View Full Version : 6.5 Creedmoor cast load data needed.

07-11-2021, 08:42 PM
Hey all, I am not in dire straights or near that but I have a large amount of IMR 4064 and am looking for a little help. I run a Lyman 266469 GC cast bullet in my CM and I'm trying to find a good load of IMR 4064 to use it with. I have checked my mainstay for cast, Lyman 50th Edition with no luck and the 6.5 CM isn't included in the Lyman cast bullet handbook. Any help with developing a load is greatly appreciated.

07-11-2021, 09:28 PM
You go into a gun store looking for a new rifle and all you see are the creedmore ones. Always been happy with a .308 or .243. The latest and greatest does not impress.

07-11-2021, 10:25 PM
Look closer the 50th has data for 140 and 150 grain cast in 6.5 creedmoor. I don't recall the powders listed though.

07-11-2021, 10:33 PM
Yeah the 50th has data for it but IMR 4064 isn't one of the powders. I have a couple of the powders listed, but I have a lot more of the 4064. Just want to see if I can find data for the powder I have more of.

07-11-2021, 10:35 PM
Ahh ok cool. Hope you are successful.

07-12-2021, 08:28 AM
I looked at the Hodgdon reloading site and found loads for jacketed (120/140) with 4064, I've tried jacketed data for the 223 with limited success but it might work for the 6.5.

I've got a 308, 243 and a 6.5 and of all of them I like that 6.5 the best. It's a fun round to shoot and I enjoy it, and isn't that what this sport is about? Sorry, Tankgunner59 for going off topic.

07-12-2021, 11:24 AM
Am just starting casting and for the 6.5CM as well. Like you, I also have the 266469 in addition to the 266673. To date I've only cast with the -673 (not shot yet) and hope to cast a batch with the -469 tomorrow.

Based on Lyman 50th data I purchased AA5744 and IMR4227 and will likely use one of those for initial load development.

Would be interested in hearing of your results with this cartridge.

07-12-2021, 10:37 PM
I'm about to start cast in the 6.5 Creedmoor as well and have quite a few 6.5 bullets cast up from the 6.5 Swede project of mine that was such an abortion. Hoping the Creedmoor works better.

I was just going to interpolate data from 6.5 Japanese, 6.5 Carcano, etc., which the old Lyman books have data for. I don't think 4064 is going to be real good with cast, but if I were to try it, I'd probably try less than starting data for the same weight jacketed and add a tuft of dacron on top.

07-13-2021, 12:28 AM
Yeah richhodg, while I'm looking for info on 4064 I am doing some calculating to reduce some loads for use with the cast pills.

07-13-2021, 05:54 AM
Reluctant to respond because,sometimes even well thought out,"practiced" load dope can create more questions than answers. And this sorta falls into that category.

Hodgdon data lists 4064,so dope is out there. 4064 was/is an old timer powder that got somewhat pushed aside by Varget. And this is the crux of my response.

I use a goodly amount of Varget with cast. Couple things... it(and 4064) is at an interesting point on burn rates. I'm a jammer when it comes to "most" higher intensity cast loads. Not trying to sell you on this but,does need to be mentioned. Varget "can" produce some outstanding accuracy.... but can also flop flatter than my wife's baking attempts. Point being,at this burn rate it is sort of a,hero or zero. Not a lot of in between,in my rigs. I wouldn't be the least bit hesitant to use 4064,with protocols in chamberings where Varget has been successful.

I use Varget @starting JB book loads in two standouts. 7-08 and 130 Lee's, and '06 with 150 Lee. Both are solid loads producing,"you're lying" groups. But try it in 6mmR and it's a flop. You're just going to have to put in the time and effort to see if your rig likes 4064. Just trying to give a heads up,good luck with your shooting.

07-13-2021, 07:51 AM
When I was young and just getting into handloading and voraciously reading manuals (pre-internet) I came to the conclusion and still pretty much believe it, that IMR 4064 was the most versatile rifle powder you could own. I still like it. I did get a big quantity of IMR 4320 at some point and it seems to meter a little better and burns very close. That's what I have used so far in the 6.5 Creedmoor, again, no data, but close enough to 4064 that it was easy to interploate a little and it helps that I don't go for max loads in anything. Accuracsy was good, primers look like they should, no extraction problems, etc.

I really need to get busy and try cast in it. My rifle is a Ruger American and as butt-ugly as it is, I must admit I've been pretty happy about how it performs.

07-13-2021, 09:42 PM
RKJ, no problem I don't consider it a hijack, just more info which I can always use, thanks. That's one of the things I plan to try.
PhilC, I actually have both of those powders too, but I have other rifles that use them so I'm trying to spread the resources.
richhodg, That sounds like a good idea, believe it or not I have reloaded for years and never used a filler. I'll have to source some dacron and try it.
Shopdog, I have gotten very good results with 4064 and jacketed bullets, I was hoping to use it with my cast too. For me this is the first step in my process of developing a load for my cast. But like you said my rifle may not like it with cast.
richhodg, Thanks for the info on IMR 4320, plenty of useful info and advice, thanks to all. I am going one step at a time to develop some load data and get to testing it.

07-13-2021, 11:41 PM
The 6.5 CM is a very enjoyable cartridge. I tried for too long to get my bug hole rifle to shoot 469’s, complete with the help of some very experienced cast shooters here, and failed miserably. Powders ranged from 2400 to W748 and the best I could do was 2-2.5 inches at 100 yards usually with a flyer outside the group.

If you get something to shoot please post it I’d be most interested - thanks in advance and good luck!

07-18-2021, 09:38 PM
Thanks to all. It will be a bit before I can get to the range for a test, but after I do I'll let y'all know the results.

07-23-2021, 03:01 AM
I´m in here as well, having cast some 140s from MP molds to get into this.

From what I´ve heard and read, the faster twist of the Creed might be a problem.
If so, slower velocities might be helpful.

So if you guys who have tried it would share some datas to find a starting point would be a blast.


07-23-2021, 08:07 AM
I think the twist rate is the same in the Creedmoor as the Swede.

charlie b
07-23-2021, 09:03 AM
Have you tried it yet?

I am another who has used Varget with cast, but in a .308. I've also used 4166 which shows in the burn rate table right next to the 4064. They both work ok. These days I reserve those for my jacketed loads but I know they are capable.

The specific load can be a bit elusive. Just do a ladder around the area of velocity you want. There will be a 'flat spot' where changes in load will not change vel as much. That's where I like to be.

07-31-2021, 03:13 AM
Still waiting and hoping for some load datas to start with.

Any powder loads to share?

09-26-2021, 09:51 AM
Still waiting and hoping for some load datas to start with.

Any powder loads to share?

Gordons Reloading Tool will give you a great deal of information.
Free download, bit if a learning curve but very educational

09-27-2021, 12:50 PM
The 6.5 CM is a very enjoyable cartridge. I tried for too long to get my bug hole rifle to shoot 469’s, complete with the help of some very experienced cast shooters here, and failed miserably. Powders ranged from 2400 to W748 and the best I could do was 2-2.5 inches at 100 yards usually with a flyer outside the group.
That has been my experience with the -469 as well. I've had a couple 5 shot groups start with promise then open up to 2.5" or more @ 100yds. I've pretty much abandoned any further effort.