View Full Version : Open Carry vs Concealed

06-27-2021, 02:46 AM
Open carry vs concealed carry? Let’s hear the pros and cons from both sides.

06-27-2021, 02:54 AM
For hunting or bear defense open carry all the way. For SD against humans in urban area's concealed. Open carry in urban area's is more of a political statement. Open carry makes you a potential target of lots of negative scenario's

Lloyd Smale
06-27-2021, 05:31 AM
I dont open carry in public for two reasons. One is it makes people nervous and i dont carry to scare people or impress them. Second is if your in a bank thats about to be robbed and are open carrying who do you think the first person the robbers are going to pop before they even start the robbery. Your putting a big sign on your back to the criminals saying "im your biggest nightmare" Only time i open carry is around the house, when i take the dog for a walk in the woods or when im heading to camp. I might stop by a store on the way but its a rural area that doesnt raise any eyebrows if your armed.

06-27-2021, 06:33 AM
Pretty much the same out here. My property, going down to my mailbox, or quick run into our small town (if I am already open carrying around the place) otherwise it is concealed. We can do either here but as others stated it could make you the first target. Besides it is nobody's business what I have.

06-27-2021, 06:51 AM
Agree with all the above

06-27-2021, 07:05 AM
Open carry, in areas with a lot of people, is a "...HEY LOOK AT ME. I AM A BAD DUDE......I CARRY A GUN....AND I AM EXERCISING MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS".
With those rights come responsibilities.
There are a multitude of other ways to make your political statement.
The ONLY time open carry is needed is when you are in the woods, hiking, snowshoeing, etc. and don't see too many people.
If you want to carry in an urban area, carry concealed. No one knows but you.
And even in states where open carry is legal, get a license to carry. It fixes a multitude of problems.
Sorry....I don't have a lot of sympathy (nor understanding) for open carriers that are around a lot of people. It hurts our cause more than helps it.
Just my opinion.....and kind of a sore spot for me.

06-27-2021, 07:27 AM
Agree with the comments above.
What is humorous is that in the time of the founding fathers well into the late 1800s, concealing a weapon was a sign of someone with bad intentions.

Ed K
06-27-2021, 07:49 AM
Also agree with the comments so far. Recently was in a supermarket. Dad had 3-YO daughter by the hand. On the belt was a Glock and he had an AR strapped across his chest. Some statement!

Ya think maybe if he was expecting a battle he might have left the little girl in the car?

06-27-2021, 08:13 AM
I will open carry around my house, I will at the minimum, pull my shirt out and cover if it is owb if I leave and go to town. I don't want attention, nor really desire to let someone know I'm carrying, if the need to defend myself happens, I want to be the one to show my gun, not be a target.

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

06-27-2021, 08:33 AM
Only reason I like living in a state that allows open carry, is for situations where my clothing/concealment method is imperfect. If my gun isn't completely concealed, I won't have a problem. I still advocate concealed, and don't want to advertise that I'm armed. jd

06-27-2021, 09:19 AM
I rarely open carry for some of the reasons above.

However, in the past, my open carry has diffused a couple of bad situations. When my would be assailants saw that I was armed they went away without incident.

I do also like the idea of educating the masses that Good People do carry guns.

On the rare occasion that I do open carry, I carry in a retention holster.

It is really a personal choice. Just don't be a dick and open carry for the wrong reasons.

06-27-2021, 09:33 AM
Please carry in the open! You will make a better target than me!

06-27-2021, 09:48 AM
I open carry in the woods and on the way to the woods. On the occasions I have to stop by the grocery store for provisions on the way to the woods, I have never had an issue in 40 years of doing so.

I generally like to carry concealed. Keeps the sheep from getting nervous, and the wolves in the dark.

I would never carry a long gun in town. Those guys that carry ARs in Starbucks to make a statement are morons.

06-27-2021, 10:06 AM
I don't disagree with anything stated so far.

I carry concealed in town. Why? Because some folks might decide I'm worth calling the cops on and life is much easier without additional attention. Then there is the 1st to be popped issue. I just don't like incoming lead. I live rurally, and when outside I carry openly. I also carry a rifle or arm braced handgun when the wife and I go for walks. That's just rural life where one can collide with rabid animals and I don't think I'd be fond of getting bitten by one.

06-27-2021, 10:31 AM
I open carry in my house and on my property and concealed by license elsewhere.

Der Gebirgsjager
06-27-2021, 10:39 AM
I also have a CCL, and would say that up front so someone doesn't tell me I'm breaking the law by doing so. I make up my mind on how to carry largely dependent on the weather conditions. I never open carry in public. If it's raining or snowing and I'm unfortunate enough to be out in it, I carry concealed in a shoulder holster under my bulky winter coat. If it's summer and I'm just walking about the forest I carry openly.


06-27-2021, 10:44 AM
I understand argument for open carry but for me it's concealed.

Gray Fox
06-27-2021, 11:00 AM
Contrary to Bakerjw's opinion, Colt, S&W, H&R and numerous "cycle Works" places made literally hundreds of thousands of small concealable handguns that were, in fact, carried concealed by lots of men and women from the early 1850s well into the early part of the 20th century. They may not have been of "man stopper" calibers, but they did provide some peace of mind in situations where the local authorities were even scarcer and less effective than they are today. Remember that during much of this period women basically had no rights at all and unless protected by a male family member were at the mercy of the walking trash around them. Also, men's suit jacket pockets were routinely leather lined to aid in carrying a revolver. The honest need for concealed carry is not a recent situation. GF

06-27-2021, 11:07 AM
Normal concealed and open carry in the woods and trap line , do carry around the yard open , for all the reasons that is stated sums up for how I feel also . I do not like to show that I carrying no matter I have my permit . The less anyone knows the better off you are .

06-27-2021, 11:18 AM
Those guys that carry ARs in Starbucks to make a statement are morons.

You hereby are awarded the quote of the day.

Lloyd Smale
06-27-2021, 11:25 AM
another thing to keep in mind is some of us have LOTS of guns and LOTS of ammo and carrying around town and scaring people might peg you as some kind of radical and you could get some complaints. Even if your doing nothing wrong it gets you name on a short list when some idiotic law gets put in place. Me? I wont even let my wife talk about my guns or loading equipment at work or on that stupid blankety blank facebook site she goes one. When guns are the topic the last think i want is my name mentioned. Only ones that go in my loading room or even see my guns are my freinds and family. Sheriff knows because hes a freind but he doesnt discuss it with anyone and knows i like flying under the radar. He loves guns and ar15s too and understands. I even joined a local gun rights group. They were a bit radical and liked marches with there guns out in the open and ars slung across there backs right down main street. I lasted one week and said goodby to that bunch of rambos.

06-27-2021, 11:37 AM
As I am a huge supporter of The Second Amendment and open carry .....I will not open carry in public! As mentioned by others, in a hunting or out of doors situation.....yes, on open carry! If the situation involves a public place......I want “very discrete” carry. I do not want to telegraph to anyone that I carry. I do not want to be recognized as carrying a firearm by a would be criminal.... and likely be the first one to take a round from a determined bad guy! JMO. memtb

06-27-2021, 01:47 PM
Even if your doing nothing wrong it gets you name on a short list when some idiotic law gets put in place.
Oh I don't worry about making THAT list. I am already on it I am sure.
As an owner of MGs, SBRs, AOW's, SBSs and supressors, I am already there!
Good news is that so is my local Chief of Police. :)

06-27-2021, 01:55 PM
Open carry vs concealed carry? Let’s hear the pros and cons from both sides.

When everyone is open-carrying, I'll open carry. Until then, it's concealed or do without.

06-27-2021, 03:45 PM
Agree with the comments above.
What is humorous is that in the time of the founding fathers well into the late 1800s, concealing a weapon was a sign of someone with bad intentions.

Factually that is not correct.

06-27-2021, 05:53 PM
I carry in an open top hostler wearing a long tail shirt. If I'm home it is visible most of the time. If I run into the large town of 300 I just flip the shirt over it.

Local rodeo starts end of next month. A lot of the younger guys will be wearing pistols. They get drunk doing washers but so far they have kept them holstered. I keep mine hidden but it's a small enough town that everyone knows I'm armed.

Gator 45/70
06-27-2021, 06:57 PM
Concealed here unless.....I'm running a hog trap, You just never know when a wizzed off mama sow comes charging in, Then it's hammer time !

06-27-2021, 07:00 PM
Yes agree with all the common sense thoughts above.

Wayne Smith
06-28-2021, 09:42 AM
Years (28 to be accurate) ago both LOML and I took the concealed carry course here in VA. Once she found out that open carry was legal in VA she refused to get her permit - "If I'm carrying I want people to know it!" was her statement. In all that time she has carried on exactly one occasion - she was doing some consulting work in Norfolk on a city construction site in a less than nice part of town. She asked me what I had that she could carry, and strapped one on that AM. The evening of the second day working there she told me that three of the guys working the construction site showed up carrying! Her example is all they needed.

I still carry concealed, and she hasn't felt the need to carry since then.

Fireball 57
06-30-2021, 08:03 PM
Fellow Boolit Masters and esteemed Mastercasters: I carry-concealed all the time, legally! But, while attending our favorite restaurant with my wife, a younger couple sat at a table across the aisle from us. I noticed the gentleman was carrying a revolver in a homemade holster on his belt. Immediately, he looked at me as I looked at him and his open carry revolver. He was over six feet and his long legs stretched under his table. Suddenly, and without warning his knee and leg on his holster-side began to jerk, uncontrollable. He was nervous about open-carry AND a danger to himself, his wife and EVERYONE nearby. Soon, they left with food uneaten. AND that is the story for today that happened with children nearby.

06-30-2021, 08:17 PM
I like to be the grey man so concealed for me.

06-30-2021, 10:00 PM
I live in New Yorkistan and am lucky enough to have a CCP. In this state unless you are in the woods hunting ( you must strap your gun on besides the woods and remove as soon as you come out) you can lose your license if someone reports that your gun is printing thru your clothes. If you are carrying in public you have to make sure no one knows or you could be in for trouble. Several years ago my appendix carry holster slipped to the side slightly and some libtard women yelled out in the store "Are you carrying a gun?" I replied loud enough for everyone to hear "No lady that's my colostomy bag!" Shut her up in a hurry!

06-30-2021, 10:14 PM
saw on local news today that as of midnight new law will make it to be legal to carry whatever you want however you want here in Tennessee.
I usually carry ruger 22/45 target or a 357 on belt holster around the farm, there's lots of critters and snakes in the summer and ginseng stealing trespassers in the fall but never saw a need to carry anything when going to town or to the big city.

06-30-2021, 10:36 PM
but never saw a need to carry anything when going to town or to the big city.

I live in rural Maine and we have some of the lowest crime rates in the nation. When I go into town I still carry. Most Maineiacs might be civilized but lots of folks come up who aren't. And too many Mainers are scumbags too. Maine is not the Maine it was 40 years ago.

07-01-2021, 07:54 AM
saw on local news today that as of midnight new law will make it to be legal to carry whatever you want however you want here in Tennessee.
I usually carry ruger 22/45 target or a 357 on belt holster around the farm, there's lots of critters and snakes in the summer and ginseng stealing trespassers in the fall but never saw a need to carry anything when going to town or to the big city.

Must not live near Marshalltown. Moved there in the 90's and the first time I heard gunfire in a town was in Marshalltown, IA.

Monfort plant there employed mostly illegals, and they wreaked havoc on the town. MS-13 all over the city park and pool. Actually had to use my carry gun in that town in a laundromat to prevent my girlfriend from being raped.

Crime rate in Marshalltown in 2015 was 408. National average is 270. Crime rate in Portland for the same time period was 393. Marshalltown is a lovely little town with a dirty secret.

07-01-2021, 09:27 AM
For hunting or bear defense open carry all the way. For SD against humans in urban area's concealed. Open carry in urban area's is more of a political statement. Open carry makes you a potential target of lots of negative scenario's

My thoughts exactly.
In the woods, on my property, or if getting gas on the way to/from the woods (because I don't want to take it off just to put it back on) - Open carry
Anywhere or any time else - Concealed Carry

I am in favor of open carry laws though since if I bend over to get something or my gun shows while doing something accidently, technically I could be in violation of the law accidently without open carry.
Also, its their/my right to do so if so desired, I generally don't do it, but I support other's right to do so. IMO any gun law is an infringement that violates 2A
Also if I am in a situation where I need to draw and someone is open carrying, they'll be the first target giving me more time to react.

07-01-2021, 09:29 AM
I open carry in the woods and on the way to the woods. On the occasions I have to stop by the grocery store for provisions on the way to the woods, I have never had an issue in 40 years of doing so.

I generally like to carry concealed. Keeps the sheep from getting nervous, and the wolves in the dark.

I would never carry a long gun in town. Those guys that carry ARs in Starbucks to make a statement are morons.

Right? On at least 2 counts. 1. They patronize SB. 2. They have entrusted their personal safety to a poodle shooter. M1A, bring enough gun!

07-01-2021, 11:55 AM
Hunting, camping, hiking where I might want to do some recreational plinking, hunting, or even perhaps defend myself from an aggressive animal I carry openly. When on my own property I often carry openly because it's a lot more comfortable when working in the heat and humidity. Everywhere else, especially in town, I carry concealed. If I'm going to need a gun I prefer it to come as a nasty shock to my assailant.

Shanghai Jack
07-01-2021, 11:59 AM
Someone commented on the "printing" issue.
Texas now has open carry and soon constitutional carry. I expect to see a metric s***load of people flaunting constitutional open carry starting 1 September.
I try to carry concealed, but open carry and constitutional carry relieve me of the issue of always checking to see if I'm printing.
Another issue is deployment time - while I don't try and place myself in dangerous situations - the more sticky the situation, the more "free" my carry becomes.

07-01-2021, 06:58 PM
I just want the right to carry , open or concealed , without having to buy an expensive permit and take classes . The criminals are not required to get permits or take classes ... They don't and are NEVER prosecuted for breaking those " Laws" , I simply want the same rights as a common criminal ... is that too much to ask ?
Oh Yeah ... I guess it is , to get the same rights as the criminals ... what was I thinking ... that wouldn't do at all !
I'm much too dangerous to be allowed to go armed ...honest , law abiding , tax paying citizen ... that's too dangerous!

I just renewed my NRA Membership ... that should add a red flag next to my name . Yeah I'm too dangerous to be allowed any gun rights .

rick benjamin
07-01-2021, 08:04 PM
Portland OR light rail rider was waiting for a train and open carrying. Two young toughs passed by and snatched the gun. So much for exercising his open carry rights.

07-01-2021, 10:15 PM
Portland OR light rail rider was waiting for a train and open carrying. Two young toughs passed by and snatched the gun. So much for exercising his open carry rights.

Carry a weapon canceled or open does nothing if you have zero situational awareness.

07-02-2021, 02:26 AM
In my experience it is generally the suburbs, and the close rural areas that you see open carry most often. It's pretty common to see open carry in west metro MN, say Anoka, Elk River, Waconia, etc. Once you get way out, say Ely, MN, you almost never see open carry outside of hunters.

That said, nobody in the countryside cares about your handgun. If I know for sure that I'm going into a city or going out to eat or something, I'll conceal. I generally conceal a handgun regardless. More and more often I find myself open caring my model 57. In the rural areas at least, I have yet to find anyone at all concerned. I haven't even had an enthusiast ask me about it either, as is an often stated on the internet complaint.

You won't find me with a rifle or shotgun slung on me. What a royal PITA that would be. The great thing about a handgun is you can have it, and it doesn't effect your day at all. You don't even feel them in a good holster.

To answer the original question, I conceal as a default whenever I can. Large revolvers like my model 57 I don't, as it would just be too much change to conceal it. In the grand scheme of things, I don't carry the big ones often. I mostly rotate my SP101 and P220. I haven't even touched my LCR since I learned how to use my belt and holster in summer clothes.

07-02-2021, 06:22 PM
For Summer EDC, I prefer the clipdraw type holsters or wallet holsters that you can fire from. (Heck of a surprise if BG asks for your wallet, you can let him have it!)
For winter EDC is usually a shoulder rig with a full size auto under a vest