calculating on the difference of 54. 165 is 75% of 219 which is not the price increase.

Do I win something?

08-08-2021, 06:50 AM
A lot of this inflation may be due to shipping costs. I watched an interview with someone involved in the shipping industry, and he said the cost of getting a container from a high demand area to another went from $2000 to nearly $15,000. Apparently shippers have to get into bidding wars to get their cargo on a boat. A logistical nightmare that will not go away soon.

Wis Tom
08-08-2021, 04:46 PM
Shipping nightmare gets worse, look up who has taken over up to 86% of all world shipping and distro business in the last 5 years. China. Those prices of container shipping that went from $2000 to $15,000, is going right into the CCP coffers.

08-08-2021, 05:49 PM
i paid 185$ per couple yrs age, nothing special either. many companies tying to keep retail cost down no longer can. Wait till you get that burger that they pay 15$/hr to make.

08-08-2021, 06:18 PM
Don't worry those burgers will soon be ordered, made, and delivered by robots. The kids and illegal aliens will be out of work.

08-11-2021, 02:49 PM
Don't worry those burgers will soon be ordered, made, and delivered by robots. The kids and illegal aliens will be out of work.

You packed a lot of truth in that one line.

Simple minded people can't seem to get the very real connection between the costs of producing stuff that will be - has to be - circled back into higher retail prices. The people who get hurt most are the manipulated lower class workers the higher salaries were promised to help most ... but it's a fat political lie!

First, raise salaries by political edict; then items and services prices rise. Then, in lock step, the rich will get richer while demagogue "liberal/progressive" politicians will get lauded for their kindness; what's not for both of them to love?

With fake news help, iggerint/low information people will blame Republicans and the guy behind the local cash register for the higher prices. It works every time it's tried so there is no reason for Democrats not to keep following their emotionally effective 90 year old (FDR) playbook.

08-11-2021, 03:06 PM
went grocery shopping Monday
everything seems to have gone up, $160, the cart was nowhere near full, there was no prime rib, or any steaks for that matter, no lobster tails, no shrimp, nothing that was excessive in cost. just the Plain Jane stuff, milk, coffee, sugar, potatoes, bread, some frozen vegetables, some fresh veggies,
probably would have cost $100 two years ago. makes me wonder just how said experts figure inflation rate. maybe they just look at the price of gold and silver or stock market or something. they certainly don't go to the same grocery stores I do.
last time I got tires for my truck was like 3 years ago, went to Sams, figured I'd get the best I could after getting stuck in my front pasture previous winter so I had to order load range E Michelin all terrain, was the same price as the all season michelins, is $225 each, just had to wait a week to get them. well for anyone wondering. they sure are not an offroad tire that's good on the highway. I'm disappointed as to off road traction but they are lasting good.
next time its back to the firestones

08-24-2021, 06:46 PM
Think tires are going up? That Butterball turkey for Thanksgiving is going way up.... Advert today, Butterball plants are offering a $2000 signing bonus, I'm guessing 60 to 90 days to get it, plus a weekly $200 attendance bonus. Wages have been $13 or so an hour, attendance bonus would add $5 an hour if you work 40 a week plus that $2k.....

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08-24-2021, 11:48 PM
Got a notice that Discount Tire Direct has a sale on BF Goodrich ATKO2 tires, which are great truck/SUV tires. They give you $115 off a set, I believe. Went to the site and discovered that they also do a military/veteran discount as well for another 10%. Tires are normally $255 each for the size I use, so a set delivered to my door was about $800, which is a deal these days.

Too bad I already have great tires with at least another year left on them.

But if somebody else is looking for tires, that is a really good deal.