View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Tuesday, July 06

Pine Baron
07-06-2021, 05:46 AM
Good morning all. Are you ready? Have a safe and blessed day.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - Pastor Greg Laurie
Caught Away

“Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”
—1 Thessalonians 4:17

Some people say the teaching of the Rapture is escapism.

Yes, that’s exactly what it is. Christ will come for His Church and take us off this earth.

In 1 Thessalonians 4, we find probably the most definitive passage on the Rapture: “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord” (verses 16–17 NKJV).

The term caught up is an interesting one because there are many shades of meaning. One way to translate it is “to catch away quickly.” This is the same translation in Acts 8:39, where we read that after Philip led the Ethiopian official to Christ, “the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away” (NKJV).

In the same way, the Rapture will take place in a quick period of time. The Bible says, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” (1 Corinthians 15:52 NKJV).

In fact, “the twinkling of an eye” reportedly lasts about one thousandth of a second. That means if you’re a Christian, one moment you’ll be going about your life on Earth, and the next moment you’ll find yourself the presence of Christ Himself.

The Rapture could take place so rapidly that we wouldn’t even know it, except that we’d be hurtled into God’s presence. In light of this, we should live each day in expectation of the Lord’s return.

07-06-2021, 07:48 AM
" For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed ”

And we will trade our current bodies for bodies of light. Bodies that don't age, do not feel pain, hunger.

I believe we shall be fed Spriritually by the precence of our Lord Jesus the Christ.

He and I had quite a conversation about heaven, life after death one day.

Lord you expect me to sit round on my knees singing praises to you and shouting Hosanna's for a thousand years? Because I don't think it will go well. You made me Lord, you know what you put into me, you know what I feel. How are you going to balance all that against this version of Heaven we have been fed?

William Thomas, how would you feel about a corner of Heaven that borders on the Happy Hunting Ground, or Summerland? And also was close the the Rainbow Bridge?

Lord I could move freely between them? Yes you are no mans slave, go where you will.
It would be nice if you could show up once a week to sing praises. Lord you know my singing voice sucks rocks. Well maybe we'll fix that.

So would that corner of heaven suit you? Some hills, some trees, some rivers, some quiet meadows.

Yes Lord, you know me well, I think that would suit me just fine. Ok, your name is written in the book of life. It shall be yours. Worry not, a good father always knows what his son needs and wants. And manages to provide something between the 2.

Now I could be just bat nutz crazy and don't know it.

Or it could be that me and the Lord have some interesting talks from time to time.

What I do know is this. That still small voice I hear way way down inside has never asked me to do anything that would hurt anyone in any way.
I don't think the Prince of Darkness has that much patience.

That still small voice prepared me for hard times in my life. Supported me through the death of my parents. Supported me through the almost death of my wife to Sepsis. Kept me sane and healthy for 2 monthds while they gave her IV Antibiotics.

That small voice now and then encourages me to help someone.

I have a neighbor 2 down who lost her husband. They did not plan for the future. Has somewhere around 800$ a month coming in to live on. So she is still working 20 hours a week to make ends meet. She cares for people who are no longer able to care for themselves. Cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry. Basic needs.

The Covid hit her hard. They basically sent her home with no work. One day she came to me crying. "I don't know what I'm going to do"

Whats the problem Peggy? "The Van needs Brakes, and its 500$ and I don't have it. Won't have it for months."

Give me a couple hours Peggy, and stop worrying.

So 2 hours later I walked down the alley and handed her 500$ for her brakes.

Bill I can't accept this! Peggy, its not mine. It is the Lords. I did not tithe for 40 years. I have some catching up to do.
But Bill I can't accept it. Peggy will you deny your Lord?

Total silence, total shock.

No, Then take it, fix the van, and go back to helping people when you can.
It is a gift, from the lord. Take it.

And as I walked down the alley I heard these words strongly.

"Ohhhhhh thou good and faithful Servant, William Thomas, WELL DONE, well done indeed.

Words I was sure I would never hear. Words I wanted to hear so badly.

The next thing I know I am on my knees in the alley and my little dogs is licking my face just as fast and hard as he can.
"Its OK boss, your ok, all is well" Ok pup, lets go home.

About a week later the Lord mentioned. Bill, you only have one job now. Ok Lord, I serve, I come. That job is?
Take care of your neighbor Peggy. Whatever she needs bill. We will see you do not suffer for it.

Not a worry Lord, Watch over and take care of St Peggy it is. On the job.

Still on the job.

Sometimes its just little things, a mans touch.
Sometimes it is just advice.
Once in a great while she has a bill she needs help with.

MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Even if it is a small one.

07-06-2021, 09:20 AM
" For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed ”

And we will trade our current bodies for bodies of light. Bodies that don't age, do not feel pain, hunger.

I believe we shall be fed Spriritually by the precence of our Lord Jesus the Christ.

He and I had quite a conversation about heaven, life after death one day.

Lord you expect me to sit round on my knees singing praises to you and shouting Hosanna's for a thousand years? Because I don't think it will go well. You made me Lord, you know what you put into me, you know what I feel. How are you going to balance all that against this version of Heaven we have been fed?

William Thomas, how would you feel about a corner of Heaven that borders on the Happy Hunting Ground, or Summerland? And also was close the the Rainbow Bridge?

Lord I could move freely between them? Yes you are no mans slave, go where you will.
It would be nice if you could show up once a week to sing praises. Lord you know my singing voice sucks rocks. Well maybe we'll fix that.

So would that corner of heaven suit you? Some hills, some trees, some rivers, some quiet meadows.

Yes Lord, you know me well, I think that would suit me just fine. Ok, your name is written in the book of life. It shall be yours. Worry not, a good father always knows what his son needs and wants. And manages to provide something between the 2.

Now I could be just bat nutz crazy and don't know it.

Or it could be that me and the Lord have some interesting talks from time to time.

What I do know is this. That still small voice I hear way way down inside has never asked me to do anything that would hurt anyone in any way.
I don't think the Prince of Darkness has that much patience.

That still small voice prepared me for hard times in my life. Supported me through the death of my parents. Supported me through the almost death of my wife to Sepsis. Kept me sane and healthy for 2 monthds while they gave her IV Antibiotics.

That small voice now and then encourages me to help someone.

I have a neighbor 2 down who lost her husband. They did not plan for the future. Has somewhere around 800$ a month coming in to live on. So she is still working 20 hours a week to make ends meet. She cares for people who are no longer able to care for themselves. Cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry. Basic needs.

The Covid hit her hard. They basically sent her home with no work. One day she came to me crying. "I don't know what I'm going to do"

Whats the problem Peggy? "The Van needs Brakes, and its 500$ and I don't have it. Won't have it for months."

Give me a couple hours Peggy, and stop worrying.

So 2 hours later I walked down the alley and handed her 500$ for her brakes.

Bill I can't accept this! Peggy, its not mine. It is the Lords. I did not tithe for 40 years. I have some catching up to do.
But Bill I can't accept it. Peggy will you deny your Lord?

Total silence, total shock.

No, Then take it, fix the van, and go back to helping people when you can.
It is a gift, from the lord. Take it.

And as I walked down the alley I heard these words strongly.

"Ohhhhhh thou good and faithful Servant, William Thomas, WELL DONE, well done indeed.

Words I was sure I would never hear. Words I wanted to hear so badly.

The next thing I know I am on my knees in the alley and my little dogs is licking my face just as fast and hard as he can.
"Its OK boss, your ok, all is well" Ok pup, lets go home.

About a week later the Lord mentioned. Bill, you only have one job now. Ok Lord, I serve, I come. That job is?
Take care of your neighbor Peggy. Whatever she needs bill. We will see you do not suffer for it.

Not a worry Lord, Watch over and take care of St Peggy it is. On the job.

Still on the job.

Sometimes its just little things, a mans touch.
Sometimes it is just advice.
Once in a great while she has a bill she needs help with.

MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Even if it is a small one.

The Lord speaks to us in different ways because we are all different.

BTW, I stopped giving to the church about a year and half ago. Something happened that made me lose my confidence in the leadership there. So, like you, I give where I think it will do the most good.

God gave us a mind and free will. Many chose to follow the crowd at the churches I have attended and if that is what works for them, so be it. It does not work for me.

Some may think I am not much of a Christian but God knows what is in my heart. Unlike you, my "small voice" has encouraged me to hurt others....came close to murder once. At the time I was an atheist but still....God jerked me back to sanity. He had other plans for me. I hope I am worthy in His eyes.

07-06-2021, 03:29 PM
Pine Baron.....A good message to be mindful of every day and all day long . Thank you .