View Full Version : Pit Bulls Killed My Cat

07-10-2021, 02:04 PM
I HATE to even write this, but I am rather unexpectedly mourning the loss of the cat. She had only recently came to live here, a stray, she "picked" me as her hoomin, everytime I would step outside she would come running, happy to see me. She was intelligent, I let her in the house once and she systematically went through every nook and crevice of the room, I didn't immediately bring her inside because I think she would be meowing at night wanting outside.

She was VERY protective of her newly claimed turf. She would chase off all the other cats (we have a feral colony here that have been spayed/neutered) and I think she would have been a fearsome hunter if she had grown up into adulthood. She was about 9mo old, and skin and bone when she came here so I fed her up good, and made an appointment to get her spayed.

Yesterday I had real bad insomnia over going to look at a new jobsite and couldn't sleep. Brain would not quit coming up with useless stuff to wonder about. Damn the luck. I finally got to sleep about 5am and the neighbor calls at 6:15 saying the dogs are chasing the cat. I WISH she would have called a few minutes earlier, unknown to her, they caught the cat and killed it, left it laying there. They did not eat the cat, they killed it for sport. Two all black pit bulls, one with docked tail one without. Once they chased the cat up a tree, they went and hid in my yard until the cat thinking they were gone, came down and they pounced on her. I wish to hell I had slept, maybe I would have heard something and woke up in time to rescue the kitty with a 45. They went trotting off up the street matter of factly like "I guess we took care of THAT didn't we?"

It is perfectly legal here to shoot a dog that is worrying, chasing, or otherwise attacking livestock, another animal, or a person. The rounds MUST be confined to your property, and the dog(s) MUST be acting in a malicious manner. Under these circumstances, the property owner or whoever shot the dogs would not be charged. After this, I would not hesitate to destroy a dog that comes on my property all he has to do is growl at me even a tiny bit.


square butte
07-10-2021, 02:18 PM
I am sorry - Nothin worse then having a pet killed by someone else's unattended animals. Find the owner . . .

07-10-2021, 02:28 PM
Time for some hamburger balls laced with antifreeze in their yard. Those dogs would be dead if it were me. Next time it could be a toddler. No use for vicious dogs, especially ones with irresponsible owners.

07-10-2021, 02:36 PM
I would find the dogs and yes, kill them. I have ZERO use for any dog running loose. If it isn't in a fenced yard, or leaves their owner's yard, they do not belong. Sorry, I lost numerous goats before I finally caught a pit that I took proper care of. Same thing, it just killed for sport.

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07-10-2021, 03:12 PM
Sorry for your loss, Doug. Our fur kids are both indoor girls as the threat assessment allowing them outdoors isn't worth it between the wild predators and the domestic ones. They have adjusted well to that and are happy to watch the wildlife out the kitchen window. Shown here in their elevated observation post.


07-10-2021, 03:28 PM
A PitBull killed my brother’s little dog. The little dog was in his own yard, the Pit came and killed it, then tried to kill my brother’s cat.

There were witnesses, it went to court and the dog was put down by animal control. The owner was put on probation for some period of time and was given the choice of being responsible for the dog’s future actions or surrendering it to be put down. He was lucky my brother did not want to pursue it in Civil Court.

07-10-2021, 03:34 PM
I feel for you. I was terribly saddened when my daughter's cat passed away. I didn't think I would miss him but I do. But it won't be long before someone comes along to harangue you for wanting to kill the dogs.

I have lived in this house for 35+ years. At one point this area was infested with meth and it's associated problems. I have killed several dogs that menaced me, my kids and my dogs and cats. All with the blessing of the local Sheriff's Dept. Most loose dogs do get ran off with no violence though. We have a problem with cats also but I live trap them and take them to the shelter. Some cat owners are worse than the dog owners but I believe most of the cats are feral.

In the past when I offered this up on this forum I was blasted for wanting to kill the blameless dog. I don't want to kill anything. But I spend a lot of money and time keeping my fences repaired to keep my dogs in. If you can't keep your pets in your yard then don't be surprised when they get ziplocked and disappeared.

Steve in N CA

Ural Driver
07-10-2021, 03:56 PM
Sorry for the loss of what sounds like an excellent pet. My critters were never allowed free rein......and I expect the same from neighbors animals. I bought my first acreage to raise horses. One day while working on fencing and gates, in preparation for the arrival of my livestock, I saw the neighboring dogs running his cattle and horses. I had yet to meet that neighbor so took my next opportunity to introduce myself. While there I brought up what I had witnessed. He made some offhand comment about "dogs are gonna do what they do". I politely told him that any animal, wild or domestic, that ever chased my livestock would be killed on sight. Wisely he took me seriously, locking his dogs in the barn or livestock trailer whenever he was absent from his property. He proved to be a wonderful neighbor.
If you have not done so yet, call your local animal control and make a report. Hopefully you can get the Courts to declare them "dangerous animals". The usual result includes requiring them to be kept leashed or fenced and holding the owner liable for any violations. Good luck.

07-10-2021, 03:57 PM
If you want to know how much danger a Pit Bull that’s gone rouge presents, just consider this story:

A pack of pit bulls attacked our cattle herd out on the range one fall.

Several mother cows got ears chewed in trying to protect their calves but one cow’s injuries really stood out! Apparently while she was using her head to fend off one of the dogs it retaliated by clamping onto the bridge of the cows nose.

The pit bull had so much leverage and clamping force that it broke and removed the bridge of her nose. Her sinuses were fully exposed. To her dying day she was known as “No Nose”. From to just below her eye balls to within a couple inches from the back side of her nostrils, just open space and exposed sinus tissues.


07-10-2021, 03:58 PM
What IS it with people who keep pit bulls? No, don't let me get started. Pets, children, seniors, all the same to them.

Sorry for your loss, DougGuy. I have five cats (don't ask), and I'd be mighty sad if I lost one. I live very rural, so they are allowed free passage in and out. They all love to be out in good weather, but when danger threatens (coyotes, bobcats) they come tearing in through the cat door and come to wherever I am in the house. They know I can handle it, because I once drilled a coyote in the yard, and they saw it happen.

07-10-2021, 04:04 PM
BTW around here people keeping goats or cattle often have a donkey. Donkeys are pure murder on coyotes, and I expect on pit bulls too.

Then there's the guy a few miles down the road who has a Great Pyrenees.

07-10-2021, 04:12 PM
My outside cat was poisoned mothers day weekend she had been just fine for 7 years running around the neighborhood. But we have had a few new move ins and I have to wonder if one of them did it because they didn't like cats. No it was not antifreeze vet checked for that. Pitbull's I don't like had two of them come after me once when I had my pistol with me, owner came out was yelling at me for walking on a public road. I told him to call his dogs back or they would be dead, he took me for my word and that ended the issue. If you can't take care and control your dogs you should not have them.

07-10-2021, 04:14 PM
We just buried our Great Pyrenees about 3 months ago. What a fantastic protector he was. He was a bad actor when he needed to be. Bear, cougar or pit bulls. He was fearless, also a wonderful family dog.

07-10-2021, 04:15 PM
I am so sorry for you loss .
I wish I had something to say that could ease the pain ... I will send prayers .
The Good Lord will see you through this and take care of your kitty .

07-10-2021, 04:47 PM
BTW around here people keeping goats or cattle often have a donkey. Donkeys are pure murder on coyotes, and I expect on pit bulls too.

Then there's the guy a few miles down the road who has a Great Pyrenees.

Sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is horrible, especially one that was just saved.
As far as a Great Pyrenees, I was in a ghillie suit on the other side of our 6' chain link fence when I came around the corner. My pup didn't know it was me. Thank God the fence was between us as I never saw 150+lbs move that fast while I was yelling its me buddy. I heard others comment on how fast but man, I would never want to be on the receiving end of one protecting.

07-10-2021, 04:58 PM
Dang, I am really sorry, DougGuy. They can never be replaced.

07-10-2021, 06:05 PM
I love dogs, all dogs but I have killed more than a few that have come after my horses and chickens
Now that I have a couple mini donkeys they handle it, never seen an animal that hates dogs as much as they do

07-10-2021, 06:20 PM
You need to at least report this incident to the authorities. That cat even as as homeless take in was your property. Someones unattended property has no right to destroy yours. Left unchecked this is only going to get worse I am afraid. Whats next on this list for marauding pitbulls?

07-10-2021, 06:58 PM
The difference between a pitbull and a lawyer? I'll swerve to miss the lawyer.
Your cat looks like Mittens. The dogs would be dead within hours if it were my friend. If the owners had a problem with that then they'd have to make a decision as to how they would leave this world.

07-10-2021, 07:09 PM
You need to at least report this incident to the authorities. That cat even as as homeless take in was your property. Someones unattended property has no right to destroy yours. Left unchecked this is only going to get worse I am afraid. Whats next on this list for marauding pitbulls?

Animal Control officers made an official report, but since the cat was killed on the neighbor's property, and it was technically a stray cat, there isn't a lot they can do. The neighbor and myself fed it, so it was a mutually housed and fed animal.

I'm pretty sure dogs killed another cat in my yard about 2mos ago, but I didn't see it happen. It was far enough away from the street that it didn't get hit by a car, and something had eaten a considerable bit of the torso. When I saw it the buzzards were finishing up what was left so who knows.

07-10-2021, 07:44 PM
Doug, I am so sorry for your loss; I have a cat that picked me when one of my dogs died and he just refuses to let me have a bad day!

......A number of years ago we had a schnauzer killed by two pit bull's that were dumped.....I chased them and killed one in the yard of a neighbor.....he came out and asked what had happened and I told him what they had done and that one had gotten away....he said he would take care of the second pit as he knew where they were denning up....he was true to his promise.....on the flip side I absolutely hate people that dump dogs and cats.....they are scum!

07-10-2021, 07:46 PM
So, someone who allows their cat to roam the neighborhood is complaining about his neighbor allowing their dog to roam the neighborhood?

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07-10-2021, 07:49 PM
So, someone who allows their cat to roam the neighborhood is complaining about his neighbor allowing their dog to roam the neighborhood?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

I have no complaint about an animal that roams the neighborhood. I take issue with that animal when it goes to killing other animals for sport not food.

FYI, the cat was an outdoor cat but it stayed on mine and my next door neighbor's property. It lived here, ate here and sheltered here. The dogs chased it up a tree on my property, then went and hid in the yard until it came down, then chased it onto my neighbor's property where they ran it down and killed it there.

It wasn't just a chance encounter, they weren't just "roaming the neighborhood" they were hunting. Those dogs exhibited hunting skills a.k.a. the "pack" instinct, they were cunning and skillful working as a team. THIS is what makes them a dangerous animal. I explained this to the animal control officers and they noted this in the report, and that these dogs are both dangerous animals and a menace to the community.

square butte
07-10-2021, 07:51 PM
I don't think the cat was roaming the neighborhood and killing other people's pets

07-10-2021, 08:09 PM
I am sorry to hear about your adopted Kitty demise. I am a cat lover as well, we have 3 all rescue cats, and one 10 pound Pomeranian. Dogs that are that vicious need to be put down.

07-10-2021, 08:20 PM
Wow, I'm just shocked! Two pages of "pit bull" hate and not one! "I'd shoot anyone who killed my dog" no matter the circumstances post!

Sorry for the loss of your cat. If you seek retribution always take my Grandfather's advice. "Boy, of you are going to shoot someone's dog, make sure only you and Jesus know about it. Cause Jesus ain't talking yet, and folks will kill you over a dog!"

I've got a real high tally to account for if JC is keeping score! :shock:

07-10-2021, 08:27 PM
Maybe 23 years ago, we had an incident just down the road where a couple who owned Rotweilers and wer deliberately training them to be vicious had thei dogs kill a little boy while he was waiting for the school bus. The three dogs ripped him apart in front of his little brother and as school bus full of his classmates.

They tried the couple seperately and the wofe was first, she got convicted of second degree murder and is still in prison as far as I know. Husband plea bargained out after that.

No tolerance for vicious dogs. The ones I mentioned had been complained about several times before this happened. If I had a dog like the pitbulls you mentioned in my neighborhood, I'd take care of it, carefully so as not to be caught, but those dogs would cease to be a threat in the neighborhood.

07-10-2021, 08:39 PM
yesterdays news......five week old baby killed by two dogs.

07-10-2021, 08:51 PM
I was surprised how easy to find an article about the incident by the house was. https://leerburg.com/rotkill2.htm

As luck had it, I was TDY and on the way home on a plane when I heard about it. While I was back east, I adopted a middle aged female bassett, and my brother who happened to be driving back to Colorado took her and dropped her off at the house in Milford.. I took her to our vet for shots the next day, he was an an old guy and kind of gruff, been doing vet work for like 40 years at that point, but as soon as he saw her, he told me how good it was to have someone come in with a common sense dog and then proceeded to tell me that in all his years of vet work, he'd only seen dog maulings by rots, pits, dobermans and chows, no others.

I'll get pounced on for saying this, some breeds are inherently dangerous and pits are among them. That poor cat wasn't a threat to anybody, those pits would have just as easily killed a child as a cat. Time for a night time visit with some fast acting poison, be careful not to be seen and have a reliable alibi.

07-10-2021, 09:18 PM
I used to give pitbulls the benefit of the doubt, blaming their owners for their actions, etc, but my last dog (95 lbs) was attacked four times in a year and a half by pitbulls (and no other dog breeds). Luckily he was a big, strong dog or they would have killed him (he removed the eye of one of them in a fight). I don't like this expression, but they are what they are - dangerous. I'm a dog person but I'd have absolutely no problem with a pit bull ban. You'd have to be totally out of your mind to have one in a family setting with kids.

07-10-2021, 09:21 PM
That pack behavior is why I carry a sidearm when hunting. If I see one dog wandering the woods, I don't worry too much, unless it's showing interest in me, but two or more, my hand is on my weapon in case they "go" for me! Anything resembling a snarl, I will draw and shoot before they have a chance to draw blood. Hasn't happened, hope it doesn't!

Gator 45/70
07-10-2021, 09:47 PM
Yep, One time on an 1800 acre hunting lease (no dogs allowed) I had just loaded up the 4 wheeler when I looked down a logging road 3 pits running at me.
I climbed on the 4 wheeler with an old Spanish 7x57 Mauser loaded to the gills.
These 3 jokers ran up there,Liver and white pits, The female and the puppy just wagged those tails at me.
Now the male pit growled at me while staring down the barrel of the old Mauser, I'm like try to get on this trailer bubba.
He turned, Wheezed on my tire and off down the road they went, I reported the encounter to the club president.
He's like those are so-in-so's dogs you should of shot em!
I'm like I can live with a wet tire for the time being.

07-10-2021, 09:58 PM
Had a couple of Chows kill one my cats decades ago. Chased him under the truck and tag teamed him till they got him. Neighborhood kids told me what happened and buried him for me while I was at work.
Where I live now, wife was raising some ducks many years ago and neighbors dog came over and killed every one. You could see the tracks in the snow. Didn't eat them, just killed them. They got rid of the dog soon afterwards.

07-10-2021, 10:06 PM
If you plan to take care of this problem yourself, then I would not report this to the authorities.

07-10-2021, 10:22 PM
The dogs aren't the real problem...It's the owners. And it's hard to get away with shooting them.

07-10-2021, 10:31 PM
That pack behavior is why I carry a sidearm when hunting. If I see one dog wandering the woods, I don't worry too much, unless it's showing interest in me, but two or more, my hand is on my weapon in case they "go" for me! Anything resembling a snarl, I will draw and shoot before they have a chance to draw blood. Hasn't happened, hope it doesn't!

I used to do a bit of trout fishing in the streams of Central Wisconsin. Get in the creek at one bridge...fish to the next and walk back to the car on the roads. Sometimes several miles. I always got chills when farm dogs would come out to the road (car chasers) and stalk me. One time while in a creek what looked like Rotweiler, St Bernard mix appeared on the bank growling. Above him on the hill was the owner standing with his hands on his hips grinning like he sicked the dog on me. I backed out into deep water and called the dog in "here boy, come on in' knowing he didn't have a chance in water that was above his head but not mine. I wish he would have attacked. I would have drowned that thing right there in front of the guy.
When I related the story to my dad he said ..."a guy like that would have probably gone in and got a gun and shot you".

07-10-2021, 10:37 PM
So sad for your loss. I often wonder why people are so irresponsible with their dogs. I happen to be the owners of two pits, well that at least what the back yard breeder called them. One is well over 100 pounds and the other is close to it. My two are lover of people, I do not allow them to run, they are in a fenced in yard. The smallest would make for the garage door every chance he got. He cost me over 400 dollars because he got at the next door neighbors dog. In my opinion their dog what not all that bad off, a few puncher marks a bit of blood. She had fit and rushed beloved dog to the vet who knew what he had, and took as much of my money as he could. The neighbor who loves her dogs soo much does not provide shelter for them, as best as I can tell does not keep them supplied with water and not sure how often feed. I heard the vet asking about her dogs shot record, none. I tell this story about my expence to prove a point after I had to shell over 400 bucks, IT MADE ME MORE RESPONIBLE for my dogs. To be honest I feel as though I got off easy/light, and am kind of ok with the way it turned out. When get into to someone's pocket book and you get their attention. Prior to him getting out I had been trying to figure a way to shock collar to work I was going about it all wrong. I got a base with a 3 foot area dog will not go near the door.

Rockrat you story about your wife raising some ducks and neighbors dog came over and killed every one, reminded about my Mom. A few years back she was raising chickens, ducks, geese and few other types of birds. One day she came home to find a bunch of dead birds in they yard and the neighbors dog doing the damage. My thought would have been to gut shoot the dog and hope the neighbor had a big vet bill. Mom took a goose that was still somewhat alive and bloody, to the neighbors door. The neighbor and her daughter answered the door and my Mother proceeded to show them what their dog had be up to. Then she left the goose on their porch and explained that she did not have enough freezer space and would hate for the meat to go to waste. As Mom was leaving the lady asked my Mom take the animal with you, its disturbing my daughter, Mom replies well your dog did it, you aught to have something for his work.

07-10-2021, 11:06 PM
yesterdays news......five week old baby killed by two dogs.

Yep, we had one here 7yr old girl killed by two pit bulls, her and her mother were looking in on the dogs for a neighbor (dogs owners) while they were gone and the dogs attacked the pair killing the little girl and severely injuring the mother.

The owners have gone to court trying to get the dogs back, the court ordered them euthanized, they got an injunction, 60 days, the owners will pay for the shelter keeping the dogs, I think they should have already put them down. Can't believe this case is causing so much question and costing a lot of court time.

07-10-2021, 11:38 PM
Sorry for your loss.
My wife just brought a stray kitten home, so we now have a 130 pound great Dane, and a less than one pound black fur ball. It's amazing how fast you can get attached to a critter!

07-11-2021, 12:48 AM
45workhouse, hopefully they will be best friends soon!

Had a German Shorthair Pointer walk up to me on my front porch, back in the Jurassic when I was still a teen; Dog decided to growl at me, I offered to end it. Standoff for a while, then it walked off. Bad owner, and they let it run wild in Suburbia. Sister went to school with this tool's daughter and would regularly report that someone had shot him again; Gee, I wonder why?

Thundarstick, there is a difference between the friendly black lab who runs into my yard with a slobbery tennis ball, asking me to throw it for him (Fun LOL) and the pack / killer dog who comes to destroy, I suspect the same folks here who want to guard their feline fur kids would do the exact same for their canine fur babies. OP's post was about a cat killed by dogs, though.

07-11-2021, 01:13 AM
Sorry for your loss. Whether we have them for a week or 10+ yrs, they grab your heart and stay.
I live in a small SoCal city, we have coyotes. My Daughters cat is allowed out between 0800-1700hrs. I've found their fresh scat some mornings in my backyard. Completely fenced/walled. We also have opossums and raccoons. I've disposed of one yote.

07-11-2021, 01:23 AM
Yes. Losing a pet is tough. I'm sorry that you lost your cat.

07-11-2021, 01:33 AM
I have been in this house 3+yrs and I have not seen these two dogs before. Either they got out by accident and went roaming, or a new drug dealer moved in somewhere up the street and let them out for a stroll. If that's the case I am sure this is only one of many incidents to come.

07-11-2021, 01:44 AM
That’s why you need to file a report…

07-11-2021, 02:43 AM
Very sorry for your loss.I to am a cat lover.
I like all animals.
It's bad owner I have a problem with.
I would also hunt the two dogs down.
No telling what they would do to a infant.

07-11-2021, 07:04 AM
Thinking about it,there have been a lot of dog attack deaths here of late ......even a couple of dog owners /carers killed by their own dogs.....pit bulls are not allowed in this state,so they are being attacked by other breeds of dogs.

07-11-2021, 08:30 AM
For some reason this got me to thinking about people with live stock and the trouble they have with predators. People living in an urban environment can easily understand the loss of cat to a neighbors dog but don't always understand a farmer pulling the trigger protecting their dogs, horses etc. from anything to big cats to bears.

It's a heartbreaking experience wherever you live and want to lift up Doug for his loss.

07-11-2021, 08:45 AM
So, someone who allows their cat to roam the neighborhood is complaining about his neighbor allowing their dog to roam the neighborhood?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Interesting. Not sure if my comparison would get my intended point across so will leave I at that. Can usually judge a person by how they treat animals, especially ones much more helpless than they are.

07-11-2021, 08:47 AM
As long as I can remember there have been irresponsible pet owners, (believe it or not I got the worst dog bite I've ever had from a 6lb jack russell, ripped tendon from back of knee while walking down the street and it was on a leash) Farm dogs are notorious for doing their job, as a field mechanic I often recieved bites from farm collies and blue healer types. I dont think hunting the dogs down would be a good idea, however being ready for the next visit would certainly be my goal, any animal that doesnt stay home is a nusance to someone, be it cat ,dog, goat,pig or cow,you havent done nothing till you have to get a 1800lb enraged bull out of cement swimming pool after he walked across the wet lawn, poked his feet thru the ground level ceder decking and then fell in the pool!

07-11-2021, 08:52 AM
Very sorry to hear that Doug . . . . but remember that if you had been there, they could very easily have gone after you as well.

Sorry . . . and this will irritate some I'm sure . . . but Pit Bulls are nothing but trouble waiting to happen. That day it was yours beloved kitty . . . . what if it had been a small child playing alone in the yard? Most states and localities have ordinances about dogs being able to run loose and supposed to be under control - whether it be a Poodle or a Pit Bull. Makes you wonder if the dogs are licensed - up to date on shots, etc. If the owner let's these dogs roam loose - he has no control over their actions and worse yet, no respect for their neighbors, no regard for the safety of their children nor their pets. Without getting yourself in trouble, you really need to pursue this and make sure that they understand that his Pit Bulls roaming will not be tolerated and they need to have that made very clear by animal control / LE.

You said something that needs to be paid attention to - they killed your cat for the sport of it . . . . . those dogs will not differentiate between a cat or a small child. Sorry, but those dogs need to be destroyed. There is a reason why many Insurance companies will not issue Home Owners or Renter's Insurance if there is a Pit Bull on the premises. We have dogs and love them - love cats as well . . . but our dogs belong to us and it is OUR REAPONSIBILITY to see that they are taken care of, confined and that they do not show aggressive behavior = whether towards other animals or humans. No different than when we had cattle - our responsibility to keep them confined - they get out and cause damage or an accident - it was on us.

Again - very sorry for your loss Doug. Many years ago, when I worked Ambulance and Fire Rescue - I vividly remember two different calls we took that involved Pit Bulls and children it wasn't pleasant and both incidents were as a result of owners who were idiots.

07-11-2021, 10:26 AM
A few years back there was a father and son garage. Both had pit bulls. The fathers dog was the sire of the sons dog and was so wild he could not be around anyone except the father or son. The sons dog seemed fine until one day it bit the child of a customer. The parents were friends and did not make problems for the owner who paid the hospital bill. A couple of years later the dog again bit a young child that was with parents having their car worked on. Again the hospital bills were paid by the dog owner and the owner still insisted the dog wasn't mean and that the child must have done something to provoke the dog. The son gets married and has a child. Mom and the baby are at home with the dog and the baby on the the floor in the living room when the dog attacks the baby. Moms gets the baby away from the dog but the dog then attacks her.

End of story is the baby died, mom was chewed up and the son finally figured out the dog had a mean streak. Some folks are slow learners.

Have a friend with a pit bull that was as nice a dog to people as you could want.His kids and ours would play with and pester the dog to no end. When the dog got tired of being harassed in would go hide behind the couch. The same dog would kill any other dog or small animal it could get hold of.

People that have mean dogs and say they don't see it in the dog are not paying attention or just lying. The liability of owning an aggressive dog is way to high for me.

John Wayne
07-11-2021, 10:53 AM
Sorry, Doug.
We have a couple of strays that took us on years ago and have convinced me that cat are cool, rewarding animals.
Keep the pressure on animal control for multiple daily patrols. Use emails that suggest it is just a matter of time until a child is killed. Copy to the County Commissioners.
Also get a battery operated coyote caller that has the distressed kitten call. Play it when you are on the ready. Smoke em!

07-11-2021, 10:58 AM
There's a big, excellent animal shelter in Topeka that was right around the corner when we lived there. Seems like the only dogs ever in there for adoption are pit bulls and pitbull mixes and they always have to put the disclaimers that there are special considerations for adopting one (I'm sure it's home owner's insurance and other warnings).

It's a shame that it's so popular to want a big, vicious dog, it only makes the disreputable breeders more energetic and makes the problem worse.

07-11-2021, 11:11 AM
Doug,, you have been a good friend to many, many people on this Forum & others. Your services are highly respected, BECAUSE you are a good person.
So when I see all these posts,, know that many, many people feel your heartache & share your grief on some level.

I have followed the story of "Mittens" & "Gracie" with a lot of smiles,, because the good folks here appreciate the compassion most of the members here share.

Your love & compassion for this little stray,, while brief compared to life-long furry companions many of us enjoy,, is just another reflection of how good you are.

So I know I share the heartache sentiment so many others have shared with you.

You can't change what has already happened,, but you can possibly affect the future. Situational awareness,, and being prepared for any future encounters with these (2) dogs is necessary. NC law does make the owner(s) responsible for a dog's actions when it leaves the owners property. You apparently are already well educated in the laws here, by previous posts.
Use the law,, and also use common sense. Handle as necessary. And I know most of us here support your actions. If we never hear anything else,, yet the problem ceases in your neighborhood,, all well & good.

07-11-2021, 11:39 AM
That’s why you need to file a report…

An official report was filed with the Animal Control officers.

Many Thanks to the messages of support, you guys have a heart too! I can't go out and actively hunt the dogs with malicious intent, although I will admit to riding through the neighboring streets to see if I can determine where they live so far no sightings. If they come back around here hopefully I can entice them to come take a cool drink, you know being summer and everything they are probably thirsty...

I actually had a dream last night with these two dogs in it, a technicolor dream, and I had lured them into the basement with intent to take care of the problem but then when they got inside I noticed they were bloody all about the face and shoulders, and in the dream I called the animal control officer and told them they need to come look at this right now (3am) that this was an emergency and when he got there we both agreed they had killed something, but was it animal blood or was it human? The animal control officer called an EMS squad over and they were examining the blood to see if it was human or not, and we looked at each other knowing that pretty soon they were going to get a call of something or someone killed by these dogs, and I woke up. I hadn't remembered the dream until now.

07-11-2021, 11:53 AM
Like many have stated here, these kind of situations always seem to escalate to worse problems. A cat today, a child next time.

Someone mentioned Gracie, that little cat is the light of our lives right now and if someone had done something to her, I'd have had a hard time not going over there and taking it out on the owner. That owner needs a wake up call, because it won't be good or them either when those dogs do eventually commit a tragedy.

07-11-2021, 12:59 PM
SSS, shoot, shovel shutup.

There is a pit roaming town, we had a meth head move into the house that is condemned(owner keeps getting a court stay on demolition). It has gone after people but is apparently gun smart. It started at me then I put my hand on my pistol and it backed off. I didn't have a good shot, it would have been into the horse pasture across the street. Sheriff is looking for it and they will kill it. Meth head moved out already after a few parents told him drug dealers don't last in this town! Left the dog behind...

07-11-2021, 01:15 PM
I don't know why but never did like pit bulls too much, if I wanted an attack dog I would be more inclined to get a doberman.
soooo, are those killer dogs pushing up daisies yet? what if small children are playing in the yard? all too often people with official positions in communities don't read the signs of possible threats until its too late.

07-11-2021, 01:21 PM
SSS, shoot, shovel shutup.

There is a pit roaming town, we had a meth head move into the house that is condemned(owner keeps getting a court stay on demolition). It has gone after people but is apparently gun smart. It started at me then I put my hand on my pistol and it backed off. I didn't have a good shot, it would have been into the horse pasture across the street. Sheriff is looking for it and they will kill it. Meth head moved out already after a few parents told him drug dealers don't last in this town! Left the dog behind...

Poor dog they should be hunting the meth head.

2006 I think it was I tried let me say that a different way I tried to help a "street" girl get her life straightened out. Long story short she stole from me, stole a 2lb coffee can full of change, stole a guitar, and for that I had her arrested, the continuances lasted 6mo or so, never got the guitar back, never did hear nothing from her or the court about it. Then, some months later she called me and she says "YOU TOOK 6 MONTHS OF MY LIFE!" And I politely informed her that it was SHE who cost her own self 6 months and had she never stole from me, she would have never been in jail. Then she says "They killed my dog!" (she had this aging and sickly chihuahua mutt dog with her, I guess they figured it was in the dog's best interest to put it down, I dunno) but I had a bit of a chuckle and I told her "Damn! They got the wrong BITCH!" Never heard from her again..

07-11-2021, 01:42 PM
We have a pit puppy. She tried to mess with out cat. The cat messed her up pretty bad. She now respects cats. It was a life lesson for her. Glad she learned young. I have had to get rid of cat aggressive dogs in the past. It sad that your kitty got killed Doug. Hope the aggressive dog gets its proper dues soon.

07-11-2021, 01:50 PM
It is sad to kill a pet because of a stupid person. But I guess justice must be served at all costs.

07-11-2021, 02:02 PM
sometimes a dogs actions are a reflection of its masters personality. the dog I adapted, still three years on is still like a 10 year old hopped up on Halloween candy. I've spent countless hours with him trying to teach this old dog new tricks. He chews up everything he can get his jaws around, he's got countless bones and rawhide treats but I guess he gets bored of them and has chewed half his dog house apart. vet said he estimated dog was 2 years old when I took him in after finding him wandering in the woods. but I have a very good friend that raised a beautiful pit bull from a puppy. this pit bull will stay right by my friends side always. if it sees something it even points like a good hunting dog but won't run off or give chase without my friend instructing it too. but after that it's game on-- whatever it gets to go after and dispatches everything, I mean everything, with one bite to the neck. pit bulls have tremendous jaw strength and one on the loose could easily kill a child in a split second, nothing to fool with.

country gent
07-11-2021, 02:33 PM
even with the leash laws and ordinances, along with farmers being allowed to protect livestock, Its common practice to shoot shovel and shut up emphasis on shutting up. Its amazing how many owners let an animal pet run then when things happen it wasnt their animal but jut circumstances. Usually ends up in court and big bills on both sides.
We lost a lot of chickens to both cats and dogs roaming. A neighbors son lost a 4-h sheep to dogs ( went in the barn after it in the pen).

One thing to always remember is with domestic dogs roaming there isnt any fear of man or buildings like the is with wild animals. They will stalk you same as any other prey. This make them much more dangerous than wild animals.

07-11-2021, 02:33 PM
My senior pit will stay by your side too. She is a big sweet heart. My son rescued her. Not sure how old she is. She was very over weight when we got her. Former owners feed her table food. She has lost some weight. She's about the size of a rotty now.

07-11-2021, 02:46 PM
I am truly sorry for your loss. I like cats a bunch and we now have two of them (down from 4, as two died from old age at 15 and 16 years of age). They are all indoor cats and outdoor cats have a much shorter life expectancy. Murphy my shop cat is now about 16 and my wife's cat Peaches is just a kid at 2.5 years of age.

07-11-2021, 04:01 PM
What do all those owners on the news reports say? "He was always so sweet with children, he'd never hurt a fly!"

07-11-2021, 04:06 PM
Sorry for your loss, Doug. Maybe those 2 pits will get their just due!

07-11-2021, 04:11 PM
Sorry to hear about the loss of your little buddy, Doug. As a retired mail carrier, I have a bunch of stories I could share about pit bulls and other dangerous dog breeds that I had to deal with over the years. I never trusted ANY pit bull and never will. They were bred to fight other dogs and that purpose is in their gene pool. My brittanys were born to find, point and retrieve birds and would instinctively point feathers when just six weeks old. Never had to worry about being attacked by the hunting breeds. Though I was never bit by a pit, some of my fellow carriers were and suffered very serious wounds including one of our lady carriers who had a breast almost ripped off by a pit who burst out through a screened in window. In this part of the world, loose pit bulls causing trouble have very short life spans. Another little buddy will come along Doug to spend time with you and to steal your heart away so keep your eyes open and the door cracked wide.

07-11-2021, 06:25 PM
Vicious dogs running around are a public health threat ,I am not big on feral cats either both need some controls .
In this area there are often more cats running the woods then the coyotes can eat but they do get the majority of dogs even pitbulls!

One night when I was still working and this was a weekend home I got here at 3 am , there was 6-8 inches of new snow I stopped at the mail box with car idling and could hear an odd sound . I looked around my right ear is worse then my left so sounds tend to be from the left for me. Darn if a cat was not approaching me hissing and growling! I shot under it in the near dark but it left with a bit of haste! Next night the same cat was scowling in my back door (mostly glass) while I ate dinner ! I got up and it ran I set leg hold traps on porch and got rid of it .

07-11-2021, 06:31 PM
This is the "STUFF" we have to deal with. I would use stronger language but this site doesn't allow it.


These folks want to move in Doug's direction

07-11-2021, 08:12 PM
I have a friend who breeds and trains service dogs (German Shepherds) for a living. She will tell you categorically that some breeds are inherently killers - pit bulls being first on the list. SOMETIMES you can train it out of an individual dog, but there is no way to be 100% sure.

07-11-2021, 08:17 PM
Vicious dogs running around are a public health threat ,I am not big on feral cats either both need some controls .
In this area there are often more cats running the woods then the coyotes can eat but they do get the majority of dogs even pitbulls!

One night when I was still working and this was a weekend home I got here at 3 am , there was 6-8 inches of new snow I stopped at the mail box with car idling and could hear an odd sound . I looked around my right ear is worse then my left so sounds tend to be from the left for me. Darn if a cat was not approaching me hissing and growling! I shot under it in the near dark but it left with a bit of haste! Next night the same cat was scowling in my back door (mostly glass) while I ate dinner ! I got up and it ran I set leg hold traps on porch and got rid of it .

A feral cat will not approach a human unless it's rabid. Did you have it checked? If not, why not?

07-11-2021, 08:52 PM
This is the "STUFF" we have to deal with. I would use stronger language but this site doesn't allow it.


These folks want to move in Doug's direction

They are in Garner, about 50mi S of me. I hope the city puts them down, and I hoped this before my cat was killed, I mean GIVE ME A BREAK! THE DOGS KILLED A 7YR OLD GIRL AND SEVERELY INJURED HER MOTHER! PUT THE DAMN DOGS DOWN AND GET ON WITH IT!

07-11-2021, 09:05 PM
This is the "STUFF" we have to deal with. I would use stronger language but this site doesn't allow it.


These folks want to move in Doug's direction

Wow, that is extreme. I've known dogs who were killed simply because they nipped a persons hand who was messing with them, even after the owner told the other to stop. Yeah, if a dog kills a person, there isn't much that can be said.

07-11-2021, 09:09 PM
I am truly sorry for the loss of your cat. I am the owner of a pitbull we rescued from the humane society a few months ago. We had to put our last dog down last October due to cancer. And no I am not about to jump you about wanting to kill those two. I too have no love for a vicious animal. I can't have a cat due to extreme allergies, but otherwise I would be more than happy. The sad part to me is that most vicious dogs are either taught to be like that or left to become vicious with their humans taking no responsibility and the human should be punished more than most states do.
Our 2 year old will also attack you if you come into our house or yard and would likely lick you to death. My sister has 3 pomchi's (Pomeranian and Chihuahua mix), when I took our pitbull over there and they started barking before we went in he was ready to head for the hills. I was rolling on the ground laughing.

07-11-2021, 09:16 PM
Very sad thing to read Sorry for your loss.

Several years ago I was walking my little Buddy. He was just getting over a back issue. A neighbor was coming home with their two Great Danes. We were about 50 yards away and one of the Danes ran up. I assumed it would be the typical sniff each other thing. Before I knew what was happening, the Dane has Buddy in his mouth and was shaking him. I scared the Dane off, but it kept coming back with the other one in tow. Buddy survived, but had to be put down some weeks later from other issues.

Sent from a handheld tracking device on a remote body of water in SE Alabama.

Eddie Southgate
07-11-2021, 09:25 PM
Animal Control officers made an official report, but since the cat was killed on the neighbor's property, and it was technically a stray cat, there isn't a lot they can do. The neighbor and myself fed it, so it was a mutually housed and fed animal.

I'm pretty sure dogs killed another cat in my yard about 2mos ago, but I didn't see it happen. It was far enough away from the street that it didn't get hit by a car, and something had eaten a considerable bit of the torso. When I saw it the buzzards were finishing up what was left so who knows.

Next loose dog I seen in my yard would be buzzard food if I were you . Can't hunt them down but you can shoot them in your yard . Sorry about the cat . I got a bad temper , been my cat I'd a been in jail before the day was over for killing dogs and whupping an owners ass.

Eddie Southgate
07-11-2021, 09:31 PM
A feral cat will not approach a human unless it's rabid. Did you have it checked? If not, why not?

Who told you that crap ? A Coon I would suspect or a Fox but not a cat . I have had any number of feral cats take up residence at my house over the years , none had rabies . Not all so called feral cats are afraid of humans although there are a bunch of them that they probably should be afraid of .

07-11-2021, 10:28 PM
Thundarstick, there is a difference between the friendly black lab who runs into my yard with a slobbery tennis ball, asking me to throw it for him (Fun LOL) and the pack / killer dog who comes to destroy, I suspect the same folks here who want to guard their feline fur kids would do the exact same for their canine fur babies. OP's post was about a cat killed by dogs, though.

Actually! it was about a cat killed by two PIT BULLS. There's usually a line mile long to tell how their pit sleeps with the baby, wouldn't harm a fly, and it's just bad owners. Some dog breeds don't deserve a place at the table, pits are one of them. I grew up a farm boy and can tell you from experience that the same slobbering tail wager will kill sheep, goats, hogs, geese, chickens, ducks, and cats given the rite circumstances. I was sharing my Grandfather's advice on how to deal with such problems, if one where to feel the need to exercise the ultimate retribution on said cat killers. I'm genuinely a dog lover, but have no problem practicing SSS on a problem dog. However, "Buzzards gotta eat, same as the worms."

07-11-2021, 10:28 PM
I have a friend who breeds and trains service dogs (German Shepherds) for a living. She will tell you categorically that some breeds are inherently killers - pit bulls being first on the list. SOMETIMES you can train it out of an individual dog, but there is no way to be 100% sure.
Just because someone dose something for a living, doesn’t necessarily mean they know what they’re talking about. I’ve been a rescue volunteer for about 30 years I’ve seen plenty of breeds and fostered many different types of dogs. Yes different breeds have different characteristics. If it’s a dog and it has teeth it can bite! I fostered and owned many pitbull‘s I’ve seen mean ones, and I’ve seen some of the most gentle docile dogs. I’ve also known a lot of breeders and the good breeders will tell you if they wind up with the dog that’s aggressive towards people they don’t breed it they put the dog down! For someone to make a blanket statement saying that Pitbulls are inherently killers is ridiculous. First off to understand the origin of the breed it was bred and trained to work cattle, bull in particular, large full grown bulls! I’ve seen more than one 2000 pound ball brought to submission by a 60 pound pitbull! I would love to be able to get my hands around your neck of the SOB did the side of the breed these dogs for fighting a couple hundred years ago. Any dog can be turned into a killer! The difference being a bite for an 8 pound Shih Tzu is not quite the same as it is from a 60 pound pitbull or 100 pound Rottweiler or as in my favorite breed 130 pound Bullmastiff‘s. 95% of the time it’s not the dogs fault it’s the owners fault!
Doug guy I am truly sorry for your loss I know what it’s like to lose a four-legged family member.
All pets should be under their masters control at all times! There’s nothing worse than making a sandbox for your grandchildren forgetting to cover it and not being able to let them play in it because it’s full of Tootsie Roll’s! Because someone thinks it’s fine to just open the door in a suburban setting and let their cats run free! I’ve had free roaming cats kill quails, baby chicks, rabbits,etc... if you own a pet any pet it’s your responsibility not someone else’s! Sorry to ramble but I’ve been reading all these posts and I just had to say something. Rant over!

07-12-2021, 12:17 AM
Who told you that crap ? A Coon I would suspect or a Fox but not a cat . I have had any number of feral cats take up residence at my house over the years , none had rabies . Not all so called feral cats are afraid of humans although there are a bunch of them that they probably should be afraid of .

70+ years of experience, my friend. I've had feral kittens adopt me, but never an adult cat.

I've had adult strays be friendly, but they were already half domesticated, just lost. Can't count those as feral. There's a huge difference.

07-12-2021, 12:32 AM
Time for some hamburger balls laced with antifreeze in their yard. Those dogs would be dead if it were me. Next time it could be a toddler. No use for vicious dogs, especially ones with irresponsible owners.
Antifreeze is not deadly for dogs as it is for cats. Your plan would just take out members of the feral cat community. Now, a natural sponge 🧽 fried in bacon grease . . .

07-12-2021, 12:56 AM
I've had a couple adult feral cats adopt me, it takes years though. Patience, Time, food, kind words, gentleness.

One went from attacking my feet if I walked near him, guess my feet were assault feet and I didn't even know it, to greeting me by jumping into my car soon as I parked (muddy feet sometimes and all), crawling into my arms, and 'knitting' on my arm (with sabre claws, got a bit macerated there every time!) and sucking on my shirt, purring happily. Pretty sure I was his surrogate mother. Definitely was an "I missed you!" in there too. Dumped out in the woods when young, handsome Russian Blue cat.

The other we trapped in town, in January, so we called him "Mr. January"; GF and I were fostering cats at her place, I lived next door. He watched us treat the other cats nicely for 2-3 years before one morning deciding he wanted some of that; That was a good day!

When you live trap a cat if they bounce all over inside the trap trying to get away that's an indication they're feral vs. if they sit still, they were tame at one point, as a helpful hint.

My Torti is between the computer & I, soaking up attention & purring, she seems to enjoy this :) Calico will be baaack when she wakes up.

07-12-2021, 03:19 AM
I've never paid much attention to dogs. We always had them growing up, along with cats, and a bunch of farm animals. I've never owned a house pet myself, and don't have any desire to. I never realized so many people are this against pitbulls. I can fully understand DougGuy's case, but others wanting to shoot every pitbull in your yard indiscriminately? Seriously?

This is what I think every time you guys start getting grumpy. Sorry DougGuy, this isn't directed at you, I just thought this was funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIP3wZwWJA4

07-12-2021, 09:52 AM
I've never paid much attention to dogs. We always had them growing up, along with cats, and a bunch of farm animals. I've never owned a house pet myself, and don't have any desire to. I never realized so many people are this against pitbulls. I can fully understand DougGuy's case, but others wanting to shoot every pitbull in your yard indiscriminately? Seriously?

This is what I think every time you guys start getting grumpy. Sorry DougGuy, this isn't directed at you, I just thought this was funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIP3wZwWJA4

Try coming home from work one day to find 18 prime laying hens dead in a run because someone's loose dog jumped the fence and made a sport of it. Doesn't matter the breed. If a dog is out near my chicken runs... SSS.

07-12-2021, 10:39 AM
Blanket statements indicting all “Pitt Bulls” as vicious and dangerous are simply ignorant.
Many “Pitt Bull” attacks are caused by misidentified mutts by people that wouldn’t know the difference between a Staffordshire Terrier, a Rottie mix, a Boxer mix, or an American Pitt Bull Terrier.

People-vicious dogs are all potentially dangerous, and almost ANY breed can be encouraged to be “people-vicious”… We can include most “terriers” above 10 lbs, many “working dogs” (I’ve seen Blue Healers that would attack children on sight), and every breed ever considered as a watchdogs, “Police dogs”, or “guard dogs”… German Shepherds, Dobermans,
Belgian Malinois. etc….
German Shepherds are, in fact, considered “The most aggressive” dog breed toward humans, although many seem to find them wonderful FAMILY companions, and child guardians.

Good owners, of good “Pitt Bulls”, can tell you with certainty that there is no finer breed in existence for a companion animal.
The “problem” with such animals is their strength, intelligence, and physical capabilities… Such great potential turned into BAD is a recipe for disaster.
The “Pitt Bull’s” extreme intelligence, agility, strength, loyalty, desire to please it’s owner, and fearlessness is unparalleled in the canine world… They are it’s best qualities, and it’s worse flaws when used in bad behavior.

“ALL Pitt Bulls are BAD, and should be illegal.”…
“All guns are BAD, and should be illegal.”…
“All Trump voters are BAD, and should be illegal”….
Simple concepts for simple minds.

07-12-2021, 11:28 AM
I've seen with my eyes a German Shepard dog knowing how to open and close doors by manipulating the latch handle.
A pitbull displaying that type of problem solving would be about as likely as me, running four consecutive four minute miles!

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

07-12-2021, 11:46 AM
a neighbor chow dog killed and was eating my sons pet duck... the duck was trained to eat pecans out of your hand. I drove up to see him eyeball deep in the duck!. I took my S&W 625 loaded with blacktalons, and let fly. Dog ended up missing a hind leg, and never returned. I told my neighbor what happened, he wasn't happy. they next got a female pit bull, who likes to challenge my wife. He has been put on notice that my wife has a revolver on hand at all times..............................some people!!!!.

07-12-2021, 12:07 PM
The dog regardless of breed pays the price for having irresponsible owners. It's the owners fault but until it's legal to shoot the owners dogs doing damage can't be tolerated. I lost a very valuable barrel horse in the 70's due to dogs chasing animals. I could have purchased 3 new trucks with that horse but never got a dime for the fence cut horse after the dog chased thru the fence but I had to the pay vets bill a permanently crippled horse.

07-12-2021, 12:09 PM
I've seen with my eyes a German Shepard dog knowing how to open and close doors by manipulating the latch handle.
A pitbull displaying that type of problem solving would be about as likely as me, running four consecutive four minute miles!

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

“Ignorance is bliss.”

Having raised many breeds, and being associated with many more, I can assure you that anyone in a room with an APBT that doubts it’s intelligence potential is not the smartest individual in that room.

An example, from The American Kennel Club…

07-12-2021, 01:21 PM
“Ignorance is bliss.”

Having raised many breeds, and being associated with many more, I can assure you that anyone in a room with an APBT that doubts it’s intelligence potential is not the smartest individual in that room.

An example, from The American Kennel Club…No, ignorance is not bliss.

Ignorance is a state of not knowing, which can be corrected through education.

I am glad that you have a warm heart for the animals, raise them, help them after suffering such incredible cruelty.

However that does not entitle you to belittle anybody who fails to see things your way.

I have never raised dogs, so there is much I do not know, much I could benefit by learning.

It was not my intention to hurt or offend you, or anyone with dogs.

I do know many people who have raised pitbulls, either as pets or breeding.
I like to play with animals, I do like pitbulls, when they are properly socialized and obedience trained.

However... when you have an animal that has suffered abuse or psychological damage... you know it is the truth: they can be big, strong, quick, and cruel.

I've seen dogs go after children. I explained to the police officer who showed up, " I will make every effort to kill that dog if he does it again! "

He understood. He understood more when the neighbor would not display the dog, instead locking it inside the bathroom, to hide the unnecessarily aggressive nature of that particular animal.

I'll reiterate, my opinion is that pitbulls lack the intelligence and problem-solving of other breeds, that does not mean that I dislike them. Also, it doesn't mean that I'm right.

I could very well be wrong. It's not your job to educate me, however if you share the knowledge I'll soak it up.

Please don't conflate fact with opinion, it wil leave you empty-handed during a discussion.

Be safe.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

07-12-2021, 01:49 PM
Assuming that the APBT breed lacks the intelligence to solve simple problems, like opening doors, is an opinion based on no knowledge, what-so-ever, of the breed…. It is the definition of ignorance, which is not incurable.
I have “a warm heart” for animals in general, and a working knowledge of dogs. My opinion on this subject is based on fact, pure and simple.

It’s an individual’s choice how he views opinions, and suggesting that the APBT lacks intelligence is nothing that anyone familiar with the breed would ever agree with.
“Breed Prejudice” is a real thing. It’s ugly, unwarranted, and rooted in ignorance.

It is my hope not to offend, but rather to help defend.

07-12-2021, 02:31 PM
There is a coydog pack roaming the area, sheriff told me to be on the lookout for it entering town(I have written permission to shoot in town, I am on coyote patrol) because they have attacked people already. Sheriff said one that was shot was a pit/coyote mix and had its jaws clamped on a horses neck! They shot it and had to pry the jaws open even after it was dead.

This is what happens when people dump dogs or let them run loose! End up with problems. There are 3 huskies that run around town that are about to be crow bait, they keep trying to get in the neighbors horse/cattle pasture. Owner was warned 3 times so no more warnings, shoot on sight...

07-12-2021, 02:34 PM
That breed of dog should not exist. And should be eliminated from the face of the earth. Far too many "things" mamed/killed by that type of dog. Killing is in their blood and the owner cannot train that out.

07-12-2021, 03:41 PM
“The AVMA or American Veterinary Medical Association conducted an in-depth literature review to analyze existing studies on dog bites and serious injuries. Their findings indicate that there is no single breed that stands out as the most dangerous.

According to their review, studies indicate breed is not a dependable marker or predictor of dangerous behavior in dogs. Better and more reliable indicators include owner behavior, training, sex, neuter status, dog’s location (urban vs. rural), and even varying ownership trends over the passing of time or geographic location.

For example, they note that often pit bull-type dogs are reported in severe and fatal attacks. However, the reason is likely not related to the breed. Instead, it is likely because they are kept in certain high-risk neighborhoods and likely owned by individuals who may use them for dog fights or have involvement in criminal or violent acts.”

Don’t let in actual facts interfere with common myth.
The “dangerous breed” fallacy has gone from Dobermans, to shepherds, to bulldogs over the years and it will always pick a new breed when the current choice falls out of fashion.
Less than 50 fatal dog attacks happened last year in the US, and “yes” dogs identified as “Pitt Bulls” accounted for the majority. The problem is two-fold, 1)Dogs are OFTEN mis-identified as Pitts after people are harmed, and 2)Pitts are often employed by criminals to be vicious guard animals (environment and owner), but previously Dobermans were “the most dangerous” for the EXACT same reasons.
Just to be clear, over 19,000 deaths due to firearm misuse and/or abuse by their owners occurred in the USA last year…. If firearms were totally eliminated it’s obvious that future deaths DUE to firearms would be a non-issue…. Anybody in favor of that?

Gator 45/70
07-12-2021, 03:53 PM
There is a coydog pack roaming the area, sheriff told me to be on the lookout for it entering town(I have written permission to shoot in town, I am on coyote patrol) because they have attacked people already. Sheriff said one that was shot was a pit/coyote mix and had its jaws clamped on a horses neck! They shot it and had to pry the jaws open even after it was dead.

This is what happens when people dump dogs or let them run loose! End up with problems. There are 3 huskies that run around town that are about to be crow bait, they keep trying to get in the neighbors horse/cattle pasture. Owner was warned 3 times so no more warnings, shoot on sight...

That will become a major problem when TSHTF so to speak because people will turn dogs out to roam for food because they can no longer feed them.
We will have to shoot and kill these packs whither we like it or not.

07-12-2021, 04:02 PM
“The AVMA or American Veterinary Medical Association conducted an in-depth literature review to analyze existing studies on dog bites and serious injuries. Their findings indicate that there is no single breed that stands out as the most dangerous.

You are missing a HUGE part of why the PB is a dangerous dog. Thugs, teen aged drug dealers, highly favor the PB to go along with that "grille" they get stuck in their mouths, and those pants worn below the buttocks, the cars with 30" wheels with subs rattling the bolts out of the fenders. They "train" the pits with cats for bait animals. It's THAT culture, if you can call it culture, that makes the PB a dangerous dog. A young black male totes a pit or a pair of pits for "status" among his peers. The dogs are nothing but an ornament.

I suspect the two pits that killed my cat already knew what to do and I suspect their owner matches a big part of the preceding paragraph if not every letter.

You can continue to try to whitewash the breed but your words fall on deaf ears around these parts.

07-12-2021, 04:16 PM
That will become a major problem when TSHTF so to speak because people will turn dogs out to roam for food because they can no longer feed them.
We will have to shoot and kill these packs whither we like it or not.

Sometimes a problem can be a blessing in disguise. My father is good friends with a Vietnamese fella who makes coyote taste good. He says back home, dog was always on the menu.

Doug, I’m so sorry for your loss. I know the feeling all too well. Once a critter gets ahold of your heart they become something special. It’s a painful way to loose one. I’m glad your neighbor was kind enough to bury it for you. That’s not the last image of your buddy you want trapped in your mind.

07-12-2021, 04:28 PM
Sometimes a problem can be a blessing in disguise. My father is good friends with a Vietnamese fella who makes coyote taste good. He says back home, dog was always on the menu.

Doug, I’m so sorry for your loss. I know the feeling all too well. Once a critter gets ahold of your heart they become something special. It’s a painful way to loose one. I’m glad your neighbor was kind enough to bury it for you. That’s not the last image of your buddy you want trapped in your mind.

I had no idea I had become attached in just the two weeks she was here. I didn't see this coming. I took her cardboard box that was her bed, put her in a plastic bag and took her to the land fill. I did not bury her here, it was over and done before I had much time to think about it. I am relieved there is no sacred "place" in my yard where she is buried I think that would only contribute to the attachment and I am trying to let things go not hold on to them. All I can do now is SMDH and if them dogs ever come back around, I just better shut the hell up right now.

07-12-2021, 04:43 PM
You are missing a HUGE part of why the PB is a dangerous dog. Thugs, teen aged drug dealers….
You can continue to try to whitewash the breed but your words fall on deaf ears around these parts.

Actually, you just said EXACTLY what the point is… Too bad you missed it.
There was a time the “Pitt” was not the “dog of choice” for thugs, they have become “popular” because of their extreme talents, physical attributes, and desire to please and protect their owner/family… The felons that own them will do the same to Dobermans and Shepherds if they need to, but it’s a step down from “Super-dog”.

The truth is I could post a dozen pictures here that would likely all be identified as “Pitt Bulls” by the DEAF crowd, without a single APBT in the group.

Nobody here seems even remotely interested in banning those dangerous guns, though… They watch death and destruction daily, but blame the human that uses them dangerously.
You might not see the parallel, but I do, so enjoy the deafness that comes from a closed mind… And try to learn and apply the term “whitewash” properly.

07-12-2021, 04:45 PM
BTW.. I’d kill a bad dog, any BAD dog, without hesitation.
I have, and will again… No regrets.

07-12-2021, 04:50 PM
MaryB, IMO Wolf Dog hybrids are worse but yes, coydogs are more common. Good luck & happy hunting!

I've been told that some of the reason Dobermans were a problem in the past was horrid puppy mill overbreeding, their sinus bones would get too thin from inbreeding, then someone tapped them on the snout to interrupt them (not punish, just the "no, and I mean NO!" tap. I pat my cats harder than that, often, they purr. Cat bongo tummys LOL) and it would break the sinus bones, dog would be in horrid pain and understandably attack back. This is why I detest bad breeders, they make the world worse. Dogs deserve to have good genes!

07-12-2021, 05:09 PM
I had no idea I had become attached in just the two weeks she was here. I didn't see this coming. I took her cardboard box that was her bed, put her in a plastic bag and took her to the land fill. I did not bury her here, it was over and done before I had much time to think about it. I am relieved there is no sacred "place" in my yard where she is buried I think that would only contribute to the attachment and I am trying to let things go not hold on to them. All I can do now is SMDH and if them dogs ever come back around, I just better shut the hell up right now.

My apologies, I read this entire thread over the course of the day and seem to have crossed stories. I’m sorry you had to see her like that.

Gator 45/70
07-12-2021, 06:10 PM
Sometimes a problem can be a blessing in disguise. My father is good friends with a Vietnamese fella who makes coyote taste good. He says back home, dog was always on the menu.

Doug, I’m so sorry for your loss. I know the feeling all too well. Once a critter gets ahold of your heart they become something special. It’s a painful way to loose one. I’m glad your neighbor was kind enough to bury it for you. That’s not the last image of your buddy you want trapped in your mind.

Well I was going to ask for recipes but I think that's another thread topic in the cooking section lol

07-12-2021, 07:41 PM
Sometimes a problem can be a blessing in disguise. My father is good friends with a Vietnamese fella who makes coyote taste good. He says back home, dog was always on the menu.

If you have been to a real traditional Powwow you have probably eaten coyote. Normally don't see it at the ones for tourists but everyone that are mostly skins has yote on the menu . I have tried yote but not dog.

07-12-2021, 08:28 PM
There is a coydog pack roaming the area, sheriff told me to be on the lookout for it entering town(I have written permission to shoot in town, I am on coyote patrol) because they have attacked people already. Sheriff said one that was shot was a pit/coyote mix and had its jaws clamped on a horses neck! They shot it and had to pry the jaws open even after it was dead.

This is what happens when people dump dogs or let them run loose! End up with problems. There are 3 huskies that run around town that are about to be crow bait, they keep trying to get in the neighbors horse/cattle pasture. Owner was warned 3 times so no more warnings, shoot on sight...

Our local news said that a pack of Wolf/Shepherd hybrids escaped near Chapel Hill NC about a week ago. They have captured eight of them but four are still on the loose and believed to be traveling in a pack.

Local News
Wolf-German shepherd hybrids loose in Orange County

Posted July 12, 2021 3:50 p.m. EDT
Updated July 12, 2021 7:51 p.m. EDT

By Leslie Moreno, WRAL multimedia journalist

Cedar Grove, N.C. — Orange County Animal Services warned the public Monday about dogs on the loose that could be a cross between wolves and German shepherds.

The dogs escaped from their enclosure in the Cedar Grove area of Orange County about a week ago, and while eight were safely captured, four others remain loose. Officials said they haven't confirmed that all of the dogs are wolf hybrids.

There have been no reports of the dogs attacking or hurting any people, animals or livestock. But, officials noted, the dogs may display aggressive tendencies when confronted by people.

"These hybrids tend to be a little bit larger than a typical dog, and they may be more unpredictable because they are bred with wolf," said Dr. Tara Harrison, an associate professor at North Carolina State University's College of Veterinary Medicine.

"Feral dogs in general, particularly larger dogs, can certainly be very concerning," Harrison said. "I suspect, if they’re all from the same place, they’re probably going to stay near each other. Packs can be more dangerous just because they’re all helping each other."

The wolf-dog hybrids were seen on Sawmill Road in Hillsborough on the morning of July 6. (Photo courtesy of Claudia Das Neves Pestana)


Animal control officers have set traps in the Cedar Grove area, and officials urged people to call Orange County Animal Control at 919-942-7387 if they spot the dogs and not to try to feed, capture or confine them.

"The safety of these animals and the safety of the public are of the highest priority in this case," officials said in a statement. "These dogs are not currently available for adoption or foster to the general public, and it is highly unlikely that they will ever be made available in that way. Hybrids of this kind are not able to be kept as pets in Orange County, and there is not an approved rabies vaccine for these canines."

Harrison said a rabies vaccine exists for hybrid dogs, but there's no proof it works for this particular mix.

"Even if they are vaccinated, they are considered not vaccinated, so that’s where the danger is," she said.

Officials said "no outcome has been determined" once the dogs have been captured, but they are working to find options for their placement.

Owning a wolf in North Carolina is prohibited, Harrison said, but anything less than 100 percent wolf is allowed as a pet, although every county has its own rules.


07-12-2021, 08:39 PM
News "Dog that killed five week old baby,had killed a neighbours dog weeks previously....Owners had come to a financial arrangement ,and council animal complaint settled without enforcement action" ....A hard lesson ,or what?

07-12-2021, 08:59 PM
noticed that the wolf-dog story doesn't say who they belong to or why they exist and nobody should feed, capture or confine them but doesn't say not to shoot them or put big giant fish hooks up off tree limbs baited with hot dogs.

07-12-2021, 09:10 PM
I frequently encounter illegal loose dogs on my walks around the neighborhood. I carry a cell phone with camera active, Sabre Red pepper spray with UV dye marker and a .38 Special snub. If the dog has attitude and gets within 20 feet growling, leaves it property and approaches me in the road I take a picture and then hose it. The Sabre Red usually does the trick and I can send the photo and street address to animal control and they are good at picking up the loose dogs. I haven't had to shoot any, but you can bet that if I get bit we will have another good street report on how well Olin Q4070 +P+ 110-grain Treasury loads work on dogs...

07-13-2021, 12:58 AM
:( Hi Doug.Sorry to hear about your kitty.Lost my Snowball kitty two weeks ago tomorrow(Tuesday).Was able to adopt a kitty that was a stray through the local animal shelter.
Cute little girl grey in color with a white chest and stomach.
Very vocal and loving.

07-13-2021, 05:21 AM
I am truly sorry for your loss Doug...

I have been purposely avoiding this thread as it brings back memories of when I was 8 years old. The next door neighbor had a one-eyed pit named Mitzie. A loudmouth dog that was aggressive to everything and everyone but he stayed for the most part, on his own property.
Mitzie killed a kitten I had right in front of me, I was enraged. I got my Red Ryder and promptly shot his other eye out. I looked at that as justified revenge.

Today at 71, I am not so certain as I look back at this with both regret and sadness and feel ashamed for what I did.
I think that the irresponsible owners of these pets should be held directly responsible as these vicious dogs tend to reflect what the owner teaches them. The dog mirrors it's owner.

If I had it to do all over again, I would rather 'cane' the skin off the back of that owner and then call it good. I think I'd look back without remorse today.
Regardless of what is done, we are still left with a hole in our heart from the loss of that 'unconditional love' that only a pet can give.


07-13-2021, 06:02 AM
You just need to look at the missing cats on facebook,to know that dogs killing cats is very widespread......and often goes unnoticed ,the dog owner having the opportunity to dispose of the carcasse in the trashcan.....I have seen a dog kill a cat,the foolish cat approached the dog,without fear,the dog simply grabbed the cat ,shook it violently,and it was dead.....neither animal was mine ,and in those days I wasnt a cat owner ....Dog deaths are not news,but usually draw a complaint to the council.and some action......unless a cat killing is witnessed ,its just another lost cat.

07-13-2021, 07:14 AM
I frequently encounter illegal loose dogs on my walks around the neighborhood. I carry a cell phone with camera active, Sabre Red pepper spray with UV dye marker and a .38 Special snub. If the dog has attitude and gets within 20 feet growling, leaves it property and approaches me in the road I take a picture and then hose it. The Sabre Red usually does the trick and I can send the photo and street address to animal control and they are good at picking up the loose dogs. I haven't had to shoot any, but you can bet that if I get bit we will have another good street report on how well Olin Q4070 +P+ 110-grain Treasury loads work on dogs...

I never looked into pepper spray much, but the idea of some of it that also marke the assailant is a good idea. I'd never heard of such stuff. Guess I need to get out more.

07-13-2021, 07:34 AM
noticed that the wolf-dog story doesn't say who they belong to or why they exist and nobody should feed, capture or confine them but doesn't say not to shoot them or put big giant fish hooks up off tree limbs baited with hot dogs.
What is wrong with you? Where would you ever think it would be safe or a good idea to do that? Things are really going downhill here.

Milsurp Junkie
07-13-2021, 09:05 AM
The talk of antifreeze and bacon grease fried sponges is revolting. Antifreeze kills by being broken down to oxalic acid, and forming calcium oxalate crystals that build up, eventually blowing out the kidneys. Basically, lethal gout. A slow, painful way to go.
Bacon fried sponge, clogs up the stomach and intestines, causing tissue necrosis...a slow, painful way to go.
Just shoot it. Otherwise, you are just being a cruel *******, and we have enough of those around already.

07-13-2021, 09:24 AM
Humane is good, even though some rage is certainly understandable. Self control is a very good idea.

07-13-2021, 09:57 AM
Wow. This thread is really going off the rails for Our Town, it's gotten to the point that it belongs in The Pit. Yeah I know, kinda ironic right?

Thank you for your support and kindness. I never thought I would become attached to the kitty, but truth is, she picked me. She came to this house and staked it as her claim. She would accompany me wherever I went outdoors, whenever she saw me she would come running. She wanted to come inside but she got into everything and I didn't have a litter box or the chance to get her fleas taken care of so I thought she might be an indoor/outdoor cat and I wasn't really in a hurry to bring her inside. My bad. My mistake.

The one thing she has done, is shown me that in her absence, I am left with the grief of missing someone dear, which I never saw coming. I think she would have been a very positive part of this household had she been given the chance to integrate herself into our lives or train us to integrate into hers I dunno which would have come first.

As much as I would like to take out my anger on the dogs that did this, the owner(s) are the ones at fault. As it stands right now all I have lost is a cat. As much as I would like to settle a score, I fear this will only bring ignorant ******** in my direction and I can't be here 24/7 with an AR in my hands so they would have plenty of opportunity to retaliate and I won't even try to compete with stupidity. There are SCADS of thugs here. Everywhere you go there they are with their pants down around their ass I hate to even have to go to walmart. The best thing I can do is to do nothing. I think I would rather decide this now than in hindsight.

I will leave the thread open for now but any more talk of cruel and inhumane acts will cause it to close either by my doing or the admin's doing.

07-13-2021, 10:10 AM
I agree with ceasing the talk of cruel and inhumane acts.
People are venting their grief and pain at the sadness of the entire situation. When I take an afternoon nap and Mittens hops up and trills demanding affection before curling up and dozing off, I think of this thread.

07-13-2021, 01:05 PM
The talk of antifreeze and bacon grease fried sponges is revolting. Antifreeze kills by being broken down to oxalic acid, and forming calcium oxalate crystals that build up, eventually blowing out the kidneys. Basically, lethal gout. A slow, painful way to go.
Bacon fried sponge, clogs up the stomach and intestines, causing tissue necrosis...a slow, painful way to go.
Just shoot it. Otherwise, you are just being a cruel *******, and we have enough of those around already.

I'm sure it wasn't quick and painless for the cat either, nor would it be for the child these things are bound to attack at some point.

Milsurp Junkie
07-13-2021, 02:01 PM
I'm sure it wasn't quick and painless for the cat either, nor would it be for the child these things are bound to attack at some point.

I didnt say that it was. Would you pour gas on the animal and set it on fire? Pour sulfuric acid or lye it is eyes our mouth? That would kill as well, but you would look on the individuals who did this as sick and depraved. It is the same thing as antifreeze or sponge...just not as outwardly visible. If you are going to do it, use a gunand bedone with it...at least that way you know which one was killed.

07-13-2021, 02:16 PM
Ok gents, enough is enough closing this thread now thank you for your support.