View Full Version : My Wife

07-25-2021, 11:14 AM
Well, we were on a little trip to support our youngest son's baseball team and I got a call that my wife's coffee shop was broken into sometime between midnight and 5am this morning. She's pretty upset and hurt that someone would do that to her.
I have absolutely had it with the deadbeats in this world, I am REALLY looking forward to watching the surveillance camera footage!!!

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07-25-2021, 11:18 AM
Having your world violated by a thief can be very traumatic.

07-25-2021, 12:06 PM
Sorry to hear that, hope the perps get caught soon.

07-25-2021, 12:52 PM
Depending where you are, nothing may happen to the criminals.

07-25-2021, 01:50 PM
did anybody post on social media about your travels, the break-in seems a little suspicious.

07-25-2021, 01:52 PM
Depending where you are, nothing may happen to the criminals.

Yeah, if they stole less than $900 of goods, they skate.

07-25-2021, 02:52 PM
The son of a friend of mine had his bike stolen. They called the police and a report was taken. A few hours later, they arrested a kid who'd stolen it and the bike was returned. Following the case, my friend learned that even though the kid had been in trouble before, they weren't going to do anything to him and the prosecutor dropped all charges. My friend called the DA and asked for an explanation. My friend is VERY smart and the DA started trying legalese and crap to get him to go away. Finally the DA agreed to explain it my friend's son.
At the meeting, the DA was explaining to my friend's son on how the value of the bike was rather low and courts are very busy yadda yadda yadda. After a bit, my son's friend asked "So, how much can I go steal before I have to worry about you doing anything about it?"

People that steal and get in trouble are no strangers to breaking the law. They've done it before and will do it again and certain demographics are getting much more walks than the rest of us. It sickens me.

07-25-2021, 02:59 PM
Yeah, if they stole less than $900 of goods, they skate.

Identify the crooks? If your robbery occurred in a state tightly controlled by "compassionate, progressive" Democrats the thief will likely be declared to have a political right to steal because they are healthy po' folk who have nothing but can't bring themselves to work for a living.

When making a report to the cops appraise the missing and damaged stuff at retail, that's what you've lost.

Good luck!

white eagle
07-25-2021, 03:42 PM
Hate that sort of thing
Hope she doesn't take it to heart

07-25-2021, 07:35 PM
Public floggings, just saying. Cheap and would make a real difference.

07-25-2021, 07:49 PM
Heck I'm surprised the police haven't arrested me our wife for not having coffee and a donut ready for the burglar.....

Yes, public flogging, or what the arabs still do, chop off a hand.

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07-25-2021, 08:24 PM
I just watched the Trey Gowdy show on Fox. He was talking about the horrible situation in St Louis. The DA is a leftist idiot and so is the Mayor. Three murderers were in court for trial but the prosecutor didn't show because she was out on maternity leave, so the judge released the murderers The DA knew the prosecutor was on leave when she assigned the cases to her. So what did the prosecutor do? She gave that prosecutor 20 new cases. The congresswomen who represents St Louis spent 70k on her own security last year but she wants to defund the police.

07-25-2021, 10:42 PM
Identify the crooks? If your robbery occurred in a state tightly controlled by "compassionate, progressive" Democrats the theft will likely be declared to be a political right to steal by healthy po' folk who have nothing and can't bring themselves to work for a living.

When making a report to the cops appraise the missing and damaged stuff at retail, that's what you've lost.

Good luck!

A theft from an empty building is not a "robbery."

07-25-2021, 11:03 PM
Just last weekend at my commercial property that I have 7 different tenants at, all great people, small business in a very small town. On camera was a notorious thief, that we showed footage to our sheriff. The sheriff knows him by name! We were told buy our sheriff that he wasn’t going to do anything about the theft and vandalism, that’s on video because there are no posted no trespassing signs on the property. I have owned this property for 15 years, we’ve had more than 2 dozen break ins and theft, several of which were vehicles from the mechanic that rents from me. Hell, two tears ago a 24 x 30 carport was disassembled and stole from me over night, on camera also! The first thing law enforcement says is “well, your insured aren’t ya?” Get used to being ripped off with no recourse. I hate to say it but that’s how it is. If I dealt with it the way it should be dealt with, they would have no problem arresting and sentencing me.

07-25-2021, 11:39 PM
It's gotten so bad in parts of Oklahoma (OKC to be specific), the thieves smile at the camera on the way out of the store, seriously. It's also hard to believe some big name stores, have security camera's that the photos from them are so grainy, it would be hard to identify the suspect.

Living in a rural area with a large population of meth heads and dead beats, it may (or may not) pay off to have a good camera security system in place. I've seen some very fine detailed video and photos from them.

Social media posts. Unless someone will be staying at your residence, it's never a good idea to post your travel plans, even if it's overnight. And then there's another way social media gets used around my parts when it comes to thieves. The victim will post 4-6 very clear images of the thieves. Along with the photos posted, it's not unusual for the victim to post "If you know this person(s), please send me a private message. There is a reward and law enforcement will not be involved. I just want my stuff back". I've known a few cases where people have gotten their things back in less than 24 hours using that method.


07-25-2021, 11:41 PM
Very important to be aware of and involved in the election of the local Sheriff. I’m sorry to hear about the break in at the coffee shop. I hope the perp gets caught and punished.


07-26-2021, 08:15 AM
People work hard and sacrifice to build something good - they obey the law, pay their taxes, provide jobs for others and in the case of many small businesses, the employees are like family. Then . . . . some low life comes along and decides that they are "entitled" to take what they want. See it every day on TV . . . . and when they get caught, nothing comes out of it . . . a slap on the wrist.

I feel your wife's pain . . . been through it myself a number of times. I'm guessing your wife's coffee is a gathering place like so many coffee shops - especially in small towns and when her customers find out about the break-in, they will not be happy either. Hopefully, you can ID the perp from the videos - question is, will it go anywhere?

I believe in law and order 150% - but take a look at how the hardworking LEOs have been vilified and having their hands tied by judges and prosecutors who don't want to do their job. The idiotic Leftists and Socialists who are promoting all of this want these things to happen - but, to others, not themselves. And, take a look at the number of videos of people being assaulted, beat up, robbed . . . . WHILE OTHERS WATCH AND DO NOTHING! Our society

This morning, like so many others, we woke up to the news that another law enforcement officer lost his life. Washington, D.C. is a septic tank that creates problems but never solves them. It is getting to the point that if things don't change, the law abiding citizens will begin to stop calling the Police and start taking care of the problem themselves - it used to be called "street justice".

While your wife is understandingly upset, she also needs to be thankful that it wasn't;t a daylight robbery and nobody was hurt. I had a cousin who wasn't so lucky. She worked as a clerk in a drugstore and a dopehead came in and demanded money - she refused and the guy jumped the counter and stabbed her to death.

07-26-2021, 09:34 AM
By the posts above,, and I'm sure many others,, we have victims of such crimes here & fully understand your feelings. We suffered a home break-in about 8 years ago, and we lost some stuff that was special & irreplaceable. We had pictures of the b**t*** thief (My wife's name for him,) and good, hard working LEO's TRYING to find him. If they had found him, this small rural area would have prosecuted him.

That said,, bedbugbilly has identified things quite well. Crime rates are on the rise, courts overwhelmed, not enough prison space, DA's plea bargaining stuff away, lack of prosecution for "petty" stuff, & most importantly,,, the current attitude to defund police & the attacks upon them.

My youngest son, my brother from another mother, & several good friends are LEO.

My son's county,, will do whatever they can, & they are active in law enforcement. And the courts also follow suit. Yet, an adjoining county,, seriously liberal, defund the police, anti-police support, has caused almost 40% of their LEO force to "retire, move or just quit." As such, it was announced PUBLICLY that they were unable to answer "minor" calls such as petty theft, simple assault, or other complaints. Basically, telling the criminal element that they won't even get investigated. Yet, the same place,, was all "aggressive" for law enforcement, when a homeless guy with his dog was ALMOST hit by a truck. It had been partially captured on video, and the liberals freaked out,, because they do a LOT to protect the homeless population in that county, as well as serious animal lovers. (PETA types.)

This country is experiencing a serious imbalance of justice & respect for authority. The criminal element only understands punishment, and when they are not punished, they can & will do more.

Sadly, it's going to get worse, before it gets better I fear.

07-26-2021, 11:49 AM
I know a gal who stole diapers from walmart. Her old man is a dead beat and wouldn't buy them. Anyway walmart hired her then. She is doing well now. Even has a nice van for her and the kids. But in her case it was desperation to take care of her little ones.

07-26-2021, 11:59 AM
The offenders took the debit card that is used for day to day expenses - AND USED IT!!
It wasn't cancelled immediately (bank was closed), and it appears that they tried to purchase gas (on camera). Fortunately, the shop has a large number of LEO patrons and they are beyond PO'd that this happened so they are getting a warrant for the gas pump footage. I was assured that they would share the pictures with me.

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07-26-2021, 04:06 PM
A theft from an empty building is not a "robbery."

Yeah, technically, if a trivial point in grammar matters to you. But we can't steal anything from an empty building either.

07-27-2021, 09:06 AM
People work hard and sacrifice to build something good - they obey the law, pay their taxes, provide jobs for others and in the case of many small businesses, the employees are like family. Then . . . . some low life comes along and decides that they are "entitled" to take what they want. See it every day on TV . . . . and when they get caught, nothing comes out of it . . . a slap on the wrist.

Tender-hearted "liberals" are willing to give everything others have to help the "poor".

Libs do have a well developed sense of priorities about crime tho. They split crime into two groups; petty and serious; "petty" is what happens to others.

Proof: Compare lib's massively different views about [obviously petty] Democrat's "mostly peaceful protesters" property smashing, arson, physical attacks, looting and shooting for months all over the country compared to mean ol' non-Democrat's [obviously serious] "violence" of breaking a glass door and walking through one of their beloved government halls one January night in DC. See, Libs do fully believe that non-Democrat crimes are so vicious that the meanies must be found by their gestapo wing, the FBI, and crushed in detail!

Come quickly Lord Jesus, help us!