View Full Version : Just came from my neurosurgeon

Wayne Smith
07-12-2021, 11:10 AM
and will be calling to schedule surgery on my lower back. MRI and movement x-ray show significant narrowing (central stenosis) from last year, movement x-ray shows L5 moving almost 1mm when I move. Leaning backwards it's normal, leaning forward I have almost 1mm movement. After seeing the MRI and x-ray I told the doctor "I don't have another year to wait" and he agreed. I also have narrowing on one side L1 and since he is going to be in there he will do both - better long term outcome.
Probably scheduling in mid August.

07-12-2021, 11:27 AM
Sounds about what I had about a year and a half ago. I had to have the older style support installed because of excessive movement. My surgery was at 7:30 am and I went home after 6 pm. I told them before surgery I would rather recoup at home and my son who is an EMT was with me and my PA daughter was a phone call away. They made me walk around the entire floor before they were convinced as I was the first person to ever get to go home the same day. Make sure you gave a good "pick up" tool and a walking stick. Really made things easier. Give me a shout if you want more info. My gf had almost the exact operation two months after mine. She was in hospital for three days and her recovery time was over twice mine (within a week I was moving pretty good). Good luck.

Pine Baron
07-12-2021, 12:10 PM
Wayne, Glad to hear you're not putting it off and you're able to get to this quickly. Praying for you my brother, that everything goes according to His plan.

smoked turkey
07-12-2021, 12:30 PM
Wayne, it is absolutely amazing what wisdom the medical community has. The digital equipment lets them see the smallest detail before hand so they know exactly what to do. I pray that the Great Physician will give wisdom and skill to those involved in your surgery and that your healing is complete and quick. I pray for an early appointment.

07-12-2021, 06:22 PM
Like Pine Baron I'm glad you found out the problem sooner than later Wayne . I'll add it to my prayers , if possible keep us aware of a surgery date when you get one .

07-12-2021, 06:52 PM
I was diagnosed 4 or 5 years ago with lumbar and cervical stenosis, did some epidurals but never lasted longer than 3 months. I guess you know when it gets too bad? prayers for you and your surgery!

Wayne Smith
07-13-2021, 08:06 AM
I was diagnosed 4 or 5 years ago with lumbar and cervical stenosis, did some epidurals but never lasted longer than 3 months. I guess you know when it gets too bad? prayers for you and your surgery!

Actually what brought me back to him after the first year wearing the brace was that, for three times in about four months I have gotten up to start walking and, for a fraction of a second my right leg did not respond- like there was nothing there. I have stumbled but not fallen as a result. All the doctor's questionnaires were about pain, I told them I was there for the opposite reason - lack of feeling! My initial experience was exquisite pain but the back brace seems to have solved that issue. Right now all my pain is episodic and not common.

All of those experiences were without the back brace. I get up in the morning, make breakfast for my wife and myself, do my exercises, and then get my shower and put on the back brace. I do it this way so I have some muscle tone back there and not be completely dependent on the brace.

Without MRI/x-ray technology I probably would have waited until the nerve was completely occluded. Now I can have it done before the damage gets that bad.

07-13-2021, 08:15 AM
prayers sent Wayne... I totally understand.

07-13-2021, 08:47 AM
I am praying for your surgery and recovery.

07-13-2021, 02:39 PM
Actually what brought me back to him after the first year wearing the brace was that, for three times in about four months I have gotten up to start walking and, for a fraction of a second my right leg did not respond- like there was nothing there. I have stumbled but not fallen as a result. All the doctor's questionnaires were about pain, I told them I was there for the opposite reason - lack of feeling! My initial experience was exquisite pain but the back brace seems to have solved that issue. Right now all my pain is episodic and not common.

All of those experiences were without the back brace. I get up in the morning, make breakfast for my wife and myself, do my exercises, and then get my shower and put on the back brace. I do it this way so I have some muscle tone back there and not be completely dependent on the brace.

Without MRI/x-ray technology I probably would have waited until the nerve was completely occluded. Now I can have it done before the damage gets that bad.

Thanks for the insight and again praying for you. I guess I better get another MRI.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-13-2021, 04:59 PM
Good luck Wayne!
Had my first back surgery in 91 Hemi laminectomy and diskectomy. Lots of nerve damage. I needed a fusion and had it done in 95 L4,L5,S1. It’s not perfect, still a lot of pain and Ridiculoapathy but still a lot better than the alternative. Mine was quite a unique situation. You should be much better after!

Wayne Smith
07-14-2021, 08:00 AM
Thank You Mr. Wolf! Pick up tool on order. I would have thought about that too late.