View Full Version : New Lee Mold Handle Bent

G. Freeman
07-15-2021, 09:38 PM
Hello Guys,
Just wondering how common is this? Just purchased this handle from Precision Reloading. Their return policy according to their website doesn't look good so I'm hoping Lee would send me a new one without having to mail this.

The handles are bent so that it would not slide easily into the mold. When I do get it in, the mold halves would only align with a tight grip. Not a very good situation and can definitely damage a mold if I just force the issue.

Tried my other Lee handle and it works with no problems.

Here is a pic from another forum member.

Thin Man
07-16-2021, 03:35 PM
Lee has always been very good to me when working through issues like this or even replacement parts I needed. Your claim can best be supported by attaching your photo of the mis-aligned handles. Call their customer service phone number first to get the ball rolling.

BMW Rider
07-16-2021, 09:46 PM
A recent pair of Lee handles I received were like this, I just snugged up the pivot bolt and tweaked each side a little until they were lined up. 2 minutes and they were good to go - no issues since.

07-16-2021, 09:57 PM
If you do send in a claim, send an image of the sales receipt along with the pic. They will ask for that too. I had a part on my Lee Auto prime break and they sent a new one with no problem. The same thing happened when I needed replacement O rings for my Auto Drum powder measure. I didn't have to pay anything.

Mal Paso
07-17-2021, 01:56 PM
I got 4 handles like that. Heating and straightening them was easier than returning them. I like the new tapered wood handles. Lee on the right.

07-18-2021, 08:57 PM
G. Freeman

The photo that you attached is from my post on an identical problem.

If I'd known then what I know now I would have saved the $ paid for the postage for the replacement "clamp".

I did exactly as Mal Paso & am now using the original parts that are aligned perfectly. If you don't have a torch:
1. remove wood handles
2. put handle ends in a vise partially open
3. using a large size screw driver inserted between the open ends: lever the ends into alignment (you'll need to go slightly past alignment to compensate for "spring back".

Good luck

G. Freeman
07-19-2021, 01:01 AM
Thanks so much folks! Yeah, Lee asked me to send a pic. I went ahead and remove the bolt and bent the handles and it seems to have worked. Basically clamped each half in a vise and used my body weight to slowly bend the handles. Initially I was not comfortable doing this because I wasn't sure if it would snap in half.

Not sure though if the handles will spring back to their original misaligned state when I start using them. I guess we shall see.

Iowa Fox
07-24-2021, 05:29 PM
Precision reloading is top notch. I'm sure either Lee or precision reloading will take good care of you.

Buzzard II
07-24-2021, 06:41 PM
Thanks for the info, good to know!