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View Full Version : Took a couple of weeks to help out at church.

06-24-2021, 11:08 AM
For the last two years our church has been muddling our way through a pretty extensive remodel/ expansion and the final phase is to redo the altar area. We are in the middle of it now. To save some cost, parts of it we are doing ourselves. Several of us have building trades backgrounds and so we have pitched in. I was helping a man with extensive electrical experience to run some new circuits and install new conduit for AV use and we replaced two electric panels and eliminated a lot of old and spagetti like, unused/ confusing wiring. There was one sub panel with a pad locked single 20amp breaker with a note on it that said " under no circumstance turn this breaker off." It was not hooked to anything but the wire was hot. Rough in is complete and ready for inspection. There was quite a bit of head scratching in the course of the work. It was built in the 60s and has been modified regularly by many people for different reasons. But now I believe it is good to go with many of the mysteries of " why did they do it that way " solved. It seems to be a good, safe, coherent system now. We had one instance of adding to a conduit that was about 25 feet off the floor and were able to use the painters scaffold to reach it. I learned some things and was able to pass on some of my favorite pithy cliches, always a delight. So I am resting up for a couple of days and staying off ladders for a while till my legs loosen up again and waiting till it's time to sheetrock the wall in the passageways behind the altar so that the colored glass windows behind the altar can be lit so they will be a visible beacon to the people driving down Center Road. The Chiropracter is my friend.

06-24-2021, 12:17 PM
Good for you using your skill and talent to help your church. It would be great if more people followed your lead.

06-24-2021, 12:18 PM
Your church sounds like my garage, it's got wires and switches that go to who knows where. :) Good on you folks that are doing the work you can, I'm sure that saved a bunch of money for your church.

06-24-2021, 12:39 PM
Help will come if you let them.
A drywall expert makes it look easy, just a kid on stilts, it's what they do.
A few of us old men were fixing stucco
a truck passing by spotted our suffering
their stucco crew was done in twenty minutes
what would have been all day for us.

Our Lord will provide. If we let Him.

06-24-2021, 02:42 PM
The work done must give you a great feeling of satisfaction!!!

06-24-2021, 03:07 PM
That is my favorite color.... dun.

The General was a little apprehensive about agreeing to let us help with the project. I believe he is impressed as we have not held up progress at all. And no fires have been started.

Winger Ed.
06-24-2021, 03:37 PM
The General was a little apprehensive about agreeing to let us help with the project.

That's great.
Working on an old building's wiring system is always an adventure.

The contractor reminded me of a sign in a old mechanic's shop concerning his labor rates:
"Flat rate- $20. an hour.
If you watch- $25. an hour.
If you help- $30. an hour.
All questions- $1. each".

06-24-2021, 05:11 PM
Ever find out what the 20amp breaker was for?????

06-25-2021, 09:48 AM
Codos to you sir.