View Full Version : A praise and need for prayer

07-20-2021, 03:44 PM
There's a senior couple that goes to my church . Their names are Charlie and Betty . They both have a lot of medical problems . They have been good friends of mine for a long time . Betty has mobility problems and hasn't been to church for about a year and a half . Charlie has his share of problems too but has come when he was up to it .

I'm trying to make this short . Betty got bit by a brown recluse spider on her right leg 6 months ago and it complicated the heck out of her other problems . There was talk of taking the leg off but she refused . During all this Charlie has been worried to death . I have talked with him many times . The church ladies helped clean their house , other members , friends and family have helped too .

Charlie called me last Wednesday saying they were putting her in the hospital . She was not responsive and the bad leg was seeping from several places . The hospital was making heroic efforts to save her but her condition only worsened . Day before yesterday the doctors advised the family that they might want to consider putting her in hospice . She had been unresponsive for two days and her situation only worse , she had sepsis . Charlie and two family members roused her enough to explain what was happening . She told them she was ready to go , she was good with it .

I went to hospice at noon today . As I got to her room a very good and nice church lady came out of the room as I was coming down the hall her name is Judy . She saw me and walked fast to me . She was excited and said Betty was better ! Judy said since I was there she was going home so there wouldn't be so many in the room .

I won't try to explain how I felt . I won't explain how amazed I was and this ain't my first experience of this kind . I have already offered praise to our Lord .

I would ask you to pray for Charlie and Betty . There's no guarantees that she will recover but the hand of our Lord is working in their lives .

When I left them Betty was eating a Chinese take out lunch her sister had went and got at her request . Said she was really hungry .

Pine Baron
07-20-2021, 04:24 PM
Praise God for the miracle of this day. Prayers for Betty and Charlie, and thanks for bringing this here brother.

07-20-2021, 09:43 PM
Prayers sent

07-21-2021, 07:01 AM
I have seen people in hospice get better and it is all up to the path that the good Lord sends their team down. It is good that Betty is awake and eating. I pray that she and Charlie will do well.

Father please be with Betty as she battles her related illness. I know You will not call her home until You need her but I pray that You allow her clarity, comfort, and freedom from pain as they are tending to her numerous health issues. Father, I pray that You will be with Charlie as he deals with his wife's illness. Give him wisdom as he deals with Betty's problems. Let them enjoy their time together and guide them down the path to healing, comfort and freedom from pain. AMEN

07-21-2021, 07:13 AM
GOD shed his mercy on them

07-21-2021, 08:02 AM
Amen and praise the Lord for His mercy and grace, We are putting them on our prayer list!